The Bastards of Winterfell (A...

By piewoman101500

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Note: The first three-four chapters are very rough, but it does get better as it goes on. Ned Stark rode ho... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Twenty-Five

900 17 4
By piewoman101500


For my narrative purposes, Lyanna has been aged up a few years. Math says she would be around Rickon's age, if not younger, at the start of the story, but here she'll be about nine. Also, as just a general note, we're going more off the show and my own canon than we are the books from here on out.


Raven's POV

"Jac!" I shook my friend awake, "We're here!"

"What are ya on about?" she asked, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She had taken refuge down below to sleep in an attempt to ride out a bout of seasickness

"We're about to dock." I grabbed her hand excitedly, "Come up to the deck." I pulled her from the naval hammock she occupied

"I'm comin'. I'm comin'," she grumbled

Once we made it topside we stood on the bow, watching as Bear Island grew near, "There it is." I breathed, taking in the salty air as it blew across my face. 

There was a beat of silence before Jac spoke, "Thought it'd be bigger," I looked over at her before we both broke into fits of laughter. That very space of land had been highly anticipated and had been spoken of at length in the past few weeks. It was nice to finally set sight on the place we'd heard so much about. 

I took another deep breath of salty air as I stared at the castle. My anxiety hadn't hit its peak during our journey, but seeing Bear Island for the first time was enough to bring it to the surface.

"You'll do fine here, my friend," Jacline spoke encouragingly as she set a hand on my shoulder. She knew me too well for my own good

"I hope so, Jac," I replied, my eyes not leaving the growing form in front of me


No One's POV

Within the castle the She-Bear herself, Maege Mormont is having a word with her daughter, "Lyanna, your new tutor is arriving shortly, and I need you to promise to behave yourself with this one. I searched the whole of the North to find a suitable replacement for Tara."

"I don't see why you bothered." The girl crossed her arms over her chest with a huff, "I didn't need a new tutor."

"Had you not run the last four off there would be no need, but then again you did and her ship should be at the dock within the hour."

"And if I get rid of this one too?"

Maege sighed, "I will be forced to take Sir Wallace up on his offer,"

Lyanna's arms dropped back to her sides, "You wouldn't." her eyes wide

"You've given me no other choice, Lyanna. We were lucky Lord Stark was searching the North for someplace to house his daughter. You are out of options. If you scare off Raven Snow, Sir Wallace will take her place and he will not be so easily deterred." The girl said nothing, nodding mutely as she stared at the floor, "Now, now," Maege tilted her daughter's head up, her face softening ever so, "fret not. Lord Stark has assured me his daughter is kind and fair. She has three younger siblings, one of whom is the same age as you, who adore her. The two of you may just get along swimmingly." Again the girl nodded, "Now, let us meet her party at the gates."


Raven's POV

"Welcome, Lady Snow." An older man with a white beard greeted our party, "I am Sir Wallace, Master at Arms and Captain of the Mormont Family guards." He smiled as he held out his hand to shake

I accepted the gesture, "Pleasure to meet you, Sir Wallace, but please there is no need for formality. You may call me Raven."

"Aye, as you wish. I do apologize that my lady is not here to greet you. She-"

"Is right here." A new voice joined the fray, "Apologies for my tardiness, we were caught up in conversation." she smiled as she held her hand out, to which I accepted, "Lady Maege Mormont. Welcome to Bear Island. I hope the journey wasn't too arduous."

"Not at all, my Lady. It was nice to see so much of the countryside along the road, and I thoroughly enjoyed my first trip aboard a ship. Though I cannot say my companions agreed." I grinned, nodding to the two who accompanied me, "Lady Maege, allow me to introduce my handmaiden and friend, Jacline Merser, and Stark guard, Harold Blest." the two bowed their heads as I presented them

"Pleasure to meet you both. I'd like to introduce my daughter, Lyanna Mormont." the small girl bowed

"It is a pleasure to meet you Lyanna. I look forward to being your tutor."

"Let's see if you'll be saying that in a fortnight," she muttered to herself

"Lyanna!" her mother admonished

"It is not a problem, my Lady." I assured her before turning to Lyanna, "I don't scare easily, little one, and I do not plan on leaving until your mother dismisses me."

Before the girl could say anything further shouts sounded from the ship's crew, The guards surrounding our group drew their swords at the perceived threat, as did I and Lady Maege. Prepared to fight, we all stood in fighting stances a short ways from the gates. "What is it?" Maege asked

The lady of the island soon got her answer as a large furry being bounded off the ship. I immediately resheathed my blade and called, "Ember, here!" the pup changed path mid-stride and came to my side, "Apologies for the scare. She's been cooped up since we left the mainland." I reached down to give her the pets she deserved, "She's harmless, I swear it."

Lady Maege sheathed her sword and gestured for her men to do the same, "There is nothing to apologize for." she walked towards us, "Your Father warned me of your companion. I meant it when I told him she would have free reign." she knelt beside Ember to scratch beside her ear, "I believe it will take us all some time to get used to a direwolf walking the island." she stood once more, "I will leave you to get settled in. Once all is sorted, I ask you to come to my solar for a chat."

"Of course, my Lady." I nodded


Hours after our arrival I found myself stood alone in my new chambers. It was about the same size as mine back in Winterfell, but it was missing something. Even with all my earthly possession moved in, the space still felt empty. I hadn't expected homesickness to set in so quickly, but here I was, missing my family more than ever and it had only been a few days. I stared down at the wooden knight in my hand, "Just you and me, Sir Knight." I sighed before stashing the toy in a pouch on my belt. I couldn't wallow on the feeling for long, however, as I had a meeting to get to. 

I wandered the castle's halls relying solely on the tour we were given to find my way. Once I reached the door of the lady's solar, I took a deep breath to steady my nerves. Doing so filled me with a feeling of familiarity that only contributed to my melancholy because this wasn't the door to my father's solar. Seven Hells that solar hadn't even belonged to my father anymore.

Pushing those thoughts aside, I raised my fist to the wooden door and struck it twice, "Come in." the voice on the other side spoke. I did as told, slowly pushing the large door inward, "Ah Raven!" Lady Maege smiled, "Please have a seat." she gestured to the chair opposite her desk, to which I took, "Now, dear, I bet you're wondering why I called you here."

"Lyanna I presumed,"

"Your father did say you were a smart one." she sighed through a smile, "As you've heard, my daughter is...a bit of a handful. She is a good child at heart, but she has made it increasingly difficult to keep certain members of staff on for longer than a fortnight."

"Apologies if I overstep with this question, but have you asked Lyanna why she acts out as she does?"

"She's stubborn and insists on doing everything herself." she sighed once again, this time pinching the bridge of her nose, "She has tried the patience of just about every member of staff on this island; septas, guards, and of course, tutors. If I thought it would help any, I'd send her off to be warded by another house, but Gods only know what trouble she'd get into." her tired eyes found mine, "I fear you may be my last hope, Raven. I am at my wits end with her." 

"I will try my best, my lady."

"I don't mean to scare you, Lass. I only mean to make you aware of the battle you're in for."

"As I told your daughter, I do not scare easily. I believe Lyanna may have more in common with my sister Arya than I previously thought. Both are spirited young girls in a world that would rather make ladies and wives out of them." I smiled to myself as I realized what I said, "I believe I also described myself there."

"What did your father do to make you into the woman standing before me?"

"He never made me do anything I didn't want to." I smiled softly, "I believe him allowing me to pick up a sword gave me an outlet for my frustrations, and allowing me to dress as I'd like gave me one less frustration to take out on my brothers." I chuckled to myself

"Is that what you recommend I do with Lyanna?"

"Aye, it may work, but I would like to spend a day or two with Lyanna before I come to you with a definitive plan. I do believe if we try to understand her instead of giving her the fight she wants, she may just give up."

"It could work. No matter what you decide, I trust you are just the influence Lyanna needs." She stood from her seat, I followed suit

"I hope I do not disappoint you, my lady."

"Child, I have every bit of faith in you, as does your father. You will do fine here."

That brought a shy smile to my face, "Thank you, my lady. Now, if we're through here, I ought to get started on lesson plans for tomorrow."  


"What might you have planned for the little lady today?" Jacline asked me as we sat down for breakfast

"An assessment of where she id at academically." Harold let out snoring sounds from the other side of the table, "Very funny," I deadpanned, "I have no idea what the past tutors got to before they were run off, so I must check for myself."

"How long was the last tutor around for?" Harold wondered

It was Jac that answered, "About a week, the shortest of any replacement." we looked at her to elaborate, "Her handmaiden told me the last straw came when the little lady sheep shifted her bed."

"Noted," I laughed lightly, "add that to the name-calling and slipping bugs into food."

"That doesn't worry you in the slightest?" Harold asked, eyes wide. He was such a green boy

"She is just a child. So far I haven't heard of anything worse than what I experienced with Arya and Sansa."

"Well you best eat up, you'll be needing your energy to face the little lady," Jac said as she pushed my plate closer to me

"Yes, mother." I teased


By noon I was pacing the courtyard, Lyanna was late for her lessons, "Where is she?" I huffed aloud. I sent Harold to check with the Septa and stayed behind in case she showed up and he hadn't returned

I spoke too soon as there he was, turning the corner through the gate, "The Septa said she sent her here. Lyanna was supposed to make her own way."

"Well, that's lovely. She could be anywhere in the castle." I groaned, taking a deep breath to steady myself.

"If I may," a gruff voice spoke; Sir Wallace appeared seemingly out of nowhere, "Lyanna's favorite hiding spot is in the Godswood. You are sure to find her there reading."

"Thank you, sir." I turned to Harold

"I've got her." he was already walking off

"Thank you," I called after him

"I do wish the Septa would stop sending her alone." Wallace sighed, "I cannot fathom why she would assume Lyanna would make her own way here."

"No harm done, I will make sure to walk to her solar myself from here on out."

"I'll give you this, Lass, your outlook is much brighter than the last." he laughed a hearty laugh and moved to go on his way

"Sir Wallace," I called to stop him, "would I be able to use the training ground in the morning before breakfast? I'd like to keep my skills sharp."

"Aye, but don't go expecting to join the guards training. Those boys have enough on their plates without a woman there to distract them." With that, he was gone. Well, that wasn't the response I'd been expecting. Sir Rodrick never thought me a distraction, if anything he relished in the opportunity to have me show up the boys in our lessons

I shook off the feeling upon spotting Harold and Lyanna walking my way, "Now that you're here, let us get started." I smiled

"Oh joy," she sighed 

Hours ticked by slowly. Lyanna refused to answer any of my questions and barely looked at the parchment I'd set before her. Our time was up for the day, so I had no choice but to let her go about her day. Hopefully, tomorrow would be a better day.


Tomorrow wasn't a better day. My questions continued to go unanswered, but after she left I found the parchment filled out, and correctly at that. That was something I'd come realize early; Lyanna was a smart girl. She made her way through sums well enough, and I could tell she understood the other material I gave her. I just had no idea where all her anger was coming from.

As the days went on, I grew frustrated, but I was far from giving up. All I needed was an idea, one good idea that could give Lyanna an outlet for her anger while giving me an insight as to what's causing it in the first place.

It was on the fifth day when such an idea came to me during my sword practice, "I think I've cracked it Jac." I announced as I stepped into my room

"That's amazin', Raven." she said as she helped me out of my practice gear, "What 'ave you cracked exactly?"

"How to get Lyanna to listen to me."

"Well, go on. Don't leave me in suspense."

I eased myself into the tub, "Every day since I was nine, I have picked up a sword. That has given me an outlet for and all frustrations, from Catelyn to my brothers and now Lyanna. Lyanna hasn't had that luxury. No one listens to her, and teacher after teacher gave up when she made it hard for them to work. They hadn't bothered to figure her out. So I thought if I give her somewhere to direct her anger without hurting anyone, she may just begin to cooperate."

"A good plan. Have you run it by Lady Mormont?"

"When we got here she told me to do what I had to, but I'll bring it to her attention in case Sir Wallace goes to her with a problem."

"You think he will?"

I sighed, "You never know with Northern men, Jac, many are far too old-fashioned for their own good."

"As long as you have a plan." Jac mused lightly, "I wish you would've come to this idea sooner." she said as she handed me a towel

I accepted it and began drying off, "Why is that?"

"I would 'ave laid out another set of practice clothes instead of your everyday wear." She made a face as she replaced the pile of clothes on the bed with another

I laughed and threw on the new set she laid out, "I'll try to stage my epiphanies better in the future. Just for you Jac."

"Tis all I ask, my friend." she smiled, "If you're ready, I'd rather not have table scraps for breakfast."

"Off we go then." I hooked my arm in hers and we walked off down the hall together


"What are we doing out here?" Lyanna huffed

I didn't answer, instead tossing a padded tunic at her feet, "Put this on."


"I am trying a new way of teaching today." I picked up a practice sword and shield, "You are going to take this," I held the sword out until she took it, "and when I ask you a question you will strike the shield when you answer. And you'll keep striking until you are right. Every other day we will come back here and do the same with what I taught the day prior."

Lyanna glanced between the tip of the sword and the shield on my arm, "Why would I do that?"

"Because you have aggression you need to get out and you disregard the other ways of teaching. Now, I don't know why you are so angry, and honestly, I do not care. You are a smart girl, Lyanna. Why do you insist on being so defiant?"

"Why do you care?" She huffed

"I care because far too many tutors have given up on you. Had my father done the same with me when countless people told him my brother and I would always be a lost cause, the Gods only know where I would be today." I knelt to get on her level, setting a firm hand on her shoulder, "You deserve someone other than your mother fighting for you. You are to be the leader of this house. A voice for your people. You need to know not only how to read and do sums, but how to work with others to get the things you want done done." I stood again, "I am not here to be a hindrance to your independence. Seven hells, I want to celebrate it!" I cheered, making the small girl chuckle lightly, "The fact of the matter is you are a strong-minded, independently driven young lady in a world that will not always appreciate it. Men will not ask for your opinion and that's if you can get a seat at the table. Is it fair? No, but it is how the world has worked for thousands of years and we are not currently in a position to change it. You are one of the lucky ones. Your house is run by your mother. She is loved and she is feared. One day it will be you in that seat, so you ought to find that balance for yourself. You will be one of the great leaders of House Mormont, I can feel it and so can your mother. We just need you to believe it for yourself."

"I don't know if I can." She stared down at her shoes sadly

That was what it was. What made her so angry."Is that it? You don't think you can do it?" I tipped her chin back upward, "You can do whatever you set your mind to. You are a Mormont of Bear Island. You are a Northerner, and you are your mother's daughter. Stop doubting yourself, little one, and learn to accept help when it is offered to you. Do that and you will be ready for whatever the world throws at you."

She was silent for a moment, before asking, "Is there a war coming? Why would I need to be ready?"

"You never know, cub. My father never expected to be Lord let alone fight a war that would overthrow a dynasty. Best be ready for anything, and that begins with learning to wield a blade."

"I've asked. Sir Wallace won't teach me."

"Your mother will speak to him. She assured me you will be allowed to do whatever your heart desires as long as you don't give me a hard time during your lessons. Since I am your teacher he should have no problem with this arrangement as long as we do not disrupt his own sessions."

Lyanna thought on it for a minute, "That's all?"

I chuckled and nodded, "Sometimes it's easy to get the things you want, Lyanna. Not everything has to be a battle. Now," I picked up the shield once more, "what do you say?"

"What's the first question?" She grinned



Not entirely happy with this chapter, but I don't what's wrong with it. Hope you enjoyed!

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