𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐓𝐀, 𝘢𝘳𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘦

נכתב על ידי foxdoesart

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ᴅᴇʟᴛᴀ [ COVER MADE BY @preallens ] ❝ Promise me, Violet. ❞ ❝ It's Vi to you, you never call me Violet. ❞ ❝ L... עוד

Hey All :))


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נכתב על ידי foxdoesart




THE FIRST THING DELTA NOTICED WAS THAT HER EYESIGHT WAS TINGED RED AND IT BURNED LIKE A BITCH. The second thing she happened to noticed was the crater sized hole blown out of the side of the penthouse they were just in and the blood coating the ground below. Her ears rang and her vision was blurry, disorientated she fumbled around struggling to get on her feet. The balcony below them started to crumble and before she could blink strong arms wrapped around her middle and flung her to the side, the pair rolling before ramming into the railing. Delta coughed before locking her eyes with her savior-- Violet, of course it had to be Vi. The girl jumped up and wrapped her arms around the group as the balcony continued to fall apart, blue particles and dust mixing and rising violently into the air. 

"Come on!" Violet ushered the group backwards. Delta held her breath but the destruction stopped moments before the toes of her boots. "What the actual fuck was that..." Vi and Delta walked to the edge of the mess and looked down, auburn and steel meeting the eyes of a pair of Enforcers before the blue suited people ran. Delta gave Vi a look and the latter simply rubbed her hands down her face. "Shit."

The obnoxious sound of the alarms sounded in the distant, the horns blaring loudly mixing with the yells of the Enforcers nearing them. Deltas boots hit the ground quickly, the toes barely making contact before she ambled faster. Vi and the brunette took the lead with Mylo closely following behind, Powder and Claggor being the slower of the group and dragging too far back for Delta's liking. "Stop right there!" An enforcer shouted before fumbling with something in his hands. Deltas eyes widened before she reared backward straight into Claggor, throwing the boy off center. He went to jeer at her before the whizzing of metal and loud clang that followed just barely missing the edge of Deltas foot. Claggor wheezed before giving her a thankful nod, the girl only eyeing him before urging him to speed up.

The band of misfits sprinted through the streets of Piltover, Delta at the back attempting to derail the trail of Enforcers by throwing things in their path. Vi looked behind her before motioning with her hand towards a flight of stairs. "Faster!" Deltas feet slid down the stair railing before hitting the ground, tucking and rolling before sprinting swiftly. Another metal Enforcer weapon came barreling past her head, the sharp edges fraying the ends of her ponytail before falling a few feet in front of her with a crash. She growled and internally swore that whoever ruined her hair would rue the day they were born.

Delta eyed the bridge approaching, both sides moving upwards. The gap was increasing and with it her speed. The moment she jumped over felt like she was weightless: floating. And then her feet hit the ground and she was back in the moment.

Vi led them down the alleyways, faster and faster while whipping around tight corners in an effort to lose the group that was chasing them. "This way!" Violet turned a particularly tight corner and the rest of them followed (Mylo missing it the first time around). Delta watched Vi ball up her fist before punching a gas valve, filling the alleyway with steam and making te=heir getaway that much easier. Delta would have time to marvel at Vi's pure strength later as for now she watched the pinkette rip the lid off a sewer chute and gesture for them to go in. "Wait but I just got this shirt--" Mylo was quickly cut off when Vi simply pushed him down the chute. Powder followed close behind and then Claggor until finally it was just Vi and Delta left. Delta grimaced before glancing at Vi. "Do I seriously have to?" Vi only smirked before bowing towards the trash chute. "After you, m'lady." Delta groaned before sitting on the edge of the entrance, taking one last look at Vi. "You're lucky you're cute." And then she was on her way down but not before witnessing the red that painted Vi's cheeks.

Landing in a pile of garbage isn't pleasant. Even more so, landing on top of Mylo (who had been making flirty remarks towards Delta for ages) was even worse. He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively at her and she only groaned, pushing his face away. Violet finally fell out of the chute and after one look at Delta laying on Mylo she marched right over and ripped the girl off of him, wrapping her arms around the shorter girl and bringing her to her chest in a protective stance. Mylo only glared before getting up, hands pushing away the debris coated on his arms and chest. He scowled at violet. "I thought last time was the last time we were gonna do this." Vi rolled her eyes. "Well, this time's the last time." Her arms tightened around Delta and the latter simply tucked her face into the crook of Vi's neck. 

"Guys, what was that? What the hell happened back there?" Claggors voice was strained with worry. Everyones eyes went to Powder and she furrowed her eyebrows in a glare. "I don't know. I didn't do anything." "You could fill a damn library with all the things you didn't do." Delta backed away from Vi, the girl already missing the presence of her shorter friend. "Back off Mylo. If Powder said she didn't do it then she didn't. It was just a.." Mylo let out a sharp laugh. "A what? An accident?" "Y'know what yeah, maybe it was an accident." "Accidents are someone losing something or dropping something not blowing up an entire building!" Delta growled at Mylo, canines biting into her bottom lip as she and Mylo glared at each other.

"Guys, we just empties a Piltover penthouse right under the Enforcer's noses. So, if you're done beating yourselves up, let's get this home." Delta nodded along with Vi but she had a gut feeling this wasn't going to go well. For any of them.

The walk back home was filled with tense silence. I mean, why wouldn't it be? The revelation that they just potentially blew up something in Piltover, on the North side of Piltover, was heavy on their minds. Vi glanced next to her to the form of Delta, the latter seeming deep in thought but thats not what worried her. Instead a bleeding cut covered from the bridge of her nose to both sides of her cheeks, a cut that would likely scar and had not been there before. Vi gestured for the others to walk ahead before pulling Delta over, hands caressing her face and analyzing the slice. "Delta where did this come from?" Delta feigned confusing before sighing. "A piece of shrapnel from the explosion got me. It's no biggie just a small cut." Vi glared at the girl. "A small cut? It covers half of your face and is still bleeding. Why didn't you say you'd gotten hurt? I...I could've done something." Delta laughed before pushing Vi's hands away, feet leading her towards the rest of the group. "You can't solve everyones problems, Vi. That's your problem, you think that everything and anything needs to be solved. You can take a break sometimes..." Delta smiled bitterly before sending her a playful look. "Besides what were you gonna do, punch the shrapnel?" Vi only scoffed before following the shorter girl, not so discreetly lacing her arm around Delta's shoulders.

"Nice haul." A voice stated from the shadows and the group slowed, Delta eyeing the boy suspiciously. "You could say that." God Mylo you fucking idiot. The blonde boy held in a grin before continuing. "I heard there was some action across the river," Delta swallowed thickly, pin prickles already gracing her fingertips. "Someone, uh, someone really kicked the nest, huh?" Vi's face remained indifferent. "Is that so?" She went to walk away before a pair of boys appeared, blocking their path. Delta's hands were deep in her pockets and she felt the familiar extendable staff she kept weighing holes in her pockets. She prayed she wouldn't need to use it.

The guy chuckled, standing up and waltzing towards them. "But now you're, you're tracking this mess of yours through my streets." Vi glared. "Your streets? What makes you think--" Claggor stepped in front of her trying to diffuse the situation. "Listen, we don't want any trouble, okay?"

One of the guys from behind spoke up, his face twisted in a snarl. "You hear that, Deckard? They don't want any trouble." "You know, in my experience, trouble finds you." Dekard shrugged his shoulders before stopping. "There's no reason this has to get ugly. How about you...share a little taste of your treasure there, and we'll call it even." Dekards head tilted sideways before he let out a cocky smirk. Oh boy, Delta wanted to knock this kids teeth in.

"No, no, no. We worked too hard to..." Vi put her hand on Mylos shoulder, stopping him. Delta eyed the girl as she approached Dekard, hand already wrapped around the base of her staff. Vi stood in front of Dekard, bag hanging, before looking up at him innocently. "Just a taste?" He smirked. "Just a--" He was shortly cut off when Vi whipped the bag directly at his face, knocking him to the ground. And then pandemonium broke out.

Delta unsheathed the staff from her pocket before bashing a guy across the face with it, extending it backwards so it hit the one sneaking up on her directly in his private parts. Those were gonna hurt for awhile. Delta glanced to the side only to see Violet being pummeled by Dekard and her teeth bared in outrage. She kicked the guy to the side of her before sprinting towards Dekard, vaulting off her staff before landing a roundhouse kick to his face. Vi nodded at her in thanks before Delta was dragged by the hair from behind. Her auburn eyes blazed and she whirled around on the person, taking a punch to the face, opening her scabbing cut and letting the blood pour from the wound. She snarled and snapped her staff in two, using one as a blocking mechanism and the other to hit with. The guy never stood a chance. Her eyes surveyed the area, counting only three heads none of which were Powders. All she could feel was fear but the familiar blue hair rounded a corner in the distance with a guy close on her tail. Delta followed.

Powder was quick, Delta had to admit. Delta ran from roof to roof, boots silently tapping as her eyes followed Powders form and the bloodied boy chasing after her. The roof gave out to fabric covering the tops of the alleyways and so Delta slid, fingers grazing the walls as she got closer and closer to Powder. She had already wasted too much time and by the time she got there she witnessed Powder throwing the bag overboard and the guy approaching the kid with a knife. That was Delta's final straw.

She lept from the roof right onto the guy, knees landing straight into his gut and knocking the air out of him. Her eyes searched for Powder but she was already gone. Delta thanked the gods for that. The guy beneath her groaned before shoving her off, Deltas legs hitting the decaying wood beneath her roughly. Her eyes met his but his hands grasped her long ponytail, using it as leverage and yanking her to the edge of the water and trying to shove her face in the water. "Stop it!" Delta's yell was in vein and soon she was neck deep in the toxic lake water. She was drowning, she could feel it. He held her head under and the cut on her face burned and her lungs burned and she felt like she was dying. She was dying. Her hands grasped for anything, anything she could use to help her. And then she felt it- a piece of shrapnel floating underneath the dock. Sharp, just sharp enough.

It hurt to cut her hair but it allowed her to breathe again and she was thankful for that. Delta coughed and sputtered, heaving out infected water onto the wood of the dock. The boy who had previously tried murdering her was now scrambling away with a sharp piece of metal sticking out of his shoulder. Delta let out a small smirk at that. She hoped it'd scar. Her shaking hands made their way up to where her ponytail use to sit and when she felt nothing the tears started. Over the loss of hair, over the fact she was almost just murdered in cold blood, and over the fact that the cut on her face burned like she'd been dunked into the fiery pits of whatever Hell that might exist. The tears made way for something new, however. Delta glared at her reflection in the murky water. She wouldn't be weak anymore. She couldn't be.


THE MOMENT SHE STEPPED FOOT INTO THE LAST DROP, DELTA'S FACE HARDENED. The building had gone hush and Vander and Huck were sat at a booth, the two strangers facing them looking not so pleased. Delta smirked from beneath her hood melting into the shadows and hiding behind the woman. Vander's eyes flickered and Delta knew he had known she was there but he set his eyes onto the strangers. "So do we, uh, have a deal?" He reached out and offered his pipe to the woman. Her fingers grasped it and brought it to her mouth, inhaling before letting out a loud cough. She handed it back. "This is vile." Vander smiled. "You'll learn to love it." The doors to The Last Drop opened once again and the rag tag group of four that Delta had previously lost waltzed in and boy was Vander not happy. He took one last glance at Delta and she nodded. He got up from his seat before leaving the strange duo with parting words. "Welcome to the Lanes." With that he was gone.

Delta leaned next to the woman's ear, words a breathy whisper. "I suggest you listen to what he says, wouldn't want any trouble now would we?" The duo jumped, eyes startled as they took in the appearance of the girl in front of them. Dark hair uneven and choppy, slicked back with leftover river water. Auburn eyes ablaze and lips upturned in a smirk. Finally the large wound that decorated her pale skin, the edges an angry red and the blood now tainted black. All in all Delta looked terrifying at the moment. The man huffed and the woman only hissed, reaching into her pockets and throwing the remainder of the coin as Huck. They stormed out of the bar and Delta slumped into the chair next to Huck, face contorted into one of pain. 

"Are you okay?" Delta looked up before nodding, flinching slightly. Huck hesitated. "Thank you, by the way." Delta only waved him off. "It was all Vander, no biggie really." The man only nodded before getting up, sending her one last worried glance before going to man the taps. After all with Vander most likely lecturing the group someone had to take care of the bar.

Delta supposed she had better join them downstairs and so she limped her way down, not noticing the glittering eyes that followed.

"We're gonna be fine, right?" Vi's voice sounded fragile; on the verge of breaking. Vander only sighed. "I'll take care of it."

The clinking of bottles sounded from the other side of the door (the one Delta and the rest of them were eavesdropping behind) before Vander spoke up again. "Oh, you did put that idiot on his ass, though, right?" The group behind the door heard Vi let out a triumph hum before Vander's approaching footsteps made them all scramble backwards. When the door opened Vander took one look at Delta's face and motioned her in, the latter following his orders.

Vi looked disappointed and Delta thought that looks didn't suit her. Vi was always seen with a confident smirk or a smile and this new expression seemed foreign. It didn't belong on a face as pretty as Violet's. Delta cleared her throat and Vi's eyes snapped up, zeroing on the oozing wound on Delta's face and the fact that all of her hair was missing. "Oh Delta, what happened to you." Said girl only gave her a sad smile before pulling the taller girl into a tight hug, inhaling the familiar smell and letting a few tears stain her vest. Vi pulled away first and held the girl at arms length, brows raised in question. Delta only sighed. 

"Some run in with the kid that was chasing Powder, tried to kill me by drowning me." Her laugh was dry and held no humor in it. "Was lucky enough the river is so polluted or I never would've found the piece of metal that saved my life. Had to cut off all my hair..." Vi ran her fingers through the short locks before she gestured to the infected cut. "And how did that happen?" "You know how much shit is in that lake water? I'm surprised I'm not dead yet." Violet let out a scoff before sitting on her chair, motioning for Delta to sit on her lap. Delta groaned before complying, wincing as Vi repeated the process of cleaning out her wound like Vander did to her, only this time she placed some gauze and a bandage on it to keep the wound from getting worse.

Delta was tired and needed a nap, resting her head on Vi's shoulder and curling into the warmth of her taller friend. Her peace was interrupted when Mylo burst in, ranting about how Powder was the problem and how she jinxed every mission she accompanied them on. Delta couldn't exactly disagree but to say that all of their faulty missions were a kids fault? No, that was bullshit. Things could go wrong and thats ok, you cant place the blame of something entirely on one person. It just wasn't fair.

"You know what, you're right Mylo. There is a lot of things she can't do." Mylo seemed satisfied but Vi kept going, her features morphing in a glare. "Like, complain about everything," "What?" "And brag nonstop." He grinned but Vi's expression didn't change. "Okay ,okay, I see where this is going." Delta's hand darted out and caught the ball Mylo had been throwing in midair, sending him an annoyed look. Vi nodded at her in appreciation. "Pick fights with the group when we need to focus." At this point Delta had gotten off of Vi and the latter was hovering over Mylo in an angry stance. "And tell strangers on the street that we got a nice haul?" Mylo fumbled and scooted back, Violet only getting closer. "I, I didn't meant to--" "Powder's my problem, okay? Your problem is never knowing when to shut up. But I'm gonna help you with that, ready? You see this look on my face?" Vi pointed towards the deadpanned look gracing her face. "This will always mean it's time to shut up."

"But..." Vi pointed at her face. "I..." She looked at him incredulously while still pointing. He groaned before storming away.

Delta put a hand on Violet's shoulder, the pinkette sighing deeply. "Like I said Vi, not everyones problems are your own. You need to stop doing that." Vi just shrugged her hand off, scoffing. "Easy for you to say, no one looks to you when they need help. You have it easy. You just sit there and look pretty." Delta flinched, backing away. Vi went to say something, eyes filled with regret but Delta just glared, storming away. 

A pretty face? Fuck her.

Delta's auburn eyes glowed under the bathroom lighting and she let out a groan as the thin piece of metal went through the skin of her ear. Blood dripped down, the same shade as the stained glass earring the decorated the top of her ear. Violet might be an ass but Delta couldn't bring herself to stay mad at her for too long and so here she was, in a dirty bathroom shoving a rich persons jewelry through her ear with the matching half left to Vi.

Vi wasn't perfect but Delta never asked her to be, she just wanted Violet to be okay. And if that meant being mad at Delta and taking her frustrations out on the smaller girl then hell, she was okay with that too.

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