Youth Transformed

By AmethystsParks2

375 61 0

In the conclusion of this Dewstone Series, the waters in the Mist have shifted and things that should have re... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 5

6 2 0
By AmethystsParks2


Oh no he did just NOT order me into a bathtub. Like I'm some "beckon call-girl." I've not lived to the age of twenty-four to give in to some male, thumping egotistical neanderthal. First chance I get, I'm out of this house and heading to my father. He's always been there for me; he certainly wouldn't order me into a bathtub.

"If you take ONE single step towards my person, I guarantee you a round-kick to the side of your head, that will leave you meeting the Ancestors we all learned about in school. You will be able to personally shake their hand, DO NOT test me Heif, my body is my weapon!" I finish by moving forward and poking a finger into his chest.

"Karmony, I'm going to give you to the count of three, and if your gluteus maximus is not up those stairs by the time my counting is done, I guarantee you I will haul your pretty bottom up those stairs and personally throw you in the bathtub!" Heif finishes, by also pushing his finger back into my chest.

"You don't have the nerve; do you KNOW who my father is? He will have your job stripped from you and vultures wouldn't want what's left of your body! He will take everything you cherish, including your precious best friend and his "tart"! Turning my back on him, I'm making my way to the front door. It has an electronic lock, and keypad, but maybe this is an override switch?

No warning comes, no growl, no groan, I don't even feel the ground shake. One minute I'm marching across the room, and the next I'm thrown back over his shoulder! Ugh! Not again! He may have watched too much "Power Rangers" as a kid or "Ninja Turtles." I try to kick my legs, but he anchors them down with his hands, I start beating my fist into his lower back.

"Oh, could you go more to the right, I think I pulled a muscle hauling your body earlier, while we walked home," Heif says, as he stomps up the stairs, with me no more important than a bag of potatoes to be delivered.

"This is NOT my home, you ignoramus!" I scream.

"It is now, sweetheart," Heif proclaims reaching the stop of the stairs.

"DO NOT CALL ME SWEETHEART!" I'm screaming loud enough, that I can't believe the neighbors have not notified the police.

"Fine by me, we will stick with Ms. Dictator then, it seems more appropriate for your actions today.  You single handedly brought down a civilization that has known only tranquility for over 200 years.

"It hasn't ALWAYS been tranquil," I mutter, as Heif opens the bathroom door, and we go inside. When he turns to start the water, I'm making a run for the door.

"What do you mean hasn't always been tranquil, what do you know Karmony? And, for Pete's sake, quit staring at the bathroom door, you're not going anywhere. You're so easy to read, especially with your eyes rolling around in your pretty little head. Roll them some more Karmony, maybe next time you will see me coming when I attack and drag you upstairs," Heif finishes. I'm waiting for him to let me go and start the water, but instead he sits me on the side of the tub, places one big, beefy thigh over my lap, pinning me into place.

"Kindly get your leg off of me, I WILL NOT be violated in this way!" What a meathead! Why couldn't I get kidnapped by Michael or Joshua?

"Trust me, NOBODY wants to violate you, have you looked in the mirror lately?" Ouch, well that stung, but he's no prize himself. Taking time to look at my hands, they are grey in color and my clothes do stink. I can just imagine what my hair must look like, as I lift a hand to try press my hair back down, since I have spent most of the day upside down like a bat in cave. Maybe, I'm rabid?

"Ouch! Why did you bite my arm?" Heif looks down to check for blood, "you little heathen."

"I was just testing a theory," I shrug. "If I'm correct, you will be a vampire by midnight." Heif rolls his head, as if trying to relieve some stress in his shoulders. I refuse to feel sorry for him, HE was the one who manhandled me! Whatever happened to chivalry?

"Okay... get in the tub," Heif says and steps back so I can stand.

"Sorry, not doing doggie tricks tonight. I don't jump, or roll over, but will gladly play dead, if you just LEAVE ME ALONE!" Again, I'm pushing my finger in his chest. "So, get out of my way, or will scream the roof off of this place!"

"Go ahead, we're alone, the other part of the townhome isn't rented out, scream away," and he crosses his arms in front of his chest and waits. And I do not disappoint or make idle threats!

"HHHHHHEEEEELLLLLPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I scream long and hard, but I hear no footsteps to the door, no pounding from downstairs. Silence, I hear silence. Thinking maybe Heif would cringe at my feminine high-pitched scream, but he just continues to stare at me with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

"Oh please, the girl scouts at a rock concert scream louder than that, do you want to try again?" Heif asks. Umph! He is so infuriating. "Last chance Karmony, get in the tub! You've obviously been skipping your elixir time, and I had some purification oil here, and decided to throw that in too. I'm thinking it might aid in countering whatever the changing of the waters has inflicted on you, now, listen carefully, and I'll use small words, because you are acting like a spoiled little girl. GET...IN...THE...BATHTUB!"

"MAKE ME BIG MAN!" I stomp my foot, if he wants spoiled little girl, I'll give him spoiled little girl. Heif takes one step towards me, and without conscious thought, I raise my knee instinctively and aim for the spot, my mom says most men use to think with. Not sure what she meant, but if will hurt him, I'm willing to try anything. Success is but a fleeing thought, as Heif uses his left arm in a sweeping motion and deflects my knee.

"Okay, little girl, it's now bath time, and you've lost any chance of toys or a bedtime story," Heif scoops me into his arms, walks to the edge of the bathtub and holds me over the side, above the water.

"You wouldn't dare!" I say with an evil glare in my eye, are the only words I get out.... SPLASH! I hit the water in spectacular fashion, causing a small tidal wave of elixir waters to start cascading over the side. Screaming in frustration and surprise I instantly jump up and make a fast attempt to exit the water, in my now drenched clothing.

"Oh no Ms. Dictator, you have cost everyone we live with to leave their homes, kids displaced, Dewbies lost, and could have done serious damage to Pann and her pregnancy, you are staying in the tub, that's an order NOT a request!"

"Glamm, sham, wham... who cares, get out of my way, Heifer!" I try struggling again to leave the tub.

"Pann, Pann, Pann, get used to it Karmony, she has Joven, you don't!" Heif says while trying to keep an arm on my squirming body in the bathtub, by pressing me into the bottom.

"QUIT saying her name!! And get off me heifer!" I try pushing his body, and for a moment I think I've won. Heif lets go and stands up, FINALLY he's listening! Then, in what I can only describe as a tactical army crawl. Heif steps over the tub rim, I do a countermove to escape... only to have what feels like 225lbs of muscle, compress my body into the molding of the tub.

"QUIT squirming on me, you're killing me" I shout, trying to push Heif off of me.

"You should have got in the tub, when I said to, now we get elixir time together. Not how I pictured my first time with a girl, taking in the oils, but not too bad. I had thought less clothing, or maybe a nice back scratch, would you be a dear and get my right shoulder." Heif is enjoying this too much, as I scream, push him some more and feel my energy start to diminish. Finally, after struggling for several minutes I feel my strength leave me. Heif has quit wiggling his bottom on me and we sit.... Together.... In a bathtub.... oh, please let there be no security cameras inside the house.

Suddenly I hear Walks like an Angel playing from somewhere... before I can ask Heif, he reaches over, grabs his phone, that he had left on the side of the tub and answers in a much calmer voice that I'm feeling at this moment.

"Heif speaking, conqueror of Dictators and Master of Concubines, how can I help you?"

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