enemies (with benefits) » l.r...

By sleeplessbexuty

166K 3.8K 1.2K

let's talk about sex, baby. everyone in this story is the worst person you've ever met. CONTENTS: plethora o... More

one (not private)
seven (not private)
Update Soon
eleven (not private)
fourteen part one
fourteen part two
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
Not An Update
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
Not An Update
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
Not An Update
thirty six
thirty seven
thirty eight part two
thirty nine
forty one
Author's Note

thirty eight part one

1.5K 44 11
By sleeplessbexuty

SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND VIOLENCE/RAPE TRIGGER WARNING: Read at your own risk and comfort level.



The party was more successful than I thought it'd be. There were a few under-classmen here and there, but there were definitely a ton of seniors. They brought extra kegs, extra drugs, and extra chicks. I was surprised by how full the house was getting, it was big enough for a mass party, but I think it was overflowing.

People pushed through to get in and to get out. The noise level was righteous: music blaring, people laughing, feet stomping. You could feel the party, and it felt amazing.

"Axel!" A senior from my History class came up to me, cup tipping a little. "Stellar party, my man!" I nodded and smiled uneasy. He sounded like a 70's movie. Kind of looked like it too.

"Thanks, glad you're enjoying!" I yelled over the noise, giving him the bro shake and moving on. Fletch had meet and greet duty, Isaac had DJ duty, Caleb had refreshment duty, and I had make-sure-no-one-gets-hurt duty. And so far, all four of us were doing a pretty good job.

I walked up to Fletch by the door, grabbing hold of his shoulder. "Have you seen her yet?"

"Not yet," he shook his head. "dude, if you saw yesterday, I wouldn't still expect her to show up."

"You're pretty close with her, right?" He shrugged. "What? I thought you two hit it off earlier in the year?" A small group of brunettes walked in and we both nodded towards them. They blushed and giggled, walking into the kitchen.

"We have art together, that's all," Fletch greeted some guy that walked in, then checked the guy behind him. "Dude, how old are you?" The guy had a decent beard going on, and he looked like he was 10 feet tall.

"Nineteen, why?" His voice sounded like that of a 40-year-old

"Because you look way too old to be here," Fletch said cautiously. The last thing we needed was this great party to come to a terrible end.

The guy shoved his hand in his pocket and we both braced ourselves. He pulled out his wallet and showed us his school ID. "Homeroom with Braam."

"Oh, Dillian buddy. I didn't recognize you with that beard. It's looking nice," I smiled and he rolled his eyes, pushing by us.

"Maybe we should've made a list," Fletch watched as a few unfamiliar faces went by.

"Then we wouldn't have said 'anyone who is anyone is invited'," I patted his back and started making my rounds of the house. The stairs were occupied by chain smoking pot heads and love sick fools making out. The dining room held the body shot tournament, where our good buddy Fisher was winning. Of course.

I made my way to the kitchen, seeing people come in and out of rooms or the outside, holding more than one bottle of beer in their hands. Drinks were still in stock, with more on the way. My brother was providing the alcohol as long as he could bring a buddy of his with him for a few joints. Seemed fair, having a huge party in our house and he can smoke some weed and neither of us get ratted by the other.

"Hey, nice party little bro," Griffin put an arm around me and ruffled my hair. "not bad for a 17-year-old on honor roll."

"What can I say," I chuckled. "being smart doesn't have to be boring."

"I notice you haven't drank or smoked anything though," his buddy said, leaning against the counter as he took a drag.

"Oh, Axel here may throw parties, but he doesn't wanna lose any of his precious brain cells," Griffin tapped my head with his finger. "he just bangs girls like he gets paid."

"Sometimes I do," I gloated.

"Hear that, Ash? My little brother's a male escort!" They both laughed and I shook my head, trying to hide a smile.

"Axel!" I looked over my shoulder at Fletch as he ran into the kitchen. "Ax, Vanessa's here!"

"Vanessa?" Ashton sounded surprised. "Tilley?"

"Yeah, you know her?" I looked up at him.

"Know her? I use to fuck her brains out," Griffin gave a concerned look. "What? We're done and over." He looked forward, holding in the smoke and letting it out through his nose. I nodded slowly. The way his jaw clenched and his body tensed didn't show he was okay with being 'done and over'.

"So, why are you so concerned she's here?" Griffin adverted his eyes to me in an attempt to ease the tension.

"Axel has a little crush on her," Fletch elbowed me. I blushed furiously, the tips of my ears felt like they were on fire.

"Since when do you have crushes?" He smiled, taking the joint from Ash and taking a small toke.

"Since I saw her," I blurted. Ash looked over at me and snorted.

"She has that effect on everyone. Don't bother with her. All she's good for is an easy lay when you're bored and no one else is available," his eyes flickered behind me then back. He took his pot back and stuck it between his lips as he turned to leave.

There was a tap on my shoulder and I turned to see Vanessa. My heart pounded and my hands got sweaty. She looked, as to quote the 70's guy, stellar.

"Hey, Axel," she tried to smile, but it didn't last very long. Griffin looked down, playing with the bottom of his shirt and Fletch looked uncomfortable. "I didn't know you invited literally everyone."

"Ash is Griffin's friend," I said. "I told him he could come. I thought they'd stay in hiding." He rolled his eyes, catching my hint, and left the room.

"Hey, V," Fletch smiled and threw up his hand in what I think was some sort of wave.

"Hi," she smiled, it was small, but it was there.

"Axel!" Fisher's voice rang through the whole house. I looked back at him entering the kitchen and stumbled onto me. "This is the best party yet." He grinned and his eyes went to Vanessa. "Hey, isn't that Hemmings' girl?"

"Use to be," she corrected.

"Oh yeah?" He stood up straight and went over to her, leaning against the counter. "How do you feel about younger guys?"

"Since I'm 18, it might come off as illegal," she gave a sarcastic smile. Fletch tapped her arm with a bottle and she gave him a real smile before taking it.

"Hey, Ax," Caleb came up behind me and handed me a joint. I shook my head and he shrugged. "who's she?"

"Vanessa," I watched as she downed her beer and Fisher handed her another. "I have History with her."

"Oh, so you two dated?" Caleb eyed her and I felt a small hint of jealousy hit my stomach.

"No, like, the class," he nodded, satisfied with my answer and walked over to her. He held his skin up to her and she shook her head.

"I don't smoke," she said politely. Her nose scrunched up as she watched Caleb inhale deeply. Isaac came up behind her and handed her another beer. Vanessa looked a little overwhelmed with my friends literally dangling onto her.

"Guys, space," I tried to say it jokingly but seeing them drool all over her was the sickest thing.

"We're having a great time, aren't we?" Fisher nudged Vanessa, giving a sly smile. She nodded, forcing her smile.

"I like your shirt," Fletch commented, tugging her sleeve.

"Thank you," she smiled at him then pushed her way through the small circle she involuntarily was enclosed in and came up to me.

"I'm. . . I'm sorry about them," I rubbed the back of my neck and tried not to look as aggravated as I was.

"It's okay, I don't mind," she finished her third beer. She set the empty bottle on the counter and averted her eyes up to me. "have they never seen a girl before?" I breathed out a laugh.

"Not up close," I offered her a water bottle but she refused and took another beer sitting on the counter unopened. "maybe you should slow down. You just got here." Being cautious with women was something Griffin had taught me, it usually works.

"I came here to just have a good time and forget my worries. It's been a rough week and I want some fun," I nodded, thinking back to her fight with Luke in the courtyard yesterday. Water was everywhere, girls were swooning over wet Luke, Vanessa was sobbing, and some guy was yelling at Mr. Simmons.

"Just be careful, alright?" She gave a genuine look of appreciation for me looking out for her.

"Stop hogging the girls, you do that enough," Isaac threw his arm around her shoulder. Vanessa cringed and closed her eyes before opening them and rolling them over to Isaac.

"Okay, seriously, please leave her alone," he shrugged and removed his arm as the others came over.

"Vanessa, wanna dance?" Fletch offered. I didn't hear her response when my name was heard clear across the room.

"Axel! Hey, Ax!" The voice was shrill and high pitched. I groaned and turned around to see Geena's bright grin getting closer to me. "Hey!" She was sweaty and breathing heavy.

"Hi, Geena," I pushed a smile, shifting my weight to my other foot.

"Stellar party!" She shouted. I nodded, grimacing and smiling at the same time. There's that word again: stellar.

"Thanks," everything was half-hearted when I talked to Geena much anymore. We were best friends when we were younger, but then I kind of "outgrew" her. She was dressed like an emo kitten and acted like she was 5 years old.

"Why won't you come hang out with me and Felix?"

"Uhm, I'm hanging with the guys," I pointed behind me and looked over my shoulder. They were gone.

"Uhm, no you aren't," she laughed. "come on!" She put a tight grip on my wrist and started pulling me along.

"N-No, Geena, you don't-" I was struggling to get my arm free while also looking around the rooms and faces we passed. I saw a blonde, but knew it wasn't Vanessa. I saw a few guys I almost mistook for Fletch or Caleb.

"I found him," Geena chirped, tossing me in front of her boyfriend. His skin was whiter than the paint on the walls and his hair was blacker than my shoes.

"Hey," he said. He also acted like a 5-year-old emo kitten. Geena's perfect match made in Hell. "nice party."

"Thanks," I said quickly, still looking around for any sign of the guys and-or Vanessa.

"Ax, what are you doing?"

"Looking for someone," I leaned against the living room opening and looking around, hoping her and Fletch were dancing like he suggested.

"Who? That blonde senior?"

"Yes, have you seen her?" I whirled around and grabbed her shoulders. Her eyes got wide and she raised an eyebrow.

"I saw them head towards the stairs," Felix said. "Whether they went upstairs or to the body shot room, I'm not sure."

"Thank you!" I ran towards the stairs and peeked into the dining room, where the body shots were at. I didn't hear Fisher, I didn't see Vanessa.

I tried hurdling over the couples on the stairs but stumbled over one. "Hey!" The guy hit my leg and I tripped on a stair, but I kept going. I ran up and went to the first room that was closed.

It swung opened and a girl shrieked. "Get out!" The other girl ran to the door and slammed it shut in my blushing face. I went pass a few opened rooms, most were empty unless there was someone passed out on the floor.

I went to the bathroom, knocking furiously on the door. Someone shouted occupied and there was a giggle. "Uh-Uhm I just want to know if Vanessa Tilley is in there?"

"No, no Vanessa. Now go away!" The guy hit the door on his side and I went back down the hall. There was one room left and it was closed. I ran down the hall to my room and tried opening it. Someone locked it and I reached on top of the door frame for the key. My fingers brushed it off onto the floor and my hands shook as I picked it up and unlocked the door, shoving it opened.

It was quiet except for little chuckles and creaking. It was pretty dark, but I could still see movement. There was a sound of a zipper before I switched on the light.

My heart crawled up my throat and I couldn't breathe.

Isaac was on the right side of the bed, fixing his pants and grinning. Caleb was next to him, joint dangling from his smug smile and pinning Vanessa to the bed. Vanessa was looking up at the ceiling, laying lifeless. Fisher had his pants halfway down, moving his hips in front of her and she let out small whimpers and squeezed her eyes shut. Then, probably the second worst sight in the room, was Fletch on the left laughing with his phone held up.

I blinked. I blinked again. It wasn't going away. But anger was boiling inside me. "What the fuck are you doing?!" I screamed, making all five of them jump. Fisher turned around, a disgustingly huge grin on his face. Fletch's smile was gone, along with Caleb's and Isaac's. Vanessa continued to lay exactly as she was.

"Ax. . ." Fletch threw the phone at Fisher. He was too busy fixing his pants to catch it.

"What. The fuck. Are you doing?" I growled, shoving all of them aside to get to Vanessa. She was trembling, her eyes were red, but she didn't move.

"Axel, we-" I shot a look to Caleb and he shut up immediately. I looked around for her clothes, trying to get her dressed. She flinched, winced, grimaced, but didn't move.

"Why'd you have to ruin the fun, mate?" Fisher groaned. I don't really know what happened but the next thing I knew, my hand was in pain and Fisher was on the ground, cupping his nose and shouting fuck! Fuck fuck fuck!

"Dude!" Isaac tried to come at me but stopped when I pulled my fist back. I went back to Vanessa, trying my best to dress her as gently and as quickly as possible.

"P-Please don't hurt m-me," she started crying. I shook my head and picked her up off the bed. She sobbed into my shoulder while I passed Fletch out the door and downstairs.

"Hey, Axel!" Griffin shouted over the pumping music that became deaf to my ears. I didn't stop until Ashton was in front of the door.

"Please move," I said, monotone.

"Is she passed out?" He asked, too nonchalant for the situation I am currently in.

"Please move," I repeated, more stern than before. Vanessa shook in my arms and she was getting heavier. "she needs to get home." Ashton rolled his eyes and a hand gripped my shoulder.

"Hey, Ax," Griffin had a huge grin on his face. I was livid.

"What?" I snapped.

"Whoa, what? I just wanted to let you know how everyone is having fun," his smile fell, as well as his eyes. "is she okay?"

"I have to take her home," and I turned around out the door to the car. Helping her into the seat was difficult. She wouldn't let go of me.

"Don't make me go to the hospital or the police, they won't believe me!" She tried kicking me, hitting me, and I think she bit me. I let her. I let her until she was just crying and too tired to do anything else.

"Tell me where you live," I hoped I was being quiet enough not to startle her. She hugged herself before telling me her address. Someone ran by the car, screaming something incoherent.

I got in the car and drove off. It was a silent ride. The radio was off. The air was off. Vanessa was passed out in the front seat. I was thinking about what I'd seen. How could they do that? Four people I have been friends with for awhile, hung out with so many times, do something like that to a human being. It was sick.

It made me sick. I pulled off the side of the road and got out. I hurled onto the pavement, clutching my stomach. This wasn't any kind of pain I have experienced before: it was guilt, pain, disgust, disturbance, terror, sadness, all in one. It all came up again. And again and again and again.

Eventually Vanessa tumbled out of the car, running up next to me and threw up next to me. We were both crying and throwing up. It was a mess. She was a mess.

"I don't want to go home," She whispered, wiping her eyes. "I want Luke." I wanted to be hurt by that. I wanted to be heartbroken. But I wasn't. I couldn't be. She needed him, and I would've taken her but she was asleep again, right next to the piles of bile.

I wiped my mouth and picked her up, putting her in the back seat and climbing in next to her. I couldn't drive anymore. I couldn't think anymore. I just needed to sleep. It was the only thing that could take everything away.


This was tough. I actually was avoiding it. That's why it took so long. . .

Twitter: @lukesenemies

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