An Unexpected Engagement

By colacejohansson

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Natasha Romanoff has a huge crush on CEO Steve and decides that the company's Christmas party is the perfect... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
+ bonus 📲
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Quarantine Diary of Natasha Romanoff-Rogers
Chapter 80
Capítulo 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Capítulo 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122

Chapter 12

588 31 36
By colacejohansson

Only the next day I wake up ridiculously late after spending the night having nightmares about Steve. Exactly. Now, instead of romantic dreams, I had nightmares in which I'm chasing Steve in a wedding dress and he's running through the streets screaming in terror, running away from me.

Cursing every possible curse, I manage to get ready and run for the subway. As I step into the DBS elevator, I take a deep breath, looking at the time on my cell phone and realizing that despite all my running, I'm forty minutes late. Erin is my kill.

To top it off, the door opens on some floor before mine and, to my dismay, Steve Rogers enters the elevator, followed by Mark Wilson, the HR vampire.

His gaze flashes in surprise for an instant and I'm sure I'm red as a chili when he turns around so his back is to me.

Oh, of course he would ignore me.

All right, I could do the same thing.

The elevator door closes as Mark shows him something on a tablet.

- These numbers may prove what I'm saying... - Mark continues to talk without my paying attention. In fact, my attention is on the back of Steve's head as I try to ignore his delicious and now familiar scent reaching up to me and triggering my olfactory memory.

- Late, Miss Romanoff? Steve's voice suddenly cuts across Mark and my eyes widen.

Did he talk to me?

Oh my God!

I clear my throat, trying to think of what to say, as Mark slowly turns his head toward me.

Yellow smile.

- Yeah, hi, Mr. Vamp... I mean, Wilson.

- I asked you a question, Miss Romanoff - Steve insists, without turning around, in the authoritative voice of a CEO.

Suddenly I feel anger bubbling up inside me. Okay, Steve might get my attention, after all, he's the overlord, however I know he's not questioning me about it.

In fact, I don't quite understand why he's talking to me when he's the one who pointed out that he didn't want anyone in the office to know about our call.

And I don't think that noticing my existence and starting to question me all of a sudden is being discreet.

Well. Two can play this game.

'Sorry, sir,' I reply. - I had a very busy weekend.

This time he turns, his eyes blazing.

Ah! I smile triumphantly into his scowling face.

- And even? - he asks slowly. - Did you have a date?

Ah, was he going to play? I could see in his gaze that he was defying me.

- In fact, I even think I got engaged!

His eyes widen in surprise and I want to laugh.

Take this, you bastard!

- My congratulations - Mark intrudes on our strange dialogue and both Steve and I turn to the vampire, I mean, the HR manager.

Before anyone can say anything, the elevator stops again and Alan Felton enters.

His face lights up when he sees me.

- Hey, Nat. - He stops beside me and just then seems to notice Steve and Mark. - Good morning - he says more measured.

The door closes again. Mark goes back to talking to Steve and Alan smiles at me.

- Where'd you go on the night of the party? I looked for you and I didn't find you - he whispers.

- I had to leave early. - If Alan knew...

- I thought you went out with Tyler.

- God forbid! Tyler is a pervert asshole, I actually walked away from that idiot.

- Serious? Anyway, do you want to have lunch with me today?

I look at the back of Steve's head. I remember how I fantasized about him. And I even realized part of my fantasy. Only for reality to smack my face hard.

I smile at Alan as the door opens on our floor.

- Clear!

I follow Alan out of the but still risk a glance at the elevator behind only to see Steve glaring at me before the door closes.

The urge to show the middle finger is great, and I just don't do it because Mark is still showing him his stupid numbers.

'What a son of a bitch,' I'm cursing to myself when I reach my table, still furious with Steve.

- Is this time to arrive? - I'm startled to see Erin appear in front of me with a murderous face.

Oh shit!

It was just what I needed!

- I'm sorry, Erin, I….

- I'm sick of your excuses! I was already very dissatisfied with her performance before the party fiasco and now…

The phone rings on my desk and I answer it without thinking, just to get rid of Erin's frantic chatter.

- Natasha Romanoff...

-Natasha, she's a Wanda. - I hear the cavernous voice of Steve's secretary. - Steve is asking Erin to come up to his office right away. She better not be long, he's not in a good mood today.

- Did he say what he wanted with her? - I dare ask and I can almost imagine Wanda rolling her eyes on the other end of the line.

- Absolutely and then we brushed each other's hair as we told about our weekend! Of course not! Are you still drunk or what?

- Excuse me…

- Just pass the message to Erin. - And hang up on me.

I put the phone back down, a horrible feeling of inevitability in the pit of my stomach.

Steve was going to give letterIt's resentful for Erin to fire me.
I am sure.

“And you should be grateful for the chance I gave you here, because you don't have any experience and…” she continues.

“Steve Rogers asked you to come to his office now. And Wanda stressed the “now” because he doesn't seem in a good mood.

Erin straightens up.

“Oh, okay. She smooths her hair with a worried face and before she leaves she points her finger at me. “Our conversation isn't over yet.

I snort as she disappears out the door.

Maybe I should pack my stuff and get the hell out of there before the humiliation of getting fired.

And maybe I shouldn't go into Erin's room with a baseball bat before and break everything. From the printer to the tacky knickknacks on her desk.

The truth is, it's not Erin's desk I want to break, it's the company's CEO.

Wow, I was so nice to him. I agreed to participate in that ridiculous farce with your family and for what? So later he treats me like a criminal! Surely he must regret getting involved with me and is asking Erin to get rid of me as soon as possible.

Tired of waiting for Erin to return, I head to the breakfast room to make an hour. I wasn't going to waste my time working if she was going to get fired.

"Hey, gone!" — Hill appears all smiling. "Where'd you go to the party, you crazy woman?" “I hadn't seen Hill all weekend. And she always woke up early to go work out before coming to the company. “Holly told me something about meeting a psychopath. I understood nothing!

— Better not to understand!

— You can't leave me to this curiosity! Who did you hang out with?

- You do not know…

“Oh, so there was someone…” She's practically salivating with curiosity and it makes me want to tell her about Steve and what an asshole he was. That way, Big Mouth Hill would spread the sordid story to the entire company and Steve would keep morale on the ground.

And I would be laughing like crazy. At home watching Brothers at the Work and eating popcorn while looking for a job in the classifieds, of course.

“Ah, there you are! — Wanda appears at the door of the coffee room with a face of few friends. - Come with me!

"Go with you where?"

“Steve is asking you to come to his office.

My eyes widen.

How is it?

Did he even want to fire me?

"What if I don't want to go?"

"Why wouldn't I go?"

“I'm waiting for Erin.

"She's already gone to lunch."

"So she's already left his office?"

— Wow, what a question! Are you going to walk me to the boardroom or do you want me to tell Steve you refused?

"Natasha, what did you do?" Hill whispers.

I place the cup on the table and stand up.

"Okay, I'll go!"

I follow Wanda like a lamb going towards sacrifice.

She opens Steve's office door for me.

And there he is. Like the king on his throne, at the big oak table at the back of the glass-enclosed room with a beautiful view of the Thames.

I can't read his look when he lifts his head and sees me.

“You can leave us alone, Wanda. And don't give me any calls.

Wanda quietly closes the door behind her and takes a deep breath.

"Can I know what the hell I'm doing here?" "I don't hide my displeasure." “Were you talking to Erin about my resignation? Do you intend to do it yourself?

He frowns.

"Do you think I'm going to fire you?"

- I do not know, you tell me!

“I don't know what your crazy brain was thinking, but you won't be fired.

'Oh…' I don't know if I feel relief.

In fact, I don't even know what I'm feeling.

'Sit down, Natasha.

I sit in the chair across from his desk, eyeing him suspiciously.

"Why did you think I was going to fire you?"

"Because you kept questioning me in Darth Vader's voice in the elevator!"

He laughs.

“I question everyone, Natasha.

“Not me. In fact, you shouldn't even know me!

"Why wouldn't I know?" She is my employee.

"Didn't know of my existence until a few days ago."

'Now I know of its existence and if I'm late I can question it like any other employee.

"It seemed like he was mad at me, that he wanted to punish me."

"I'm not mad at you, what the fuck are you talking about?"

- I do not know! It's all very confusing!

"Did you think I was going to have you fired?"

"You called Erin for what then?"

"Precisely to ask him not to fire her."

I open my mouth, dumbfounded.

- Serious?

"I told you she was trying to fire you." I just wanted to make sure she wouldn't.

"And what did you say?"

'Nothing compromising, of course. Just that you shouldn't fire anyone rashly. Although she wasn't too happy, she agreed to give you another chance.

— She hates me, sooner or later she'll find a way — I blurt out.

'If you're a good employee and you're not late, you won't have a reason.

I wonder if he would protect me if Erin tried again.

And actually I feel comforted knowing she stood up for me. I mean, more or less, right?

And here we go! Here I am all melted by Steve Rogers again.

It was time to stop.

“Well, if that was all it was. — I get up, readyto get away from there.

“Actually, that's not why I called you here.

I swallow dry. How is it?

"And why did you call me?" I ask slowly.

He pushes his chair back and stands up, walking around the table and stopping in front of me.

“My family is counting on you to spend Christmas at my house.

- How is it? "My brain knots."

"Apparently they were delighted with my fiancée," he says, full of irony. “And they won't take 'no' for an answer.

"And why would I spend Christmas with your family?"

"That's why I called her." I wanted to ask you to pretend to be my bride one more time.

I stare at him in shock.

He's got to be kidding, isn't he? He was going to laugh and say it was a prank.

But Steve isn't laughing.

Damn, is he serious?

"Are you crazy?" How absurd!

“It's not absurd. We've already done it once. I'm just asking you to do it again. It's quite simple.

— Simple as fuck! I can't pretend to be your bride whenever I need to, Steve!

"I'm not always asking!" Just one more time.

— And who guarantees?

- I guarantee.

“No.” I shake my head and hands to emphasize my denial.

“It's not being reasonable.” He starts repeating the same words he's said before, in that relentless negotiator's voice. It won't stick this time!

'Now you're going to tell me you're my boss and…' I trail off suspiciously. “Wait…did you intercede for me with Erin just to persuade me to agree to your little game? What a dick, Steve!

— It wasn't just that…

"Oh, shut up!" 'I walk past him ready to leave the room.

“Natasha, wait.

— No, that's enough!

"What do you want in exchange for agreeing?"

I turn around slowly, narrowing my eyes.

Seriously what is he asking me?

Damn, does he mean to say...

No of course not.

I notice an almost fierce determination in his gaze as he approaches me.

Oh shit, my legs go weak.

My face flushes and I forget how to breathe.

Steve continues to approach.

Like a predator around its prey.

Run, Natasha.

Escape to the mountains!

“Not interested…” I turn, putting my hand on the doorknob.

And then his hand is over mine and I feel his breath in my ear.

"I remember your terms very well."

I close my eyes, shivering from head to toe.

Steve slides his other hand around my waist, pulling me into his firm body behind mine and… holy shit, he has a hard-on.

I start to breathe in gasps as a wet throb settles like a time bomb between my legs.

“And I'm willing to stick to it,” he continues in a sensual whisper as his lips roam my neck.

I let out an involuntary moan, my traitorous body snuggling up to his. His sassy hand slides under my skirt and breaks through the barrier of my panties.

“Oh God…” I mutter, lost as I feel Steve's long fingers torturing me.

I shouldn't be here, I…

"What's your answer, Natasha?" He bites my neck and rubs shamelessly against me.

- That's not fair…

— I'm being very fair… I'm always very fair in my business…


I tense the body.


It's like a bucket of cold water.

And it's enough for me to get rid of me with a jerk.

- Let me go!

“Hey, what…” Steve lets me go, looking half frustrated and confused.

"You think I'm too easy, don't you?"

— Natasha…

- I said no!

He gets serious again.

"If you don't want this, what do you want?"

- I do not want anything! Just leave me alone.

— Natasha, please…

"Until any time, Rogers!"

And I leave the room without looking back.

I only stop when I reach my desk and sit down, still half in shock.

Had I said no to the chance to fuck Steve at his desk?

Was I crazy?

Why did he have to be such an asshole?

"Hey Natasha, did you hear?" — Hill appears in front of me and I realize that I've been looking at nothing for a long time.

— Knew what?

"Tyler was fired!"

- Like?

"Looks like someone reported him for sexual harassment!" And directly with Steve himself!

Damn, Steve fired Tyler because of me?

It was right for Tyler.

But it didn't make Steve a prince charming. Not even.

Suddenly the phone rings on my desk and I answer it, dismissing Hill with a look.

— Natasha Romanoff.

“Natasha, it's Maggie.

"Maggie?" - I have no reaction. What does Steve's mom want with me?

“Steve told me he couldn't come for Christmas…

Oh that.

— Yes, I'm sorry, I have my own family and…

- Of course dear. I get it! And Steve told me exactly that was the reason, so I took the liberty of asking Steve for his parents' phone number...

"Wait, what?"

— I hope you don't get mad, he passed me and I called your mother and told you I wanted you to spend Christmas with your fiancé's family…

O! Shit! Damn!

Like this?

Maggie had called my mother?

"And she was surprised about your engagement!" She said she didn't even know she was dating! Why didn't she tell her parents, dear?

all of a suddenI have my cell phone ringing.

And when I pick it up, I notice it has, like, a million calls.

She fucked.

- And I…

“I explained to your mother that young people are like that these days. Look at Steve, he didn't even want to bring his bride to meet the family! But let's fix everything! She said she's going to call you and ask you to take Steve to her house for dinner and that she would be happy to give her to us for Christmas. She said they're not even religious... Or they're Wicca, something like that, I don't really understand... it's like

- Maggie, I'm sorry I need to hang up, I think it's my mother on the cell.

'Sure, talk to her. I'll call you later. You eat turkey, don't you?

I hang up and answer the cell.

"Natasha, what do you mean you're engaged?"

- Not…

“Honey, I'm so happy! My mom starts laughing like crazy.


"I knew the spell I cast on the solstice would take effect!"

"Mother, what spell?" “My mom used to hit the drums every year with her crazy friends on the summer solstice at Stonehenge.

"So that your life would lighten!" I just didn't know it would be that much! You are engaged! How wonderful, Mother Earth knows how to present us with her fruits and…

— Mom, please stop...

“Your father is already cleaning the cellar to show your fiancé tomorrow.

- Like this? Does Dad know?

- Of course you know! He is very happy too! He said he's going to open that '84 vintage wine he's kept since we got it from our wedding… it's going to be beautiful!

— What do you mean 'tomorrow'?

— Dinner with your fiance, of course! I called to arrange! What time can you arrive? Don't leave too late, can't get into traffic...

— Mom, you're confusing everything...

“And Grandma is so happy.

Oh shit!

"Did you tell grandma?"

My grandmother had been battling cancer for a few months, which left me heartbroken. She was my weakness.

"Grandma Mary is looking forward to meeting her fiancé!" Oh dear, she said she was so happy to see you referred before she, you know, left us.

“Oh God. I close my eyes, wanting to cry.

What was I going to do?

Suddenly I look up and see Steve approaching.

Son of a bitch! It was all his fault!

“Mom, wait a minute.

I squeeze the mute and stare at him.

"Why did you give my mother's phone number to yours?"

“I can't say 'no' to my mother. I came to explain to you. I got it from HR…

"Do you know the mess you got me into?" My mom wants you to come over for dinner tomorrow!

“Okay, I'll go.

My eyes widen.

"What the fuck are you saying?"

"That I can pretend to be your fiancé to your family, since you pretended to mine."

“I don't want…” I suddenly stop.

Well, it wasn't a far-fetched idea.

I think quickly and go back to my mom's call.

“Mom, everything's fine for tomorrow. I'll take my fiance to meet you.

I could introduce Steve to my grandma. And she would be happy.

It would be a fair exchange.

And no sex in between this time. Not even. No way.

As Steve had pointed out. Just business.

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