Karlnap little space oneshots...

By The_Kodester

2.4K 27 24

So I'm bringing this book back lolol. I'm still not in the dsmp fandom anymore just liked the idea of the boo... More

little space [fluff]
Little space pt2 continued [still still fluff-]]
little space pt3 [all little space will be fluff]
Little space part 3 continued ((Fluff & a bit of angst))
Oopies [little space fluff]
sickies [little space fluff]
little trip [little space fluff]
Double the love-le [little space fluff]
total drama [little space fluff]
Babysitting Total drama pt2 [little space fluff]
Pacifier boy [fluff]
Missing [fluff + angst]
Dada and his baby boy<3 [Fluff]
tiny [fluff]
He's backkkk~~~

little space pt2 [still fluff]

223 3 3
By The_Kodester

Karl goes into little space while sapnap is live/playing Minecraft! sapnap still takes care of ((Bratty)) Karl while making sure chat doesn't notice and Karl doesn't feel embarrassed! ((such a good caregiver😩🤩))





Sapnap pov:

      I was streaming like I normally do. just messing around with my friends! "DREAM! PG MAN- P.G.!" I shouted. dream was wheezing as George was losing it. chat was filled with "LMFAO-" and "BAHAHAHA". so far it was like any other stream. then I heard a knock on my door. "KARL- IM LIVE!" I shouted. chat had known I moved in with Karl so they thought nothing of it. I heard more knocks, louder and harder. "KARL! IM LIVE GIVE ME A SECOND!" I said, getting a little annoyed. more banging on the door.

     "KARL! IM LIVE! CALM DOWN!" I shouted. I was angry at this point. I started to hear cries from outside the door. there were whines combined with I guess you could say frustration and sadness. I thought Karl was just being dramatic but I knew if I didn't check up on him he wouldn't stop. "Hang on chat- karls being dramatic ill be right back." I said as I muted and turned off my camera. 

      I walked over to the door and sighed. I swung it open. "I said I was live what could you possibly wan-" I was cut off by cries. I look down to see Karl. he was in little space and he was upset about something. his eyes were red and puffy as if he was crying and he looked frustrated.

          "Aw no, what's wrong, baby boy?" I asked bringing myself to his level. "I wants youuuu" he whined. "Baby I can't right now, I'm live." I told him. "I know dats why I'm uptet!" he huffed. I sighed. "How about this, you come in the room and you stay on the bed? but you have to be quiet ok?" I asked.

       "Otay!" he said walking into the room. he crawled on the bed and giggled. "Want me to get you anything before I go back?" I asked. "yesh! my paci, ((He only has the one because he didn't want to buy too many-)) tome tuffies, and a cowowing book wiff cwayons!" ((A coloring book if anyone was wondering-)) he said. "Ok, I'll be right back. don't touch the computer ok?" I said. "Otay!" he said. I walk over to his room and get everything he asked. was I came back I see him crawling over to my setup. "Hey! I said no computer!" I said in a jokingly stern tone. 

      he looked at me and crawled back to the bed giggling. I laughed as I walk over to the bed and give him the things. he grabs the pacifier and stuffed animal right away. he giggles as he puts the pacifier in his mouth and cuddles the stuffed animal. I smiled and gave him a forehead kiss ((yes, they are dating in these stories- don't worry-)) before I went back to my stream. 

       "Hey chat- sorry about that Karl needed something! and if you guys hear anything in the background that's Karl cat- grey snuck in the room while I was helping Karl-" I said as I unmuted. 

Karl pov:

    I was sitting on the bed while sapnap was working, but I got to be quiet! I opened my coloring book and grabbed my crayons and started to draw. I heard sapnap taking to the computer. I looked around the room. 'who is daddy tawking to?' I thought to myself. "Whos chat?" I whispered loud enough for only sapnap to hear. he pointed at the words running on his screen. I think it's the people watching him.

      I went back to coloring after a while. I finished my drawing :D it was sapnaps favorite pokemon! I made it just for him! I had crawled over to him where I wasn't in view of the computer. I tapped his lap to get his attention. he looked at me and whispered something. "Hang on chat- grey wants something-" he said. I think he muted after that. "What do you need baby?" he asked me.

        "Wook daddy! wook what I made you! :D" I said giving him the drawing. "Aw! this is so cool! thank you, baby!" he said. he ruffled my hair a bit. I giggled and made my way back to the bed. I got back on the bed and played with my stuffies for a little longer.

[time skip to later in saps stream<3]


Sapnap pov:

     I was playing Minecraft with dream now. George had left to bed and it was only the two of us now. we were doing a little manhunt but just as a joke. it was kinda hard and getting frustrating. "HAHA! COME HERE SAPNAP!" Dream shouted. "No no- NO!" I said as dream killed me. "BULLSHIT! THAT WAS BULL. SHIT!" I said. "DADDY!" I heard from behind me. I muted right away. 'fuck-' I thought myself. "NO BAD WOWDS!" Karl huffed at me. "Baby I told you to be quiet-" Karl had cut me off

      "NU! YOU SAID A BAD WOWD!" he said turning his back towards me. I sighed. "Im sorry baby, I won't say it anymore.." I said. "Nu! I angy at you now!" Karl huffed ((He angy at you now sap you messed up😟)) "baby..." I had said. only to get an angry "Hmph!" in response. "cmon stop being stubborn!" I said crossing my arms.

       he didn't say or do anything. "Baby! listen to me!" I said sternly. this time, he did do something. he had thrown his stuffed animal at me. it hit me right in the arm. "You did not-" I said in disbelief. ((Gawd dayum! Karl got some guts😩)) 

      he turned around, not to apologize. nope, just to blow a raspberry at me and turn back around. I scoffed. 'this little brat.' I thought to myself. "Baby, what did you just do?" I said, raising an eyebrow. he made an "Mmmmm" noise as if he regretted his decision. "Because if I'm remembering it correctly, you just threw something at me. correct?" I said. he stayed silent. "Look at me." I said.

       he slowly turned back around, he was looking down. "Look. at. me." I repeated. he slowly looked up at me. he looked like he regretted throwing the stuffed animal and was trying not to show it. "Did you or did you not, just throw something at me?" I asked. he didn't answer. he was just holding the pacifier in his mouth. "Answer me." I said pulling the pacifier out of his mouth. ((sir how DARE you take a paci from a little >:[ so rude!)) he whined. "you want the pacifier?" I asked. ((Karl doesn't use his thumb because germs!😤)) he nodded. "Ok then. Answer me." I said. His lip started to tremble.  

        he opened his mouth but then closed it again. "What were you going to say?" I asked. he shook his head. "No, say it. What were you going to say?" I said. ((Sapnap is such a great dad figure **f boy face**)) he took a deep breath. "I sowwy daddy! I didn't mean it! I won't eber do it agains!" he cried. "you're sorry?" I asked. he nodded. "Promise?" I asked just in case. he nodded again. "Ok, here ya go. I gotta get back to the stream. behave ok?" I said giving him the pacifier back. 

      he nodded as he grabbed the pacifier. I walked back to my chair and unmuted. "sorry chat- um- something had happened so I had to step away for a bit. it wasn't anything serious though so don't worry!" I said. "Yo who tf yelled out "daddy" 😀" chat asked. "Ummm- nobody- what- what are you guys talking about?" I lied. "No sap- even I wanna know- what the hell was that? it came from your room-" dream said. 

Karl pov: 

             'dat was a bad idea-' I thought to myself. I put my paci in my mouth to calm down. "Guys- it was nothing! calm down! dream- I might explain to you after stream- IF you're lucky!" sapnap said. 'what does daddy mean by "tell dweam"?' i thought to myself. I didn't want to make sapnap upset again so I went back to doing my stuff.

      after drawing for a little longer. I had gotten bored. I got up from the bed to go get some juice and maybe a snack. I walked to the door before sapnap turned around. "Where ya going?" sapnap asked me. "Juice!... and snacks!" I whisper. "You dont want me to get it for you?" sapnap asked taking off his headset. "Nu! youw wowking! dis is a dob por me! not daddy!" I said.

       "But baby, I'm going to end right now. and you're too little to get juice by yourself!" sapnap said. I pouted. I knew he was right. "otay-" I walked back and sat next to sapnap as he got off his work. "Anyways chat-" he said as he put his headset back on. "I think I'm going to end stream here- I gotta take care of some stuff, dream I might tell you but first I have to do something-" he said. "Alright- bye chat! byeee!" he had ended his work. 

       "You ready to get the juice and snacks?" sapnap asked me. "Yeah!" I said. "Ok, let's go." sapnap said, picking me up. I giggled as we walked to the kitchen. sapnap set me down once we were in the kitchen. he let me sit on the counter. "So what kind of juice do you want?" sapnap asked. "Fruit punch!" I said.

       "ok, and for the snack?" sapnap said, filling a bottle with the fruit punch. "cwackews!" I said. "ok let me get them for you." sapnap said, giving me the bottle. he grabbed the crackers and put them on a plate. "Here you go, little one." sapnap said giving me the crackers. I giggled as I did a little happy stim. 

      sapnap laughed a bit. I took a cracker and ate it. "Is it good?" he asked. "Nu, its nummy!" I said smiling. he smiled as well. I giggled at his smile. "Daddy" I said. "Yes, my prince?" I giggled at the name.  "Do you fink youw wowk knows? I asked. "Knows? what do you mean?" he asked. "Do you fink day know... about me?" I asked. "baby of course hey know about you! you work with me!" he said.

     "Nu nu! not wike dat! I mean do you fink day know about my... my wittle pace? :<" I asked. "No, I don't see how they would know." He said. "Daddy >:/ I heawd you! you twied to say I was da kitty!" I said. "yes yes you're right. but I want to protect you! people aren't very nice you know!" he said. "I know :/ to what awe we tupposed to do! you cants be daddy when working! and I cants be baby when I is working!" I said. 

                 "We'll figure something out. don't worry baby." sapnap said. "Oki daddy. what about dweam?" I asked. "Dream? what about dream?" he asked. "wewent you taking to him?" I asked taking a sip of my juice. "Oh shoot you're right!" sapnap said. "Grab your plate and bottle we got to go back to the room!" he said. I grabbed my plate and bottle. sapnap picked me up and carried me to the room. 

Sapnap pov:

     Karl reminded me of the call with dream. I had picked him up and now we were rushing((?)) to my room. once we got back to the room I set Karl down on the bed and got back into my chair. "Dream! Hi! sorry!" I said, putting in my headset and unmuting the discord call. 

       "Dude what took so long?" dream asked. "Stuff- anyways- im good now!" I said. I heard an "Mmmm!" noise coming from Karl. "Hang on dream- ill still be here I just gotta mute real quick." I said. "What's wrong?" I asked Karl. he was making a '>:c' face. "aw, are you upset?" I asked. he pointed at my lap. "What? You want to sit in my lap?" I asked. "Mhm!" he hummed. "Ok, get your stuff, and cmon." I said. he grabbed his stuffed animal, his pacifier, and his bottle. he walked over and sat down on my lap. 

       "Comfy?" I asked. "Bery!" he answered. "Ok, im going to unmute now ok?" "Otay!" he said. I unmuted. "Ok, im back-" I said. "JesUs- finally- I don't know what you're doing but it feels like you take forever!" dream complained. Karl looked at me. "hm?" I hummed. he looked at the headphone wire, then back at me. I gave him a look. a look at said, "you want me to unplug it?". 

     he nodded. "kay dream on a sec- ima unplug my headphones." I said. "what why-" he asked. "Why not-" I said. "Won't Karl hear?" he asked. "Yeah? It's fine dream-" I said. "Ok-". I unplugged the headphones. "Ya down yet?" he asked. "yup" I said. he was a little loud. "Is that ok? or do you want it lower?" I asked Karl. he shook his head. "It's ok where it is?" I asked. he nodded. "Ok," I said. "Sap- who the hell are you talking to?" dream asked. I saw Karl get upset. I muted. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Bad wowds!" he said. 

     "You don't like bad words do you?" I asked. he shook his head. I unmuted. "Dream, don't say that!" I said. "Say what?" he asked confused. "You know what." I said. "What? hell?" he asked. I saw Karl get upset and a bit uncomfortable. "Yes! don't say that! it's bad!" I told him. "Sap- it's not bad- we say it all the time. it's like saying heck but it's hell-" dream said. Karl was uncomfortable with bad words when in little space and I could see that.

      "Dream! I told you not to say that! It's bad, don't say any of those words!" I told him off. "Woah- what's your problem dude? you're never like this!" he said. "I don't have a problem, I just don't feel like hearing those words." I said, sounding pissed off. im not going to deny it, I was pretty pissed. it's not his fault though. dream doesn't process stuff like that right away. he's always been like that. it takes him a bit to realize something. 

      Karl rested on me. I could tell he knew I was upset. "Hey, baby..." I whispered. he looked up at me. "Happy!" he whispered back. "Happy?" i whispered back a little confused. "Mhm! I needs a happy daddy!" he huffed. i smiled and let out a small chuckle. "Ok, if its a happy daddy you want, its a happy daddy you get!" i whispered giving him small kisses. he giggled. "Hey sap- WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO!?!" dream shouted. he was really loud. Karl had covered his ears in discomfort. "Oh my gosh, man! you're so loud what the honk!" i said. 



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