Embrace Two (Spin of from Acc...

By EmmaWilliams66

1.4K 127 56

Set Six months after Embrace. Its half term and Tyler is extremely happy to be able to spend an entire weak w... More

Chapter One: What the hell is going on?
Chapter Two: Check you over.
Chapter Three: So much to come
Chapter Four: Lost in the mountains
Chapter Six: Blame me for his death.
Chapter Seven: We have not even started yet
Chapter Eight: I'll do my best.
Chapter Nine: I think we can!
Chaper Ten: Come Back Alive!
Chapter Eleven: Follow my lead!
Chapter Twelve: Very angry!
Chapter Thirteen: Not lose
Chapter Fourteen: It's Robbie!!
Chapter Fifteen: Bitch!
Chapter Sixteen: I can't wait!
Chapter Seventeen: I didn't miss you
Chapter Eighteen: I'll take it!
Chapter Nineteen: I freaking love my dad!
Chapter Twenty: Greet them
Chapter Twenty One: Don't run!
Chapter Twenty Two: Perfect
Chapter Twenty Three: Protect Zane!
Chapter Twenty Four: Survive this
Chapter Twenty Five: Understood.
Chapter Twenty Six: Have up next.
Chapter Twenty seven: You hear me.
Chapter Twenty Eight: Through the smoke
Chapter Twenty Nine: Why shouldn't I just kill you!
Chapter Thirty: Arrow Sharp
Chapter Thirty One: Good instincts
Chapter Thirty Two: Teach them
Chapter Thirty Three: Can it really wait?
Chapter Thirty Four: Bravest man
Chapter Thirty Five: In a heartbeat
Chapter Thirty Six: Hello Nephew!
Chapter Thirty Seven: From the very beginning
Chapter Thirty Eight: End well
Chapter Thirty Nine: He has too!
Chapter Forty: Behind
Chapter Forty one: Goodbye dear friend .
Chapter Forty Two: Sorry its taken so long!
Chapter Forty Three: Will need each other
Chapter Forty Four: Want what is best for Fay.
Chapter Forty Five: Fay Lake
Chapter Forty Six: Enjoy ourselves.
Chapter Forty Seven: Do happen for a reason.
Chapter Forty Eight: His cooperation
Chapter Forty Nine: Unfinished Business
Chapter Fifty: Good Lad
Chapter Fifty One: Hey Sweetie.
Chapter Fifty Two: Good enough job.
Chapter Fifty Three: Welcome to my world
Chapter Fifty Four: Loves us just that much.
Chapter Fifty Five: What should he do?
Chapter Fifty Six: Here we go
Chapter Fifty Seven: We are leaving.
Chapter Fifty Eight: Tyler...I'm Scared
Chapter Fifty Nine: What?
Chapter Sixty: I'll Fix you.
Chapter Sixty One: In hope he could be the hero
Chapter Sixty Two: To be continued.

Chapter Five: Lets get to business

28 2 0
By EmmaWilliams66

The atmosphere changed quickly. Arrow's feeling in his stomach telling him to get Tyler and Colin quickly away from Dina as possible.

Her whole attitude had changed irritically. You could almost feel the this horrible energy coming off her.

Hahaha...you will never escape me Arrow! Never! Mark's voice rang in his ears.

Not this...not again.

"What are you talking about?" Tyler asks looking rather upset and confused.

"What am I talking about? Well soon you will soon see exactly what I'm talking about. Now Arrow would you be so kind to step away from them two," she said slowly.

"Why the fuck would he do that!" Colin shouts.

"Don't stick your nose in it. At the end of the day you got us lost. You are partly to blame for what happens next."

"You burnt the map. So how is this my fault? What is wrong with you."

"Nothing is wrong with me, Colin but what is wrong with you? I'm just a kid and you look like you want to kill me."

"Maybe because your being a bitch. Maybe because you are making us think you are a threat," says Tyler.

"Oh Tyler I am very much a threat. You are correct. I need to speak to your dad so come speak to me Arrow now!"

Arrow's POV

I look at her. "I don't think I will. What do you want?"

She laughs. "You really going to make me do this the hard way. For godsake. You are to blame for what happens next then."

She grabs something out her bag she has over her shoulder, I saw the glison of it before I came to quickly realise its a knife.

"Run now!" I shout at Colin and Tyler.

"Arrow can you," Colin begins but I push Tyler and Colin making them run with me behind them.

"Yes now don't stop!" I shout.

"Dad I'm so sorry...I had no idea she was crazy," I hear Tyler say.

"Don't worry about that now. We need a plan and fast."

"What can we actually do," said Colin.

There is number of things we could do but my thoughts of every planned disappeared when we had to split up after three other guys showed up.

"Go that way. Get away from the mountain, get help. I'll go the other way," I say to Colin.

"Arrow no," Colin begins.

"No time to argue. Protect Tyler," I tell him as I run towards the left all three men deciding to follow me.

After me then it seems...

I ran, each step taking me further away from the two men I love. The snow still falling, my arms feeling almost numb from the cold now.

I looked behind me to check if they were till following me but they seemed to have lost me. I felt the uneven ground from below my feet but I knew it to already be too late I felt myself fall over the cliff edge.

I grab onto the cliff edge clawing at it but I could already feel my fingers slipping from it, but I managed to remain calm and steady my hand long enough to keep it there.

My body freezing from the cold weather, the light snow falling on me from above.

I try to pull myself up the best I can but my fingers feel numb and barely doing as I ask.

Yet all I can think about is if Tyler and Colin are okay. Trust is hard thing to come by and yet Tyler had put faith in the wrong person but I hadn't seen it coming either.

I finally manage to pull myself back onto the top of the cliff.

That had been a close one.

"There!" I hear someone shout.

I got to go....right now!

I get to feet and run as fast as can across the rough path back towards the trees and I don't stop or look back but I could feel the presence of someone behind me.

Go Arrow! Faster! Faster! I shout to myself as I keep going.

I slip on the icey path head first crashing into the rough looking bushes that had not many leafs on it.

I felt the branches scratch my face and arms on impact but I try not make anymore noise.

I breathe slowly listening to any movement nearby.

"Let me go you bitch!" I hear Tyler shout.

"Arrow! You going to come out?"

Honestly she felt so normal, so nice but now she seems like a completely different girl altogether.

"I don't have all fucking day! Get your useless ass out here now and face me!"

I struggle to my feet and walk out from the bushes and through the trees to find her standing in the clearing with Tyler struggling to break free from her.

If Tyler can't take her, she must be very strong.

"So Arrow I would just like to say this before we get into anything else. I like you to meet my brother," she smiles.

"Dad watch out!" Tyler screams.

I felt the knife slid into my side, the pain bursting from it the moment it pieces my skin.

I fall to my knees as the knife is taken back out my arms being rammed behind my back.

"Dad!" Tyler screams this time.

"Shut your mouth. Now we have settled you down Arrow let's get to business!"


We are all caught up.

Hope you enjoyed.

Next chapter up soon I hope

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