By JLB_18

781K 26.6K 5.3K


Rage: Consume Me


46.6K 1K 644
By JLB_18

This story is intended for mature audiences only. I can't stand reading petty comments of people expressing their distaste for certain aspects of a story. If you don't like jaw-dropping smut or erotic romance, this isn't the story for you. I delete comments, and I like blocking people, so please just don't.

Also, I will remove this book with haste if I get messages about explicit content. And if Wattpad removes this book, I will NOT re-upload it here on this platform. 


"You know I hate surprises," I squeezed Camila's hand as we walked down the long alleyway.

"I know, but you'll love this one," she smiled excitedly. And I smirked at her enthusiasm. There wasn't much that could make me genuinely happy, but seeing the goofy smile on my best friend's face propelled me into a somewhat buoyant mood.

We got to the end of the alley and turned left. About halfway through, Camila pulled me to a door that blended in with the rest of our surroundings. A little freaked out, I looked around, waiting for someone to jump out and snatch us. Camila assured me that she wasn't getting us into some sneaky shit, so I trusted her enough to know that whatever this was couldn't be that bad.

She opened the door, and we were met with a long hallway.

"I know it looks sketchy, but it's not. It's like this to discourage people from trespassing," she said dragging me along the dark red corridor. And eventually, we came to a halt at another door—the only other door at the end of the walkway. Camila then put in this long-ass code.

"I can only use this code once, so it will deactivate as soon as I finish putting it in." I nodded, reaching for my phone to check the time. Camila mentioned earlier that we were running late, but I'm not sure by how much.

"I hope this works," she mumbled.

"And what happens if it doesn't?" I questioned.

"I don't know," she said, putting in the last number. The door then buzzed before opening on its own.

"But at least we don't have to find out," she laughed.

"If anyone asks, which they won't, just show them this," she said handing me a black card. I examined it, flipping it over to see what was on it.

"If anyone asks what?" I questioned.

"I don't know, but they won't, so it doesn't matter. The card is more like insurance that signals to people that we're not total strangers, and it keeps us from getting kicked out."

"But it's blank," I said. She said nothing and pulled me through the door. We were then met with a set of stairs that only went down.

"Is it too late to turn around?" I whispered.

"Yes," she said in response. I then followed a step behind her, our heels clicking against the concrete.

"When have I ever steered you wrong?" She asked. And I had to think for a second. But when I couldn't come up with a solid answer, I shrugged. On the occasions where Camila is able to get me involved in her shenanigans, we do always make a lot of good memories. So, I guess she's never steered me wrong in that sense. And she's never put me in any immediate danger, so that's that.

As we descended the last few steps, Camila opened a set of black drapes that separated the stairs from the room that was on the other side. She opened it just enough for us to slip through, but not enough to draw attention. I squinted my eyes to the light as we entered. The stairs placed us off to the side, towards the back of the room.

"Come on. The show is about to start soon, and we can't be up and moving around when it does." She pulled me further into the large room, passing many people that were dressed similar to us. Outfits for men ranged from full suits to slacks and a simple button-up shirt. Women wore short dresses, or just a simple skirt and blouse. It was by no means a white-collar, board meeting type of attire, but more so sexy date night. Not to mention, everyone seemed to be wearing cool neutrals, mainly black, but no bright or warm colors at all. I was feeling the vibe.

"What is this?" I asked Camila once we made it to a bar situated on the other side of the room. She turned and regarded me with a small smile.

"The performance starts in less than ten minutes. A couple of minutes before it starts, we can take a seat at one of the booths on the floor. But, you see the stage over there," she motioned. I turned to where she was pointing.

"That's where all the fun happens," she whispered to me. I eyed the whole room, careful not to accidentally lock eyes with anyone. My eyes then drifted from the stage to the seating area facing it, and people were already starting to fill them. They had the option of choosing from booths, which were all situated along the edges of the room, or the cushioned chairs that were directly in the middle of everything. It reminded me of a restaurant seating area, but way more intimate and closed off. Everyone could see everyone—no one was hidden from the prying eyes of others.

"What kind of performance is it?" I asked.

"You'll see," she said handing me a drink. I looked down at it.

"Is this your friend?" My head then snapped up at the unfamiliar voice.

"Yes. Amira, this is Rachael. Rachael, this is my best friend, Amira." Rachael extended her hand over the bar and I quickly shook it.

"I see Camila finally convinced you to come out."

"She didn't give me much of a choice. And I still don't know what this is, or why I'm here on a Thursday night."

"This is not just a regular Thursday night, and don't act like you had something better to do," Camila nudged me with her hip.

"I can count a few things," I countered. And she rolled her eyes.

"But instead, you agreed to come out with me tonight...so stop judging," she whispered the last part to me.

"I'm not judg—"

"And how much you wanna bet that you'll enjoy this just as much as I will—probably even more so," she cut me off. I said nothing, only mumbled under my breath. I wasn't judging at all. And to be honest, I was now more intrigued by how hard she was trying to convince me that tonight would be unforgettable.

"The show is about to start," Rachael interrupted us. And, as if on cue, the lights dimmed. I took a quick sip of the drink Camila gave me, but before I could bring it down, Camila grabbed my arm and started pulling me away from the bar.

"Oh, do we have to pay for these?" I asked, taking another sip.

"Nope," Rachael said.

"Don't forget the rules, Camila. It was nice to meet you, Amira," she added, dimming the lights above the bar. I slightly waved, and Camila nodded as she rushed us over to an empty booth towards the back. She slid into the seat and I plopped down next to her.

"What rules?" I asked her.

"They're just etiquette rules—don't be on your phone during performances, no talking, no interrupting, stay in your seat for the full duration, and shit like that. I'll send the list to you later," she rushed out.

I nodded my head but said nothing as I noted the change in her demeanor. Camila seemed to now be on the edge of her seat—eager for the show to start. I cleared my throat trying to get her attention, but she ignored me. I laughed to myself and took a few more sips before pushing the drink to the side.

The lights dimmed even more. A spotlight then zeroed in on the stage as a man walked out in nothing but some jeans that hung low on his waist. The little chatter that could be heard around the room completely stopped and was replaced by silence. I looked over at Camila, a small smirk gracing her lips. Is this about to be some Magic Mike shit? It wouldn't be the first time that she's dragged me out to see some strippers, but by how secretive she's been about this whole event, I thought it would've been something a little more extravagant.

Camila tapped my thigh and I turned my attention back to the stage. I sucked in a harsh breath as a woman was wheeled out on a table, completely naked. She was placed near the edge of the platform, and the wheels were then locked in place. The man wasted no time untying her and then dragging her body down the table until her feet hit the ground. He turned her around so that her stomach was pressed firmly against the table and whispered something in her ear. She then leaned forward, resting her upper body on its surface, and waited as he re-tied her arms behind her back. Her stance was wide, legs spread as far as the shackles around her ankles would go.

My pulse quickened, seemingly excited as I could only imagine what was about to happen. A naked woman and a half-naked man, the possibilities were endless. And, I'm no prude. I've had a relatively decent sex life with both men and women. And even though I'm not one to publicly talk about my sexcapades, I do enjoy some good sex. But if there's anything I love more than engaging in sex, it's watching it—and Camila knows that. I love watching people do shit that I wouldn't have the balls to do. It's exciting, and it makes me horny as fuck.

I shook my head and crossed my legs together before reaching for that drink I pushed to the side earlier.

The man now had a whip of some kind in his hand and was running it along the woman's ass, teasing her. He dragged the thick flogger through her folds, and up between her ass before trailing it up her spine. Her reaction was immediate.

When the teasing ceased, I held my breath as he pulled back. You could feel the tension in the room, and you could see it on the woman's body as she braced for the impact.

But it never came.

I relaxed when his swing faltered and he went back to teasing. The man smiled, showing a set of perfect teeth. I momentarily got distracted by his display of warmness—his smile was beautiful, but it seemed out of place due to the pain he was undoubtedly going to inflict on the woman very soon. But from his smile, I then dragged my eyes down his body and to the bulge between his legs. I shook my head. Before I could even register what was happening, the sound of the whip connecting with the woman's flesh rang loudly throughout the room. I had to refrain from making a sound as I was sure the whip drew some blood.

Fuck, she took that shit like a champ.

The woman yelled out the number one, cueing the man to continue. And nonstop, he cracked the whip down on her ass. Besides her body recoiling in on itself after each strike, she uttered not a single sound. But I wanted to scream in pain for her. You could even see the blood dripping down her legs and pooling in small droplets on the floor. Either he was super strong or that wasn't a regular whip. I shivered, trying to keep my composure.

After thirty whips, he pulled her up, holding her body against him as her legs were too weak. I almost felt bad as tears cascaded down her face, but then I remembered that she was up there willingly. My pity then quickly turned into respect for her level of discipline.

When he positioned her away from the crowd, the entire room seemed to gasp in unison as her ass was put on full display. I grabbed Camila's arm in both awe and horror.

Semi-deep gashes covered the entirety of her butt, creating markings that resembled cross-hatches. And when he bent her over, even her pussy was red and swollen. I cringed at the sight. But even I couldn't deny how aroused I was. Thus, I squeezed my legs together even tighter.

"Camila," I whispered to get her attention. She shook her head and pointed to the stage.

My eyes widened some more as the man presumed to get on his knees and lick up the trail of blood dripping down her thighs. He dragged his tongue up her right leg and to her right cheek. He did the same on her left leg but stopped at her ass to clean up all the lacerations with his tongue. This was anything but sanitary, but somehow still hot as fuck. He even paid extra attention to her swollen lips, licking and sucking on her clit. When he pulled his pants down and began to fuck her, I couldn't help but look away as the action made my body heat up.

I downed the last of the alcohol and took a moment to survey the room. My eyes widened yet again at seeing a man—not so subtly—fingering his female partner's genitalia. I gulped and quickly looked away, and when I did, I spotted a woman a few booths away going down on her own partner. What gave them away was how her head bobbed up and down in his lap. I looked away again but caught something much more explicit. And the crazy part was, none of them stole the attention away from the performance—you could still only hear what was going on between the man and the woman on stage. I fanned myself, pushing my hair out of my face.

I jumped when a hand started caressing my thigh. Camila leaned closer to me and used her free hand to pry my legs apart.

"Cami," I whispered in her ear. She only shushed me and told me that talking wasn't allowed during performances. And me being as horny as I was, I gave in and opened my legs for her. She immediately moved my panties to the side and stuck two fingers in me. Kissing up my neck, I could feel her smiling against my skin.

"Happy Birthday," her voice was barely a whisper. If we weren't so close, I wouldn't have heard her at all.

But, let's just hope that I can be as quiet as everyone else.

I'm too excited about this book. If you enjoyed the first chapter, please vote, comment, and share!!

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