The Bakugo Sister

By fantasylover236

4.8K 130 18

Akina Bakugo, the not so hot headed sister of the wanna be hero Katsuki Bakugo. Akina is Katsuki's twin siste... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve

Chapter Three

538 18 4
By fantasylover236

I was so excited when school finally started, putting on my UA uniform and brushing my blonde hair, pinning it back with a red bow to match the school tie. Katsuki and I talked the whole way there, both super excited to show off and equally as excited to fight each other. We both were placed in class 1A, for obvious reasons, we found the classroom easily. Katsuki ignored our new classmates and sat in his seat with a groan. " Hi! I'm Akina Bakugo " I smiled to the small students who were already in the class " I'm Mina Ashido!" A pink girl smiled back " Who's the grumpy guy you came in with?" " Oh, that's my brother. Katsuki Bakugo" " Wait brother?! You both got accepted into UA!?" She yelled, catching everyone's attention. " Uh yeah" I smiled " Hello there I'm Tenya Iida!" A blue haired boy yelled at me " Uh hi" " Akina shut up and sit down already!" Katsuki yelled at me. " Don't talk to her like that" Mina spat at him " It's fine Mina, he's just in a mood" I sat down in my assigned seat, which was right behind Katsuki.

" What are you doing?! Take your feet off the table!" Iida yelled at Katsuki " Get lost four eyes or I'll blow you to hell" He grinned letting off small explosions. " You'd threaten your own classmate!". The door suddenly opened and I couldn't help but smile and run over to Izuku, throwing my arms around him in a tight hug " Izuku we're classmates!" I yelled. I pulled away and looked at him confused, " Are you feeling okay Izuku? Your face is all red" " Oh I'm fine!" He yelled " I just wasn't expecting such a tight hug from you" " Huh? I always hug you like this?" " He means your big boobies were pressed against him" I looked down and jumped back when a small kid with purple hair was smirking up at me. " Don't be shy baby, let me take care of you" He grinned.

Katsuki grabbed the kid and threw him to the back of the class " Come near my sister again and I'll kill you!" He yelled. " Everyone take your seats", we all jumped in surprise when a man came crawling through the door in a yellow sleeping bag. We quickly sat down as he stood up, introducing himself as he stepped out of his bag. " Woah Eraserhead!" Izuku yelled making Katsuki groan, " Before I start this semester I want to see where you all lie. Change into your gym uniform and meet me outside" " But sir, we'll miss the entrance ceremony!" A girl spoke up " I think I'm what you should be worrying about. Meet me outside in five minutes".

We all changed and made it outside as our teacher, Mr. Aizawa explained what we'd be doing. " I want to see how developed your skills already are, so I know how far I have to push you. Katsuki Bakugo " " Yeah?" Katsuki spoke up " You came in second place for the entrance exam, throw the ball". Mr. Aizawa threw a ball to him, he caught it and stepped on the mark, rubbing his shoulder with a smirk on his face " Don't blink" he said before throwing the ball in the air, a huge explosion sending it high into the sky. " That's a good start" Mr. Aizawa turned the phone to show us how high Katsuki had thrown the ball, 705.2 meters cool. " Akina Bakugo " " Yes sir?" I stepped forward, " You came in first place. Let's see how similar you and your brother are".

I stood on the mark with my ball and took a deep breath, I rotated my shoulder back before throwing the ball in the air, sending an even bigger explosion with it. " Not bad, similar enough" 707.4 metres. " Now, I'll be running you all through eight separate tests. I want to see how you can use your quirks. The person who comes I last place will be expelled" Mr. Aizawa threatened. We ran through all the tests, Katsuki and I making it a small competition between each other. When it was over Mr. Aizawa showed us our scores, Katsuki and I were tied for first place but down at the very bottom was Izuku. " With that done, I'll see you all tomorrow" Mr. Aizawa said " Wait, I'm not expelled?" " That was just a threat so I could push you all".

When we changed back into our uniforms we slowly walked out of the classroom together. " Izuku how did you manage to get a quirk?" I asked " Oh, I developed really late" He smiled " Well I'm so happy for you" I smiled, pulling him in for a hug. Katsuki groaned in response as we all made our way home together, " I'll see you tomorrow Izuku!" I waved at him " I'll see you tomorrow Akina!" He waved back as he went down a separate street.

" Why are you so nice to him?" Katsuki suddenly asked " I'm always nice to him. He's my friend, it's good to have some of those Katsuki" " Shut up! I've got friends" " Oh yeah like who?" " Keep it up and blow your ass into pieces!" He yelled at me " Oh yeah? Good luck fulfilling our dream without me then idiot!". Katsuki sighed, wrapping his arm around my neck and pulling me into him. He leaned his head against mine " Akina your the only person I can tolerate. So Im here if you need me" " I'm always here for you too Katsuki" I smiled at him. " If that purple haired freak comes near you again, tell me. I won't mind blowing him up" I laughed as I cracked my knuckles " Don't worry, I'll do that myself".

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