Esztar Is Falling

By Mysteriously_Wicked

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•BOOK II OF THE ESZTAR SERIES• "Esztar is falling." Those were the words an invisible spy mumbled just a few... More

C H A P T E R 01
C H A P T E R 02
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C H A P T E R 07
C H A P T E R 08
C H A P T E R 09
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C H A P T E R 33

2.2K 71 27
By Mysteriously_Wicked

33 | The Game Has Got Its Anti-Hero

"What." Rafael returned my harsh glare.

"What is your best friend hiding?" I demanded the answer, making sure my sharp gaze worked it's warning.

There was sure some kind of a history between Alli and Oliver. What kind of history, that was the question. Alli isn't demented to react that way all of a sudden.

"Do I look like I know? I'm sorry Mason, but I'm not the reason for your every damn problem. So go and get your annoyance out on someone else." Rafael took a step forward but Vittoria mindlessly placed a hand over his chest, blocking him from doing so.

Her eyes were locked down, her teeth nibbling her bottom lip. It was like the movement of her hand came naturally. Amidst the chaos, I felt pride. Even with her mind working rigorously somewhere else, she was well award of her surroundings. Her subconscious had developed enough with training to guide her with the correct action.

"The Visitant gave Camila back safely to us." She stated, rather, gushed out in an unnatural speed, still in the same position with her eyes down and hand over his chest.

"Or so we thought." Her mind was picking up pace. "Now he wants her back. Because it wasn't him. The Visitant never intended to release Camila. How could we be mistaken? Everything is still under his control. But that was until this incident which points towards only one answer."

She gasped, as if terrified by her own theory. Intelligent brown eyes snapped up at Rafael, her breathing slightly quickened. "The mystery man saved Camila. Or rather, his men. He can't be at two places at the same time. They're a team."

Her declaration knocked the living daylights out of me. Why the fuck was she so smart?

Because she was my sister.

Ugh! Getting over the self obsession, I focused back on the problem. Camila wasn't supposed to know about this mystery man or the Covert Visitant.

Why does this girl always have to figure everything out?

"Did anyone understand a single word she spoke?" Liam sighed, shaking his head at the speed at which she spoke.

I hope Camila didn't. But I also knew she wasn't as dumb as she pretended to be.

"I've been thinking about the same thing." Rafael affirmed.

It was only then did she realize about the proximity between them, causing her to quickly retrace her hand from him.

"What mystery man?" Camila asked, feigning her usual fear.

Blatant hatred for Vittoria struggled to unleash from her eyes. It made me scoff on the inside. Let's see how long she'll pull off this good sister façade. She sure had a motive behind it but Vittoria was too naive and  fall for her trap.

"You might need to rest, Camila. Look at you. You're very weak. We can discuss all that later on." I smirked ever so subtly.

I know how to turn your own game in my court, Camila.

She got that too. A faint evilness flashed through her emerald eyes before she nodded. Her glare became more intense when she passed by me while I continued my pretence of being concerned until I heard her door click shut.

The very next moment, another door burst open with a frantic movement. Oliver rushed out of Alli's room, an overwrought look etched on his face.

"Call the doctor. She's fainted." He said breathlessly.

What the fuck!

I dashed upstairs with all I had, my fear rising. Vittoria followed but not before reaching for the intercom and summoning the doctor. Good thing they had one twenty four-seven.

"What did you do to her?" My anger got the best of me.

"The fuck are you saying, Mason?" Oliver pushed me back.

"I'm sorry, he lashes out at everyone when he's scared." Vittoria apologized before turning to me. "Stop it Mason. He'd never hurt her."

"Oh yes? Because her behavior said otherwise."

"I'm not going to take that accusation from anyone." Oliver spat.

"Silence." Rafael snapped.

The twins made an appearance a few minutes later along with the doctor. Vittoria standing next me me curled her lips up in wonder when she saw the doc from a distance.

"Alli was right. He's hot." She whispered.

But then he came closer and the playfulness on her face dissipated. She gulped the knot in her throat and shook her head slightly as if trying to shake out the thoughts running in her mind. It was his eyes.

He had pitch black eyes.

Every pair of black eyes reminded her of Nate.

Rafael noticed that too. Ever so secretly, he slipped his hand into hers but she flinched, retracting her hand away.

I snorted on his foolishness, earning a pointed glare which further heightened my amazement. The nerve of him to hold her with the same hand which had that golden ring.

I was impressed by his magnitude of fucking up.

"She seems fine. Nothing to worry about." The young doctor, about my age commented after carrying out the normal check up.

"Why did she faint like that? Are you sure it was just the small panic attack effect? She'll be okay, right?" Oliver fired the questioned, his concerned gaze not leaving the girl sleeping on the bed.

Kiddo was right when she said he freaks out when something even very trivial happens to anyone in this house.

"Be rest assured, Mr Rivera. Everything's fine. Just make sure she doesn't stress herself out too much." The doctor reassured.

"Thank you, Dr Carson." Toby flashed him a thankful smile and then they were gone.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled faintly, side eying Oliver. "But I had a reason to, alright!"

"Definitely sorry." Rafael rolled his eyes.

"Have men always been so stupid, or are you three trying to take it to a fucking whole new level?" Kiddo reprimanded like an annoyed school teacher.

She was okay two seconds ago. But then again mood swings never really leave her.

"Get out, everyone. Let her rest. I'll call you when she wakes up." She pointed her finger at the door and we half heartedly obeyed like punished kids.

Just as we made a move to leave, a faint grumble was heard from Alli as she turned her head to the side, her eyes fluttering open.

Uh oh! She wasn't going to like the view. It was Oliver.

"A-Allegra?" He hesitantly stepped forward.

Closing her eyes for a brief moment, she propped herself up in a sitting position. Vittoria sat next to her, pulling her long blonde hair comfortably behind. "How are you feeling?"

She nodded, looking down in shame.

"It's okay, Alli." Vittoria assured.

"Allegra." Rafael called her but she didn't look up. "Allegra look at me."

"I apologize for my behavior." She replied.

"I don't know what went down between you two." He switched his eyes between her and Oliver. "But I assure you I'm not going to agree to Luca. You're safe here with us. That's a promise. If you still want to leave, then I'll respect your decision."

"I trust you. I'm sorry for the way I behaved. That was just...just very sudden I guess. I didn't know how to react."

He smiled lightly. "Are we good?"

"We're good."

"Well then, I'll let you rest." He began to head out. "Are you coming or not, Oliver." He said, more like dictated.

Oliver looked at Alli who didn't spare him a single look. Feeling defeated, he walked out while Vittoria followed him, worried for her brother.

Once they were gone, I shut the door and sat next to her, waiting for an explanation which I never got.

"Where could he be? What are your guesses?" I asked.

Her brows creased, not having understood my question.

"Nikolai." I stated. "I'm going to find him myself and kill him. I can't see you live in fear."

"There's no need for that. Besides, we know we can't do that. I'm sure the Visitant must've kept him well hidden." She said with despondency.

I hated to admit the bitter truth. We were all powerless in front of the Visitant.

"Tell me, Alli. Why are you so afraid of him?"

"I don't want to talk about it. Please."

"Okay. Then what about Oliver? The diamond theft has more to it than we know, doesn't it? Did he hurt you? Just tell me if-"

"No Mase, there's nothing like that. Can we talk about something else?"

I heaved a sigh, wondering if that'll ever leave her. It was clearly having a negative effect on her.

"Fine! But just remember one thing, Alli." I slinged my hand around her shoulder. "No matter what, I'll always be by your side. Even if it was something wrong on your part and you feel guilty or ashamed about it, I'll still take your side. I'll choose you against everyone, even Oliver. Just know that."

"And Vittoria?" She asked. "What if one day you have to choose between me and her?"

"I won't ever let any such situation arise. I'm smart, bitch!"

"I don't doubt that, bitch!" She lightly clashed her head against mine and I rubbed the spot, pretending to be injured.

"O-M-G! Did you just bore a hole through my head? I can feel my high quality intelligence spill out." I fake cried.

"Let me quickly gather it for myself then." She laughed.

Then I laughed. Then after a few minutes of pointless chats, I tucked her in, leaving her room after making sure she was asleep.


"You just know how to cheat, don't you!" I kicked Liam in his shin, successfully distracting his concentration from the console like he did to me.

"I just lost balance. I didn't do it deliberately!" He whined, tossing it on the couch at his defeat.

It was night already and everyone had something to do. Everyone but me and Liam. So we decided to spend the time productively.

"You seriously won't make a move? Now even now?" I pulled my legs up and turned to him.

My patience was running thin. When will this boy ever learn?

"What can I do now? The game's over." He pouted, adjusting his glasses.

I cursed out loud, more than irked at this dumbo.

"I'm not talking about the video game, you dimwit." I smacked his head, causing his recently adjusted glasses to fall low on his nose.

"Then what?" He pushed them up with his index finger.


That grumpy face swapped with a slightly confused and bewildered one. "Vittoria? What about her?"

"Are you seriously so dumb? You know what I'm talking about."

Blue eyes grew wide and he raked a hand through his overgrown blonde hair. "Holy mother of chicken pot pie!"

Such a drama queen!

"I thought you hated me? I was so scared when you first shooed me away from her." He feigned horror, curling up in a ball.

"Yeah because that time you were flirting with my sister."

"I still flirt."

"Dude just come to the point! This is your chance. Go spend time with her. Why are you playing video games with me?" I tried knocking some sense into him.

"One more word and I'm gonna faint!"

I was annoyed at him not because he had seventeen girlfriends. It was because he never fought for her. He's clearly so much better than Rafael.

"I- I don't feel that way for her now." He scratched his neck.

"Bullshit! We all know you still love her as much as you did back then."

"Is it that evident?" He gushed.

"So you do love her."

"Wha— yes.. I mean no..I.. I.." He stumbled over his own words, his face turning red.

"You don't flirt with any other girl— apart from Alli, you always have Vittoria going on in your head, the way you look at her. Jeez! And you ask if it's not evident." I rolled my eyes.

He should thank god Vittoria is a little, no, a lot dumbass when it came to love.

"Yes I do." He confessed, a sad smile lingering on his lips. "You can't really unlove Vittoria Andress once you love her."

"Then what's stopping you?"

He shook his head as if the prospect was entirely out of his reach. "What I have with Vittoria is very beautiful. I don't want to lose it."

"She smiles whenever she's around you. I see her genuinely happy with you. Why don't you two give yourself a chance?"

"She really, like really loves Rafael. She won't be able to love anyone else, Mason. I understand why you don't like him and why you don't want her to be with him. Your concerns are justified."

He loved her enough to let her go. That was the highest level of love, wasn't it? How I wish she could love him back.

That's what we do. We fall in love with the wrong person and deliberately hurt ourselves.

I miss Suzanne. I really do. But I've done the right thing distancing her from me. At least she'll be safe.

"Please don't tell Vittoria about this. She'll guilt trip herself for unintentionally hurting me. I don't want that." Liam requested and my respect for him escalated.

I had thought about playing my last card and telling him about Vittoria agreeing to marry Rafael, wishing the fear drove him to take a step. But now, I won't. I couldn't. He didn't deserve that much pain.

"Oh hey, Camila!" He smiled, craning his head to the side.

Her carefree stance suddenly switched to a timid one as she quickly put on her mask of fear. "H-hi Liam." She spoke softly.

What a fake bitch!

"Come sit with us." He patted the spot next to him. "I'll have to cover up for all the time I've lost with you. Which means you're gonna have to listen to a shit load of my nonsense. " He stretched his arms wide.

Her botoxed lips curled up in a small smile. "I'd love to."

"You know Mase, Camila is a painter as well. You should check her work out. She's amazing."

Yes I know, Liam. Did you forget I had an eye on all of you?

"Really?" I raised my brows up. "That's amazing. Can I see them?"

Poor Camila! Can't even display her anger.

"Yeah sure, please." She rose up from the couch, featuring up towards her room.

Perfect! Let's see what we find up there.

As expected, her room was spacious and the interior was lavish with a royal kind of style. I quickly swept my eyes around in search of anything suspicious. There was nothing as such, apart from the plethora of paintings— some etched over the wall, while some unfinished one lying down. The room smelt of paint. I liked that smell.

"These are beautiful." I praised genuinely, studying the ones hanging over wall.

"Thanks. But there's still a lot to improve. Will you help me?" Her lips tugged up in a half smile, a subtle indication of her dropping her mask.

That's when I realized Liam never followed me. We were alone in her room.

Well then, I wasn't going to hold back either.

"Will you risk me being around you?" I challanged back.

Those forest eyes turned a shade darker as she closed the distance between us, tracing her finger over my chest. "Higher the risk, higher the reward."

Indeed a vile woman.

"I'll find out the truth, Camila. Just you see." I shrugged her hand away from me.

"What." Her victory grin got wider. "Does my touch affect you... Mase?"

How I had to bite back the urge to tell her I'm not interested in blow up dolls.

"I suggest you be careful around me. I'm onto your evil plans." I warned her and left her room without waiting for a reply.

Mason: Vote and comment to motivate me to take this villain down.

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