A Heart in New York (Klaine A...

Par cumberbatch-hooked

11.1K 483 180

Kurt Hummel is nine-teen years old. Two years ago he graduated from William McKinley High School in Lima, Ohi... Plus

A Heart in New York
Cute Smile
Feeling Better?
Off all the restaurants in New York City
Trouble St. James
Goodbye Glee
Lima Kurt
Home Sweet Home
Ice, Ice

My Inner Stalker

723 39 14
Par cumberbatch-hooked

Part 8: My Inner Stalker

"It's just a suggestion, I'm not saying you have to do it, but it is an option, and in your case I think it might be a smart choice." I was awkwardly holding my phone in between my ear and shoulder while trying to make some eggs.
"Yes, you would split the rent. That should give you some more time to get started, right?" I was talking to Sam about the possibility of getting a roommate.
"No, of course I get that. I understand you don't want to move in with someone you barely know, but I can assure you that he is a nice guy, and he is desperately looking for somewhere to live other than his room at NYADA." I put my slightly burned eggs on a plate and dumped the pan in the sink. I could finally hold my phone in my hand again.
"Yeah sure, you can take some time to think about it. I will text you Blaine's number in case you need to contact him." I said while knowing I'd already convinced him.
"Okay, bye Sam!" I ended the call.

I put down my phone and started eating my breakfast. I was in a bit of a hurry because I was almost late for class. I overslept that morning because I hadn't had a very good night's sleep. Rachel brought Jesse home in the middle of the night and woke me up with some unpleasant noises. Well, pleasant for her, not for me, but I won't elaborate on that..
I was a little pissed at her for that, so I decided to leave my dishes in the sink for her to clean. When I realized it was already 9:45 AM, I quickly put on my coat, grabbed my bag and my remaining piece of toast and hurried out the door. I barely made it to class in time. I sat down and took off my coat and scarf as fast as possible because I was sweating like a pig from all the running. I just hoped that my deodorant would keep the nasty smell away.

The bad smell of my sweat turned out to be the least of my problems when I realized that Blaine wasn't in class. Well, the fact that Blaine wasn't in class was not really my problem, but because I am me and me was (just a little) obsessed with Blaine Anderson, I worried about why he wasn't there so much that, at the end, I had no idea what had happened in class at all. As soon as I got outside, I texted him to ask if everything was okay. Look, I swear I'm not a stalker, I did have a reason to be worried.

Blaine was very serious about his education and very determined to become a successful performer. NYADA was a big dream of his, he wouldn't miss a class unless he really couldn't be there. I had three hours until my next class and I decided that going home was a better idea than staring anxiously at my phone, which I did all the way home on the subway. When I opened the door to my apartment, I almost wished I hadn't. Rachel and Jesse were sitting at the table. I had forgotten he was here. I sighed and walked inside. "Hi."

"You knew about this?!"

A shock went through my body, my head turned quickly towards the voice. "You scared m-". I stared, mouth open when I realized who it was. "Santana!" I made my way to her to give her a hug. "I thought you weren't coming back until next week!"

"Yeah yeah, Brit read the date on our tickets wrong, good thing I was the one who had to print them." She hugged me back, impatiently.

"Where's Brit anyway?" I asked.

"In Lima, something about her father hitting himself with a hammer by accident. Whatever, good thing I'm here now, turns out the two of you are keeping all kinds of secrets from me!" She nodded at Rachel and Jesse. "What's Jesse St. Sucks doing here?"

Jesse frowned and Rachel buried her face in her hands. I chuckled. "Oh yeah, that." I rolled my eyes.

"Kurt has a boyfriend." Rachel said from behind me.

Santana smiled. "Good for you!" She patted my shoulder.

An offended Rachel got up from her chair. "Why are you angry at me and not at him?"

Santana shrugged nonchalantly, "We're gays, we support each other."

I laughed so hard, I needed to sit down. Rachel gave us both a scolding look, but we knew she meant it as a joke. "Well, thank you, Santana," she nodded gracefully, "but Blaine and I are not together."

"Oh, please. Like that's going to last very long." Rachel said.

I gave her a warning look. "So, Santana, how was lesbian paradise?" I changed the subject.

"Very paradise, not so lesbian." Santana replied, and she launched into a series of anecdotes about her trip to the Greek island Lesbos.

When my I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, my heart jumped. I tried to get my phone as fast as possible, which was not the easiest task when it was stuffed in the pocket of my very tight pants. I must have looked sort of spastic. But no luck, it wasn't Blaine calling me, it was Sam. I sighed. "I have to take this." I said and showed my phone.

"I'm guessing that's not the boyfriend calling." Santana said to Rachel.

I shook my head. "Just Sam." I answered the phone. "Hi, Sam."

"Hey Kurt. So I thought about what you said and I think I want to do it. Only, it has to happen kind of fast because my landlord overheard me when I said I wouldn't be able to pay for much longer, and now she's been nagging about it." I had no idea what Sam had been doing, but he sounded rushed and out of breath.

"Oh, okay!" I replied.

"I want to talk to this Blaine guy soon because I'm leaving for ten days next week. He doesn't seem to be picking up his phone though. It's okay, there's time, but just in case, could you ask him about it when you see him in class or something like that?"

"Eh, sure." I said.

"Cool! Thanks bro, I gotta go!" And he hung up.

I frowned a little. "That one was in a rush." I said as I sat back down.

"So, how is Trouty Mouth." Santana grinned.

"Not so successful." Rachel said regretful.

"Hey, guys." We were all a little surprised when Jesse spoke, he had been uncharacteristically quiet. He usually didn't shut up. About himself. "I have to get going." He gave Rachel a kiss and waved at us. Right before he left, Rachel said she would call him later.

"That was weird. He was actually not a prick today." Santana smiled.

"You two are way too hard on him." Rachel said disapprovingly. "He wasn't that bad in high school."

Santana scoffed. "Oh yes, yes he was." I chuckled.

"Okay," Rachel tried, "maybe, but he's an adult now, he's changed. And I'm choosing to be with him, so, deal with it."

"Wow, look at you, Berry, all confident." Santana joked.

"I'm being serious here." Rachel said.

"Yeah yeah, we'll tolerate him." I said, uninterested. I did a little wave with my hand, showing I didn't care all that much. I was too distracted. My mind was with Blaine, worried still. I wondered if he was alright and hoped really hard he hadn't had some kind of accident. I hoped that our love story wouldn't end tragically before it had even begun.

Okay, so maybe I was overreacting a little. A lot.

He missed one class, maybe he overslept, I didn't understand why I was obsessing over it so much. I checked my phone, still no calls or messages. "Anyone want to go out for lunch?" I tried to distract myself from the horrible and also, highly unlikely, scenarios in my head. I seriously needed a chill-pill.

"I have to get going in, eeh," Rachel looked at her watch, "five minutes." She shrugged as if saying sorry.

"I'll take that offer." Santana said, and so we ended up in the best diner this world had ever seen.

We had no idea the place existed, but 'Eliza's Diner' most likely had the best cheesecake New York had ever seen. Not just the cheesecake was delicious, every piece of food we got served was amazing. And to think we had only walked in here because we were so hungry, we didn't want to walk two blocks further to the Chinese place we had planned to go to.

"I can't believe this is reality." Santana moaned when she took a bite from her cheesecake.

"I'm never eating anywhere else again, I swear." I stuffed the last bit of my own piece of cheesecake in my mouth.

"This is all I will ever need in life, it's so much better than a woman." She said in amazement.

I laughed an almost chocked on cheesecake crust. I quickly grabbed my water and drank it to soothe my throat. I almost choked on that too when my phone buzzed. Santana was eyeing me carefully, not sure whether I was entirely okay. When I saw the text was from Rachel, I was ready to throw my phone against the wall. Figuratively speaking, of course, I would never survive without a phone.

"I'm beginning to get concerned about this relationship of yours. One day you'll fall off a cliff trying to answer his texts." She emphasized the 'texts'.

"We're not in a relationship." I answered.

"Kurt, that's even worse. Don't make it worse."

Suddenly, my eye fell on the clock on my phone. I cursed. "I have to be in class in 20 minutes and my stuff is still at home!" We really lost track of time in the midst of all this deliciousness.

"Everyone knows times passes differently in paradise." Santana sighed, disappointed, and then she looked at her empty plate and pouted. "But, you have to get going, I'll finish up here as long as you promise to pay me back."

"Are you sure?" She nodded. "Thanks! And, of course, I'll pay you back as soon as I get home later!" I yelled the last part because I was already halfway out the door.

I had to run all the way back to the apartment and catch the train so I wouldn't be late. I arrived at NYADA five minutes late, luckily for me, my professor arrived six minutes late. I wondered why I wasn't getting anywhere on time these days. Me. I was usually the definition of punctuality.

When class had ended, and I left the main building, I saw, to my big surprise, the guy who had been distracting me from everything else today. And, other days..
"Hey stranger." I walked up to him.

His head turned in my direction and he smiled softly. "Kurt! Hey!"

Opening the conversation with 'why haven't you returned any of my calls and messages' seemed unnecessarily desperate, so instead I asked: "Everything alright?"

"Yeah." He nodded. "You?"

He seemed perfectly fine, and completely oblivious. I was confused. "Yes. Yeah. Uh, did your phone die?" I mean, it was basically a 'why haven't you called me' line, but more subtle, right?

"It might have, I have no idea, I noticed this morning it wasn't in my bag. I spent a whole hour searching for it, and even missed class! I honestly think someone stole it." He said.

"Oh." I felt so incredibly stupid.

"You didn't take it did you?"

"Wha-, no! No, no, no." I shook my head.

"Kidding. Relax." Blaine touched my shoulder and laughed. "Hey, I have to go, but I will call you as soon as I get my phone back or, when I get a new one, I don't know. Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow!" He winked. Yeah, he winked. He winked! He waved, walked away and left me dumbfounded.

phew, that update took me long, apologies.

Funny story: right after I wrote this line: "I tried to distract myself from the horrible and also, highly unlikely, scenarios in my head. I seriously needed a chill-pill.", I looked up chill-pill in Urban Dictionary and below there were '20 words related to chill-pill' and one of them was Chris Colfer, nO I'M SERIOUS!

Anyway, thanks for all the sweet comments, so glad all of you enjoy this so much! It's one AM here bYE

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