Angel and his Mafia Don

By Sami232200

12.2K 708 1.2K

After a shocking betrayal Angelo Valentino La Costa runs away from the only home he has ever known. Attending... More

1| New life
2| An eye for an eye
3| First day
4| Ultimate Nuisance
5| Skeletons
6| Pearlescent
7| Meeting New York's Elite
8| Angel Suits You
9| Aleksander Sounds Perfect
10| Crème Brûlée
11| Hospital Memories
12| Dark Room
13| Letter Of Gloom
14| Psycho Ex
15| Imagine You Naked
16| Unexpected Visitor
17| Secret Meeting
18| All For One Bag
20| 10 Seconds
21| Aftermath
22| Not As Delicious As You
23| Satisfactory Payment
24| Dead Man Walking
25| Globe Trotting
26| Tremendous Tasks
27| Orgins Of Riches
28| Green Eyed Angel.
29| Flushed
30| Found
31| Worse Before It Gets Better
32| Hatred Is A Strong Word
33| Carry Me
34| Jealousy, Jealousy
35| Fear Of Uknown
36| Absolute Carnage

19| Evilest Of Them All

252 18 31
By Sami232200

TW: Mentions Of Abuse


The chilly autumn breeze furiously tickles my body. I'm cold but my heart is on fire with determination to help Mika. My breath creates a cold white puff of smoke near my face, something I'd always loved doing as a child.

I'm at the door but I can't bring myself to knock.

How do you reason with abusers? The worst people of society would not just simply roll over and give me what I want. I know that some sort of confrontation will ensue but I'm more than ready to give them a piece of my mind.

Maybe my anger is stemming from my own painful past. Bucketfuls of betrayal dowsed in a waterfall of pain. I've been there.

The people I trusted most in the world killed my inner child. The innocent blue-eyed boy that loved music and art exists no more. Not even in the darkest deepest corners of my trauma filled mind.

I'm too far gone to be saved. My demons might have taken control of me but I won't allow Mika's to do the same to him. I'll get rid of them all so he can live a normal life.

Feeling motivated, I decide to take one more peek at Aleksander. Only to be on the safe side he isn't following me. He's watching me intently. His eyes greet me in a way they've never done before. Warning me, begging me to stay safe.

It's like he's scanning my body. Predicting my actions before I've had a chance to move. He's curiously analysing the entire situation. Like an inferno to my soul, his eyes burn every single inch of me.

Alas, I can't get lost in those green emeralds this time. I have someone relying on me. Mika trusted me and I wouldn't let him down like I let myself down.

With newfound swiftness and a promise ingrained in my mind, I continue with my mission. My fist lands on the door alerting the monsters that I've arrived.

Too late to back out now

It's about to go down for a second time, but I instantly freeze when loud voices become audible. The closer they get, the more I can make out two people are arguing.

A man and a woman.

"It's been a couple of days and he's not back."

Definitely about Mika.

"I told you to stop but you didn't. He's probably with the police."

'Probably' Ha! don't make me laugh. Acting as if hurting him isn't a crime.

"What do you think the brat is up to?"

I could think of a couple hundred words to describe you, imbeciles. Listening to them dribble on has become unbearable, my only option is to knock even harder.

"What if it's the police?"

Seriously? These idiots are on the other side of the door, thinking I can't hear them. Apparently, all doors are soundproof. Not one single brain cell between the pair of them. As my brain explodes at their idiocy they finally open up, it's about time I'm freezing my butt off.

My curious eyes peak into the relatively small home. The chipped doors are of a light brown colour resembling the creamiest milk chocolate. I spot a ripped sofa, almost like it physically got into a fight with an aggressive bear and drastically lost. Beer cans decorate the messy floor as piles of takeaway boxes reach for the sky.

But I remind myself not everyone is fortunate enough to have an amazing house. A house does not define a family, the people do.

This tiny abused house could've been a magnificent place to grow up. It had all the makings of a warm and loving home. Too bad there was poison amongst the ingredients.

"Hello, nice to meet you," The man greets with a big smile. He almost resembles the joker with how wide and creepy it is. His act is something I see right through. I'm like an X-ray machine when meeting people.

"Who are you?" The woman rudely interrupts me when I'm about to answer. The firmness and tone of her voice tell me she wants to get straight to the point.

Interesting. One is an evil manipulator whilst the other is a vile straight-talking leader. I hesitate before answering her, she doesn't deserve my politeness. I look them both up and down with disguise. My aim is to show my displeasure at the fact I'm now in their presence.

"I'm a friend of Mika's," I confidently answer not intimidated by the cold glares shot my way.

"Friend?" He questions whilst raising an eyebrow.

"A friend," I easily confirm.

They move closer to me as they ask, "Where is he?"

"Why would I tell you, All you need to know is that he's now safe. No thanks to you," I counter as anger trickles from my voice.

I take a step before continuing, "You're never going to see him again and that's your own fault nobody else's."

The desperateness to cover up what they've done is unreal. But the need for power and control overrides everything. A cruel chuckle escapes the evil woman before me. I feel like slapping the disbelieving grin right off her stupid face but control myself.

I decide to get straight to the point, announcing my true motive for coming here, "I don't want to fight, I'm just here to get his things."

"Everything that is ours! We raised him, it's the least we deserve. "

With those cruel words, I simply snap. From the short time I've got to be around Mika, he's shown me his genuine and kind self. The abuse of his parents means he had no one to help make him into the amazing person he is.

He did it all by himself.

Mika didn't deserve the pain, no one does. For the villains in his story, there are no excuses for abuse. You don't hurt the ones you love.

"I know about everything you did to him," I point out sending them an icy glare.

Their collective gasps make me think they had always expected to get away with it. Now that's a tragic thought. Imagine thinking you're indestructible.

I carry on, "I'm prepared to let you rot if you don't let me get his things."

The biggest lie I've ever told. I'm definitely going to make you rot in jail for the rest of your miserable lives.

They look at each other probably weighing up their limited options. Then both criminals step outside and start leading me away from the house.

I quickly follow them, awkwardly asking, "Where are you taking me? Where is his room?"

"Room?" He questions as the woman's red lips quirk up into a smile. Not a smile that's kind or happy. The one plastered on her face radiates a sadistic type of energy.

"He has the shed," she finishes as I feel the air completely sucked out of my lungs.

The hate I feel is red and hot. How could they? This was cruelty beyond measure. When they stop my eyes land on something unimaginable. Right next to the house is a small red shed. It's certainly not for a human to live in.

"You'll have to get his things yourself," he gruffly explains whilst coughing. I swear after this I need to cleanse my body and soul with all the germs I'm picking up.

I step inside with my usual confidence but lose it all in an instant. My heart breaks as my eyes soak up everything like a sponge. From the messy makeshift bed on the floor to the hole in the roof.

I want to cry for him.

I want to mourn the life he once lived because there's no way he's going back.

Immediately, I begin to search for the valuable bag. He hasn't got much so I manage to easily locate the old backpack amongst a pile of tattered books. It's really worn with tiny holes covering most of the edges. Almost like a bunch of moths had a feast. I find myself smiling at his adorable attempts at stitching. Tiny and messy criss-cross patterns make my heart melt.

Instead of leaving straight away, I decide to get more of his other things. My hands find their way to a really nice fluffy, yellow jumper and some worn-out books. Even though I haven't picked up much, I know Mika appreciates the little things. It's something I really admire about him.

I feel a warm type of contentedness knowing he's going to be happy.

A chaotic bang to the shed door disturbs my train of thought. I find myself stumbling over my own two feet as I stand up. When I try to force it open, I'm not surprised at all when it doesn't budge.

The bitter darkness completely submerges me. The scariest part is that I can't even see my own hands. The absence of any light at all triggers my heart into beating like it's broken. Four walls surround me like a familiar prison.

Why do I always make the same mistakes? How could I have been so stupid? Trusting too easily has never done me any good. Maybe I'm cursed to be fated to a life full of pain and suffering.

"We're going to keep you here until we decide what to do with you," he cruelly taunts me as their laughs echo in my traumatised mind.

This can't be happening.

Dizziness starts to enchant me like a powerful spell. The feeling of helplessness holds me in an aggressive chokehold. I need to fight to escape but my body feels weak and scared.

Suddenly, I'm back there again. I'm the curious teenager that wanted to explore every inch of this world. That trusted everyone a little too easily. Unable to move out of fear. The ones I stupidly thought loved me are coming closer and closer to inflict pain upon me.

Why? I've never hurt a fly, let alone another person. This can't be a consequence of my own actions so maybe it's revenge against my father. He's powerful and has many enemies so what if people found out about the son he loves. The one he spoils rotten.

My papa always warned me to never let others have power over me. But I chose to repeatedly ignore his words, in the end, I'm the only one who suffered.

No one came to save me like I desperately wished they would. That alone made me stop believing in fairytales and happy endings. The place that I once called home turned into my own personal hell. When you're trapped like an animal, what would you do?

History is repeating itself but this time I see no way to escape.

But then I remember his confident smile and sweet words.

Do you actually think I'm leaving?

I'm going to be waiting in the car.

Call me if anything happens, I'll be inside straight away.

Haha cliffhanger, sorry guys.

His past was kind of merging with the present exactly like the Dark Room chapter.

I wanted to wish you all an amazing Christmas and a happy new year. I hope you all have a great time with your families' and stay safe!!

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Thank you for reading :)

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