SECRET LOVE | yoonmin


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Park Jimin is the CEO of Park in cooperation. Min Yoongi is an idol. Their parents were best friends and arra... More

《PLAY ROOM》not so imp
《MORE HOME TOUR》not so imp


716 26 1

The fan-signing had started for a while. He was playing with Jihyun as well as looking at Yoongi time to time. At last his turn came. Yoongi grabbed Jihyun from Jimin.

Jimin: my baby Prince was waiting to see his Mommy.

Yoongi blushed at the word Jimin used, Mommy. Jihyun giggled.

Yoongi: well, was my baby Prince doing good?

Jimin: of course, he is Mommy's and Daddy's babyboy.

This made Yoongi blush more as he used both of their names together.

After two or three minutes their time finished. So they went back to their seat and watched Yoongi from there. But Jimin was not ready to see the next 'fan' of Yoongi. It was someone he didn't want to see in his lifetime, ever. It was, JEON JUNGKOOK.

While Yoongi was eagerly waiting for his next fan. His next fan, looked like a bunny. He wrote his autograph. Something seemed weird because the fan doesn't speak like others and gave a smirk face to him.

Yoongi: hello!

*ring ring*

Yoongi: one minute.

He checked the caller. Hubby🥰. He took the call.

Otp between yoonmin

Yoongi: oppa what happened? Why are you calling now?

He whispered but could be heard by the fan. So he started to make so low.

Jimin: be careful.

Yoongi: of what?

Jimin: of the fan you are now interacting with.

Yoongi: what are you talking about?

Jimin: Damn it Yoongi! Just listen. *angry voice*

Yoongi: ok. *whimper* do you know the person?

Jimin: yes. I know him. We will talk about it later. Ok? *a bit calming voice*

Yoongi: mmmh *nodding*

Jimin: I am sorry. Ok? I will cut the call. Bye.

Yoongi: bye.

Call ended.

Yoongi: sorry about that. We can continue.

Jungkook: *dark tone but not enough to scare Yoongi* no need . I just wanted to tell you, I will get whatever I want. No one will interfere on my way. And enjoy your life now. Maybe you will not get them later. *left*

Yoongi: *exhales* oof. It was... weird but was he trying to scare me? Anyway I will ask oppa about him.

After about an hour, fan-signing session finished. They three were ready to go home. They called Namjin, who went for shopping. Later when they came, all hoped in the car and went home. Jimin had already made food before ahead in the morning itself. They all ate the food and Namjin left from there. They freshened up. They went to their bedroom. Their room was spacious enough for a cribs. Thus, they made a small part of the room for Jihyun's stuffs and all as they don't want him to get himself a room when he is a baby. It will be difficult for them and he would be scared too.

Jihyun slept fast and they put him in the crib, kissed him on the forhead, wished him and went to talk about the day.

Yoongi: oppa? That person in the fan-sig-

Jimin: ah. About that... I told you that I had a umm... a lover, right?

Yoongi: *frowning* yeah.

Jimin: so... he was that person.

Yoongi: *a bit loud* that so called fan of mine was your ex-lover? *angry*

Jimin: don't be angry.

Yoongi: how can I not be.

Jimin: do you think he knows you are my husband?

Yoongi: I guess.

Jimin: why?

Yoongi: well, he said that he will always get whatever he want and no one will interfere him. But I didn't understand something.

Jimin: what?

Yoongi: he said me to enjoy my life because later I won't get that.

Jimin: do you think he is going to hurt you?

Yoongi: I don't know but I just want to live my life with you happily and have the best family our own. Don't want anyone to be hurt. *said while hugging Jimin, who embraced him in arms*

Jimin: don't worry baby. I will protect you and our baby in all ways. We will not let anything happen to our family but we will try our best to build it big and we will always be together.

Yoongi:I love you oppa.

Jimin: love you too my princess.

Yoongi: oppa?

Jimin: mm?

Yoongi: don't leave me and our Prince. We only have you.

Jimin: I promise I will never leave my Baby Prince and my Princess.

Yoongi: I promise too. We will be together till death.

Jimin: now we will go to sleep.

They went to bed. Hugging each other and wished each other.

Jimin: good night, princess. *kissed his forehead*

Yoongi: good night too. Oppa.

They drifted to their dream, where they  and their family enjoying every minute peacefully.

Days and weeks passed. No one could think anything could go wrong, not knowing what is coming for them. Not knowing whether their love will make them together or separate them. Not knowing weather the world will love them. They could only hope their love will always make them happy together.

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