Written in Ink

By BellaGrace568

502K 12.2K 1.8K

" I peer behind him to see a woman laying bridal style unconscious in one of my father's security guard's arm... More

One | Reagan
Two | Alonzo
Three | Reagan
Four | Alonzo
Five | Reagan
Six | Reagan
Seven | Alonzo
Eight | Reagan
Nine | Reagan
Ten | Reagan
Eleven | Alonzo
Tweleve | Reagan
Thirteen | Reagan
Fourteen | Alonzo
Fifteen | Reagan
Sixteen | Alonzo
Seventeen | Reagan
Eighteen | Alonzo
Nineteen | Reagan
Twenty | Alonzo
Twenty-one | Alonzo
Twenty-two | Reagan
Twenty-three | Alonzo
Twenty-four | Reagan
Twenty-five | Alonzo
Twenty-six | Alonzo
Twenty-seven | Reagan
Twenty-eight | Alonzo
Twenty-nine | Reagan
Thirty | Alonzo
Thirty-one | Reagan
Thirty-two | Alonzo
Thirty-three | Reagan
Thrity-five | Reagan
Thirty-six | Alonzo
Thirty-seven | Reagan
Thirty-eight | Reagan
Thirty-nine | Alonzo
Forty | Reagan
Forty-one | Reagan
Forty-two | Alonzo
Forty-three | Reagan
Forty-four | Alonzo
Forty-five | Reagan
Forty-six | Reagan
Forty-seven | Alonzo
Forty-eight | Reagan
Forty-nine | Alonzo
Fifty | Reagan
Fifty-one | Alonzo
Fifty-two | Reagan
Fifty-three | Alonzo
Fifty-four | Reagan
Fifty-five | Reagan
Fifty-six | Reagan
Fifty-seven | Alonzo
Fifty-eight | Reagan
Fifty-nine | Alonzo
Sixty | Reagan
Epilogue | Alonzo

Thirty-four | Reagan

8.4K 187 38
By BellaGrace568

 The next couple of days have been fine. Calm and not even a bit awkward between Alonzo and I. We've walked past that argument and it's back to as normal as it can be.

"You up?" Alonzo asks with his morning voice as he snuggles further into the pillow next to me.

"Depends." I groan into my own pillow.

He stretches his arms out and curls one around my abdomen pulling me towards him underneath his chest and shoulder, putting his head on my shoulder and neck. "You have dress fittings today." He mumbles, with his breath going across my chest.

"That's today?" I murmur.

He nods his head. "Mhmm. They'll be here around one-ish. You and my mom will be getting measured and fitted and merda."

I lift my head up to look down at him. "What does 'merda' mean?" I ask.

"Shit. 'getting measured and fitted and shit'." He answers me.

"Good to know." I respond, trying to reach for the blankets but can't. Alonzo reaches for me and pulls them up over us. "Thanks."

"Just don't go using it." He says sternly.

"Yes sir." I mock with a chuckle.

He scoffs playfully. "Seriously though, don't." He pulls up on his elbows to look down at me.

I nod my head sleepily. "Got it." He raises his eyebrows at me. "Really, I got it. I won't." I laugh pushing him off of me. He reluctantly rolls onto the side of the bed next to me, letting out a sigh. "Don't pout." I coo as I turn onto my stomach, sinking into the pillow.

"I am not pouting." He sneers.

I laugh. "Sure."

"I'm serious." He replies quickly.

I turn my head over to see him looking over at me already with a look of disbelief on his face. "Shh." I put my hand on his head and push it back down onto the pillow. "Go to sleep."

He holds his head up, and doesn't even budge. I just laugh it off, turning around again. But suddenly I am yanked underneath him and he begins to tickle my abdomen at a harsh rate. My face turns red from laughter and I can't breath at one point.

"Stop! Stop with the tickling!" I beg through a shriek of laughter.

He doesn't stop. Just continues the ruthless assault to my tummy.

I try my very best to push him off, but my defense game isn't strong. I flip onto my stomach and push my behind into his stomach and manage to get off the bed. I turn around to face him and see him on his knees staring at me with a shit eaten grin on his face.

"I win." I smile.

He lets out a solid "ha". "You do not."

"Am too!"

Somehow he gets to his feet in seconds. I'm almost too late but I manage to jump to the side and he misses me. That was the only luck I got because the second time he went to get me, I was too late. He latches his arms around my waist and flips me back onto the bed.

"That's not fair!" I protest.

"How is it not fair?" He questions.

"Because I can't do that!" I replied, crossing my arms.

"So what?!" He bickers back, not wanting to back down.

"So... so you just can't!" I threw my arms in the air which just made him laugh.

He sighs with a chuckle. "You're just sad because you lost." For dramatic effect, I fold my arms over my chest, sit back on my heels and let out a fake pout. "Don't even."

I let out a sorrowful huff.

"Come on now, stop." He says with a confused tone.

I push my head to the side, pushing my bottom lip out.

I heard him sigh. "Well, I'm just going to have to—" He tackles me again, pinning me beneath him. "I won again."

I roll my eyes playfully with a smirk. Last time we were in a position like this we kissed. Last time he was being stubborn all I had to do was kiss him.

What do I have to lose?

Pulling up my head, I close my eyes latching my lips with his. He is stunned for a moment before he pulls me closer, snaking a hand around my back. Originally this was just as a distraction, but now I find myself unable to stop long enough to attempt to flip him over so I can win. His lips are so soft, so gentle with his assault. It's addictive.

One more second. Two more. Just a bit longer.

The excuses go on and I can't stop. Alonzo seems to be okay with it, maybe he is even enjoying it. Though I can't imagine why, I've never kissed anyone, hell I've never even held hands.

Not going to lie, kissing is kinda nerve racking. All that is going through my head is whether or not he is enjoying it. Maybe this is a pity kiss. Maybe he is just doing it because he has nothing better to do.

Thoughts of insecurities run through my mind. Nothing is sitting right. I pull back, allowing him to leave and go brush his teeth with acid or something. At least, that's what I expect him to do.

Instead he hovers over me, breathlessly staring down at me. I can't meet his eyes so I look to the side. For some reason I'm embarrassed.

Apparently noticing, Alonzo puts his free hand on the side of my face pushing it back in place to look at him. He gives me a look of sympathy, an empathetic smile that I haven't seen in a long time. The reassurance someone can get from a smile is amazing, mind blowing.


"Sorry? Sorry for what?" He asks.

I get nervous again. "Well I kinda just jumped you." I force out a laugh.

"No, no you didn't." He assures me.

"You sure?" I mumble.

He smiles again, leaning down to kiss my eyebrow. I don't know why he kisses that spot, but it gives me butterflies. "Positive. You're my wife, you can kiss me whenever you would like."

My heart completely melts. Never have I had this feeling before. Never have I felt this type of way towards anyone.

"Was it at least okay?" I mutter.

His brows scrunch. "It was concerningly good, Reagan."

I send him a questioning glance.

"Yes, Reagan. It was very good." He answers.

I let out a relieved breath. "Good, good, well you were good too." I rush out.

He chuckles. "Thanks."

"Anytime man." I flash a thumbs up.

He just laughs and gets off the bed. Standing up, he stretches out. My eyes always catch his tattoos— or tattoo. I never thought about getting one, but I'm open to the idea. It looks really cool, and very sexy on him. But I don't know how one would fair with my stretch marks and rolls. But hey, I'm open to the idea.

He turns towards the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. Soon after that I hear the shower turn on.

Alonzo said that I'm free until one, so I'm going to lay down for a bit longer.

Apparently I fell asleep because I faintly remember Alonzo kissing my eyebrow, saying something in Italian then leaving for work. Or maybe that was a dream, I hope not.

A bit later I really woke up to a knock on the bedroom door. "Come in." I say after comprehending what's going on.

A maid opens the door while another maid comes in holding a tray of food for me. They place it on the bed beside me before a quick bow and leaving. I've decided that I don't like when they bow to me. Makes me feel like a horrible person. Like a bystander to this entire illegal empire.

The tray is decorated with a fruit bowl, some toast and eggs. Once again they've put that nasty drink on it too. The drink helps me look better, but it's really destroying my mental health thinking about it. Doing the right thing, I pour the drink down the drain and settle for my bedside table water I got some time yesterday.

I munch away on my breakfast and watch some television to pass the time. When breakfast was done, I was about to bring the tray outside but as soon as I opened the doors, the two maids were there as well.

"I take that for you." One of them says, her Italian accent is thick and hard to understand.

"No, it's fine. I can." I offer.

They shake their heads violently. What would happen to them if I did it? Punished? Killed? I don't even know. I don't want anything to happen to them on my behalf so I reluctantly hand over the tray. They smile thankfully and leave with a bow.

I walk back into the room with intentions of changing, but frankly, what am I changing for? There is no reason for me to wait until later. I feel like I need to get a hobby other than reading and binging on television. Maybe I can ask Remy what she does all day, I practically never see her so she must be busy.

Deciding to find a hobby some other time, I instead lay right back in bed and watch TV until lunch is brought to my room. Which consists of a sandwich and wedged pickle slices. Once again that drink is put on my plate usually it's just for breakfast. Why again now? Did they notice I didn't drink it this morning?

Having it back on my tray makes me want to drink it. As if it's like a sign that I have to. Do I have to? Should I? Am I so unhealthy that I need to drink these dangerous drinks? It does take off a couple pounds.

No. Do the right thing Reagan. A few years ago— hell, last year I would have easily drinken it. But that mental behavior only made it worse for me now. Instead of just throwing out the drink, I drain it in the sink and put the empty bottle on the tray. I eat my lunch and once I'm done, I go into the closet, picking out a pair of comfy athletic shorts and a t-shirt. I don't know what to wear on my feet, so I just find a pair of socks and slip them on.

When I'm done changing, I walk into the bedroom and find the maid taking the tray and walking out. On her way out, Remy sticks her head into the doorway with a smile on her face.

"Are you ready?" She asks.

I nod my head as I braid my hair down my back with a simple French braid as we walk. Remy and I make small talk on the walk to this room that isn't too big but isn't small. There are three different pedestals in the center with mirrors all around.

"They really have a room for everything, don't they?" I chuckle.

Remy genuinely laughs. "I know right."

Two people are sitting on a desk, sketching away. They might be sketching out what they want us to wear. I wonder what kind of gala it's going to be. Is there a theme? A dance? Who is going to be there?

"Remy." One of them smiles, turning to come and give Remy a hug.

"Anita." Remy replies, hugging her tightly.

They pull apart, exchanging a smile. "How have you been?" Anita asks Remy, still holding on to each other's arms.

"I'm, I'm good." Remy answers quickly to avoid the question. "This is Reagan." Remy introduces me to her friend.

Anita pulls me into a hug, and I must admit, she gives good hugs."It is so nice to meet you." I notice that she still has an Italian accent, but her English is good.

"Nice to meet you too—"

"Anita! Vieni vieni!" The other woman calls out. I look over and notice that she seems to be older than Antia.

"Aunt Greta! Remember, English with Remy. And now English with Reagan." Anita explains to Greta.

"Yeah, yeah." Greta waves off, turning back onto her work place. "Anita, come come." She orders.

"Coming." Anita responds as she walks over to her aunt.

Remy and I wait patiently in silence until Greta and Anita walk over with measuring tape and a notepad. "Now this should only take twenty minutes, half an hour." Greta explains to us. "Remy, I know you've done this many a times, but Reagan, this is your first gala. This is your first step, there are only a few. A couple dress fittings, and dance classes. Pretty simple. Mr. Napolitani I'm sure will talk with you about it as well."

"I'll have to check my schedule. I'm very busy nowadays." I joke, they all chuckle with me.

"We'll make sure to be respectful of your busy agenda." Anita laughs. "Remy, I can take you over on this stand."

"You're with me, dear." Greta says, leading me to the opposing pedestal. "So I'll be taking a large sum of measurements in many spots. Is that okay?"

"Yes, of course, do whatever you have to do." I replied. I am honestly surprised that she asked for consent, thankful for it, don't get me wrong, just surprised.

She nods her head and begins her work. Starting from the bottom and moving up from there. And she was right, twenty-five minutes later, we were all done and free to leave.

"Why don't you guys stay for dinner? Yes?" Remy offers them.

They both smile gratefully. "Thank you, but we have to get home."

I look over at Remy to see a flash of disappointment. "No, no. I get it. Next time." She gives a tight smile.

Anita gives her a hug, then gives me one. "It was nice meeting you, Anita." I said to her.

"You too, Reagan." She responds.

"I can't wait to see what you guys have come up with for this year!" Remy exclaims with a smile.

"You will love it!" Anita states confidently.

Remy and I leave with a smile and go out the door. It is silent for a little while until I remember that I had a question for her. "Hey Remy?"

"Yes?" She replies with a smile.

"What do you do during the day?" I ask.

She looks over, surprised with my question. "Oh, well honestly, I write." She answers with a proud smile.

"Write like what?" I ask curiously.

She flashes me a sad smile. "Stories on how I wish my life could have gone."

Ouch, sensitive spot.

"That's really cool! Can I have a signed copy?" I laugh to pick up the tone of the room, nudging her shoulder with mine.

She smiles. "Of course, you'll be first to get one."

"How many stories have you written over the years?" I ask as we go up the stairs.

"I'm working on my third." She states.

"That is awesome!" I exclaim.

"Yeah, it keeps me busy during the day." Remy explains. "I can't just do nothing, so I had to find something to do. Even if I'm not allowed to publish any of it, I still love to do it."

I guess that makes sense. She can't publish anything because she isn't even a human being anymore. All her rights were stolen from her. She can't put her name out there. She can't do anything that could threaten this... establishment. Although, it's pathetic that a book could threaten this place. Makes ya think.

"I had only asked because I need something to do with my time." I admit with a chuckle.

"Writing was something I had always wanted to do. Is there something you've always been interested in?" She asks.

I think back. "Not really. Though, I'd love to go to college." I state.

She frowns. "Anything else?"

"Cooking is fun. I could sneak into the kitchen?"

Remy smiles like she just got an idea. "We can help with tonight's dinner I bet!"

"Lets!" I agree.

And it was settled, Remy and I were going to sneak into the kitchen a little earlier than the chefs and work with them. They won't say anything since they technically can't argue with anything we say, so Alonzo and Nico won't find out. I doubt Alonzo would be mad at me or Remy anyway.

We hung out the rest of the day until around six. We successfully snuck into the kitchen wearing shaggy clothes. Thinking ahead, we put our dinner outfits in the closest bathroom so we can just run in and change.

One of the chefs is there, he is bigger with jet black hair with some white in his goatee. His crisp white chef's button up is perfectly ironed with black and white checkered pants.

"You two going to help today in the kitchen?" He asks.

Remy and I both nod with smiles.

"Amazeing." He claps his hands together. "But it must be secret." He puts a finger over his mouth in a "shushing" motion. We nod again. The chef goes back into a closet and reappears with two hats that match his. He happily comes over and puts it on our heads. "Perfetta!" He exclaims.

Chef Cusso shows us how to make homemade pesto pasta. The smell it gives off is so strong that it makes my eyes water. I don't think I've ever tried it, but it seems good. Definitely going to be very seasoned with a strong taste. With the pasta, Chef Cusso instructs us to cut up tomatoes and cook the sausage.

I do like cooking. Being in the kitchen. My mom taught me all these things, all these hacks, and just how to thrive around the kitchen. Being with Remy in the kitchen, I notice that she is good in it too. She said that she is "rusty" but is still doing really well. And she is smiling, laughing, doing all the joyful actions. I hadn't seen her quite as a mother figure, but I certainly do now.

Once all the food is prepped, Chef Cusso rushes us out to go and get ready. My fingers are slightly green from the pesto so I scrub them extra hard in the sink before changing into the pale pink dress I picked out to wear with white heels. Remy and I step out of the bathroom and meet Nico in the foyer before the dining hall.

"Where have you been?" He questions Remy in a bone chilling tone.

To my surprise, Remy walks up to Nico, putting a hand on his chest and a kiss on his cheek. "I guess it's a mystery." She smiles sweetly.

"I guess I understand." He kisses her back and I look away out of discomfort.

When they are done, Nico turns toward the dinning hall and walks in. I notice a disgusted frown on Remy's face as we follow him inside.

"Is Alonzo joining us?" Remy asks me quietly so only I hear her.

I shrug my shoulders to answer. She nods her head in response and we take our seats. Not as many place mats are set out, which seems only enough for Nico, Remy, me, and Alonzo. We all take our seats and the plates are served.

Will Alonzo be here for dinner? Or will he work late? It's awkward with just us. Silent and uncomfortable. It's not like I can say anything, same for Remy, to make up a conversation.

"How did dress fitting go?" Nico directed towards Remy.

"Smoothly dear." Remy answers with a smile.

Nico nods in satisfaction. "Did you make any trouble?" He asks her.

"No." Remy answers quickly. Too quickly.

Nico snaps his head towards Remy with a terrifying look. "Are you lying to me?"

Remy shakes her head as she answers. "No."

"Remy, I will check the cameras if you don't tell me what you did all day. And it better not have been that damn writing." He threatens.

"I read a book from the library, went to the dress fitting, then hung around with Reagan for the rest of the evening." She half lies.

Nico thinks on it for two long, painful minutes. He was about to open his mouth again but Alonzo walks into the room. He doesn't look at Remy or Nico, he looks at me with a curious look.

"What are you doing here?" He asks in a gentle tone.

Am I not allowed to eat here anymore? We had been eating in our room for the past few days, well I had been eating in our room the past few days. In fact I was in that room all day everyday since we got back from the honeymoon.

"Eating dinner with... the family." I answer. That last part tastes like bile on my tongue. Remy I'd consider family-ish, but Nico? No way. Alonzo is getting there I guess.

He just simply nods his head once before taking his seat at the table, beginning to eat his food. Nico tries to make conversation with him in Italian, but Alonzo just ignores him.

I finally get to try the food Remy and I helped make, and it tastes just as I thought it would— very seasoned. I don't hate it, it tastes very good, but I'd rather just stick to my red sauce.

Dinner is silent and I eat my entire bowl, I see Nico scoff at my empty bowl, making me self-conscious. Noticing this, Alonzo stands, putting his hand out for me to take. When I do, he and I walk out of the dinning hall and down the hall.

"How was work?" I ask once we reach the stairs.

He turns his head to look at me as if he missed what I said, I went to repeat but he answers. "It was fine. How was your day?"

I smile thinking back to it. "Good, I wasn't terribly bored." I admit.

"Oh yeah? What kept you busy?" He asks.

Should I tell him? I don't know. "Just watched TV and went to the fitting."

"And you weren't bored?" He chuckles.

"Yup." I nod my head quickly.

"Reagan..." He presses.

"Alonzo...?" I return.

He stops at our room, blocking the door before we go in. "Are you sure?" I nod my head again and try to push past him into the room. Surprisingly he lets me. I get into the room, walking towards the bathroom. "Where are you going?" He asks me.

"Off to shower." I explain. The smell of pesto is still stinking up my fingers.

"Why is that?" He questions, following me and leaning against the bathroom door frame.

I laugh. "Because I need to." I answer, trying to shut the door so that I can get in the shower. He stops the door, keeping it from closing. "What?"

"Nothing." He shrugs with a sly smile, "I'll let you do what you need to do."

He stares at me for an extra moment or two before leaving me alone to shower. His gaze that he held with me sent an unexpected shiver down my spine— in a good way of course. I can't deny the new feelings that are rising for him. I don't know what to do with it. I should probably just see what happened before I get my hopes up whatsoever.

I pull my clothes off and turn the water on warm before stepping in. I do everything to make my skin soft, wanting to feel that silky smooth feeling with clean bedsheets; I remember seeing the maids doing our room's laundry while Remy and I were cooking.

When my legs are shaved and hair washed, I take a scrubby to scrub my hands and fingers to rid them of pesto residue. Once I believe that I have it all off, I turn off the water and reach out to grab a towel and wrap it around myself as I walk to the mirror. I check myself out in the mirror, looking for anything new. I can't find anything other than the fact my hair is getting longer, it's getting close to my butt. I don't remember when the last time my hair was this long.

Not wanting this thick curly mess to be down all night, I take my time to dutch braid two braids. By the time I'm done, my arms are burning, but it checks out since this must be the best set of braids I've ever done. I turn to grab the clothes I always put on the bench, but I notice they aren't there. I didn't grab any before I came in.


It's late and I've had one of the more eventful days than normal, so I'm exhausted. I open the bathroom door to peek through and see Alonzo laying on the bed. He looks over to my head that is just popped out of the door frame. "Look away." I tell him.

"Why?" He asks with a curious smile.

I give him a wide eye. "Because I am not wearing anything." I rush out.

He laughs. "So?"

"Oh my gosh, just close your eyes for fifteen seconds." I order.

He closes his eyes. "Ten, nine, eight..." He goes on quickly counting.

"What?!" I rush out of the bathroom and to the other side of the room to the closet. I make it just in time. I lean against the closet door slightly winded by the sudden action. Maybe that is something I can do to keep me from being bored, cardio.

I push off the door and flip the light switch on. After I'm done changing into a pair of shorts and a hoodie. I walk out of the closet, giving a playful annoyed look to Alonzo as I walk back into the bathroom to drop the towel back.

"That was evil." I tell him when I come back to the bedroom and sit down into the bed.

He just laughs. I notice both the dogs are already in the bed underneath the covers. "Yeah, that is your fault." He states, motioning to the dogs.

"What?" I say sarcastically. "The poor babies needed a comfy place to sleep." I baby them with my baby voice.

"They are dogs." He deadpans.

I act dramatic, gasping. "They have feelings. A soul." I lean down and grip Buchanon's head and bopping a kiss on his head and doing the same for Lorenzo.

He chuckles, I see it in his eyes that he is thinking about something but I don't know what. I take my spot in the bed, moving around the dogs so they can have their spot, although it doesn't leave me with much.

I lay onto my side, facing Alonzo to see him with an amused look on his face. "What?" I question.

He chuckles. "Comfortable?"

I roll my eyes and puff out a laugh. "Very."

Alonzo laughs and grips my arm and torso and pulls me over him. I shriek in surprise. "There, good night amore." He says with a cool, calm tone.

His calm tone is the opposite of my heart beat that I'm afraid he can feel since we are chest to chest. Alonzo has his one arm around my back and the other holding my shoulder in a comforting way. He even goes the extra mile and kisses my eyebrow. It makes my stomach flutter.

Slowly, I let my head fall onto his neck and I let out a breath, falling asleep comfortably. 


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