Not All Happy Endings

By HannahSetzer

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Hazel and Mason have been best friends when they were young, but what happens when their friendship is put to... More

1: How it all started
2: High School Sucks
3: Becoming Invisible
4: Bruised Bodies
5: Pain and Suffering
6: Road to Recovery
7: Stay With Me
8: Deja Vu
9: Confused Feelings
10: Hard Conversations
12: Jealousy, Jealousy
13: Traitor
14: Co-existing
15. Insta-Stalking
16. Friendly Return
17. Anger Issues
18. Surprise Visits
19. Lies for Love

11: New Friends

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By HannahSetzer

POV: Hazel

Today was my first day back at school. It felt like years since I'd last been but it had only been a week. I knew I'd be behind on so much stuff, so I'd have a lot of makeup work. Kill me now.

I woke up and decided to wear something decent since I knew there'd be a lot of attention on me. I wen't to the bathroom and brushed my straight blonde hair, and threw on some mascara and some concealer under my eyes. The bruises on my face were almost completely healed, but some color was still able to show through the concealer. That'll have to do.

Walking out of the bathroom, I bumped into an irritable looking Mason. "Mornin' sunshine" I said giggling. His hair was standing up, going every which way, and his eyes were droopy, still adjusting to the light. He only grunted in response, walking into the bathroom and slamming the door. Someone definitely isn't a morning person.

After I had gotten everything ready, and eaten a bite of breakfast, I sat on the couch waiting for mason to come down so we could leave. I was scrolling through TikTok when I got a text from an unknown number.

UNKNOWN: First day back huh?  No one even noticed that you were gone. You're a nobody. Have a horrible day :)

Well that's a lovely way to start my first day back. Hearing Mason walk down the stairs, i quickly shut off my phone and put a fake smile on my face. He didn't need to deal with anymore of my crap, and besides, he was already having a rough morning anyways. No need for me to make it worse.

I thought back to the conversation we had yesterday. Neither of us seemed to like the decision that was made. And to be honest, I was a little hurt. I told myself that if he liked me then it would be ok for me to like him back, but based on what he said I don't really know if it was real or not.

But like he said, it's best for us. We both know each other so well and we almost never fight about anything. We share common interests, and we both like each others company. But why did this sudden intimacy feel so good? I decided to let it go for now. 

"You ready?" Mason said, avoiding eye contact and grabbing his keys. I hadn't realized he'd gotten so close he startled me. "Ready as I'll ever be, I guess" I sighed. He acknowledged my sigh, but didn't say anything. 

We both walked out the door as I said goodbye to my mom. The car ride was silent, but not the comfortable silence from before. This was almost awkward. I decided to break the silence by asking about  basketball. "Hey, so do you know when Basketball is supposed to start?" I asked turning to face him. He kept his eyes on the road and nodded and said "In a few weeks." He said blandly. "Are you excited? Senior season woop woop" I said pumping my hands up. "Yea I guess" He said, same tone as before.

"What's up with you today?" I asked in a friendly, but concerned voice. "Nothing, just drop it" he said, sounding annoyed. "Oh ok" I said, not trying to hide the disappointment in my voice. 

"Oh, I forgot" he started, digging in his center console. "Here's your charm bracelet" He dropped it into my hand while keeping his eyes on the road. They must have taken it off at the hospital. I thought I had lost it.

We pulled into the campus parking lot, and walked into school silent. I hadn't expected a full welcoming committee, but thought there would at least be a few people who were glad I was back. We got to the point in the hall where we went our separate ways, and he said "so I'll see you at lunch I guess" and walked away. 

something was definitely up with him, but i had to get to my locker, so i put that thought aside. when I got to my locker, Taylen was just finishing up. "Heyy" I said cheerfully. "Hazel! you're back!" she said, embracing me in a welcoming hug. "Yep, never thought I'd be hearing that, but here we are" I said laughing. 

He walked off as I opened my locker and something fell out. I picked up what I noticed to be a folded sheet of paper. Unfolding it, I read the words "I would never show my face around here again if I looked like that" with a picture of me in the hospital attached. Who could have taken this? I was told the only people who saw me in the hospital were Mason, Taylen and Mom?

I went to my first period still questioning that. 

The teacher started to take attendance and when he got to my name "Hazel? not here" He didn't even look up from his computer. I raised my hand. He didn't notice. "Excuse me? I'm here" I said speaking up. He finally looked up from his computer. "Oh okay." he asked with a bored expression. Hearing me speak, some of the other kids in my class just started staring at me.

Well less at me and more at the colorful bruises on my jaw. Some started whispering to one another and others started snickering. I just ignored them and tried to understand what was going on in the lesson. 

After class I approached my teacher and explained briefly about why I was absent and asked if I could get any work that I could make-up. He said he would get them to me tomorrow and that I had until the end of the week to turn them in without a late grade.

The next class repeated the same sequence of events. Attendance, whispering and snickering, make-up work. As I carried my stack of make-up work to our lunch table, someone ran into me causing me to drop all my papers. 

They scattered on the concrete making a mess. I bent down to start picking them up I heard a familiar voice. "Hey Hazel I didn't know you were back" it said from behind me. I turned around, still on my knees to see the guy who punched Nick in the parking lot. "Yea," I said, turning back around. "Today was my first day back, and this is all my make-up work". I guestured to all the fluttering papers that were now scattering even more in the breeze. 

"I'm sorry to ask this but what's your name again?" I asked apologetically, now standing to face him. "Hunter" He said, "and It's alright, we've only briefly met. Here let me help you" he said taking a few steps to grab a paper that was about to fly away. 

Once all the papers were gathered I thanked him and continued in the direction of the picnic table. The others were already there. As I got closer, Taylen smiled nervously and the two boys looked like they wanted to be anywhere else besides here. "Woah Hazel, is that all your make-up work?" Jackson asked, trying to make conversation. I dropped the messy pile on the table and sat down beside Mason who seemed to renounce my presence. "Yes, unfortunately." I said sighing. 

"If you need any help, don't hesitate to ask" Taylen said kindly."I will, Thank you" I said with a small smile. For the rest of lunch, the table had this odd tension surrounding it. No one really knew what to say and Mason just seemed to be in his own little bubble. When the bell finally rang Mason was the first to hurry off to his next class. 

"What was that all about?" Jackson asked voicing our thoughts as we all had the same confused expression. "No idea. I'll talk to him about it later." I said starting to leave myself. I had almost reached my class when Jackson called me through the hallway. I turned around to see him running after me. A teacher yelled at him for running which made me internally laugh.

"Yes Jackson?" I said, still not to happy with him. "I just wanted to apologize. I'm sure Mason already told you about what I said but I didn't really mean it. I was just preparing myself for the worst and I know no amount of words could ever make up for that but I want to make it right with you." He said quickly causing him to be out of breath. 

"Why me? I wasn't even conscious when this happened. Shouldn't you be apologizing to Mason?" I said only slightly confused. "I tried but you saw how he was at lunch. I know if i make it right with you he'll come around eventually" he said, discouragingly. "Okay" I said. "Okay...what?" He said. 

Mason was right he is a bit slow. 

"Okay I forgive you. I would've done the same thing in your situation and everything turned out alright so it's no big deal." I said shrugging it off. "Thank you for understanding Hazel. I just wish he would". 

I tried to turn to continue walking to my class but he pulled me in to a quick awkward hug. "I mean it Hazel. And I'm glad your back. It hasn't been the same without you." He said smiling gently.

I returned his smile and went to my class. The rest of the day went by quickly and once the bell rang I went to my locker to pack up my things when I saw Hunter waiting by my locker. "Hey" I said walking up, a bit confused as to why he was here, and why he knew where my locker is.

"Hey Hazel. Just wanted to ask if you were okay" he said. "I'm fine, thanks for asking though." I said, starting to pack my things up. From the corner of my eye I saw his hand move up to my cheek. His fingers lightly grazed the bruises that were now fully visible. What is up with the school air always taking my makeup off?

"Oh Hazel..." he said, his voice trailing off. He looked at me like I was going to break. I pulled away from his hand and tried covering it with my hair but it didn't help. His face hardened into anger. "Who did that to you" he said calmly, but he was anything but calm. "Oh, uh It's a long story" I said, trying to avoid talking about this again.

And technically I didn't lie because it was a long story. I just didn't think Mason would want me telling people about his abusive father. "Was it Nick? I swear I'll kill that bastard." He said, starting to get worked up. I laid my hand gently on his arm. 

"No Hunter it wasn't Nick. I said it was a long story. Please don't worry about it. I'm fine now." I said trying to convince him to let it go. "Ok but if he, or anyone else for that matter, does anything to hurt you, please tell me. You deserve so much more than that." He said slightly calming down at that last part. 

It made me think back to the note from my locker this morning. "actually..." I said trailing off, pulling the note from my pocket. I handed it to him and watched as he read it. "Who said this?" he said, jabbing at the paper with his finger. "I don't know" I said quietly. 

"And that's not all. The night I came home from the hospital I got a call from an unknown number." I said, my eyes involuntarily welling up with tears and looking at the floor. "They said it would be better off if I died." A tear fell on my cheek, but I quickly wiped it away, ashamed to be crying in front of him.

"Then this morning before school I got a text from I guess the same unknown number saying that I'm a nobody and that no one would even realize I was gone." By the end my voice was just a whisper. Hunter placed his hand gently on my shoulder making me look up at him. He looked angry and sad at the same time. 

"Hazel. I'm so sorry. You know they are so wrong about that right? You are so not a nobody and I guarantee you that people noticed when you weren't at school. You are one of the kindest girls I know and there aren't many people like that nowadays. You are very special Hazel. Never forget that okay?"  

I stood there, finally getting a good look at him. He was tall, about 5'11, and had hazel eyes. His hair was a dark brown, almost black color, wavy, and was the perfect length to look nice, but stay out of his eyes. Dare I say it, he was pretty handsome.

"Okay" I said, slightly blushing. "Thank you". "No need to thank me. and if you get anymore notes or messages, please let me know. Here, I'll give you my number" He pulled out his phone and recited the seven numbers as I typed them in. I named the contact 'Hunter' and slipped my phone back in my pocket. "I will. Thanks again" I said, great-full for his support. "No worries," He said walking away. 

"See you tomorrow?" He asked. "Bright and early" I replied, walking the opposite direction. I smiled thinking about the interaction. 

Maybe this wouldn't be too bad after all.

What do you guys think? Team Hunter or Team Mason?  :)))

Written Feb 9th 2023

(2272 words!)

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