Shadows of the past (The Drag...

By Stellarchick

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Long ago, Xadia was one land. But when the humans learnt dark magic, the dragon king banished them for their... More

Echoes Of Thunder
What is done
An empty throne
Through the ice
The Dagger and the wolf
Cursed Caldera
Two secrets and a spark
Half Moon Lies
Smoke and Mirrors
Voyage of the ruthless
Breaking the seal & heart of a titan
The book of destiny
Sol Regem

Fire and fury

918 39 7
By Stellarchick

A/n: i went back to the dragon prince website while writing this chapter and i found it suspicious how king harrow is the only one in the character page that is drawn with another living being. Like he is shown with his phoenix but there is no info on the bird in that page. I think it might be hinting at the theory that harrow isnt dead but i might just be looking way into things. Anyway, enjoy!

We finally made it to land a few minutes after seeing the dragon. We said goodbye to the captain and Berto and got on our way to xadia. Once night came, we settled down in a cave near a mountain.
After setting up, the cave, i laid the two young ones to sleep. But just before i could close my eyes, my slumber was interrupted by rayla.
"MOON SHADOW POWERS" she yelled, and her yell echoed through the area.
I went outside to where Rayla and Callum were talking.
"Hey, guys, next time you want to yell about moonshadow powers, make sure you do it louder, im sure the humans who live near this area would appreciate it." I said sarcastically glaring at rayla.
"Sorry, princess," rayla said scratching the back of her neck
"Yeah, sorry (y/n)," callum added.
"What are you two going on about anyway?" I asked.
"I want to know more about magic," callum said
"Not this again..."
"Please (y/n), tell me, how do you feel when you're using your star powers?" Callum said looking at me with puppy eyes.
I sighed.
"Its not easy to explain callum, its like, everything in the universe is connected, and I can tap into that connection and interact with it. It feels like you're floating in an abyss but you arent scared because you know everything that will happen has already happened before. That is the best way i can put it." I said moving to sit down next to rayla on the edge of the cliff, "Why are you so insistent on this anyway?" I asked.
Bait moved to lay on my lap and i started petting his head.
"I have to be a mage again. We saw a dragon in the clouds yesterday. Things will only get tougher once we get into xadia. And crossing the border? Thats going to be crazy dangerous." Callum rambled.
"Well...not necessarily..." i said
"Theres a river of lava!" Callum exclaimed, "one does not simply walk into xadia"
"Actually, one does simply walk into xadia." Rayla said, much to Callums bafflement
"Theres a secret path, the moonstone path. Itll be safe and easy, even for you, magic or no magic." Rayla said, standing up and walking over to callum.
"Come get some rest," she said patting his shoulder.
He sighed.
"Youre right. Lets go back to sleep."
Callum and rayla headed back inside the cave while i stayed outside in the starlight and transformed back into my dragon form. I laid down as much inside the cave as i could while still in the light of the stars, if humans saw a dragon sleeping near their cave, they were sure to freak out.
I don't know how long i was sleeping for, but soon enough i was woken up by the sound of a dragon roaring. I didn't catch what she said but i could tell she was mad.
"Oh, no, i know that sound." Rayla said waking up, " thats not a good sound."
I stood up and transformed back to an elf. Following after rayla who was running towards the sound.
"Zym, stay here!" I commanded and tried hard to ignore his sad face and whimper.
'Crap, if only i could fly,'
When we got closer to the edge of the mountain, we could see a dragon setting a town in flames.
"What is it doing here? Why is it attacking that town?" Callum asked alarmed
"Uh I dont know." Rayla said
"Whatever it was, im sure she had a reason, dragons never attack unprovoked," I explained
"Cant you tell her to stop? Arent you the dragon princess?" Callum asked
"I could if i was close enough for her to hear me! But i cant fly anymore, there is no way she can hear me from way over there."
The dragon continued to fly in circles around the town diving every now and then to shoot more flames toward it.
Suddenly, i felt a pang in my chest. Someone was using dark magic. Then, a purple ballista was shot from the town's tower and aimed straight for the dragon.
"Watch out!" I roared as loud as i could but she was too far to hear me
She dodged it and set flame to the tower, but the enchanted ballista turned around and went straight to her from behind. The dragon dodged it again but the ballista didnt cease its pursuit. It went around her and hit her on the side.
"No!" I yelled.
"They hit it!" Rayla exclaimed with a mix of terror and surprise.
The dragon tried to fly away from the village, but it didn't get too far before she started to fall. She fell from the sky and barely missed us as rayla pushed us to the ground yelling "get down!" She crashed a few miles ahead in the middle of the forest.
Before Rayla could stop me, i ran down the mountain towards the dragon and apparently Ezran had the same idea as when i looked, he was running behind me.
"Ezran!" "(Y/n)!" Callum and rayla called respectively, but i wasn't about to abandon one of my kind.
Me and Ezran reached the dragon. Ezran stopped running when we got to the clearing but i went straight to her aid.
I heard a few steps come from behind me and i knew it was Rayla and Callum.
"Is it dead?" Callum asked.
I tried nudging her head but she was big, much bigger than me in my dragon form.
Ezran came up to us and touched her snout. A few seconds later, she groaned and opened her eyes. Ezran gasped when he noticed she was awake.
"Its okay, we are going to help you," i told her hugging her snout.
She tried to stand up but she didn't manage to move much.
"Youre in pain," exran said, "dont worry, we can help you."
"My hurts..." she managed to say weakly.
Ezran stood and ran to see her wound.
"There! Beneath her wing." He exclaimed.
Ezran tried to push her wing and soon rayla and i went to his aid. Her wing was heavy.
"Come on, help me" rayla told callum.
He walked over and helped us move her wing.
While we held the wing up, ezran ran underneath and pulled the ballista out of her with a grunt.
The dragon moved her head towards us. As ezran came out from under her wing.
"Thank you," she said weakly.
Before we could plan anything else, we heard horses approaching.
Rayla and I pulled out our weapons.
"What are you doing?" Callum questioned
"The humans are coming. We have to protect her." Rayla replied.
"we cant fight them." He argued
"We cant just leave her, shes one of my people" i said.
"Callum is right, and we have to get back to Zym." Ezran agreed.
"We did what we could."
"But it wasnt enough! We have to help her."
"Im sorry, (y/n). Come on" callum said pulling me and rayla away.
I tried fighting him but Rayla shook her head at me and i knew it was a lost cause. They had magic and i was down a wing, if it was me and Rayla we had a chance, but I couldnt do this on my own.
As we ran away I looked back at the dragon and the sight broke my heart. She had given up, just like i had back in Viren's cell.
We hid behind some trees as the humans approached. And seeing who came made my blood boil even more. Soren and Claudia, viren's lap dogs.
I so wanted to kill them right then, but before i could make a move, rayla pulled me away.
Before we got fully out of earshot, i heard Claudia talk to soren.
"Wasnt this one of your life goals? Slaying a dragon?"
And of course it would be. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, but when last time i was unable to stop them, this time, i was determined to not let history repeat itself.
We got back to the cave a bit after. And even though I needed to get back, i also had to make sure zym was safe.
"Zym! Zym, are you okay?" Ezran yelled when he got to the cave
After a few seconds, zym poked his head out from behind a rock with a whimper.
He ran out when he saw us and jumped into my arms.
"I was scared" he whimpered.
"Its okay bud, we're fine"
I hugged my baby brother and let him hug ezran too. I walked back next to rayla and looked back towards the clearing.
"I should have done something." She said
"You shouldnt have stoped me."
"Rayla, (y/n) you two are always the ones who reminds us that the only thing that matters is keeping zym safe and getting you both back to Xadia. Why are you hesitating now?"
"Im not hesitating." Rayla said, "This is different. Every fiber in my body is telling me this is wrong. That dragon is defenseless and we left her there."
"What kind of a dragon princess am i supposed to be if i let one of my subjects suffer when i could have done something to help? I know how she is feeling right now and i promised myself i would never let anyone feel that way again if i could help it. But right now im too weak to help her on my own, and you guys aren't willing to help me!" I yelled breaking down.
"(Y/-" rayla started.
"Just leave me alone. I dont want to hear anything unless you're willing te help her," I said wiping away my tears and curling up in a corner in the cave.
Zym came up to me and tried to comfort me but i just needed to be alone.
"Not now bud, go play with Ezran"
He whimpered and went away.
It sucked. It sucked so bad. When my dad died I could only watch and now that this dragon was going to die i was in the same stupid situation. Im not as good as rayla when it comes to elf hand to hand combat, im a better fighter when im in my dragon form, but without flying a dragon is pretty much defenseless. And most of my magic isn't good for combat which is why i was caught the first time.
I was silently fuming and though rayla and callum were busy woth their own conversation, i knew that zym could tell i was not doing well. I could feel his puppy eyes watching me and it broke my heart knowing that he was worried about me.
"We're going back down there," i heard rayla say, "if we dont come back, you and Ezran can get Zym to Xadia. I believe in you. (Y/n), are you coming?"
I was not expecting that, but I was not about to look a gifted unicorn in the mouth.
Rayla jumped off the edge of the cliff and i jumped after her. Not before telling callum to take care of Zym. I heard callum call out for us but I ignored it i had to save that dragon. It's what father would have done.
Rayla and I jumped from tree to tree towards the injured dragon.
When we got to the clearing, we hid behind some bushes. The dragon was tied Down with chains. With human soldiers patrolling the area. It reminded me a lot about my own situation and had rayla not been with me to keep me grounded, I'm sure those humans would have died. Soren specifically was parading around the dragon as if it was some toy he had gotten instead of a living breathing creature.
Rayla and I pulled out our weapons and i started a mind link.
"It doesn't matter what happens to me, live or die, this dragon goes home" we bothe thought to each other through the link.
Rayla snuck towards the soldiers and started taking the out one by one while i snuck to the dragon and started cutting her free of the ropes with my claws. As i got to one of teh last ropes with rayla now by my side, teh clinking of metal against Metal caught my attention. I looked up and instantly glared at Soren. He was followed by his soldiers.
"Ugh, this guy again. Of course." She said in annoyance.
"A dead dragon, a dead elf, and the dragon princess, all in one day. Everything is coming up Soren."
I rolled my eyes and snuck out my tounge in disgust.
They charged. Rayla started taking on the soldiers as i pulled out my daggers and lunged towards Soren. The sound of metal against metal overwhelmed teh clearing as we all clashed blades. Every time i would get close to getting a hit on him, Soren would somehow manage to block it and when i finally thought i had the opening, he kicked me in the stomach towards the dragon. Soon rayla fell beside me as well. We stood up but soon realized we were surrounded and the soldiers were closing in faster than we would like. Together we started taking down enemies but as one fell, another came and once that one was dealt wit the previous one was back. We resorted to jumping on to the dragon. While rayla kept the soldiers back, I tried to blast the chains with magic and fire but nothing worked.
"Ooh, yeah, the thing about chains? They're made of metal, hard to break. I would have thought you knew that already princess" Soren gloated as he started walking around the dragon.
"We're not backing down" rayla said panting.
Even i was getting tired out from the magic i wasted.
As Soren and us readied our swords, Claudia interrupted.
"Try not to kill either of them soren, they can lead us to Ezran and callum."
"We only need one of them for that." He replied looking at me.
"Over my dead body"
"They don't have to" a voice cut out from teh forest's edge. It was callum.
He was walking out with a book in his hand.
"I'm right here" he said.
"Callum! You're safe!" Claudia yelled out with an annoying satisfaction.
Her body language quickly changed and as i looked to callum, i could see why. Along with the book, he was holding a red filled vial. A vial that likely held my own blood.
"What are you doing?" Claudia asked
"Your kind of magic" he replied.
The betrayal i felt at that moment would likely haunt me for centuries.
"You dont want to do this callum. Its really dangerous unless someone shows you how." " Claudia said advancing on him slowly. The idiot was just getting him more and more fired up.
"You already did" he said breaking the vial in his hand before i could yell at him to stop. He started chanting and i could feel my magic draining further, with what i had already used up, i felt like i was about to collapse. Rayla caught me as i did and as my vision started fading to black, i could see the chain on the dragon start to move. In my weakened state, i could only think of how stupid callum was for using such a strong spell as his first and how now we were both in danger.
I managed to let out a weak "dragon" to rayla. She set me down and moved to the dragon's head but in that opening Soren grabbed me nad drew his sword at rayla. I was too powerless to fight back.
"That was impressive, really. You did everything you could to save a monster that torched a town of innocent people!" Sore said walking in a circle with his sword pointed at rayla. He wasnt even struggling with my weight.
"But, it didnt even matter. You freed a dead dragon and lost your princess all in the same move."
I heard a growl from behind me and i quickly fell to the ground. The dragon had woken up and she let out a big roar as she placed her body over mine protectively. I could sense rayla' w distress through the quickly fading mind link but i assured her i would be fine now and she should check up on callum.
The dragon picked me up with its mouth and placed me on her back in one fell swoop i soon after blacke out but somehow i could see what was happening through her eyes. Taking the oportunity, soren charged but he wasn't able to do much to the dragon aside from pissing her off by chopping off her horn. She used her tail to knock him to a rock and i hear a sickening crack. She was about to land the final blow when she looked to the side noticing zym. She turned to him adn ezran and let out a growl but somehow my desperation to protect my brother manifested into me taking control of her body. I looked down at zym and ezran calming the dragon down from the inside as i readied my wings and flew away being somehow sure that nothing would happen to them. Landing on the cave we were staying at, i set down my body on teh cave floor soon after coming to in my own body watching the dragon above me. She looked confused for a moment before shaking her head and flying away. I felt even weaker than before but in a way more connected to the star arcanum than i had ever been since i can remember. The exhaustion caught up with my body and now instinctually knowing i would be safe, i blacked out once again.
Sleep deprivation is a bitch, and so is being off my meds. But at least i finished the chapter...why is over sharing on Wattpad fun tho?

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