you are my eternity

By vanaaa___

53.7K 2.2K 1.2K

nighttime terrifies me , ever since childhood i find myself waking up panting and in a panic as if i had lost... More

- a vague nostalgia -
- crimson eyes -
- a thousand butterflies -
- fearless tonight -
- eminent highness-
- eminent highness-II -
- catharsis -
- another perspective -
- reminiscence -
- the moment -
- three thousand lanterns -
- pit of perdition -
- what a heavenly way to die -
- darkest of hours -
- lost in your passion -
- when ghosts become faithful -
- you're somebody else -
- the rain is full of ghosts tonight -
- bloodshot eyes -
- the parting -
- till forever falls apart -
- closure -
- one pearl of truth -
- pretend paradise -
- you are my eternity -

- ghost of god -

1.5K 73 64
By vanaaa___

As Hua Cheng returned from Xie Lian's place completely heartbroken , he didn't know what to do anymore. He fell in love with someone who didn't love him back and that messed him up. 

But Hua Cheng couldn't afford to be so broken , he had to make a sculpture for the huge play in his Uni tomorrow , he couldn't slack off , many major art critiques were going to be there and he was given this opportunity , he could not lose this chance , he could not lose something that meant so much to him again. 

As Hua Cheng wiped his tears , he took out all the necessary material for the sculpture and began to sculpt a statue of a god. 

Slowly but surely , Hua Cheng put all his grief , pain , love , his joy into sculpting it ,every facial feature of the god was sculpted with utter perfection , slowly he sculpted the god's hands which looked angelic , his eyes filled with purity. 

It wasn't until late midnight when Hua Cheng completed his sculpture , as he moved back further to take a good look at the sculpture , he subconsciously sculpted the ethereal heavenly figure he saw in his dreams which had an uncanny similarity to Xie Lian.

Hua Cheng subconsciously moulded a sculpture of both of things that deeply agonised him . He couldn't help but fall into tears. He felt paranoid of the future , he feared the nothingness in his heart slowly surging .

" who are you ? " Hua Cheng said as his crimson eyes stared deep into the sculpture's lifeless eyes. 

The next morning was no different to Xie Lian , he woke up early to pack all of his stuff for his departure late at night , His father had came back and as promised he made all the necessary arrangements for him to study in America. 

As Xie Lian went through his stuff he couldn't help but see the old photos of all his friends when they were together , Xie Lian planned not to tell anyone but he wanted to tell Shi QingXuan and his two childhood best friends but he was also aware of the fact that they won't ever let him leave so he planned not to . 

"i will miss you guys." Xie Lian said as he gently held a picture of all his friends.

Hua Cheng was still in bed , after all he stayed up all night to sculpt. He suddenly heard his phone ringing , he couldn't help but feel frustrated about who wanted to disturb him at this time. 

"Who the fuck is it ?" Hua Cheng said half asleep. 

"Who hurt you ? cussing first thing in the morning." He Xuan said while slightly chuckling. 

"Shut up , what you called me for so early in the morning?" Hua Cheng said in a pissed off tone. 

" Mr. Cheng its 2:00 in the afternoon , wakey wakey." He Xuan replied. 

"WHAT!! " Hua Cheng yelled as he immediately stood up. 

"Yeah , i knew it , you were sculpting till morning weren't you ?" He Xuan asked . 

"Yeah no shit sherlock , i'll call you later , I have to rush to Uni , i have a lot of work to do for that damn play." Hua Cheng said as he rushed to the washroom to freshen up. 

" Listen , i will be there at 5 , don't miss me too much and I invited Shi QingXuan." He Xuan said. 

Hua Cheng stood still , he wanted to ask if he had invited Xie Lian but his pride wouldn't let him. 

"All right." Hua Cheng said as he hung up. 

Hua Cheng hurried up and dressed into a basic black t-shirt paired with crimson trousers accompanied by crimson long trench coat , paired with glossy black shoes looking dashing as ever and his pitchy hair pushed back.

Hua Cheng took a hold of his sculpture avoiding any gaze to it ,  he didn't want to reminded of either Xie Lian or his dreams. He rushed to his car parked in the driveway and drove to his Uni. 

As Hua Cheng entered the theatre where the play was supposed to take place , the theatre looked extravagant with the bright lighting and decor. No wonder it was a prestigious University.

"Professor Ming , I have brought the sculpture , i apologize for being late." Hua Cheng said in a gentle voice. 

"It's no problem Mr.Cheng , thank you for your hard work." Pei Ming replied with a slight smile on his face. 

"Let's take a look at it shall we ? " 

"Of course." Hua Cheng replied. 

As Pei Ming slowly removed the cloth on the sculpture , he remained spell bound , he had seen thousands of sculptures in his decades of teaching but this sculpture wasn't anything like the others , each stroke on the sculpture was ethereal , it was impossible to believe a Uni student had sculpted such a masterpiece , more than anything this sculpture expressed the unwavering devotion of Hua Cheng while crafting it. 

"Mr. Cheng this is a ravishing piece of art , in my 12 years of teaching i have never encountered such a sculpture , i can see you have put your blood , sweat and tears in this sculpture , I am so very proud of you." Pei Ming said as he gently tapped on Hua Cheng's shoulder. 

"Thank you very much professor , i should take my leave , i have a lot of stuff to do." Hua Cheng said. 

"Of course , please go on." 

As Hua Cheng helped his batch mates , time passed in an instant , it was soon time for the play to begin and Hua Cheng couldn't help but admit that he was intrigued for it. 




" Xie , have you packed everything ? is there anything you require ? " Mrs. Lian inquired. 

"No mom , i have packed everything I need , you don't have to worry at all." Xie Lian replied as he gently held his mother's hands. 

"Xie , you should at least tell Feng Xin and Mu Qing , they are your childhood friends , don't leave without saying a word to them." Mrs. Lian said in a concerned tone. 

"I know , i will let them know." Xie Lian said as he hugged his mother. 

"Dad , you don't have to accompany me to the airport , i have to go somewhere before i depart." Xie Lian said.

"Of course i will , i don't know when i will meet you next." Mr. Lian replied instantly. 

"Dad , its all right it will take me sometime , please go ahead and rest." Xie Lian replied. 

Mr. Lian knew his son was quite stubborn , so he didn't argue any further and agreed. 

"All right , take care of yourself and immediately call us when you reach America." 

"Of course i will." Xie Lian said as he bid both his parents farewell. 

As Xie Lian left for the airport , he knew before leaving he had to do two things, first thing he had to tell his childhood friends and Shi QingXuan. He knew if he told his childhood friends right now they would come instantly and stop him , so he planned on telling them later but as for Shi QingXuan he wanted to let him know. 

Xie Lian placed a call to his best friend,

"Hey Xie Lian , what's up ?"  came a voice across the phone sounding gentle as ever . 

"Hey Shi , i wanted to tell you something but you have to promise , you won't get mad at me." Xie Lian said in a melancholic tone. 

"You already know i could never get mad at you, tell me what happened." Shi QingXuan said reassuring the other male. 

"I'm going to America to study." Xie Lian said. 


Xie Lian knew he would expect such a reply from him. 

"I'm not joking , i'm in the flight right now." Xie Lian replied. 


 Shi QingXuan yelled as tears escaped from his eyes realizing he would never see his best friend again. 

"It's not like that Shi , it was because of the  circumstances ." Xie Lian replied as he held back his tears. 

"Don't call me that ever again. And what kind of circumstances Xie Lian ? if you intended on telling me you would have , you do whatever the hell you want , don't bother anymore." 

Shi QingXuan said as he abruptly hung up. 

Xie Lian knew he lied again , he lied again and again , the only place that could comfort him right now was the place Hua Cheng showed him , he asked his driver to take him to that place one last time. 

As Xie Lian reached the suburbs , he slowly walked passed the forest to the picturesque suburban river looking ethereal under the moonlight, he couldn't help but feel peace. 

"Where are you San Lang ?" 

"I miss you ." Xie Lian said as tears escaped his tears. 

"You said you won't forget me." 

Suddenly a voice came from behind Xie Lian, 


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