Little Talks - A Draco Malfoy...

By PaisleyH_Writes

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!!!INCOMPLETE AND UNDER HEAVY EDITING!!! "My heart beats differently when you walk in." Faris Marchande comes... More



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By PaisleyH_Writes

"What are the three main ingredients for Everlasting Exlirs?" Faris asked, reading from the thick book of Potions Elixirs and Brews. She had agreed to stay up with him to study for the exams but they ended up staying awake until midnight.

"I-I don't know," he mumbled, eyeing her carefully.

"Oh, come on you've said that for the last three questions. Surely you know at least one of the ingredients?" She said, putting the book on her lap.

"Lacewing flies, shredded bloodroot, and fillet of a Fenny snake."

"See? You do know these things."

He didn't reply, just kept looking at her, his heart pounding in his chest, his legs felt weak. Her skin reminded him of delicate glass. Her dainty fingers gripped the book in her lap, her lips mouthing another question but he couldn't even hear her. He was too focused on her warm inviting eyes.

She was ethereal with her long dark hair falling over her bare shoulders, he had noticed all these details about her before, but they stood out more to him each day he saw her. He always noticed the little crinkle she would get in between her brows when she was focusing on something. He noticed the small scar on her left pinkie.

After nine months of knowing her, he wasn't looking forward to the day that she would leave Hogwarts. There was a good chance he might not ever see her again after this. Just the thought made his stomach churn.

He memorized every single curve and line of her so that when she left he would have an image of her as clear as a cloudless sky.

Faris picked up his transfiguration book, she was well aware of his intense gaze on her. He'd been staring at her with soft eyes for the past three questions he'd failed to answer."What spell transfigures a teacup into a-"

She looked up from the book, meeting Draco's eyes. "What?" She asked with a smile tugging at her lips.

"What are you doing to me?" He whispered.

"What do you mean?"

"I can't keep away from you Faris. I have this really strong connection with you that I can't ignore. You have this effect on me that no other girl has ever had on me. You walk in and my heart beats differently."

Faris slowly stood Draco following, he took a step closer to her.

"I have a huge lump in my throat when I talk to you, I stutter more than I thought possible, especially coming from my personality," he said with an awkward chuckle. " My stomach gets all knotted, sometimes I tremble because I get nervous around you." He paused, taking a deep breath, then taking another step towards her.

"Immediately when I met you I couldn't think straight and I couldn't take my eyes off you. You are the most beautiful girl I've ever met. But the most beautiful part is, I wasn't even looking when I saw you, it was as if everything had disappeared around us. People always say that you should wait to be in a relationship until your seventeen or something. But that's not something I agree with."

He took another step towards her, "if I make a simple mistake around you I get extremely embarrassed. Then I start worrying that you'll think differently of me and possibly point out my mistakes. But you don't."

He was rambling at this point couldn't control the words falling out of his mouth. Talking faster and tumbling over his words, Faris took his hand when it got to the point she could barely understand a thing he was saying. Slowing down he continued.

"Those two days we spent together for the Yule Ball and Christmas I will never forget. I'm gonna miss you so much when you go back to Beauxbatons because you make me feel so happy."

"I've had a hell of a time trying to convince Blaise that I don't love you. But the real problem is I couldn't even convince myself. Faris, I could never hate you, no matter how much you could hurt me, I can't hate you."

"I don't know if this feeling is love because I don't know what love feels like. I've never experienced any form of love . . . Please correct me if I'm wrong. And if you don't feel the same way about me then I can leave you alone if you want me to. As much as I wouldn't want to do that, I can, I've probably freaked you out at this point."

He paused, taking another step closer. "And I'm sorry. You probably don't feel the same way, which is - fine- it's okay," he whispered both of them only a breath away.

Lacing his hands with hers, she peered up at his soft grey eyes that held so much meaning. Her cheeks were flushed red; she didn't know what to say as her stomach fluttered with butterflies.

His hand slowly released itself from Faris's grip moving up to Faris's cheek. Her eyes averted to his hand as it cupped her cheek stroking the soft skin under her eye. She took her empty hand, placing it over his hand. She smiled, her eyes fluttering closed at his gentle touch.

He leaned forward kissing her forehead she leaned into his warm touch he kissed her cheek, then the bridge of her nose then he pecked both of her eyelids.

After a second her eyes fluttered open and the biggest grin spread across her face. "I didn't think I'd be receiving this much affection at this age."

"My affection is reserved only for you," he mumbled onto her cheek. He wrapped an arm around her waist pulling her even closer. She wrapped an arm around his neck, knotting her fingers in his hair. He continued to stroke her cheek inhaling the scent of coffee lingering in her hair.

"You know the night of the Yule ball when we were sleeping on the couch?"

"Yeah?" He whispered his breath warming her cheek.

"I heard what you said that night."

He pulled his head away from her cheek looking down at her. "What?" he asked.

"I heard you whisper something when you thought I was asleep."

"And what was that certain something?"

"That you really like me." She grinned.

"You actually heard me?" He asked, his smile stretching wider. She nodded. "Why didn't you tell me?" He chuckled.

"I thought you might be embarrassed if I brought it up." She shrugged.

"In my defense we were drunk and I had no control over my mouth."

She smiled, taking her hand off his and laying it on his chest. He took his hand off her cheek wrapping it around her waist. She stood on her tippy toes and pecked his jaw, then tried to kiss his cheek but failed.

"I can't reach," she chuckled.

He smirked, laughter bubbling past his lips. He lowered his head and she kissed both his cheeks. His face flushing red as she pecked his nose.

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