An Unexpected Engagement

By colacejohansson

37.8K 2K 781

Natasha Romanoff has a huge crush on CEO Steve and decides that the company's Christmas party is the perfect... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
+ bonus 📲
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Quarantine Diary of Natasha Romanoff-Rogers
Chapter 80
Capítulo 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Capítulo 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122

Chapter 7

656 25 14
By colacejohansson

Before opening the apartment door, I can hear Holly's voice trying to imitate Mariah Carey to the sound of “All I Want for Christmas is You”.

I need to have a serious talk with her, as our neighbors didn't have the patience Hill and I had to put up with her artistic outbursts.

"Hey, the fugitive showed up!" She immediately stops singing when I enter the room. - Where were you? I told Hill I was probably with some guy, but she was all worried! She called her cell phone and it was off.

“He must have died at some point, out of battery.

I kick off my shoes and drop onto the couch beside him.

- What's up? Who won the bet? Me or Hill? - insists, interested.

— What did Maria bet?

"That she had been kidnapped by some psychopath."

I open a smile. Yes, maybe Hill wasn't so wrong. Steve did have a psychopathic way at times.

- I think the two can share the prize! I blink and get up, picking up my shoes and heading into the bedroom.

— Hey, come back here, I don't understand! And what is this dress?...

I ignore Holly and walk into the bedroom, throwing myself on the bed.

I gaze at the ring on my finger in amazement.

Now that I'm in my room, back in my own world, it's hard to believe that until yesterday Steve Rogers was just the CEO of the company I worked for and for whom I had a huge crush.

It still seems incredible that in less than twenty-four hours my life was turned upside down.

I had gotten drunk in Steve's car, slept in his bed, and in the morning he had proposed a mock engagement.

I even have a diamond ring!

And in exchange for agreeing to be "his fiancée", I asked to have sex with him.

And he accepted.

“It won't be any sacrifice,” he said.

I take my breath for a moment and try to ignore the frantic pounding of my heart as I imagine that I was actually going to have sex with Steve.

Oh God, it's going to happen!

Only, like Cinderella after the dance, I would return to the real world when the charade was over. The one where I had a boring boss and Steve was just an unapproachable CEO.

Surely he wouldnt even take the time to look at me again after we ambosd both fulfilled our parts of the bargain.

This time, my heart sinks in my chest and I sigh heavily.

“It's all a joke, Natasha,” I mutter to myself.

It was better to keep my head on straight.

Or at least try.

Explaining to Holly that her dress was gone was not easy and I had to promise to pay the damage, as she wouldn't accept Erin's hideous dress as a bargaining chip. I don't think even the most crummy thrift store would accept that monstrosity!

And now I watch my closet, not knowing what to wear to dinner with Steve's pompous family. Holly had gone out drinking with friends and called me, but I declined, saying I had a date.

"With the psychopathic cat?" She smirked, still trying to figure out what she meant.

Obviously I couldn't tell him who I'd spent the night with, even though it wasn't a romantic date.

I mean, I had a diamond ring, but it sure would be too much to explain the real situation. And it's okay that Holly didn't know Steve, but she could tell Hill and then I'd be chipped.

Hill was the most gossip person on the face of the earth. And surely Steve wouldn't like it at all if our little arrangement leaked through the hallways of the company.

God forbid!

And I'm still not sure what to wear when the doorbell rings and I run to open the door, bumping into a delivery boy.

"Natasha Romanoff?"

- Yes it's me.

— Delivery for the lady. Sign here, please.

I sign the receipt and take the package he offers me, closing the door a little suspiciously.

Who the hell sent me that?

What if it was a bomb? Did the terrorists act like that now?

Maybe I should call the bomb squad. And put on makeup, in case any TV network appears.

As I turn the package over, my eyes widen as I recognize the Valentino brand logo.

- What a…

Impatiently, I open the package and a beautiful black winter dress appears before my dumbfounded eyes.

And there's still a note at the bottom of the bag.

“I hope it makes up for the loss of your other dress. S.R."

- Holy crap!

I can not believe. Steve sent me a dress?

And it wasn't even his fault that Erin's dress was ruined!

“Why are you complaining? At least now you have something nice to wear for dinner.” my conscience nudges me.

I run to get ready, matching the dress with thick black socks, a tall boot, and a fur coat I stole from Holly's closet.

Holly was a filthy rich heiress who had moved to London to pursue a singing career while living off her parents' allowances, a couple of old ladies who lived in Edinburgh.

She wouldn't even miss it, just don't spill anything suspicious on him until he gave it back.

I still pack a small suitcase with a change of clothes for tomorrow, and I feel butterflies in my stomach again as I remember that I was going to spend the night with Steve. Dammit, he's gonna do his partof our agreement and just thinking about it, I feel every cell in my body vibrating in anticipation.

I look at my image in the mirror, satisfied with my appearance, and startle when I hear the doorbell. I run to open the door and Steve is there, staring at me, in all his perfection.

I take my breath for a moment, forgetting how to breathe.

Hell, had he gotten better looking or was it just me?

"Ready?" he asks, a little impatient with my stunned silence.

“I've never been so ready in my life,” I mutter, and I'm not even sure he heard, as I grab my coat and close the door, following him to the stairs.

We get into the car and Steve is silent, lost in his own thoughts. He's a different Steve than he was today, before our discussion. I don't feel that he's emanating anger toward me, but I don't understand his guarded silence either.

I bite my lip, suddenly shy.

- And your family? I ask to break the tense silence.

"They're already on their way to The Ivy."

Wow! I don't know why I was surprised that we were going to a fancy restaurant near the company, where he was probably supposed to eat every day. Well, I couldn't afford it.

"I bet you chose it," I pinprick.

“Actually, I suggested it. Since the food there is good. Hope was excited because she has a skating rink next door now at Christmas time.

"You're kidding that we're going to have to skate!" "I let you see my terror."

I was terrible at skating.

- Why? Didn't like the idea? I thought you were an accomplished dancer or something. “It's his turn to snipe me, reminding me of my crazy cheerleader story.

"Did you forget I broke the ulna in my right foot?"

This time he laughs and I feel that butterflies in my stomach again.

I bite my lip to keep from sighing.

He stops the car in front of the restaurant and we get out. I'm surprised when Steve takes my hand and touches the ring on my finger.

“I hope that's enough,” he says almost to himself, and my chest suddenly feels cold as he remembers why we're here.

Just to make a theater for your family.

'Stop being an idiot, and focus on what you want.'

Right. I can do this.

I plaster a fake smile on my face and follow Steve to the table where his family is gathered sipping fine cocktails.

“There they are. “Alfred is the first to notice our presence.

— It took a while, huh? Sean blinks mischievously and Florence rolls her eyes.

“Stop it, darling!

We sit at the table and busy ourselves with placing our order when Hope takes my hand, her eyes widening.

"My God, look at the size of this diamond!"

“Wow, it's almost the size of my fist! 'Florence looks impressed too.

“It really is a beautiful ring, Natasha,” Maggie says. “Tell us how Steve proposed to you.

Oh shit.

“Yes, tell us.” Hope joins in the chorus excitedly.

And everyone at the table is looking at us anxiously.

What the fuck was this curious family?

I look at Steve and he seems not to know what to say.

Well, apparently I was the more creative of the two of us and it would be up to me to come up with something convincing.

“Well, I can tell…” I start slowly. Being careful to keep his hands in sight so Steve doesn't try to break them. I can feel her pained eyes on mine, but I deliberately avoid them, keeping my attention on the curious audience. “It was really romantic…” Not having my hands to victimize, Steve squeezes my thigh. I think it should just be a warning, but it makes me shiver in an uninnocent way and I lose the thread for a moment, staring at him. And as I predicted, his eyes are pure warning.

I clear my throat trying to concentrate because he keeps his hand on my leg.

“Steve took me to Tiffany,” I tell the truth, because my brain feels like it's turned to jelly. "And he asked me to choose."

Arg! Was that all I was going to say? The faces in front of me look disappointed.

"Doesn't sound romantic to me." Hope blinks in confusion.

— Looks like Steve — Sean adds.

"But it was a surprise," I quickly amended. “I had no idea Steve was taking me there. We had had a terrible argument! “The fight was later, but who cares?

- Serious? You guys seem so in love, I wouldn't say you have disagreements! - Florence comments in surprise.

Oh dammit.

“Steve can be a pain in the ass sometimes,” I hiss without holding back, then blush. Shit, what am I doing?

I stare at Steve and his eyes laser in my direction.

- What? It is true! I mutter.

“You're not far behind…darling,” he growls with mock gentleness, squeezing my thigh tighter. Maybe bruise later, but I wasn't going to complain.

Instead, I bring my hand to his thigh and squeeze it too.

“Let's not scare your family with our differences, darling! — I pronounce “dear” in the same tone as he does.

Steve tightens his grip on my thigh in response and now I think we're in some kind of competition.

— Well, every couple has their differences — Alfred comes to our rescue as the whole family stares at us like we're in a circus or something.

— And Steve is really a pain in the ass — completes Sean.

I look at women who look a little disappointed that they haven't heard a sweet story.

Oh, please go read a bank novel!

“It's true,” Hope finally nods. “Steve is a real pain in the ass sometimes. I was even wondering how a creature as sweet as you can stand it.

— Sweet? Steve almost spits out his drink. "Natasha?"

"What do you mean, darling?" I squeeze your thigh this time using my nails.

Ah, that he could not do!

I hear your moan of pain, but I don't think anyone noticed.

"Yes, don't you think Nat is sweet?" — Florence questions.

The waiter arrives with our orders, saving Steve an answer.

And we're forced to stop the competition of whoever squeezes each other's thighs tighter to eat.

It's almost a shame.

Thank God the subject changes and they leave Steve and me alone for a while.

When dinner is over, Hope excitedly announces that we are going to the skating rink.

- Ah that's great! I smile falsely.

Maggie and Alfred say they're just going to watch and I'm ready to say the same when we arrive.

"You're going with us, aren't you, Natasha?" Mila looks at me anxiously. "I'm sure an ex-cheerleader must rock the ice too!"

"Yeah, honey, didn't I say you were a great skater?" Steve teases me and I glare at him.

"Darling, did you forget about my right ulna problem?" I say through gritted teeth.

Steve rolls his eyes.

"You have to come, Natasha!" Hope insists excitedly, and they walk away to put on their skates.

I stare at Steve.

"What a son of a bitch you are!"

To my dismay, he laughs, much amused by my misfortune.

"You started this story!"

"And your duty was to cover for me and not get me in trouble with your family!" Or do you want us to be discovered?

— If you stopped making up wild stories, it would be a lot easier.

"I didn't invent anything else!"

“Hey, aren't you coming? Hope yells from the middle of the lane.

“You should go. I'm staying with your parents.

- Why do not you come? No need to pretend you're an Olympic figure skating champion, Hope and Florence just want to have fun too.

“Because I'm the most uncoordinated person in the world! It even looks like I'm going in there!

"I'll hold you, come." He pulls me by the hand.

"I don't want it, Steve!"

But he's already ordering a pair of skates for me, ignoring my denial.

“This is so unnecessary! I bet you want to see me fall to be laughing in my face!

Steve laughs and steps forward, helping me to my feet.

— Then I'm the snarky one!

I roll my eyes as he leads me to the center of the floor.

— Natasha, I'm glad you came! Hope twirls past us like a ballerina, closely followed by Scott.

I smile yellow.

"Please, if you drop me I'll kill you slowly while you're sleeping!" I mutter fearfully.

Steve laughs and turns me onto my back, keeping his hand on my waist.

- I'm serious! I spent years watching those programs about crimes of passion and I know several effective ways to kill a fake boyfriend!

"I won't let you fall." Do you think so little of me, Natasha?

"I'm not the only one who plays the unpredictable if you ask me!"

He laughs and I shiver when I feel his lips on my ear.

“Just relax, I'll take care of you.

Oh God, why did it suddenly feel kind of erotic? Was it that soft voice Steve would whisper in my ear during sex?

I close my eyes and do as asked. I relax. And I let your hands guide me.

And it's…magical. The music playing, my feet sliding across the ice and Steve behind me.

I could easily get used to it.

- I did not say? It's easy,” he says, turning to him and smiling.

"Yes, with you holding me!" If you let go of me, I'll fall and break a couple of teeth, to say the least.

"Maybe it really breaks the right ulna bone."

We laughed at the infamous little joke.

Suddenly he's that nice Steve again who took me home after the near-hit.

“Why were you boring again when you picked me up at home? I ask without holding back. He frowns. “Oh, you know you were a little cold to me.

“I'm cold, Natasha,” he snaps.

— It might even be. But every now and then it's different.

- How different?

- A nice guy.

"I thought I was a pain in the ass."

I smile.

"Sometimes it is too." - And my smile turns into a sigh, I can't help myself, when Steve increases the speed causing me to cling to his shoulders, afraid of falling, and without having planned, our bodies are brushing.

And our faces are so close together, so much so that I feel your breath.

And the air changes subtly.

Everything disappears around me, loses focus, the world spinning more slowly as I can only see Steve. And your avid gaze on me.

Oh God…

I catch my breath before his mouth descends on mine. And so, without warning, Steve Rogers is kissing me walk.

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