Karma(Vigilante Deku)

By Sapphire_Emeralds

114K 4.7K 2K

Since the arrival of All Might crime rates have decreased significantly in Japan, but there's still one probl... More

Chapter 1: The boy in the corner: Backstory part 1
Chapter 2: The boy in the corner. Part 2
Chapter 3: Eraserhead
Chapter 4: Sludge villian attack
Chapter 5: Stain the hero killer
chapter 6: 'I'm fine'
Chapter 7: Child hunt. Part 1
Chapter 8: Child hunt. Part 2
Chapter 9: Training and Therapy
Chapter 10: More training and therapy
Chapter 11: My hero, the boy with green hair
Chapter 12: Katsuki meets Hitoshi
Chapter 13:๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ
Chapter 15: Bakugo meets Aizawa.
Chapter 16: Entrance exam.
Chapter 17: First day
Chapter 18: Battle trial
Chapter 19
chapter 20: Hawks
Chapter 21
Chapter 22: He signed the note๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ
Chapter 23: USJ attack
Chapter 24: Aftermath
Chapter 25: Preparation
Chapter 26: Sports festival. Part 1
Chapter 27: Sports festival. Part 2
Chapter 28: Sports festival. Part 3
Chapter 29: Sports Festival. Part 4
Chapter 30: Sports festival. Part 5
Chapter 31: Sports festival. Part 6
Chapter 32: Sports festival. Part 7
Chapter 33: Todoroki vs Katsuki
Chapter 34: Post Festival
chapter 35: Don't let loud blonds pick your hero name
Chapter 36
Chapter 37: Hosu attack
Chapter 38: Don't come back
Chapter 39: Interrogation
Chapter 40: Dabi
Chapter 41
Chapter 42: Eri
Chapter 43
Chapter 44: Blue Flame
Chapter 45: Regrets

Chapter 14:OFA

2.7K 115 43
By Sapphire_Emeralds

"So they're in hospital right now?"

Sitting on a roof next to Izuku is Aizawa sipping coffee. Like usual they're sitting by the edge looking over the city, it's become almost tradition now for them both to sit their gossiping about their lives.

"No, thankfully it wasn't serious enough for them to have to go to the hospital, the school nurse was enough but it was still pretty bad. Although Kacchan had to go hospital to fix his broken arm." Izuku pauses for a second a little hesitant to continue talking. "Hey Aizawa."

"What is it kid?"

"This won't effect Kacchan's chances of getting into UA will it?"

Aizawa shakes his head. "I doubt it, there's substantial proof that those boys started it and that Bakugo was just working in self defence. Nezu is probably aware of the situation as well and knows its not Bakugo's fault. If anything it's that big idiots fault."

"Who? All Might."

"Obviously All Might, who else." Izuku chuckles fondly before looking up to the sky.

Things are silent for a while except for Aizawa's occasional sip of coffee. Getting tired of sending Izuku occasional glances Aizawa breaks the silence.


Izuku looks over to Aizawa. "So what?"

"So are you not going to tell me what happened when All Might explained his quirk to your boyfriend." Aizawa says kind of annoyed he had to spell it out for him.

"I didn't know you were interested in that, you usually get annoyed when I bring up stuff about Kacchan randomly."

"It isn't random if we were just talking about him injuring three people, a couple of minutes ago." Izuku just stares at the man, surprised that he's showing a little more interest and emotion then he usually does. "So are you going to tell me or will you keep on staring at me." He snaps.

"Damn ok, relax. I'll tell you."


It's 6am and Katsuki arrives at his and All Might's usual training spot. He's surprised to see that it's not just Yagi-sensei waiting for him but Tsukauchi and Recovery girl as well. They usually don't come to his training and even when they do it was always one or the other, the only other time he'd seen all three adults together was his first training session with All Might. Katsuki wasn't sure what he had expected, All Might had never asked him to come over early in the morning so he probably had something important to say. It was obviously very important if the other two adults were there as well.

The adults seemed tense and had yet to notice the middle school boy standing at the entrance to the beach. Based on the atmosphere Katsuki was seriously debating with himself whether he was ready to hear whatever news they were about to give him. Ready or not it didn't matter because it was at that moment Yagi-sensei turned around and saw the spiky haired boy, just barely letting his anxiety show, following his gaze the other two adults also turn. Yagi-sensei waves Katsuki over and he has no choice but to get over his concern and make his way to them.

"Ah young Bakugo, good to see you." Yagi-sensei says, wringing his hands together.

"Good morning dear." Granny greets while the detective just nods.

Minutes pass as Katsuki looks between the three adults who just stand there not saying anything. "So are you going to tell me what the fuck is going on. I don't have infinite time you know, I still have to go to school."

"It's only 6am." The detective says.

"Your point."

"That you should be patient you brat." He snaps.

Usually Katsuki would have replied with an insult but today he decides not to, he knows the detective can be an asshole once in a while but he's never snapped like that. This only makes Katsuki more anxious.

"Sorry." The detective says rubbing his temple. He faces Katsuki looking apologetic. "I didn't mean to say that, I've just been very busy lately and on edge."

Katsuki just grunts in reply but understands that he must be stressed. They all stand there, no one wanting to break the silence. Eventually though All Might clears his throat at the insistent stares of the other two adults.

"Right so Young Bakugo," Katsuki turns to All Might, hopeful that he'll finally get some fucking answers. "Thank you for coming to see me so early in the morning."

"It's fine I'm usually up earlier anyway."

"Right, then I guess I'm sorry for taking up your time-"

"Just get to the fucking point already, it's obvious you have something to tell me. If it makes you feel better I'll try my best not to react." Katsuki's outburst only makes Yagi-sensei more reluctant to talk.

Sighing, granny goes over to Katsuki. "Katsuki dear maybe we should find a place where we can sit."

"Can't you just tell me what's going on, if you have something to say just spit it out."

"Yes but it's not really my place to say." She sends a glance Yagi-sensei's way, he sighs then also comes up to Katsuki.

He rests his hand on Katsuki's shoulder for a second before finally gathering the nerve to speak."Your already aware of the secret to my injury but there are still many more secrets I wish to tell you."


Katsuki now sitting down on a broken washing machine looks up at All Might. "So you mean to tell me that your quirk was given to you and you used to be quirkless." Yagi-sensei nods. "Ok so what the fuck does that have to do with me?"

"I'm losing more and more time in my hero form each day and soon enough I will no longer be able to protect Japan, that is why I'm looking for a successor to take my place."

"So you want me to help you find you one or what?"

"What he's trying to say is that he wants you to be his successor." The Detective says getting kinda impatient.

Katsuki looks over to all three of them individually. He doesn't say anything for a while just sits there waiting for the 'We got ya', but it didn't come. "So this isn't a joke then, you're actually serious."

"We could never joke about something this big." Granny says.

Katsuki pauses for a minute before he lowers his head, looking at the ground.


"No!" He says again leaving no room for argument.

"Young Bakugo you can't j-"

"I said no." Katsuki looks up at the hero with tears in his eyes instantly silencing the adults. "Why me, out of all the people in Japan there is sure to be someone much better than me, so why me? I don't deserve your quirk, talkless about being trained by you. I-"

The adults just stare at him, bewildered and unsure what to say. All Might kneels down so he's level with Katsuki and cuts him off.

"Young Bakugo why do you refuse to believe in yourself?"


"Why do you wear that fake mask of confidence?"

"I don't-"

"You refused my offer to train you just as quickly, do you think you don't deserve to be my successor or is there something more."

"I-" The words choke themselves in his mouth leaving him silently crying into his hugged knees.

"You deserve the world and more, not just you, everyone does so please stop doubting yourself. I don't know why you're crying but I beg that you stop thinking about others and focus on just yourself. Forget about if you deserve my quirk or not and just think purely about what you want."

Katsuki stops crying for a second and looks up at All Might. "Young Bakugo do you want my quirk?" Hesitant but confident Bakugo nods his head.

"Good, now eat this."


"You are out of your fucking mind if you think I'm about to eat your hair."

"Come on it's just one strand, this is the easiest way for you to injest my DNA, unless if you want to eat one of my finger nails."

"Give me a drop of your blood then." Katsuki demands.

"Huh, what are you a vampire?" The detective says sarcastically.

Ignoring the sarcastic remark Katsuki continues to shout. "Your damn stupid if you think I'm gonna eat your hair, I don't know what all that has been through."

"I wash my hair frequently."

"Doesn't matter when your constantly applying gel to it, yours looks greasier than what most fast food restaurants sell, so over my dead body will I eat a strand of your hair. Give me your blood, that seems like the least disgusting solution right now."

"Blood seems like the least disgusting solution to you?" Tsukauchi raises an eyebrow.

"Would you eat someone's finger nail?"

"Wouldn't eat my own talkless of someone else's so go on and do what you want." Tsukauchi waves him off.

Recovery girl sighs. "What if he had a disease which can be transferred by body fluids, would you be asking for his blood then."

"So what you want me to eat that greasy strand of hair?"

"I don't have any diseases... Not that I know of anyway."

Recovery girl rolls her eyes. "Would you rather drink his saliva-"

"Give me the hair."


"I don't feel anything."

"You won't for several hours so by our training session this evening you'll have the quirk." Katsuki nods. "By the way don't use your quirk until our training session, not only would it be dangerous for others but it would be dangerous for you as well."

"The quirk is dangerous?"

"Well if you can't control it then yes, nothing a little bit of training can't fix."

Katsuki stares at his hand as if expecting to see it morph infront of him. He says nothing for a while, just going over the new information he's learnt which doesn't take long case he realises he hasn't learnt that much.

"I just took your quirk,"

"Huh, uh yeah you just did."

"I just took your quirk even though I know literally nothing about it."

All Might just stares, dumbfounded. "Yeah I guess you did."

"How the fuck did you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Trick me into taking your quirk."

"How did he trick you." The detective says looking amused for the first time that morning.

"I said fucking no but now I have his stupid quirk, even managed to get me to eat his hair. If that isn't manipulation then I don't know what is."

"That was all your will, Toshinori didn't do anything." Recovery girl says.

"That's not fucking true who in their right mind would take a quirk without knowing anything about it."

"Who in their right mind wouldn't." Replies Tsukauchi.


"Well obviously not or we wouldn't be having this conversation." He rolls his eyes.

"Maybe I should continue explaining then. I promise I didn't trick you, I just thought it would be best to give it to you before you started having doubts again."

"So you purposefully didn't tell me everything."

"Wha- that's not true."

Recovery bangs her cane on the floor bringing everyone's attention to her. "Katsuki dear, get over it. He's going to explain everything in detail now so let him speak."

"Tch, whatever." He crosses his arms and looks away, still a little pissed.

"Okay then, so as I've already told you my quirk can be passed on, it's a stockpiling quirk meaning it gets stronger from person to person and from today on you are the ninth user."

Katsuki perks up. "Does that mean I'll be more powerful than you?"

He nods. "There's a great possibility that you'll easily surpass me."

"Hell yes!"

Yagi-sensei smiles. "Eventually you'll be able to fully control OFA and as you grow the quirk will grow with you."

"Wait if I have OFA now, then what about you."

"Ah, no need to worry about me Young Bakugo, I'll still have the embers of OFA so don't you worry. Although I was quirkless before I got the quirk so I'll probably go back to being quirkless."

"Why'd you give me your quirk if it meant being quirkless."

"Young Bakugo, I'm the symbol of peace but I can no longer back that up with my power. It's best that I give the quirk to you so you can one day also be a pillar that holds this country up and continue my legacy." Yagi-sensei smiles.

"You want me to be the next symbol of peace." He nods. "...I don't think I can do it-"

"Young Bakugo what did I tell you about confidence. Forget what other people would think and focus on yourself."

"I am focusing on my fucking self and I'm telling you I can't do that shit. If you were really looking for a symbol of peace why'd you entrust that to me of all people. I'm cocky and arrogant and can't go two seconds without swearing. I'd start a war before bringing peace-"

"Katsuki!" He looks up, stopping his rampage at the sound of All Might using his first name. "If I really thought you couldn't do it then I wouldn't have bothered looking for you. Your a strong and reliable person who won't give up till he reaches his goal, I learnt all of this during the sludge villian attack. A person's true emotions are revealed when they are in the clutches of death, and Young Bakugo you were anything but arrogant and cocky. You were a true hero."

Katsuki looks out to the sea trying his best not to let his tears spill for the second time that morning. No words are said as he uncurls himself from the little ball that he's formed. Looking up at All Might he clenches his fist as a spark of determination glistens in his eye.


"So that's what happened?" Aizawa tosses away his now finished coffee cup.

"Pretty much, yeah."

"That was unexpected."

"It was?"

"Yeah, your boyfriend seems really confident to me, I would have never expected he doubts himself so much."

Izuku sighs, averting his gave from Aizawa to the floor. "It's probably because of the people at his school." He says pausing for a second. "He doesn't say it but I know that what people say at school really gets to him. The only reason he deals with their crap is because he hates being alone. Sometimes I wonder what life would be like if I didn't find Kacchan again, I'm pretty sure that would hurt him more than it could ever hurt me." Izuku sighs and looks up to the sky in an attempt to stop the tears threatening to spill.

"He knows nobody actually likes him for who he is, only because he's got a strong quirk. They're threatened by it and don't want him to use it against them, so they decide to be his friends to save their own skin. They don't care about him, they have no intention of actually getting to know him, they'll say horrible things about him behind his back and every single time he'll hear. They say he's arrogant and cocky but that's how they made him, even if he was to do something selfless they would take it the wrong way. Anything he does they'll instantly see it as aggressive, people only perceive people how they want to see them, they don't see people for what they really are." Izuku's attempts to stop the tears prove futile as they come pouring down his face. Aizawa just listens quietly, not wanting to interrupt the boy.

"Kacchan is big and strong and always glaring, that immediately means he's scary and intimidating no matter what he does, the nature of his quirk doesn't help either. If other people see you a certain way you'll start to see yourself like that as well, start to doubt yourself and believe them even though no one knows you better than yourself. The way society sees us is important, you can never truly become strong unless you stop caring about how other people will see you. It's the same thing for Toshi, all his life people have thought of him as a villian just because of his quirk. He has the power to make them do whatever he wants and that scares them, unlike with Kacchan, instead of staying close to save their own skin they decide to stay away. Eventually even Toshi believed he was villainous, he cried when we told him there's nothing wrong with his quirk.

Even when I was younger I was bullied for being quirkless. I was powerless which made everyone else seem powerful, they held that fake illusion of power because there was someone who would always be weaker than them. Eventually I started to believe it as well, that I'm useless and weak. Even when I was kidnapped for weeks I just sat there crying the whole time watching people get taken away one by one. I could have done something but I convinced myself I was weak and powerless, that I couldn't do anything. Even all the other children there, they all had strong quirks but as soon as they could no longer use them they did nothing cause they believed that a quirk is what makes you powerful.

Society upholds the one's with powerful quirks because they know they can't beat them. They disregard the ones with weak quirks because it makes them feel strong. They get rid of the ones with 'villainous' quirks cause they're scared of the possibilities, because they don't fit the social standards. It's because of all this that society unknowingly created a social hierarchy.

Kacchan hates this and wants to get rid of it, he wants to be number one so he can change the way society sees each other. He doesn't think he can be a symbol of peace, peace isn't something he's ever really known, I don't think he realises how much peace and happiness his goal could really bring." By now Izuku was full on sobbing, tears streamed down his face while Aizawa made an attempt to reassure him.

Aizawa sighs as he wraps his arms around the boy. "I agree that social views heavily influence what we think of ourselves. I too was bullied when I was younger and discriminated against. It wasn't as bad as kids nowadays but it still made me miserable. It wasn't till I got into UA and made great friends that I started to believe in myself more and discard the standards of others. You three are lucky, you have each other now and I know you all will do great things."

Still sniffling a little Izuky wipes away his tears. He looks up at Aizawa. "Aizawa can I ask you something?"

"What is it kid."

"Can Kacchan help train Toshi instead of me?"

"Why?" He asks a little confused.

Izuku sniffles. "Well I won't be around all that much for a while, and also I think it would benefit Kacchan just as much as it would Hitoshi."


"All Kacchan will be doing with All Might is quirk training for a while, training with you two will give him a change of pace and he'll be able to hang out more with Toshi. They seemed to get on pretty well when we went out on my birthday so I think they'll make great friends. Being friends with Kacchan might improve Toshi's confidence as well, similarly Kacchan's if he gains another friend who likes him for who he is and not his quirk."

Aizawa thinks for a moment, he understands where he's coming from but wonders if it would be too much for his boyfriend. Seeming to have read his mind Izuku smiles. "Don't worry Kacchan can handle anything."

Aizawa looks at the determined smile on the boys face. In turn his lips curl up as he ruffles the boys hair. "I guess we can give it a shot."


I kind of just went off in the last part of the chapter, I had to stop cause I still had way more to stay. But anyway

✨Merry Christmas 🎄 🎁✨
Happy holidays for those of you that don't celebrate.

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