Hunters of Artemis (Percy Jac...

By ilcadampaot

22.3K 332 58

What more do they want? I've lost Annabeth and my eyes already. Yes, I'm blind. I sacrificed my eyes to resur... More

Training Begins
Story Telling
Believe Me, They Don't Need A Guardian
So... You Know, Another Loki? Yeah, He's Annoying
Warnings Are Useless
It's OK To Cry... Or Brawl
Friend Or Foe?
Why Didn't I Know Before?
Who's My Favourite Olympian?
Thalia Totally Didn't Almost Kill Zed
Attack Of The Monsters
Where Is Percy?
*Hint Hint
What Do I Do In Prison?
Someone Is In Trouble
A Trade Offer
Strong, And Silent, Calm Before The Storm
An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away...
On My Way
The Death Of Perseus Jackson
Thank You!

Where Am I?

638 13 1
By ilcadampaot

Percy POV

             I woke up groggily. I set my senses out. I was in a medium cave. I felt shelves filled with jars all around me. I shook my arms then discovered something. Both my forearms, wrists, and hands were covered in some sort of sticky, strong stuff. And so was my waist below. I was stuck in a  T pose.

             I heard two people talking in hushed tones in front of me, one male and one female. It went something like this:

Voice 1:"Did he wake yet?"

Voice 2:" I don't think so. Or else he would've struggled against the glue like anyone else."

Voice 1: "But didn't his majesty say that he's different? Maybe he got smarter than the others."

Voice 2: "Who knows? Maybe he's dead. I'm gonna poke him somewhere. Then he'll jot awake."

Voice 1: "Ok."

            I sensed a person walking cautiously towards me, holding out a weapon. He poked me in the chest. I gasped and lifted my head.

"Good morning, sir. We both thought you were dead! If you are, then both Nanny and I wouldn't be able to keep living! Of course, no offense to you, Nanny." the first now-sure monster said politely.

"None taken, Jared." Nanny chuckled.

"So, what are you guys?" I asked.

"First, we are not what. We are blemmyaes." Jared said politely.

           If I can recall correctly, Apollo met blemmyaes before. What had he said about them again? Oh yeah. He said that blemmyaes are very polite, with their eyes on their chest and ears in their armpits.


           Anyways, I continued.

"So, do know where am I?"

"Yes. You are in a big cave in Atlas's lair."


"So... why do you need me here?"

"Because Atlas needs a bit of your blood for something. I don't know what. Now, if you please, we need to kill you." Nanny replied politely.

"Excuse my interuption of you killing me, but I just want to know whether you are actually polite."

"Of course we're polite! Is that right, Jared?"

"Yes of course, Nanny! We are the most polite monster you'll ever see!" Jared agreed.

"But killing someone isn't polite." I frowned.

There was a defyning silence.

"How about this. We talk for a while, then we kill you." Nanny suggested.

"Sound good."

"Great! Now, anything you would like to talk about?"

"Ummm... let's talk violence." I smirked.

        Atlas was dumb enough to trap me, a son of Posiedon, under a lake. I could sense the water running above me. I willed the water to cave in, drowning the poor blemmyaes.

"What! N-no! This i-isn't part of o-our deal!" Nanny spluttered angrily.

"Sorry, Nanny." I apologized then drowned both  of them.

      Now, the cave was filled with water. I was in my home turf.

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