Ghost Of You: Damian Wayne

By brooklyn1217

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Part one: Davina is Damian's longest and possibly only friend (other than Jon) she trained along side him for... More

Intro (Damians pov)
"You needed me"
"She's Not Real"
"Family Mission"
" Caught Myself A Princess"
"She's Real"
"Another Lazarus Pit." 
"All we can do is wait.."
"She Stole My Ring!"
"Welcome to Wayne Manor"
"Bruce Is So Winning The Bet.."
"Heyyy Sunshine"
"You wanna learn how to fly?"
"As you wish"
"I would love for you to be my mother..."
"Would you rather it be Wayne then?"
"I'll be back..."
Bonus chapter one
Bonus chapter two
Bonus chapter three
Bonus chapter four
Info for part two
Part 2: chapter one You're heaven
Part two: Chapter two "What were you dreaming about?"
Part two: chapter four "The story of how I became blind"
Part two: chapter five "What happened to plan b Jon?!"
Part Two:Chapter Six "Two Weeks my ass."
Part Two:Chapter Seven "I don't like dates"

Part two: chaper three "Welcome to High school life'll hate it."

51 1 0
By brooklyn1217

A/N Davina's uniform up top^
Hey Siri play Feel something by Joshua Bassett...
Davian's P.O.V.:
I moved my hands to my eyes attempting to rub the sleep out of them as I sat up from the bed and started to begin my normal morning routine. I looked to my side and leaned over to kiss Damian on the side of his forehead before finally getting up out of bed and sitting in from of the window seeing the sun light now entering through the window and on to my skin. I felt my sun marking instantly glow as I began my daily praying to my main gods, I prayed while I stretched and mediated to get my mind ready for the day. I was towards the end when I heard the bed slightly move and figured Damian finally woke up.
"You know its still weird to see your tattoos glow?" I turned to look to see Damian sitting up in the bed, the blankets only covering under his hips showing off his upper body.
"Try being the one to feel them when they do start glowing."  I softly laugh moving to sit normally I watched as Damian got up from his bed and make his way over to me. He sits behind me resting his head on my shoulder, I lean back enjoying the feeling of the warm sun and Damians arms around my waist.
"Any weird dreams?" Damian asked grazing his finger against my exposed hip, I shook my head keeping my eyes closed leaning onto him. "I doubt anyone other than possibly pennyworth is even awake at this hour so what do you wish to do beloved?"
I sighed enjoying the last few seconds of doing nothing before standing to my feet and holding my hands out to Damian. "As much I'm enjoying this moment Ive missed two training sessions and I wouldn't mind if you joined me." He smiles getting up throwing me over his shoulder and walking out of his room.
Damian had just taken my right Escrima Stick giving me the famous Wayne smirk. I playfully role my eyes as I grip tighter on my left Escrima Stick, I blocked a strike from Damian which gave me a change to strike him in his side. This stunned him and as he tried to recover I was able to knock him down to his knees and quickly grabbing my Escrima Stick and putting it under his chin lifting it ever so slightly.
"I must say this is a good look for you Dami.." I watched as Damian grinned before putting his hands on my hips.
"Then I'll remember to do this more often for you beloved." Dami kissed the exposed skin on my stomach from my athletic wear, he then stood up his hands still firmly on my hips. He pressed a quick kiss on my lips pulling back looking down at me, I stood on my tip toes and deeply kissed in back in return. I intertwined my fingers into his hair as his grip tighten on my hips, we both heard a door be opened and closed casing us to pull away trying to regain our breath.
"Probably not the best place..." I whispered slowly letting my hands fall from his hair before he took them into his own bringing them up to his lips and kissing each palm.
"Master Damian? Miss Davina? What are you doing training this early you both have school today! Both of head up to your respected rooms and start getting ready for the day. I'll have breakfast ready by the time both of you are done, your uniforms are pressed and ready to be put on." Both me and Damian nodded our heads and went off to get ready for school.
I raced down the stairs attempting to out run Jason to the kitchen where the amazing smell of Alfred's cooking is coming from. I may have flown down the rest of the stairs when I saw a familiar male with his white hair tide neatly in a low bun as he put containers into bag wearing one of Alfred's aprons.
"Theodore!" I flew into his arms my head tucked under his chin. I felt his chest rumble as he laughed wrapping his arms around me.
"Hello little one! Are you ready for your first day?" I nodded as my feet touched the floor, I walked over to the table seeing a smug Jason eating his large helping of Alfreds food. I moved to Diana kissing her on the cheek watching as Theodore placed a plate in front of her then proceeding to sit next to her.
"Oh hello Jon how are you this morning?" I smiled his way while grabbing a plate and loading it with food mostly fruit and a spinach wrap. Jon looked up and softly smiled though most likely against his wishes a blush appeared on his cheeks.
"I'm peachy thanks for asking Davina. I'm a bit nervous about starting college classes so early." I nodded pouring myself a glass of water.
"Feeling is perfectly normal in events like this Jon you have Damian and I to help you if its needed." I handed off the pitcher to Diana. I saw Damian enter the room dressed in his uniform taking a seat beside me and in front of Jon.
"Hello everyone." Damian grabbed a plate loading his with his vegan food Alfred always makes for him. I felt Damian wrap his pinky with mine under the table as we both ate while conversing with everyone at the table.
"Now little one, I pack you a lunch that is sure to give you the nutrients you need for training tonight and keep your brain focus during your day at school. I also packed some extra snacks incase you need them, they're next to your emergency bag incase anything happens since your cycle is so close."
Jason brought his hand to his face groaning about how he didn't need to hear that while Diana laughed slapping Theodore on the arm.
"You're tracking my menstrual cycle?" I felt a blush appear on my face
"Well of course I wanted to make sure you were prepared plus I needed to know so I could pack you the correct food to eat during those times."
"I believe its time for the young ones to start the drive to school." Alfred commented changing the subject all three of us stood up grabbing our bags and lining up at the garage door. "Now Master Damian I fully expect safe driving and control your speed I'll be notified if you go over the speed limit over no more than five."
"Yes Pennyworth." Damian slightly grinned grabbing a pair of keys and opening the door for me and Jon and I saw lights of a car light up and the doors opened.
"Is this your first time attending Gotham Academy Jon?" I asked as I placed my bag in between my legs as I sat in the passenger seat.
"Technically yes but I did a summer program to transfer from my old school in smallville to Gotham academy."
"Do you think you'll miss the smaller school aspect?" I questioned as Damian started his car and started backing out of the garage.
"Kinda, how do you feel about going to school for the first time?" Jon sat up a bit finally becoming comfortable around me.
"Technically she's always had school Kent just one on one rather than multiple students in a room." Damian chimed in. Placing his hand on my knee as he drove.
"I understand what you mean Jon and it will most likely be a bit weird but either way I'm going to excel I always have." I looked at Damians radio feeling a grin form on my face and tapped Damian on his shoulder, "Can I play a song please?" I watched as Damian rolled his eyes before handing me his phone. I randomly put on a song and noticed Jon nodded his head to the song. I smiled turning around enjoying the view on the drive to school.
Damian pulled into the school parking a lot showing off a parking badge to guard posted at the school parking entrance and pulling into a parking spot that slightly shaded and isn't around a lot of cars. Damian turned to me holding up his pointer finger before exiting the car and moving around to my side and opening my door. Jon was already out and standing by Damian as I climb out of the car and intertwining mine and Damian's fingers and all three of us started walking to the entrance of the school. The court yard was filled with students dressed in the same attire as all three of us, some adored their uniforms with different shoes and slightly different styles of Gotham Academy's uniform. I noticed Jon pushing up his glasses up his nose and tightening his grip on the strap of his bag. I could feel the nervousness radiating off of him so I placed my hand on the his own that was still gripping the bags strap, I sent a soft smile his way before reaching up and pushing the lone curl that seamlessly fell onto his forehead due to his nervousness.
"Damian and I are right here Jon there's no need to be nervous." He smiled my way before relaxing and kept the smile on his face as we walked. Heads started to turn and of course the whispers started as well, Damian struck his free hand into his pocket and pulled out a scheduled and stared reading it as I guided us through the door and waiting for Damians to look up. Luckily we all the the same classes thanks to bruce convincing aka using his Wayne charm to the lady that makes the schedules to put the three of us in the same classes.
"I have our locker number if you wish to go to those but honestly there's no use for them, everything is online." Damian removed his eyes from the paper and looked at me and Jon.
"Even our books are online?" Jon asked a little star stuck
"Of course Kent this school has been doing ever since I started it makes it easier for everyone." Damian stated as he rubbed his thumb across my hand.
"Oh this place is so much better than my old school." Jon smiled
"Is there anywhere else we need to go before class?" I asked having to look up at the both of them. Damian looked down at the paper for a moment before groaning while rolling his eyes.
"It appears we have an assembly to go to, come on we better go if we want decent seats since were going to be there a while."  I scrunched my nose in confusion as Damian guided us to the large room.
"An assembly?" I questioned
"Its like a welcome back to school thing back in smallville we called them pep rally's, the teachers plan a whole to ease everyone back into school while going over the rules for the freshman and also assist anyone who needs help." Jon answered my question staying by my right side blocking off anyone who could bump into me.
"Oh. So this is normal? How odd I usually just went straight into my school room and met with my teacher for that year." I spoke remembering my school room on infinity island.
"Welcome to High school'll hate it." Damian stated opening the large door and placing a hand on the small of my back guiding me into the gym. The three of us walked towards the end of these large row of seats and pointed at an area where the seats and I started waking that way. I sat in between the boys and removed my bag off of my back and went to place it in between my feet when Damian grabbed mine and Jons and placed it on these hooks near us. While we waited for everyone to enter the gym I played a game with Jon that he called rock, paper, scissors, Damian was on his phone reading since he didn't feel like bringing his book to this and I quote "Nasty hell hole" in fear something would happen to his cherished possession. Soon the gym started filling up more and more and people began to sit around us, someone smacked their hand onto Damians shoulder bringing their head next to his.
"Hey Wayne see you brought some friends to Gotham Academy! You still thinking about my offer to join the soccer team?" The blonde teen with brown eyes spoke over the large crowd.
"I don't know if my schedule will allow it Arison I'm assisting Father a lot this year at Wayne enterprise." Damian answered looking towards the blonde, the blonde smiled then looking towards me and Jon then sticking out his hand.
"Hello the names Ambrose Arison welcome to Gotham Academy." I shook hands with Arison first Jon following after me.
"Davina Prince and this is Jonathan Kent pleasure to meet you." I smiled trying to be polite.
"Right I forgot you changed to name to Prince from Blackwell, Look Wayne, Coach said he can work around your schedule I'll even convince him to let your buddy Kent to try out with you and the girls always need more players so then your girl Prince can join the girls team as well. Just do it Wayne its Senior year."  Before Damian could respond we heard someone clear there throat and I turned my head and noticed a woman stand in the middle of the gym floor holding a microphone in her hands. As she began speaking I reached over linking my pinky finger with Damian's and out of the corner of my eye I saw him slightly grin.
Another chapter done I hope everyone enjoys this one! Until the next chapter bye everyone!! 2340 words.

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