I Thought I Knew You

By DramaLoversDream513

1.6K 44 15

Boarding school AU. Elizabeth is the new girl at Liones Academy and she bumps into an old face: Meliodas. Exc... More

An Unexpected Face
How Long's It Been?
The Deity Society
Truth Or Dare
Midnight Flight
Why do you humor him?
The Boar's Hat
The Locker Room Fight (Extra Chapter)
Jumping Out of Windows
Those Watching Eyes
Saturday Mornings
The System
Miss Merlin
The Heavy Weight She Bore (Extra Chapter)
First Kiss
Knocking Back
Saintly Solitude (Extra Chappie)
Is This Love?
Running Away
War Of Pride
Always Average (Extra Chappie)
You Mean The Best
Last Hope
Idiot, Idiot, Idiot
Clan Academy
The Library
Never Real

Pool Parties

46 1 0
By DramaLoversDream513

"There you two are!" Diane seemed to sigh in relief when she spotted Elaine and I approaching. She was waiting outside our dorm, her hands placed on her hips. "I was about to send out a search party. What happened?"

"I was just showing Elizabeth the Fairy Gardens," Elaine replied coolly.

I silently thanked her for keeping her promise, giving her a smile. Elaine smiled back. She was truly a great friend, someone I could trust. Someone who I could rely on.

I have one day. One day to confront the stalker before the Sins know he is most probably a Commandment. That's all the time I have. All the time I've been graced with to keep it all secret and process it before others got involved.

That meant I had to make the most of it.

"Really?" Diane smiled in awe as she let us into the dorm. Her eyes glossed over. "That place is magical! Really. I remember when I accidentally ended up lost in there. It was more wonderful than anywhere else on the planet!"

I smiled as Diane continued to talk about the gardens and how it must've taken ages for Elaine and the other fairies to return it to its former glory. She spoke about the maze of plants, the spiralling blooms of flowers, and the sweet scent that always filled the air. The Fairy Gardens were somewhere that had grown to become a centerpiece of Liones over the years and was rumoured to represent how strong the fairies were becoming. 

It's said that the more the garden grew and prospered the stronger the race became, until they were able to be at their old levels of strength. The ones they had before the war.

"Anyway, I went way off topic there," Diane chuckled as she disappeared into her room. 

Apparently the conversation had stopped being about the Fairy Gardens. I blinked, trying to follow the conversation as Elaine and I trail behind Diane.

"What we should really be talking about is today!" The brunette couldn't contain her excitement from whatever she had planned. It was obvious from the tone of her voice.

"I can't deny I'm looking forward to it," Elaine responded, much more calmly, as she seated herself on Diane's bed.

Meanwhile I was taking in Diane's room. I had barely noticed how cozy yet messy her room was despite having plenty of chances to see it. 

It was like a maze of organised mess, with piles of clothes near her closet and dresser. All sorts of materials and colours met my eyes, zippers and high-heels catching my attention. A crazy array of posters and stickers were stuck to the four walls of her room, covering most of the basic white paint job. There was even a huddle of stuffed animals on Diane's bed, all of them organised and yet not at the same time. As if she'd positioned them randomly.

"Elizabeth?" Diane waved a hand in front of my face. Her brows pinched. "Earth to Elizabeth?"

"She's zoned out," Elaine peered at me, floating to meet my level. Her golden eyes bore into mine, her frown matching Diane's.

"Well, I have a solution for that," Diane promptly stepped away, smirking. She gasped, pointing towards her window. "Oh my god Elizabeth, I think someone's peeking through the window! I think it's a stalker!"

"What?!" I jolt forward, eyes wide as the others burst into laughter.

I didn't think the stalker would be audacious enough to peek into Diane's room - or anywhere in my dorm really. But maybe I was wrong. They did tend to escalate in confidence, after all. So maybe he has been peeking in for the past few days. Who knows what he's seen if he has....

Shivering, I turn to look at the window and notice the absence of said stalker. It was then I realised Diane had caught my attention by bringing up stalkers, despite not knowing I had one. How ironic.

"You should've see your face!" Diane giggled as she pointed at me. A merry grin was painted on her features. "You looked like you'd been caught red handed."

"It wasn't that funny..." I manage to speak as I turn red.

"It was," Elaine laughed softly. She seemed a little more sympathetic.

"Not you too Elaine!" I moan as I bury my face in Diane's stuffed animals, turning a deeper shade of crimson. I didn't expect Elaine to laugh at my suffering as well. Maybe Diane, but not Elaine. She was more self-aware.

"I'm sorry, but I had to laugh," The fairy offered apologetically.

"Don't apologise," Diane scolded, beginning to sift through her clothes pile and closet. Her pigtails swished. "Elizabeth still hasn't told us why she zoned out! So, what was it Elizabeth? Thinking of a certain someone in the nude?"

"What, no!" I can't help but blush even more before laughing. They both joined me. Sometimes Diane had the most ridiculous suggestions. "I don't think in the gutter, Diane. I was just looking at your room."

"I know, I was joking," The brunette giggled, mischief in her eyes, "But that reaction was priceless!"

Still giggling, Diane stood up and threw open the door to her closet headed towards her closet. With a flourish, she pushed aside hangers and pulled out an orange and black two-piece swimsuit. It had an orange halter top, which exposed her cleavage (something Diane often had on show) and she'd tie at the back. To complete it were black high-waisted bottoms that were similar to underwear.

"Now today, we're gonna make everyone jealous!" Diane smirked slyly as Elaine and I marveled at her swimsuit.

"Jealous? How?" I manage to find my words after taking in the swimsuit. If I had any guess it would involve some of the unique brashness that Diane specialised in.

"By showing them that we're unaffected by petty comments and stupid boyfriends," Diane smiled simply.

Oh... That's how and why. She was getting revenge on the girl who started the locker room fight.

"Because we have ours," Elaine chimed in, easily catching on. She gave a wink.

"Exactly," Diane smirked, winking back, "And we're gonna have some fun with them!"

As both continued to speak, I tried to process their words. Tried to make sense of it. But every time, I felt more and more confused.

I knew it was to do with a student. A female student. She started the locker room incident and Diane had been waiting to get back at her for it. Or maybe she had angered Diane again. She seemed like the type to do such a thing. Either way Diane was set on getting her payback.

But why were we doing this now?

"Wait, so you're gonna get back at a girl who started a fight with you two years ago?" I raise a brow, slightly confused.

"Yep," Diane nodded, "And you're gonna help me."


A low whistle indicated that Diane's plan was working.

After getting into her swimsuit and styling her hair into plaited pigtails, she'd focused on me and Elaine.

Elaine was in a white and pink two-piece swimsuit that was modest but still flattering and cute. She had a white thin-strapped top, with ruffles going along the collar and high-waisted white bottoms with pink flowers patterned on them. 

Matching that was a white sunhat that covered her pale skin and highlighted her light blonde hair. The swimsuit highlighted on the curve of her hips more than her bust, drawing more attention to her pale legs and navel than anything. Ideal for someone of her petite stature.

I was dressed in a two-piece swimsuit that was slightly less modest than Elaine's but not as showy as Diane's. It was a white horizontal-striped set with a ruffled top that exposed some cleavage and high-waisted bottoms. 

Diane had also somehow managed to wrestle my hair into a messy bun to 'keep it out of my eyes and look cute' as she said. Like Diane's swimsuit, mine brought attention to quite a few of my features and the brunette said it was a showcase piece. I remember dying of embarrassment when she said that.

The guy who had whistled looked at us hungrily, as if deciding which one of us to take from the group. Diane frowned at this.

"Hey," She growled at him, "Keep it in your pants because if our boyfriends found out about how you were looking at us, you'd be castrated," She then smiled, her eyes looking dark, "And I'd probably throw in a punch too."

The guy seemed to get the message because he shrank away, disappearing into the crowd.

"I hate guys like that," Diane mumbled, shaking her head, "They think women are just there to look pretty."

"Maybe it was a bad idea to dress like this..." Elaine murmured as she shrank away, "It's attracting a lot it unwanted attention..."

"I think that means Diane's plan is working," I say as I see people glancing at us. I can't help but shiver.

I wasn't sure if I was assuring myself or Elaine with that statement. Even though I was a princess, and therefore used to attention, that didn't mean I enjoyed it. In fact I felt quite uncomfortable under the watch of others. Especially for reasons such as this.

"Well, the point is to look hot," Diane playfully rolled her eyes, linking her arms with both of us. "And we're nailing it! Now let's find the guys. They should be here already."

Diane then began to search the crowds, pressing through them determinedly, and Elaine and I followed suit. Both of us were feeling more self-conscious than the brunette. It was obvious from our flushed faces and attempts to draw attention away.

But they were failing terribly.

As I surveyed the scene, I couldn't help but notice how much effort Jericho and Guila had put into the party. Decorations, tables, even a life guard! All sorts of things had been thought of and it showed from the layout. Not to mention the turnout. 

Multiple groups formed around the poolside, many deciding to seek refuge from the heat in the water. Several groups could be seen minding their own business or calling others to their circle; their conversations and the sound of water splashing mixed while laughter covered the music.

Despite all the crowds, the guys were easy to find. Or their voices, which led to them.

"Hey Ban, I dare you to jump off the high dive board."

I can't help but grin as I hear Meliodas challenge Ban. As usual the two were being reckless, leaving King to be unwillingly dragged in.

"Only if you do it too~" Ban responded.

The three of us made our way towards the voices, finding the three. But they quickly moved on.

"Deal," Meliodas grinned as the two began to head to the diving boards.

"Wait, shouldn't you two think this through!" King protested as he trailed behind, "What if Diane and the others arrive while you're busy being maniacs?"

"They'll probably know where to find us," Ban spoke as he hoisted King over his shoulder, "And you're coming with us."

"What?!" King's eyes widened as the male carried him away.

"Ban, let go of King!" Elaine called out, but her voice was drowned out by everything else. She sighed.

"Don't worry King, I'll stop them!" Diane rushed after the pair, causing Elaine and I to follow, "Ban! Captain! Can you guys stop!"

"You really think they'd throw him off the high dive?" I say as I weave through the crowd. Elaine was behind me, her small form almost impossible to spot in the swarm of bodies. It was so packed that occasionally we had to apologise for treading on someone's feet.

"I wish I could say no," Elaine sighed as she squeezed through a small gap, "But Meliodas and Ban wouldn't put King in danger. He'll be fine."

Soon we had caught up to Diane, who had stopped at the bottom of the diving boards. The guys were already at the top. They seemed to be laughing as Ban cornered King at edge of the board. You'd think they were bullying him, but really they were just dragging the fairy into their reckless acts.

"Come on King, just jump," Ban pressed, "We got a line of people behind us."

"Yeah, they're getting pretty angry," Meliodas spoke as he looked behind him.

"Just let me go down and you can go," King tried to move past Ban but he was too slow. Instead he ended up being pushed off the diving board back-first.

Diane balled her fists as she yelled, "Why you piece of - Ban!"

"Ooh, you got Diane mad," Meliodas teased and the taller male just sighed.

"Don't think you're innocent Cap'n," Ban smirked as he pointed to the fuming brunette, "You technically helped me bring him here."

"Yeah, but I wasn't the one who pushed him off," The blonde shrugged in reply.

"Is King going to be ok?" I say as I draw my attention to the fairy, who grew closer to the water's surface.

His screams were filling the air, limbs flailing as he tried to think of what to do. I turned away expecting there to be a large smack sound as he hit the water. He'd probably emerge all red and pained.

However it was silent.

"Thank goodness you're ok King," Diane smiled as she looked at him, before glaring at Meliodas and Ban, "And you two are gonna be in so much trouble!"

Meliodas and Ban simply shrugged as they spoke between themselves.

Turning my attention to King, I noticed that somehow he had managed to stop himself from falling just before he hit the water. So now he was floating nose-to-surface with the water - never taking the impact of his fall.

"Move outta the way!" Ban was next to jump off, causing King to quickly move to the side. He still ended up getting splashed with water and pushed along with the waves caused by Ban's dive.

King let out a growl as he clawed his way to the poolside, lifting himself out and lying on the poolside. Diane joined him, checking his condition. The fairy was most probably done talking to the guys for now, but he'll probably speak to them in around an hour. King always seems to stick around.

"You call that a cannonball?" Meliodas yelled down at Ban.

"Like you could do any better, Cap'n," Ban smirked as he began to swim towards the poolside.

From the look on Elaine's face she probably wasn't happy with what Ban did to her brother, but she'll probably laugh it off later. That's what Diane told me anyway.

I let out a sigh as Meliodas jumped off the high dive and let out a whoop. I wasn't expecting to get splashed with water. Neither did Diane, Elaine or King. Ban seemed two steps ahead because he splashed the blonde back.

"Foul play Captain!" Diane frowned as she rubbed the water from her eyes.

"Yeah, I was about to find a good sunspot," Elaine frowned before sighing. A small smile forms. "Oh well, I guess I'll have to get involved now."

The blonde then gracefully removed her sunhat, passing it to me. She then sat on the poolside, glancing over her shoulder to look at me.

"You don't mind looking after my hat do you?"

"No, not at all," I smile as I look over to King and Diane.

The fairy seemed to have recovered, however he still seemed a little dazed and pissed off. Diane had taken him by the arm and was now heading towards us. She was probably going to take him to the infirmary or something. I hope he's ok.

"Oh King'll be fine," Elaine spoke as if reading my mind. "But that still doesn't mean I'm not getting those two back," She gestured to the two males mucking about in the water, "You wanna help?"

"Sure," I say as I head towards the water, "But what about your sunhat?"

"Just give it to Diane," Elaine smiled, "Then I'll tell you the plan."


"Ok, you ready?" Elaine raised a brow as I got ready to swim under the surface.

"I guess so," I respond, a slight smile back.

"Great!" Elaine beamed, "Good luck."

I nodded and went under the surface, holding my breath as I began to swim towards the guys. The plan was simple. I was the diversion. I was meant to obviously approach the guys with a sneak attack. This would get them to pay attention to me, while Elaine drenched them with water thanks to her fairy powers.

I can't help but grin as I think about how the blonde must be getting into position. All I had to do is emerge from the water and -

"Gotcha," I spluttered as I was lifted out of the water, an arm wrapped around my waist. I guess my plan wasn't foolproof. Oh well. "You thought you could pull a sneak attack didn't you?"

"Meliodas!" I whined as I flailed in his grasp only to sigh. I throw a glare in his direction. "Yes. I got so close too!"

I tried not to smirk as Elaine approached from behind, her arms raised and two giant drops of water approaching Meliodas and Ban. I just had to keep them busy.

"How close were you?" Ban raised a brow.

"This close."

I laugh as Elaine drops the water on the pair. Droplets landed on me, before I was dropped into the pool but I didn't mind. I reemerged to find a triumphant Elaine.

"And that is for pushing King," She smiled, hands on her hips. Suddenly she was hit in the face with water.

"And that is for soaking me just now," Ban laughed and she giggled. She then splashed more water in his face.

"Well, that's for splashing me."

I watched as the two continued to splash each other, faces drenched and laughter pure. It sounded as if they were having fun.

Suddenly water hit my face.

"Hey!" I splashed the person back.

"Well, you did just walk into a water war," Meliodas chuckled, "You were bound to get wet."

"Like how you had this coming," I say as I splash him twice, "That's for dropping me into the water and splashing me just now."

"Yes, get him, Elizabeth!" Diane beamed as she jumped into the pool, water swelling from the shift in volume. The water tried to carry me away from the waves her arrival caused. "Captain deserves it for being a jerk."

"Diane it's fine, you don't have to - "

"Nope I'm set," The brunette smirked as she looked at me, Meliodas, Ban and Elaine.

"Since you two wanted to be asses," The brunette grinned, "I challenge you to a chicken fight."

"Not again," Elaine groaned, rolling her eyes. "Diane, couldn't we do something else?"

"Yeah, you're kinda setting yourself up for losing," Ban laughed.

"Too bad we're doing!" Diane smiled smugly, "Because I convinced Jericho and Guila to make it an event."


"Wanna team up?" I blinked as Meliodas looked at me. 

His question seemed genuine. I knew it was. So why did I feel like hesitating?

"A-Are you sure?" I ask as I watch everyone else team up, "I haven't actually played this before. Maybe someone else would be a better team member."

"Yeah, but there's not too many people who trust me here," He reached a hand to his neck, "Plus the rules are pretty straight forward."

"Ok I'll try my best then!" I smile and he returns it, "So how does the game work?"

"Well, you've got two people on a team," Meliodas started as he gestured towards a pair. It was two random students, one standing and the other sitting on the first one's shoulders. "The person's who's at the bottom can't use their hands, they can move and try to gain enough momentum to help their teammate push others off. The person at the top has to try and push other people off their teammate's shoulders. Like I said it's really simple."

"Oh," I smile realisation clouding my features. I'd seen this game before. In one of Margret's trashy cliche high school series. She was always watching those when I was younger.

"So question is do you wanna go top or bottom?" Meliodas spoke before freezing. I did too. I think we both caught the meaning of that innuendo.

I then laughed, causing him to blink, as if seeing I was actually laughing, before joining me.

"That sounded so wrong," I try not to laugh again, "But I think it'd be wiser if I go top. I don't think I'd be able to hold you up for long enough."

"I'll keep that in mind," He wiggled his brows playfully and I laughed again.

"Are you sure you're not trying to bang me?" I raise a brow, a smirk on my lips, "Because if you were I'd have to shoot you."

"Oh really?" He mused as I began to climb onto his shoulders.

"Yep," I say simply, trying not to laugh, "Because you would've seen my collection of bodies. All previous guys who wanted to go to bed me and who I had to shoot for it."

"You're definitely a dangerous one," Meliodas chuckled.

"Yep Elizabeth Liones, slayer of men," I say laughing.

"Can I have everyone's attention," Guila cleared her throat as the whole area gave her their attention, "Jericho will recite the rules and then the free-for-all will commence. Has everyone participating gotten into teams?"

There was a murmur of responses before the knight nodded towards her co-host. Jericho immediately took on the role of a cliche PE teacher or sergeant.

"Ok I want this to be a clean fight!" Jericho sat in the lifeguard chair, a whistle around her neck. She wore a yellow one-piece swimsuit that ended mid-thigh and owned a shallow v-neck. "No kicking, punching, slapping or anything likewise. Once you're out, you're out and that's final."

She then blew her whistle and everyone burst into action. I don't think I had enough time to think before teams came splashing down, falling into the water. All  of them were knocked down by one team: Veronica and Griamore. 

Question was why were they here? Veronica hadn't mentioned anything about coming.

Before I could think about it, I felt myself tip. I luckily caught myself, before I fell into the water, blinking as I looked at who'd knocked me.

"King?" I raise a brow, confused as I spotted his muscle-less chest. You're telling me he knocked Meliodas backwards, causing me to tip?

"Hi, Elizabeth," He smiled, however Diane was more competitive.

"Don't talk to the enemy King!" The brunette frowned as she looked up at him.

Now it made sense as to how I was nearly knocked off. Diane had a supernatural amount of strength. It was a good thing she was at the bottom and not the top, otherwise I would've been knocked off.

"But I'm your roommate!" I protest but she simply huffs.

"Well, right now you're siding with Captain and he nearly hurt King." Diane pouts a little, knocking into us once more. 

"But I'm fine Diane, really," King seemed to sigh.

"Just push him off," Meliodas spoke as Diane continued to explain to King about why she was doing this.

"But won't it take more than one push to knock him off?" I raise a brow.

"Nah King seems like he's strong, but without his magic he's like a paperclip," Meliodas grinned slightly, "So you gonna push him off or what? It's the aim of the game after all."

"Fine," I playfully roll my eyes as I shove the ginger from Diane's shoulders. She attempts to keep him on, but it fails. He crashes into the water. He then floated up to the surface, his face blank.

"Looks like we lost," Diane sighed as she grabbed King's ankle, "Well played Captain, you too Elizabeth. Good luck against Ban and Elaine though, oh and Veronica and that Holy Knight guy. They're really tough."

"Thanks for the heads up Diane," I call after her.

"Nah it's just so you guys head to them first," She laughed before smiling, "But seriously look out for them. They're really good at this."

"Don't worry Ellie and I can handle them," Meliodas smiled before glancing up at me, "Right Elizabeth?"

"Right," I nod.

"Ok then," Diane sighed as she dragged King away, "Have fun on your death wish."

The pair were soon out of the war zone, Diane easily supporting King's weight on her shoulder. She sent us a final wave before heading towards a table, mouthing something I couldn't comprehend at all.

"So you wanna go after Elaine and Ban?" Meliodas raised a brow as they became visible within the crowd.

"Yeah," I smile, "I really wanna see Diane's face when we beat them."

"Elaine and Ban it is," I can't help but laugh as we make our way across the water.

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