I Thought I Knew You

By DramaLoversDream513

1.6K 45 15

Boarding school AU. Elizabeth is the new girl at Liones Academy and she bumps into an old face: Meliodas. Exc... More

An Unexpected Face
How Long's It Been?
The Deity Society
Truth Or Dare
Midnight Flight
Why do you humor him?
The Boar's Hat
The Locker Room Fight (Extra Chapter)
Jumping Out of Windows
Those Watching Eyes
Pool Parties
The System
Miss Merlin
The Heavy Weight She Bore (Extra Chapter)
First Kiss
Knocking Back
Saintly Solitude (Extra Chappie)
Is This Love?
Running Away
War Of Pride
Always Average (Extra Chappie)
You Mean The Best
Last Hope
Idiot, Idiot, Idiot
Clan Academy
The Library
Never Real
The Bird in its cage (Extra Chapter)

Saturday Mornings

38 1 0
By DramaLoversDream513




I can't help but groan as my alarm clock goes off, over and over, signalling yet another day at school.

I blindly reach out for the device, my hand fumbling over my bedside table, only to not have it turn off. Raising a brow I frustratedly wake up, ignoring the will to fall back into the enticing pull of sleep. Instead I focused on the brunette holding her phone in the doorway, a simple smile on her lips as she looked at me.

That was the source of the sound.

"Good morning Elizabeth," Diane greeted cheerily, "Looks like an early start for us today."

"But why?" I ask as I force myself to get out of bed, "It's Saturday. Plus the party's not till midday."

"Which is exactly why we need to start now!" Diane beamed as she watched me sleepily begin the day.

Slowly I drag my feet towards her, my senses still weakened by drowsiness. I hadn't really gotten much sleep last night. Restlessness and horrible visions appeared every time I closed my eyes; sounds were suddenly more scary than they should be; and my mind was reeling with where Meliodas could have disappeared to the day before.

It had seemed odd for him to vanish so suddenly. That or I was overthinking about recent events and seeing the stalker's empty gaze everywhere. I can never able to rid myself of his blank and soulless eyes. Ones that seem all too familiar...

But where had I seen them?

I suppress a shiver as I go into my closet and look through the small fraction of outfits I'd brought with me. Back home I had quite a few outfits that were worn once for a large event and then discarded; forgotten and lost to my closet.

In fact I had so many that I have a whole section for them. Veronica called it my nostalgia aisle. A place where I could remind myself of all those events and meetings. However it did make selecting outfits for vacations and school difficult, because there were so many options and so many things I hadn't seen in months.

Such as the earring I'd found just before I came here. It was simple in design, a golden hoop with a blue orb (which I like to think of as a blue pearl) on the end. On the orb were darker blue markings of the sun and moon with diamond stars littered around it. I'd lost the earring's pair one night with my sisters, however I often wore it alone. It was just the norm for me.

"Ok, but can you at least tell me why I have to get up like it's a school day?" I ask as Diane joins me at the closet.

The brunette soon begins to glance over the clothes stored there, before picking a few things out and seeing how'd they look on me before putting them back. 

T-shirts; jeans; blouses; dresses; skirts - all were put to her judgement. If anything Diane's actions were systematic and similar to what an older sister would do if she were helping her younger sister get ready for something important. Or from what I've experienced with Margaret and Veronica. They were always a critical eye to see what would look great, or was just unacceptable to be seen in.

"Well that's simple!" Diane grinned as she pulled out a mini dress before placing it back, "You may not think it, Elizabeth, but getting me, you and Elaine ready for that party is gonna take ages. Plus you don't wanna miss breakfast, do you?"

"The cafeteria still does breakfast at the same time?" I blink as I look at the brunette, pausing from my search, "Shouldn't the weekend be a bit later?"

"It should, but the timing's the only buzzkill for the weekend. That's if you can't cook of course," The brunette sighed as she pulled out a boobtube before shaking her head and putting it back, "Too showy for you... Well breakfast and curfew are the worst on weekends. Usually everyone just sneaks in later."

"I guess a curfew prevents us from sleeping in," I answer simply as I pull out a mini-skirt, "Or slipping out of routine..."

"Definitely, but that's boring," Diane nodded before smiling and clicking her fingers, "Wait keep that skirt! You've only gotta dress light since we're going to be in the water for most of the day."

As if she already knew the inventory of my closet Diane pulled out a white sleeveless halter top to go with the black mini skirt. She also pulled out my black and white pumps and some sandals for the poolside.

"Perfect!" Diane dusted her hands off and grinned, "We're gonna have so much fun today! Especially since we're all dating now."

"Oh right," I answer simply. I couldn't help but feel a blush rise to my face. 

I'd forgotten how receptive Diane was towards the fact that Meliodas and I said we were 'dating'. In fact I had just about forgotten about it for a while, the reality of the lie being lost in dreamland - and stalker visions. 

But now she had reminded me of it, making me even more apprehensive of going to the party today. Especially because of all the weird thoughts buzzing around in my brain. Thoughts I never knew had even existed. They had never popped up until recently.

Or maybe they were always there...

I honestly don't know.

But even if my mind wasn't on display, a lot of eyes would be on me, including Jericho and Guila's, and Diane would definitely be sure to tell the whole world about it. Either by accident or just by teasing me.

Probably teasing me.

Either way it was risk. A risk that seemed like a big issue with the stalker being around and the Deity Society's spies watching me. 

I know the Society wouldn't be too happy with news like that and I still don't know the stalker's motivation for stalking me and finding out that I'm dating someone might anger them. However he seemed friendly when I bumped into him, so perhaps he was just a concerned classmate.

But then again, I would be safer if I stick with the Sins and Holy Knights. Just in case his first appearance was deceiving. I know that the Sins as well as the Holy Knights would protect me. They would help me to feel safe around the stalker. Even if it was just one or two of them. As long as I didn't give the stalker a chance to get me alone, I'd be safe.

"Well you'd better be ready for breakfast in fifteen," Diane warned playfully, breaking my thoughts, "Or you'll miss it entirely. Apparently Captain found something when he was out yesterday, so we'd better hurry up."

"Ok I'll go as fast as I can," I say as my sleepy movements are replaced by more awake and rushed ones.

If Meliodas had found something while he was gone, then it had to give some sort of clue as to what the Sins' goal was by doing what they do. Up until now I thought they only ran a modern speakeasy of sorts, however from how Merlin, Gowther and Escanor act there had to be more to it. There had to be a reason why they all banded together.

But that wasn't my only motivation to rush to the cafeteria: whatever Meliodas found might also reveal where he was. If he was truly going back to who he was as everyone else said, then I know exactly where he went; if not then maybe some light could be shed on what the Sins were truly up to.

But there was also another thought inside my head. One that nagged at my brain as it got clearer and clearer; It felt odd without Meliodas' presence at the Boar Hat. Like something important was missing.

But maybe I was just overthinking it - or these new thoughts were beginning to take over.

The Sins seemed fine with whatever Meliodas was doing last night and I guess that was enough to know. But perhaps I was just being paranoid because I was used to him being around all of time. Like a shadow.

That was a plausible explanation.

But what ifs and other scenarios played in my mind, fueled by others' words and accusations, causing my head to hurt from all the thinking I'd been doing.

I sigh as I headed towards the bathroom to shower. I really need to clear my head out.

Suddenly the thoughts stop...

Then they start again.

'I guess headaches are in my near future,' I grimace as I close and lock the bathroom door.


"Good morning guys!" Diane beamed as we approached the table.

We both had our trays of breakfast, Diane insisting that I actually eat something this morning before going anywhere. In fact she made sure I got some sort of food on my plate.

"Swimming can make you extremely hungry," She laughed, "I learned the side effects of that after a lesson here."

Everyone else, excluding Meliodas, were already at the table, cheery expressions and returns of Diane's greeting contrasting with the serious news that was probably going to be shared.

What also interested me was the wardrobe change from school uniforms. Elaine wore a plain white summer dress; Merlin a navy long-sleeved jumpsuit with a keyhole neckline and heels; Escanor had on what appeared to be another uniform; Ban wore a leather set with metallic silver studs; King wore a baby blue and yellow raincoat and dark blue pants; and Gowther wore an off-the-shoulder top and black pants.

It gave an interesting glance into who the Sins were outside of their school lives. How they enjoyed to spend their free time, or even just what they preferred to wear over school uniforms.

"Diane, did you get my message?" Elaine raised a brow as we both sat down.

The blonde seemed excited for once, her usual expressions replaced with joy.

"Yeah, I did!" The brunette grinned, before looking at me, "You're gonna have so much fun Elizabeth! Let's not even mention the - "

"I'm pretty sure we all didn't come here to listen to you yammer on about makeovers and girl talk," Ban spoke, a tired look on his face. He looked as if he hadn't slept much. Dark shadows ringed his red eyes, making them look more bloodshot than actual red, and he wore a slight frown. "Cap'n actually has some pretty serious news."

"News?" I breathe, thoughts once again beginning to act with this new information.

"Yeah, you'll find out soon enough," He answered, his tone distant as he sat back, "It's too big not to be shared..."

As if on cue Meliodas appeared, tray in hand and his usual smile on his face as he greeted us. Cheery and somewhat unaffected by this news.


"Hey guys, sorry I'm late," He took his usual seat, "I had some last minute stuff to do."

"What stuff?" Diane tilted her head in thought.

"Stuff stuff," He replied simply before his tone became serious, "But there's something I discovered last night. Something that doesn't add up to what we already know."

"What did you find?" Merlin asked in her usual tone, however it seemed more inquisitive than usual. Maybe even concerned.

That caused me to worry. Merlin was never concerned about anything. She often maintained a cool and calm demeanour, knowing that she'd figure out a solution soon enough. After all, she knew almost everything. If she was concerned this was serious.

"They're spreading the students out," Meliodas frowned as he sank into thought, "All ten of them have been assigned a school that hasn't chosen a side."

A side?

Does he mean some sort of war? A schism in the network of schools in the local area? And who were these ten students?

The cryptic way Meliodas spoke made it hard for me to understand what exactly was going on. What each sentence meant and the impact of what it would result in. I didn't know everything the Sins did about this. I had joined only a couple days ago. Instead I was just learning of this problem and the ten students. Let alone sides.

"So Liones..." King drifted off, before sharpening his gaze across the cafeteria, "That means we have one here."

As if confirming King's suspicions, I spotted the stalker across the room. He simply smirked as he saw my confusion and bewilderment, giving a wave before silently disappearing. No words said. Nothing done.

Could he be one of the students? It would explain how he disappeared at random. Or how he only seemed to appear when it would be creepiest. Like a fly on a wall.

"But that can't be!" Diane's eyes were wide, her outburst breaking my thoughts, "Liones is neutral ground. It was never involved and never tried to get into the belly of the beast."

"Well, there clearly is a rat among our walls," Escanor frowned as he scanned the cafeteria and adjusted his glasses, "And they have found a way to help the students. "

"A rat, huh?" Ban titled his chin upwards as he glanced behind him, "Looks like things might get messy in Liones, after all."

"You sick bastard," Diane threw her apple at him, "How can you be talking about bloodshed so early on? Are you drunk again?"

"Calm down, I'm just a bit buzzed," The male responded shrugging, "The news Cap'n just shared isn't light. I had a lot of thinking to do before telling him to tell you all. If what he found is true it means a lot of things will change."

"Wait, he trusted you before me?!" Diane's eyes were wide as she clenched her fists, "Meliodas, you bastard! How could you trust Ban more than me! He's always hammered and you know he babbles when he's drunk. At least I know how to keep my mouth shut."

"Well, I've known Ban much longer than you, Diane," Meliodas simply shrugged in reply, "Plus I didn't feel like waking everyone up in the middle of the night to that sort of news."

"You still could've asked someone else," Diane huffed.

Soon all of the Sins were conversing, while King turned to Elaine.

"Elaine, I don't want you involved in this," King sighed as he looked at his sister, "It's too dangerous and just knowing about this could - "

"I understand," She smiled softly, "I won't breath a word about what I know. Just make sure Ban's safe."

King groaned as he rolled his eyes. Clearly he didn't want to be Ban's babysitter, but then again he seemed to be one anyway. He was always trailing behind everyone, making sure they were careful and such.

"Do I have to?" He whined, "Ban's fully capable of looking after himself. He never seems to get hurt, even when the odds are slim."

"No, you have to promise me," Elaine stayed firm, "Or I'm staying."

"Fine," King sighed, "But make sure not to wander too far from Ms Gerheade! I know she'll keep you safe."

"I promise!" Elaine was about to float off, when she looked at me. She seemed to think before calling out, "Meliodas, do you want me to take Elizabeth with me?"

All the Sins stopped conversing to look at the blonde. They seemed to have forgotten that I was still at the table, hearing bits and pieces of their discussion.

"Nah, Ellie's capable of looking after herself," Meliodas brushed it aside, "Plus she knows the students from her old school."

"Oh ok," Elaine sighed, soon resuming her exit. Alone.

I bit my lip as I watched her go. It must be hard being left out all the time. Always having to sit on the sidelines even though she can handle herself. She had been here longer than me, plus Elaine seemed like she was capable of protecting herself if it ever came to such a situation. 

But maybe King had a good reason to leave her out of this. Something I didn't know.

But I did know what it felt like to feel left out. I often felt that when Margaret and Veronica left on trips where they had to leave me with father. Not that I disliked my father, but it grew tiresome. Lonesome. There was no-one to really talk to as I missed out on whatever adventures they experienced.

Maybe I should go with Elaine. Just to keep her company. I'm sure I can catch up about this later. Especially if Meliodas says I know the students from when I was in Celestial Prep. I'll figure it out eventually and if not I'll get Diane to fill me in on everything.

"I'm gonna go with Elaine," I get up to follow the blonde, "I'll catch up on this later. I just don't want her to be alone or feel left out."

"Thanks, I'm sure she'll appreciate that," King smiled softly.

"Just don't talk too much without me," Diane pouted, "It's no fair that you two get to ditch."

After getting a response from each of the Sins, although most were absent-minded, I left. I quickly caught up with Elaine who was heading towards the dorms, loneliness clouding her features.

"Elaine!" I call out to her and she smiles.

"Elizabeth?" She raised a brow, "Why did you follow?"

"Because you shouldn't feel left out," I smile slightly, "So, what should we do while they talk?"

"I have an idea!" Elaine seemed to light up as she headed towards an exit, "You're gonna love this Elizabeth!"

I smiled as I followed her, but I could sense someone following me. Their dark gaze focusing on me entirely.


"Wow this is amazing Elaine!" I can't hide my amazement as the blonde extends several tree branches towards the sky weaving them together to form a platform.

"Thanks, I was born with it, King was too," She trailed off slightly, sighing, "He decided to focus on Chastiefol more while I protected the Youth Trees."

"Youth Trees?" I raise a brow as I find a place to take a seat on the platform.

"Yes, they're a tree from my country," Elaine beamed before her gaze lowered, "Though not many are left. I'm surprised you haven't heard of the wood more durable than steel. Around a decade ago my people and the trees were exploited, since then Fairies like me protect the Youth Trees."

"Fairies?" I repeat, before realising what that meant. She was one of the last few left, "So you and King are - You're - How? I thought your kind were killed off..."

A silence settled between us, the wind being the only thing interacting with either of us. Elaine seemed to take in a deep breath before looking at me again, gaze cast off into the distance. As if she were imagining her people and home right there behind me. Real and ready to return to.

"There were more of us," Elaine sighed as she twisted a branch to spiral and then bloom, "Only a slight few were able to escape our country, however more than half ended up in Clan Academy's Fairy school. It specialised it teaching fairies all they needed to know, with a splash of darkness added into their magic."

She seemed to shiver as if she were re-living a memory. The branch she just sprouted began shrivel and shake before growing spikes.

"They treated the people there like cattle," Elaine's voice wavered as her fists clench, "Like tools. They trained you to do as they say and if you didn't comply you were stripped of your wings and magic."

Elaine then raised her gaze to me, her eyes making direct contact, "I want to help those people and I know I can. But Ban and King - they don't want me getting hurt or being labelled as a monster. King was for when he tried to save me..."

Sorrow seemed to pass Elaine's face before she simply sighed with a small smile, "So I sit on the sidelines and cheer them on, doing what little I can by nurturing this garden."

As if replying the plants began to grow, by larger amounts than usual. Leaves, vines and flowers blossomed and grew, while the petite blonde spilled out her frustrations. All of them showed that they'd be her company whilst she was alone and feeling useless. They showed that they'd be there while her brother and boyfriend could not.

"So you - the Sins - "

"We're all fighting the same side," Elaine beamed, "Even if questions are raised from the place Meliodas transferred from before here, it's common in our circle to know that we're against the demon and goddesses in their grab for schools. That's why the Ten Commandments have been spread into ten schools, to whip others into line."

I took in all Elaine said. The fairies; their cruel fate; The demon and goddess schools trying to grab more sister locations; and even that the Ten Commandments had been placed into neutral schools to intimidate them. It began to make the conversation from earlier clearer, decoding the vague speech.

But what stuck out most was that Meliodas wasn't placed here first. He was placed somewhere else.

"Meliodas transferred?" I quirked a brow.

"Yeah, I assumed you knew," Elaine blushed, a sheepish grin on her face, "You did say you two went way back, so I assumed you went to Danafor with him."

"Danafor..." I breathe as I think back to my first few years after being excluded from Celestial Prep. They were mostly faded and distant, like dreams rather than memories.

Danafor was the placeholder that I went to before begging to come here. When I insisted that I went by Liz so no-one would know who I was. I had cut my hair short and dyed it pink just for a new identity, even wearing contact lenses to change my eye color. It was a new chance as someone else. A way to live my life on the surface normally.

It was my way of separating Celestial Prep Elizabeth and Elizabeth Liones.

Danafor was said to rival Liones and it could - I know it did. It's students were gifted and when going against Liones, it was always a fun outcome. But not long before I left Danafor, it was burned to the ground.

Everything had been lost. Teachers, students, knowledge; everything. No-one survived and the fire was said to be unnatural with purple and black flames. No-one had managed to escape except me and a few others who were absent.

But how was Meliodas at Danafor? If he was there, then how did I not recognise him? Unless...

Was he in a disguise too? 

That might be why that one guy kept hitting on me. Come to think about it I always told him about how he reminded me of someone I knew. He always used to laugh it off and say it was a coincidence. But maybe it was just as easy for Meliodas to dye his hair and change his name as I did.

Maybe that's why after the fire I knew that he was safe. I didn't grieve for him or anything. I think deep down I knew they were the same person because that guy seemed to trust me just as much as Meliodas. Maybe that's why it was so easy for him to become friends with me, despite the prickly guard I built up as Liz.

I have to ask Meliodas about that.

"Yeah, he went there until it burned down," Elaine answered, "Apparently he lost someone there and hadn't been the same until you came around. In fact he seemed so happy to see you here that the Sins and I assumed you were who he lost in the blaze. Liz must've been short for Elizabeth."

"I guess that would be accurate," I respond, trying to fit the puzzle pieces together. Suddenly I feel the stalker's gaze again. Dark and piercing.

He was listening.

"The problem is I'm not Liz," I answer simply, before nodding downward. I hope Elaine got the signal.

"You're not?" Elaine seemed taken aback, but smiled a little.

"Nope, Liz had short pink hair and was great at PE," I laughed as I thought about how I'd changed. Thirteen year old me was definitely more adventurous. "I'm a natural klutz and more or less terrible at PE. Plus I have long silver hair."

"Well, those things can be faked," Elaine responded, "We'll just see on Monday if you're really Liz."

"Challenge accepted," I smile back, knowing she knew I was really Liz.

"Great," She clasped her hands in mock excitement, "Now, we should go and meet Diane. I'm sure she's worried about us."

"Oh yeah, didn't she say to be at the dorm?" I raise a brow.

"Yep, now let's go," Elaine then lowered the platform and return the tree to its natural state, before leading me out of the gardens.

I really have to thank Elaine for this later. She caught onto what was happening almost immediately and seemed to understand that I wanted to leave.

"We have to tell the others we found the rat," Her voice was soft as we entered the main building, "If you didn't know he was there he would've heard much more."

"I know," I glance back down the hall, "But could we wait until tomorrow? I'd hate to ruin today all because of the figure, watching and listening to all of our conversation."

Elaine pauses, biting into her lip. She seems reluctant, her features twisted with conflict.

"Ok..." Elaine answered uncertainly, sighing, "But we have to tell them tomorrow."

"Tomorrow," I nod, happy that Elaine had bought me some time.

I wanted to know why the stalker seemed to only follow me and not the Sins. Especially since he may be one of the Ten Commandments.

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