Male reader x Marvel's Guardi...

By itschaoz907

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Growing up all Y/n knew in life was mostly hate but his mother loved him even if he came from a one night sta... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
A/n(Please read )
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
New Book is out.

Chapter 3

3K 48 35
By itschaoz907

Y/n= Your name




Location The Milano.


Drax: I am watching you, rodent.

Rocket: What's that supposed to mean?

Drax: It is common knowledge that rodents hoard. Nuts, Stolen technology. Units.

Rocket: (sigh) Okay, first off, I ain't a hoarder nor a rodent.

Drax: I know you have a stash hidden aboard the ship. Fetch it. Now.

Rocket: There ain't nothing to fetch! Groot blew our stash on Contraxia! And the rest I gave to Quill and Gamora for the d'ast Quarantine Zone access code.

Drax: Peter Quill, tell the rodent that his selfishness endangers us all.

Peter: Rocket, we could really use any extra units you have.

Rocket: How do I got to spell it out for you? I. Don't. Got. No. Units.

Peter: Fair enough.

Drax: You believe his lies?!

Rocket: Oh, I ain't lying. Why don't you leave me alone and bother someone else instead?

Drax: I intend to. (walks away)

Rocket: What do you want, Quill? If you're looking for units, check your own room. So, you here to talk or you just want a gear upgrade?

Peter: Still upset with me?

Rocket: I'd be a lot better if we didn't have three cycles to pay a fine.

Peter: Hey, remember that time on Khan-Lar? With the Badoon and that really hot A'askavarian girl?

Rocket: Yeah, her buddies would've spaced your stupid humie butt if me and Groot hadn't busted in.

Peter: I had things under control! Mostly.

Rocket: Ha! Too bad you're broke, Quill, I should be chargin' you for all the times we saved you.

Peter: Name one other time you saved me.

Rocket: Contraxia. Knowhere. Paramatar. Ceres. Contraxia again. Malador--

Peter: Okay, okay, okay. So I owe you. Big.

Rocket: I shoulda turned you in for Yondu's bounty. Sure as scut wouldn't be scrounging for units to pay off your Nova girlfriend.

Peter: Ex-girlfriend. But admit it, you like being a Guardian of the Galaxy.

Rocket: Still on the fence about the brand name, but keeping the Milano as collateral was a pretty smart move.

Peter: Never agreed to that.

Rocket: If you'd rather I turn you in...

Peter: Don't worry. I know you put a lot into this team. I'll make it up to you.

Rocket: You better.

Peter walks away and finds Drax outside the bathroom.

Drax: Peter Quill, order the tree to open this door. I am certain the rodent has hidden a stash of units within the latrine. He must have asked his well-meaning accomplice to retrieve the sum and hide it from us.

Peter: Alright, I'll check on him and tell you if he's doing anything weird.

Drax: Acceptable.

Peter: Groot? You okay in there? Think you could open the door for a minute?

Groot: I am Groot.

Peter: Is that my Toothbrush?

Groot: I am Groot. ( door closes)

Peter: Great. Now I need a new toothbrush.

Peter starts walking to Y/n's room and Knocks on the door.

Peter: Y/n It's me can I come in?

Y/n: Sure.

The Door opens up and Y/n is on his bed sharpening his axe.

Y/n: What can I do for you?

Peter: I just wanted to check in on you see how you are doing and talk about what happen with Ko-Rel in the elevator.

Y/n: What is there to talk about? She was being a dick to you and I don't like when people are mean to the ones I care about.

Peter: It's just- wait you care about me?

Y/n: Of course I do I know it's only been 3 months since I've been with you guys but I've been so much more happy here then I have been the last couple of years.

Peter now sitting on the bed with Y/n

Peter: I'm Glad to hear that. To be honest I thought you were gonna hate me for not being there for you.

Y/n: I wanted to trust me I did but If my mom saw something in you that let you even get anywhere close to her then you must be alright.

Peter: Yeah I got lucky your mom was a Great women.

Y/n: (smiles) Yea, yea she was but trust me you didn't want to get on her bad side.

Peter: (chucks) Yea I bet.

Y/n: Oh and by the way I don't have any units sorry.

Peter: That's alright I'm sure we'll come up with something.

Y/n: So I have to ask you really think Nikki is your kid?

Peter: I-I Don't know I mean the times match up just like it did with you.

Y/n: Hmm So I could have a sister?

Peter: Yeah I guess so but I don't know for sure if she is my kid so I'll ask Ko-Rel about it later.

Peter: Hey can you do something for me?

Y/n: What's up?

Peter: Can You check on Gamora. I would but I have to look for units in my room plus I think she likes you more anyways.

Y/n: Sure I guess and what a little jealous?

Peter: What?! no.

Y/n: (laughs) sure sure. I'll go see what Gamora is doing see you later old man.

Peter: Later (Y/n walks out) they are so gonna get together.

Y/n: (from outside his room) I heard that!

Peter: I Didn't say anything! 

Y/n is about to knock on Gamora's door when it opens.

Y/n: Hey. Gamora--

Gamora: You're supposed to knock.

Y/n: I was about to. Anyways what are you doing. My old man wants everyone to look for units.

Gamora: I did.

Y/n: And?

Gamora: You can tell peter I don't have any.

Y/n: Ah alright. Well I let you get back to what you were doing before. ( goes to leave)

Gamora: Y/n wait come in.

Y/n: Alright.( walks in her room) What's up.

Gamora: Are you okay? I didn't get to ask you yet with everything going on. You fell down a long way.

Y/n: I'm alright I mean my ribs hurt just a little bit but I should be good soon.

Gamora: That's good. I was worried about you.

Y/n: Is that so?

Gamora: Yeah.

Y/n: Well it's nice to know that you care enough to worry about me.

Gamora: I'm sure the others care about you as well.

Y/n: I know, I'm just not used to people being nice to me is all.

Gamora: I know what you mean. Being thanos daughter and the things I've done. People Are not to kind to me and I deserve it.

Y/n:  Now that's just bullshit.

Gamora: What?

Y/n: Gamora for as long as I've been here you have been nothing but kind to me and I am thankful for that. And you trusted me enough to tell me about your past, Thanos took you as a kid and made you do those things. But you saw the wrongs in what you were doing and set to change for the better.

Gamora: but with my past--

Y/n: What you did in the past does not matter, Here and now does and if they can't see that you are wanting to make amends with what you did then they can just fuck off.

Gamora: I-I don't know what to say.

Y/n: You don't have to say anything just know As long as i can help I'll be there.

What happened next surprised Y/n. Gamora kissed him on the cheek.

Y/n:(Blushing) W-what was that for?

Gamora: (Giggles) Just a thank you for making me feel better.

Y/n: A-ah well I try my best. I'll go see what the others are doing. Oh and don't worry I didn't see a thing in here. Talk to you later Gamora. ( Y/n walks out of her room.)

Y/n puts a hand on his cheek

Y/n: Yare yare daze.(smiles) maybe life isn't so bad here after all.

Y/n made his way to the couch and sat down. Not soon after Peter came out and put some units and some business cards on the table.

Rocket: 37 units?

Drax: We appear to be 6963 units short. If we intend to keep our ship, Peter Quill--

Peter: I know, I know. we clearly need a plan.

Drax: Reconsider my initial proposal.

Rocket: (Groans) Not Fin Fang Foom again.

Drax: Yes! We should go after Fin Fang Foom!

Rocket: Drax, there are easier ways to get paid. Like what about selling Gamora's crap?

Gamora: What!?

Rocket: Oh, come on, you been hoarding them stupid knickknacks ever since you first joined us. I mean, don't tell me they ain't worth nothing?

Drax: The Quarantine Zone was always a half-measure!

Rocket: She's holding out on us, Quill!

Gamora: My figurines are not knickknacks!

Rocket: Team's in trouble and you can't be bothered to make no sacrifice.

Groot: I am Groot.

Drax: Set course for the Maklu Star System--

Gamora: I will sacrifice your head.

Drax: And take us to the majestic mountains of

Rocket: Yeah, mature. Real mature.

Peter: Guys! Let's just hear Drax out this time.

Drax: Fin Fang Foom is the fiercest, most legendary monster in the galaxy. It shatters the bones of ALL who go after it. The skulls of the greatest hunters are impaled upon its fangs. Imagine the glory of such a death!

Y/n: Our goal isn't death, Drax.

Drax: Glorious death.

Gamora: Out of the question.

Rocket: Well, in that case--

Y/n: We are not selling no ones stuff Rocket. End of story.

Groot: I AM GROOT!

Groot: I... Am... Groot.

Rocket: He says we should combine both ideas.

Drax: Sell Gamora's trinkets to Fin Fang Foom. It is brilliant.

Rocket: Yeah, you know, the only problem with your plan is that Lady Hellbender only buys monsters. And you are not a monster! He's not. He's the sweetest, most--

Groot: I am Groot.

Rocket: No, you don't! This ain't something you can pretend!

Groot: I... Am...Groooooooooooot!

Rocket: Oh yeah!? You want monster!? I'll show you monster!

Peter: Whoa, guys!

Gamora: Groot. Are you really offering to--

Rocket: No,no he is not offering that, OK?

Gamora: It could work.

Peter: Sell Groot? I guess we could bust him out after.

Drax: Absurd! Lady Hellbender seeks the monster within. The small ugly one is clearly the correct choice. He is cruel. Sadistic. His soul is filthy and filled with rage. The monster queen would pay a great sum for such a creature.

Rocket: Really? How great?

Gamora: How are you OK with this?

Rocket: Because I know what I am! And I know what he ain't.

Groot: I am Groot!

Gamora: I vote we sell Groot. I honestly think Lady Hellbender would go for him.

Rocket: Yeah, well I vote for not Groot.

Drax: I also vote for the creepy little beast.

Y/n: I vote for Rocket.

Peter: Well, Rocket's definitely scarier on the inside. He's unstable and vicious and totally oblivious to the needs of others--

Rocket: OK, we get it, Quill.

Peter: The point is I think you'd make a fine monster. And we'll definitely need that tactical brain of yours to bust you out once you're in there. But just to be 100% sure, you're definitely OK with this?

Rocket: Uh, you kidding? I can't wait to hold this over you.

Peter: Alright. Let's do this. Let's go sell a monster!




Location Seknarf nine

Rocket:  We're not seriously flying into that?

Drax: They say the weather patterns of Seknarf Nine are tied to the temperament of its ruler.

Gamora: That's not how women work.

Y/n: Or weather.

Peter: I'm sure it look worse than it is.




Gamora: There! That's Lady Hellbender's fortress.

Rocket: Get us in close, Quill. I don't wanna walk in this.

Peter: Woah!

The ship  gets hit.

Peter: (nervous laugh) Yep, no problem!

Drax: You are flying the wrong way!

Rocket: He's not flying at all.

Peter: Guy's relax! Just one... minor...adjustment...

Peter lands the ship

Peter: (Out of breath, laughing) Piece of cake!

Rocket: You can't be serious.

Peter: What? This was we can scope thing out before we finish the transaction.

Gamora: we're like hundred clicks from her base.

Peter: You know how much I like scoping.

Y/n: Well we ain't dead so its a start.

Rocket: Next time, I'm flying.

Drax: Monsters do not fly ships.

Rocket: Monsters do whatever they want.

Groot: I am Groot.

Rocket: Don't you get all gloomy right now. it don't help.

Gamora: Because your constant complaining does?

Drax: (laugh) You are complaining about the short one complaining.

Rocket: We're all complaining! happy?

Y/n: Yare Yare daze. Can we get going already?

Peter: Okay, here we go.

Rocket: I ever mention how much I hate rain?

Peter: Hellbender's castle isn't even that far!

Drax: That is not a castle! it is an impregnable fortress!

Rocket: So how do we impregnate it?!

Gamora: Ask Peter!

Peter: Ha, ha! Let's just get closer! We'll figure it out on the way!

Drax: There is nothing to figure out! As beast merchants, we will easily gain access to Lady Hellbender!

Peter: Good! We've already got a beast! All that's left is the merchant part!

Gamora: Good thing I put on my official merchant costume!

Y/n: Whoa! That is some really crazy lightning out there! Never seen anything like it!

Rocket: Meteorological suicide is what it is.




Rocket: Hey, Storm-Lord! We ain't seriously walking through this?! It'll take forever in this storm!

Drax: Stop complaining! The hardship will strengthen your spirt!

Rocket: I've faced more then enough hardship, thank you very much!

Peter: At least we'll have time to think about our sales pitch!

Gamora: Small furry creature! Lightly used!

Drax: Underwhelming! The rodent has menacing fangs! We shall focus on them!

Gamora: Talk about underwhelming!

Rocket: You won't be so dismissive when i bite off your--

Y/n: We got this! Just don't fall and we'll be fine!

Drax: Agreed! We must face Lady Hellbender's rage head on!

Gamora: Almost sounds like you want to get hit by lightning!

Drax: I would not expect a Chitauri traitor to understand the underlying value!

Gamora: The underlying value of what drax? Getting Killed?!

Drax: Of being direct, you child of subterfuge!

Gamora: What is your problem?!

Drax: Lady Hellbender scoffs upon duplicity and dishonor! Your reputation is why she test us!

Y/n: Can we refocus here! We're here to trick some lady. Not kill each other!

Gamora: She's not just some lady! Lady Hellbender's a know warrior!

Drax: And a Queen!

Rocket: And stinking rich!

Peter: Exactly! She's a stinking rich, warrior-queen, businesswoman! And she won't be able to resist a good deal! Same as us!

Drax: Perhaps some of us!

As they were walking lightning hits the ground right in front of them and sends everyone back a couple of feet.

Y/n: Shit!

Rocket: Flark!

Peter: Woah!

Gamora: Watch out!

Peter: That was way too close!

Drax: Well played, Lady Hellbender!

Y/n: Drax she cant-- You know what never mind.

Rocket: So we're still doing this?!

Drax:(laughs) Yes!

Gamora: Guys! Focus! Keep an eye out on those big blue ones and take cover when they hit! Or we'll get blown right off!

Y/n: Good advice!

Peter: Okay. This might be more dangerous than I thought!

Gamora: I thought you lived for danger?!

Peter: Yeah, keyword live!

Rocket: If any of you die, I'm going back to the ship!

Gamora: Wind gust!

Peter: Whoa!

Rocket: I ever mention how much I hate being wet?!

Y/n: Yes! A lot of times!

Peter: Yes!

Gamora: Repeatedly!

Drax: Many times!

Groot: I am Groot!

As they jump to another platform it gets hit by lightning and falls apart and they all fall down.

Peter: Is everyone okay?

Drax: We should have gone to Maklu IV.

Rocket: Hey, check out the old Resistance ship. Thing's been shot to hell.

Drax: No doubt by this one and her chitauri friends.

Gamora: We weren't friends.

Peter: Ah, guys...

Groot: I am Groot?

Y/n: What is that?

Rocket: Eh.. not sure. But it ain't moving now..

Drax: I would be wary, rodent.

Rocket: Eh, you know what? I survived frickin' Halfworld. You think I'm scared of some little-- (scream)

The thing shot something out at rocket and rocket moved just in time to not get hit by it.

Y/n: You were saying?

Gamora: It's not alone! Get ready!

Y/n activates his spartan rage and starts ripping chunks of ground and stars throwing it at these Cube looking things and kills them but as one dies another takes its place so he and the team  get ready for a fight.

Timeskip to end of fight.

Rocket: So that's what a monster around here looks like?

Drax: We are outside Lady Hellbender's sanctuary. The creatures here are not her pets, but food.

Peter: They sorta do look like food.

Gamora: We're gonna be food if we don't climb outta here.

Rocket: Where the flark is she going?

Gamora: There's a trail going through the jungle. Try to find a way up.

Peter: You think it leads to the fortress?


Drax: This is Seknarf Nine. All paths must lead to Lady Hellbender's fortress.

Peter: Drax? You can pull this reactor out gently, right?

Drax: If it were combustible, the rodent would have shot it by now.

Rocket: He makes an excellent point.

Drax: Shall I continue ripping it apart?

Peter: No, no! No. I think we're good.

Rocket: Great, we made it halfway up. Now what?

Peter: Maybe if we could lower that wing somehow.

Peter shoot the stuff off that were covering the wing controls.

Rocket: There they are! Wing controls!

Y/n: Alright rocket work you magic.

Rocket: Great! Everyone watch out for beeping red lights.

Y/n: Why?

Rocket: This is a Resistance ship. We'll be lucky if there's only one booby trap on it.

Rocket gets the wing down.

Rocket: There we go.

Y/n: Nice job rocket.

Rocket: All in a days work.




Gamora: Careful. Looks like something big moved through here.

Rocket: Yay.

Y/n: Let me guess. Some kind of monster thing?

Gamora: Good guess. Well done.

Y/n: Any chance it doesn't know we're here?

Gamora: Nope. Only question is which one of us it'll jump first.

Peter: It's probably not gonna jump us.

Gamora: Hmm hmm.

Rocket: So, uh, these tracks, Gamora... You're just messing with us, right?

Y/n: I would have to say she isn't.

Gamora: Nope.

Drax:(laugh) Are you frightened, rodent?

Drax: I am eager to experience Lady Hellbender's legendary menagerie.

Rocket: Yeah, I bet you are.

Gamora: What's the weirdest monster you guys have seen?

Rocket: I once saw a Brood-transformed Rigelian wearing a klyntar parasite.

Y/n: A what now?

Gamora: You could fit a lot of teeth into a head that big.

Rocket: You have no idea.

Y/n: You right.

As Y/n and Peter keep moving along another lightning strikes hit and  makes stuff fall over blocking the way and makes Peter and Y/n fall on there asses.

Y/n: I am stating to get pissed off.

Drax: (Laugh) This is further proof that we are not welcome here.

Rocket: If we turn back every time we ain't wanted, we'd never go anywhere.

Gamora: Good point.

Peter: Can you get us through here, Gamora?

Gamora: Whatever it takes to find Hellbender.

Gamora cuts the plants that were blocking the way and now they can move on.

Y/n: Thanks Gamora.

Gamora: Anytime.

Drax: Her name is Lady Hellbender.

Y/n: Okay and?

Rocket: Yeah, Gamora.

Drax: And if we want an audience with her, we will have to start showing some respect.

Y/n: I'll show some respect, if she shows some respect to us. I'm not gonna get on my hands and knees just because she wants me to.

Drax: Peter Quill Teach your offspring some respect.

Peter: Y/n when we get to Lady Hellbender play nice alright?

Y/n: Hey All I'm saying is I'm not letting anyone walk over me like I'm trash. Not again

Gamora: This from the guy who calls me " harlot spawn of Thanos."

Drax: An accurate description. We all know which harlot spawn it refers to.

Rocket: What about her sister Nebula?

Drax: Hmm, I forgot about the blue harlot spawn.

Y/n: Gamora's actually adopted, so not even that accurate.

Gamora: ah, yeah. Also not a harlot!

Y/n: Right,right. That too.

Rocket: Aww would you look at that lover boy is defending his girlfriend.

Y/n:(rolls his eyes) Call it whatever you want. And she's not my girlfriend.

Rocket: Hey let's take bets on where or not They will get together.

Y/n:(sigh) This team is full of people that act like kids.

Drax: But we are older than you Y/n quill. You are the only Kid here.

Y/n: It's a -- never mind it would go over your head anyways.

Drax: Nothing gets past my head I would catch it.

Y/n: Yare Yare.

Gamora: we'll need to find a way out of this jungle.

Rocket: Why? it's dry down here.

Gamora: Wouldn't you rather be wet then lost?

Rocket: Not particularly

Drax: This jungle is majestic.

Rocket: In a everything-is-trying-to-kill-you sorta way, sure.

Drax: That is precisely why it is majestic.

Rocket: Dead end. That's just great.

Peter: Wait! is that chitauri tech over there?

Drax: ask the chitauri..

Peter: No, no, it is! It's a retractable bridge! They used them at the prison I was in.

Gamora: Too bad the controls are on the other side of a giant chasm.

Drax picks rocket up.

Rocket: What Are you doing!

Drax: We do not have time to dawdie in this jungle. I shall hurl the creature over the chasm so he may activate the bridge.

Y/n: (laughs) I was thinking the same thing Drax.

Rocket: Shut up Y/n! I may activate  hole through your face Drax! Put. Me. Down!

Peter: (Chuckles) we're not throwing Rocket.

Drax: Very well. (drops rocket)

Rocket: You sons of flarkin' chogs!

Y/n: How will we cross?

Rocket: Filthy grudscum. Badoon-face scutplugs.

Peter:(chuckles) Look around. We'll find another way.

Y/n who is still looking at rocket and then back at the chasm and back at rocket Gamora see this.

Gamora: Y/n no.

Y/n: Y/n yes!

Gamora: Y/n...

Y/n: (sigh) Fine I'll won't throw him.

Gamora: (smiles) Good.

Rocket: Oh would you look at that she's got him wrapped around her finger.

Y/n: That's it! Come here you little shit!

Peter: Y/n! That enough! Go look for a way over!

Y/n: Whatever.

Rocket: Yeah That's right lea--

Before Rocket could finish what he was saying Y/n threw his axe right next to Rockets head.

Rocket: AHHHHH! (Jumps onto Groot)

Peter: Can't say I didn't see that coming.




Peter: Drax, think you can topple This?

Drax knocks over the big stone so the team can get to the other side.

Peter: Alright! Let's try not to fall!

Rocket: That's your pep talk!? Great place to leave a sculpture.

Y/n: Wait, hear that?

Peter: Eyes up, people.

Drax: Ha! I was born for this!

The Group get ready to fight Flying monsters.

One come at Y/n and his uses his axe to cut one of the wings off grounded it then stomps on it to finish it. As the fight was going on Y/n killed more and more. The fight was coming to an end and there was only one left and it came flying at Y/n, Y/n then ducked under it and grabbed it just to slam it hard in to the wall killing it.

Groot: I am Groot.

Rocket: Yeah, I'm feeling all turned round as well. Where the flark are we?

Gamora: Just look around. There must be a path somewhere.

Y/n: Alright Gamora, Would you be kind and cut a way though please. I'm pretty sure it's this way.

Gamora: of course.

Gamora cuts a way though so they can move on.

Y/n: Thanks.

Gamora: No problem

Rocket:50 units says it ain't

Gamora: He doesn't have 50 units.

Groot: I am Groot?

Rocket: No way are we almost there. Still got like half a planet to walk across.

Drax: Lady Hellbender could cross this jungle in seven strides!

Gamora: Sure she could.

Drax: Or she would have flown over the mountains.

Y/n: Oh! She flies now?

Drax: She possesses flying creatures.

Y/n: Hmm

Peter: I heard she shoots lasers out of her eyes.

Rocket: Now we're talking!

Drax: Ah, I have not heard that one!

Gamora: I heard there are actually nine of her. That's why they call it Seknarf Nine.

Drax: Ha! That is preposterous!

Gamora: That one's preposterous?!

Peter: Gamora mind cutting us a path?

Gamora cuts a way though.

Drax: They say that Lady Hellbender feels it every time you cut a piece of her jungle.

Peter: Whoa. An old Nova Bomber. I haven't seen one of these the war. I remember it used to take a dozen ships to bring one down.

Drax: A dozen ships. Or one Chitauri infiltrator.

Y/n: That sounds more like a compliment.

Gamora: Yeah I'll take that one as a compliment.

Peter: Still no sign of the fortress?

Rocket: Nope! We even sure this is the right way?

Drax: Yes.

Gamora: Now what's the hold up?

Drax: Fear.

Rocket: No! Just thinking someone else should cross the death pit first. Me and Groot are the merchandise.

Drax: Only one of you is the merchandise.

Rocket: Plan A and Plan B, okay?

Drax: Just go.

Rocket: No! You just go!

Peter: Someone go!

Gamora: Don't leaders usually cross first?

Peter: Not if it's dangerous.

Y/n: Fine I'll go first.

Peter: What no you will--

Y/n: To late old man.

Y/n Goes first.

Peter: See, it's fine! Perfectly safe.

Rocket: Fine.

Drax: Do not even think of pushing me, assassin.

Gamora: There are so many better ways to kill someone.

Peter: Easy does it...

Peter: (gasps in surprise) What the flark--?

Drax: Do not die here, Peter Quill. It would be unheroic.

Groot: I am Groot!

Rocket: Groot says there's something down there.

Drax: A monster?!

Gamora: It doesn't matter.

Rocket: Of course it matters!

Gamora: It's unstable either way. Just move!

Just then A Giant tentacle come up and just almost hits them.

Rocket: Yep, definitely saw the giant tentacle!

Gamora: Peter! Jump!

Drax: Run!

Y/n: Come on Old Man!

Peter jump and grabs on to the edge but falls but Gamora jumps down and puts her sword into the wall and catches Peter and throws him up to safety. Gamora then jumps back up but since it's wet she slips and it about to fall off but Y/n grabs her by her arm and pulls her back to safety.

Y/n: I got you.

Gamora: Thanks.

Peter: Nice catch.

Gamora: You're welcome. Don't get used to it.

Drax: Peter Quill! We are not alone here!

The jelly monster is back.

Rocket: I got it. (Pulls out his gun)

But Before Rocket could shoot it another monster comes and the two monsters fight it out With the jelly monster getting frozen from the other monster tail.

Peter: Uh, guys? Anyone know what that is?

Drax: Yes. A Monster! AAAAAAAAH!

Drax goes running at it just to get pushed to the side by the monster.

The fight is on They start hitting it with everything they got But The monster Won't go down that easy and uses its Tail to Hit Y/n it to a wall.

Peter: Y/n!

Y/n: I'm fine! I have a plan!

Gamora: What is it!

Y/n: I need you guys to get me an opening so I can cut its tail off!

Gamora: You got it!

They work on getting an opening for Y/n and he gets one when Groot ties the monster down.

Peter: Y/n Now!

Y/n: You got it!

Y/n runs at the monster and brings his axe down on the monster's tail and cuts it clean off. The Monster now free from Groot runs away from the fight.

Drax: Cowardly beast! Finish the battle!

Y/n: Yea That's right run away stumpy!

Gamora:Without its tail between its lags.


Gamora: I say we go after it. Finish the job.

Rocket: Anyone ever tell you you're scary?

Gamora: Yes.

Peter: I mean, there's obviously a way out up there. Which is exactly what we need. Plus it'll get us eyes on where we need to go.

Drax: Then it is settled. Let us scale this downed contraption!

Rocket: Yeah, okay. How do we do that?

Peter: Good question...

Y/n: That reactor thing there is pretty loose.

Rocket: And pretty gunked up. Ew...

Rocket: Yo, Quill. check out the upper wing strut. Looks pretty compromised to me.

Peter with the help from Gamora gets to a higher point and now has a good view of what is keeping the reactor up.

Y/n: You see anything old man.

Peter; I got eyes on this gunked up reactor. A couple of shots should bring it down.

Peter then shots the reactor down.

Peter: Alright! Pretty sure that baby's our ticket upward. Somehow.

Drax: it is neither a baby nor a ticket. It is a reactor.

Gamora: First a downed Resistance ship, now a Nova Corps one.

Gamora cut the wing free and it makes a bridge.

Rocket: See, that was easy! Great teamwork, everyone!

Groot: I am Groot.

Rocket: I helped in spirit!

Peter: Alright! Slippery, wind-pummeled treetops. here we come!

Drax: One thing is clear: We would never have accomplished this task without the assassin.

Y/n: Did Drax just praise Gamora?

Drax: I am giving credit where credit is due.

Y/n: I see.

Drax: There it is! Lady Hellbebder's fortress!

Peter: It's gotten bigger, that's for sure!

Drax: Ha! it is not getting bigger! We are getting closer!

Y/n: Thanks Drax!

Gamora: Looks like there's a way down here!

Peter and Y/n slide down and land in slime and can't move.

Peter: ugh, slimy.

Y/n: Guys, You might want to wait to come down here.

But it was too late all but Gamora comes down and get stuck.

Rocket: Ugh! why the flark is this so deep!?

Gamora: In a jam,boys?

Y/n: Oh Ha ha very funny.

Peter: (grunt) You think?

Gamora takes out her sword but every one is to far to reach it.

Drax: The sword will not work,woman. Find us a rope.

Peter: Yeah, And fast!

Gamora: Where am i supposed to find a rope?

Peter: I dunno--I'm sinking in jelly here!

Rocket: Quills! Do something!

Gamora: Flark flark flark flark,

Peter: Like what!?

As this was happening Y/n got his hands free and grabs his axe and Peter's hands start to glow and he grabs his guns and they start to change and combined together to make One gun. Y/n starts to focus on bring out the ice powers of his axe and just as Peter shoots his gun to freeze the slime Y/n's axe shoots out a line of ice and helps freezes the slime.

A/n watch from 1:30 to 1:40 video isn't mine.

Gamora: What did you two just do?

Drax: sorcery.

Rocket: So... cold.

Peter: Rocket! Somebody get him out of there.

Groot: I! Am! Groot!

Groot brakes everyone out of the ice.

Gamora: Mind telling us what happened?

Peter: I don't know. My blasters they... They've only done that once before, when I was a kid. I don't do it on purpose.

Rocket: Classic Spartoi tech! Just when you think you've seen it all, it pulls scut like this.

Peter: Would you leave the guns alone.

Rocket: Just-- just let me-- Quill, I just wanna see how they tick. Otherwise, they might as well be magic.

Drax: Or sorcery.

Peter: Y/n what about your axe what did you do?


Rocket: Oh real funny Magic he says.

Gamora: Guys. Quiet.

Just then More jelly monsters come out but with Peter's new upgrade to his gun it was an easy fight to win.

Gamora: We're close, but we're gonna need to get up there.

Peter: I'm thinking we can climb up and over.

Rocket: Ding, ding,ding! Give that man a gold star!

Y/n: Let's figure out how to make it climbable.

Drax: Stars are made of hydrogen, not gold. That would be a planetoid.

Peter: Drax, think you can drag this cannon out?

Drax: I will try. I...cannot..hold it...forever!(Struggle grunts)

Y/n see a gear moving and guesses if he stops that from moving the cannon will stay in place so he throws his axe at it and it freezes the gear in place and the cannon is now stuck out in the open.

Y/n: Hmm that worked.

Drax: Impressive, Y/n Quill.

Peter: Now we gotta get the next one out. Rocket, I need you to squeeze inside that little hole and try to knock the gun loose from the inside.

Rocket: Hello?! Chitauri ship. Full of booby-traps and death mechanisms.

Peter: But you love both those things.

Rocket: Ugh. You're right. I do. And I always wanted to see the inside of one of these bug bombers. Fine.

Rocket goes inside.

Rocket: Ugh. What reeks in here? That's... Oh scut! Gah!

Y/n: You okay in there, Rocket?

Rocket: I found the crew! I guess not even the worms wanna eat dead Chitauri meat.

Peter: Rocket...

Rocket: Relax! Just gonna reroute the little bit of remaining power to the cannon and... Nothing. You know what? Flark it. I'm blowing it up.

Peter: What?! Hang on! Think about all the booby traps and--


Gamora: Hah! Look at it go! He must have jump-started the thing.

Peter freezes it in place.

Peter: Rocket? You okay?

Rocket:(coughs) Oof! Yeah. And dry now, too!

They climb up .

Peter: Gamora, can you clear us a path though that junk?

Gamora: Sure.

Gamora cuts a way though and they go to move on.

Gamora: Y/n What about your axe?

Y/n: Oh shit you're right thanks for reminding me( puts his hand out and it comes to him)

Drax: Yes, Peter Quill! Onward to the palace of the Great giantess!

Gamora: Oh, so she's a giantess now?

Drax: It is said that Lady Hellbender stands fifty heads tall.

Rocket: Doesn't tell you much. Depends whose head. Ever met a Rigellian?

Y/n: Nope.

Drax: Yes. Their heads are ridiculous.

Rocket: You know, when it comes to taking out Chitauri, Drax has a couple of big notches on his belt too. I heard he took out Warbringer.

Gamora: Warbringer isn't dead.

Rocket: You sure?

Gamora: Very sure.

Peter: Come on! why's the bridge always on the wrong side?

Y/n: This time, I'm gonna throw rocket (picks him up)

Rocket: (struggle growls) You are DEAD! DEAD!

Peter: How many times do I have to say it? We're not throwing Rocket!

Drax: Ridiculous. You are holding us back to spare the beast's feelings. When has he done the same for us?

Y/n: Drax is right. I'm gonna throw him.

Peter: Son. Put. Him. Down!

Y/n: Let this be a lesson to you.

Rocket: Oh, I'll show you what a lesson looks like.

Y/n: Oh Then do it! Show me!

Peter: Knock it off, guys, we're supposed to be professionals. We're better than this!

Y/n: Whatever.

Rocket: I'm not!

Drax: Letting a measly Chitauri installation stop our progress is unprofessional.

Peter: Then stop wasting time arguing. We'll find another way across. Y/n you're with me.




Peter: You doing Okay Y/n you seem upset today?

Y/n: (sigh) It's nothing Rocket just gets under my skin some times that's all.

Peter: Yeah he does that to a lot of people.

Y/n: It's just I'm the new guy and I feel like they only try to be nice to me because I'm your kid.

Peter: That's not true and you know that.

Y/n: Even if it's not  true I can't help to have that thought of being stab in the back again and I know you guys wouldn't do that but it happened once who's to say it won't happen again.

Peter: This team we're a family and family is always there for each other no matter what and I know I got a lot to make up for but you can always count on me when you need help.

Y/n: Okay. I believe you. Now I'm sure this is the way. It's though this wall so I'm gonna throw this rock at it and we can keep moving.

Peter: Alright Bud.

Y/n throw the rock at the wall and it opens up.

Peter: Nice going Y/n.

Y/n: Happy to help. Oh my god this shit stinks.

Drax: That is... disturbingly fragrant! After you.

Peter:(Painful retching)

Drax: i am clenching every orifice right now.

Peter: Okay, that's kinda weird. Hello? Anybody?

Peter walks up to the cage and something is inside and makes a loud sound.

Peter: Woah!(laughs nervously) okay. That got my blood pumping.

Drax: Why would Lady Hellbender cage this creature?

Rocket: Uh 'cause it's annoying as scut?

Drex: Perhaps it is food.

Rocket: That thing's food?

Drax: Yes. Monster food.

Rocket: I wonder what it tastes like.

Gamora:(whispering) Peter, we can use this.

Peter: (Whispering)Monster food?

Y/n: (sigh)(Whispering) No old man I'm pretty sure Gamora is talking about the cage.

Gamora:(Whispering) Yup, We go into that fortress with our...with our "monster" walking peacefully beside us, we'll be laughed right out of the room.

Drax:(whispering) Why are you whispering?

Peter: Gamora thinks we can sell our monster act better if we have a proper cage. Only problem is, there's a pissed-off monster inside.

Y/n: Okay so we just kill it.

Drax: Release the beast, let me dispose of it.

Peter: Because that worked so well for you last time.

Gamora: We need a better plan of attack.

Peter: Yes. Ideally one that guarantees my safety as leader.

Groot let's the monster out by accident.

Y/n: Great stumpy's back and he has a friend with him.

Timeskip to end off fight.

The guardians have taking care of the first one and now all that is left is stumpy and he's not to happy with Y/n as he's the one to cut off his tail. So stumpy mostly went after Y/n but Y/n was ready. Stumpy ran right at Y/n and Y/n did not move he was waiting until he got a little closer before moving out of the way. Stumpy jumps at Y/n but Y/n rolls out of the way and when he looks back he see stumpy go right of the edge to it's death.

Y/n: Alright let's get moving.

Drax: More! Come to me beasts!(booming laugh)

Peter walks up to the cage and makes it smaller.

Peter: You are coming with me.

Y/n: That's cool.

Gamora: We better hurry.

Rocket: First rain, then jelly, then slimy stinky crawlspaces! And now all these monsters! I hate this flarking planet!

Gamora: You hate everything Rocket.

Rocket: True. But especially the stinky slime tunnel part! Itchy fur is where I draw the line.

Drax: We do smell exceptionally foul.

Y/n: Yeah I can't wait for this to be over with and be back on the ship.

Peter: Hey! I just went through the same crap you did and I smell amazing.

Rocket: Ha! Sure you do.

Peter: It's my sexy hero musk.

Y/n: Ha! Sure sure I'm sure you'll get all the ladies smelling like that.




Peter: Groot, gimme a bridge here. The fortress is right on the other side of those cliffs.

Groot: I am Groot!

Groot makes a bridge.

Y/n: Thanks Groot.

Rocket: Pretty sure it's this way, but I don't see an easy way to get up there.

Drax: Easy is rarely worth the effort.

Rocket: For you, maybe. I love easy.

Y/n: So, what do we do if all don't go well With Lady H? We gonna fight a monster queen?

Drax: She would be a formidable adversary indeed.

Peter: Lady Hellbender isn't our adversary-- if all goes well, she's gonna be our business partner.

Rocket: And if all don't go well?

Gamora: Then we'll know we should have sold Groot instead!

Y/n: Old man Try freezing the water in the middle to make a way over.

Peter tries what his son said and it worked.

Peter: Good idea Y/n.

Y/n: I have my moments.

Rocket: Whoa! Can I try ice-cubing something?!

Peter: Nope!

Rocket: Man, you're such a gasflap!

Gamora: So if we're gonna haggle with the Monster Queen, How much are we asking for our Monster?

Rocket: 395 million units, give or take two. One for every precious hair follicle on this flawless body.

Y/n: I was gonna say maybe 14k units.

Drax: You have counted them? That is bizarre.

Rocket: Hey, at least I have some to count. And Only 14k Y/n really?

Y/n: What I think it's a good amount. You're lucky we don't just give you to her.


Gamora: So who's next in line for the throne if Lady Hellbender has an accident?

Drax: Perhaps she is immortal.

Gamora: Nobody's immortal. Not even Death herself.

Rocket: Can't believe you just said that with a straight face.

Groot: I am Groot.

Rocket: No it ain't!

Groot: I am Groot!

Peter: Whoa! That is definitely in my top ten fortresses.

Just then The same monster they were gonna get in the Quarantine Zone flies above them.

Y/n: What the Hell?

Rocket: You said that Quarantine Zone monster was supposed to be rare!

Gamora: She already has a whole herd of them?!

Rocket: So we wasted our time! Almost got killed for nothing?

Gamora: And got arrested. That was fun.

Drax: It was moderately amusing.

Rocket: Now we've got a ticking time bomb on the ship and we owe money to the cops. All because of one lousy source.

Groot: I am Groot.

Peter: Guys, every misstep was just a step in the right direction towards competing our best plan yet.

Gamora: Say that again?

Peter: What if we'd brought one of those ugly suckers all the way here only to find out Lady H already had a full set?

Y/n: They do say everything happens for a reason.

Rocket: That would have sucked big-time.

Peter: Exactly. If we even got that far. What if we'd been towing that thing when Nova Corps intercepted us?

Drax: They would have taken our best.

Peter: See? This is working out. Sure, in a kinda... bumpy,chaotic way, but we've still got a plan.

Gamora: Let's just get this done.

Y/n: You can say that again.




Gamora: You can't be serious.

Peter: Okay. It's farther than it looked... Much farther.

Rocket: It's a flarking Infinity Bridge is what it is.

Y/n:(Sarcastically) Yay more walking my favorite.

Drax: Ah, you are being dramatic, rodent. The bridge ends at the fortress. Therefore it is not infinite.

Peter: Yeah. That's super comforting. Guess we gotta go. Three cycles.

Gamora: Peter!

Rocket: Aren't ya forgetting something?

Y/n: The cage.

Groot: I am Groot.

Peter: Oh, right . The cage.

Rocket: Whole point of even getting the flarkin' thing was looking like we mean business!

Peter: Alright Rocket. Time to put on your monster face.

Rocket: I only got one face, Quill.

Y/n: Yea an ugly one.

Rocket: What did you say!

Y/n: Nothing Nothing.

Gamora: Are you sure about this,Peter?(scoffs) Look at him! You better have one hell of a sales pitch.

Peter: Remind me again, how many missions have we been on so far?

Gamora: 13

Rocket: 15, If you count Contraxia and getting your son.

Gamora: Contraxia was not a mission, it was a mistake. And Getting Y/n was a mission.

Peter: Alright. Point is I was able to sell you, Gamora, daughter of Thanos, intergalactic assassin... as a hero. 15 times. Ha!

Gamora: Fine.

Rocket: I think he made his point.

Rocket walks into the cage.

Peter: Dra--

Peter: Gamora, can you help me with this?

Gamora: No.

Peter: What! Why?

Gamora: To guarantee your safety as our leader.

Y/n: (laughs)

Peter: Oh come on!

Rocket: Ha! She's got you there, Quill. Now shut up and start pulling!

Groot: i am Groot!

Rocket: Will you stop worrying so much. You're gonna start growing knots again.

Peter: Y/n... please.

Y/n:(rolls his eyes) Yare Yare daze Sure old man.

Peter: Thank you I'll make sure to give you a little bit of extra units for the help.

Y/n: (Nods) Sure let's just get this over with.

Peter: Okay, here we go.

A/n: And that the end of Chapter 3 Let me know what you guys think. Until next time have a good day/night.

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