
By harithx

22.4K 804 229

Felix have big fat crush on the bad boy of the school, he thought that he never will have a chance with him... More

Part 18


1.2K 43 33
By harithx

There would be gore and some mention of suicide! If you are sensitive to these kinds of things beware!

Felix's pov

After Hannie was drag away and we hear all of the commotion the house become dead silent and the air becomes uncomfortable.

"Felix." Someone calls me. I look up and I can see Hyunjin hyung look at me with this intense stare.

I look at him curiously.

"Finish up and meet me in your room." He said before he proceeds to stand up and clean up after himself and begin to walk out from the kitchen.

I look at his direction in wonder.

"You better hurry Felix, Hyunjin looks like he's in a bad mood." Changbin hyung said as he began to continue eating.

I nod my head and quickly finish my meal; I wash the dishes and quickly walk in the direction of my room. I can feel the anxiousness begin to bubble up. I take a deep breath before opening my room door.

I can see Hyunjin hyung sitting on my bed as he stares at a necklace of sort. I stare at him as he looks ethereal with the sun shining through the window.

"You can continue to stare after this Felix." He said as he looks straight to me after putting down the necklace.

I can feel my face burning up. I mumble a quick apology as I walk to him.

"Come and sit here. I have something important to tell you." He said as he pat the spot beside him. I nod and sit beside him.

I can hear him taking a deep sigh before turning to look at me.

"I'm sorry Felix, but I hope you can listen to me without interrupting. I have something important to tell you." He said seriously as he looks at me directly in the eyes. 

"Ok... but what is it? Is it something that I did?" I ask curiously. He sighs and shakes his head.

Suddenly he shows something in front of my face. It's a necklace that have a ring as the pendant.

"That ring looks identical to mine..." I said slowly before looking at him in curiosity.

"Yes... that's because... you got the ring from me Yongbok." He said as he looks at me with seriousness in his eyes.

Suddenly I can see lots of pieces of memories(?) no, it's like a movie playing back in my head.

"Promise you will protect me, Sam?" little Felix said to a boy.

"I promise Yongbokkie! You do know that I will protect you at all costs!" the boy named Sam said happily as they link their pinkies together.

Suddenly another film plays by.

A boy running at full speed to a house as he is shouting.

"Sam! Sam! Help me! Sam!" the boy shouts as he bangs the door with his small hands. But the door didn't open.

Suddenly a hand turns the little boy around. The little boy's eyes widen in fear as he is shaking in fear.

"You think you can run away from me bitch?! You think your prince charming will come and help you?! He left! He left your useless ass to us again! Did you seriously think you would be important to someone?!" both of my parents scream before they proceed to drag me back home as I struggle to get out from their grip.

"NO! He promised me! He promised he would protect me! He won't ever lied to me!" I scream out.

They throw me inside the house that's full of broken glasses, weird smoke swirling in the house and lots more. I shiver in fear. I can feel the glass cut through into my skin, but I just ignore it as I try to make the distance between me and them bigger.

"Did you really thought a piece of trash like you would be important to them?! Huh, get out from you little fairy tale!" my mom yell as she proceeds to hit me.

I cover my head from the hit as they proceed to kick, punch, and slap me.

I can hear some rattling; I peak between my fingers, and I can see my father unbuckle his belt. He begins hitting me using the belt using the metal part of the belt.

"Stop! Stop! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I would not run away again! Please!!" I beg them but they didn't listen to me at all. They still hitting me. The last thing I remember is the last hit of the belt before I begin to lose consciousness.

"Felix! Wake up! Hey! I'm here now! FELIX!" someone yell and shake me. I quickly hit the hands that's holding me away from me as I begin to cower away from the hands. I look up and I can see hurt writing all over Hyunjin hyung's face.

"No... no... left me... YOU LEFT ME! YOU PROMISED! YOU PROMISED YOU WOULD PROTECT ME!" I yell out as I put my hands on my head. I begin to grip onto my hair.

"Yongbokie..." he calls out.

"NO! NO! NO!" I yell out in fear as I try to run away from there.

"YONGBOK!" I can hear he yell out to me. I didn't see anything; my head can't wrap on the info that I was told. All I knew was that I was running. Where? I didn't know myself.

'What a baby! He can't accept that he left you!' a voice begins to taunt me. 'You're such a crybaby, that's why he left you! You annoy him!' the voices begin to become louder.

"NO! NO! NO!" I yell out as I grip my head as I fall to the ground. I keep on shouting no, trying to get the voices out.

'Why don't you just kill yourself? No one will be burden anymore by you!' the voices begin to tell me to kill myself.

"No! NO! NO!" I yell out. Suddenly I feel someone hugging me and begin to whisper to me.

"It's ok Yonngbok. You're safe now. I promise I will never let you be alone anymore. You are stronger than this. You have others to help you. Fight those voices baby. Please..." that person whisper. The voices begin to fade one by one. I can feel myself become so exhausted.

"I'm sorry..." that's the last thing that I remember before I completely black out.

Hyunjin's pov

I look at Felix in worry after I tell him that I'm the one that gave him the ring. He froze.

"Felix?" I called out to him, but he didn't respond suddenly he begin to scream. I was surprised.

"Hey, Felix! Felix! Yongbokie!" I called out again but he still continue to scream as he grip his hair and apologizing.

"Felix! Wake up! Hey! I'm here now! FELIX!" I yell as I shake him to wake him up from the trance. He quickly hit my hands that's holding him away from me as he begins to cower away from me. He looks up and I was hurt by his action.

"No... no... left me... YOU LEFT ME! YOU PROMISED! YOU PROMISED YOU WOULD PROTECT ME!" He yells out as he put his hands on his head again. He begins to grip onto his hair.

"Yongbokie..." I call out to him gently.

"NO! NO! NO!" He yells out in fear as he tried to run away from me.

"YONGBOK!" I yell out to him as he run out from the house bare foot. I can see others look at us in worry. I grip the necklace in my hand and chase after him. I can see he begin to yell out no.

I quickly pull him in my embrace.

"It's ok Yonngbok. You're safe now. I promise I will never let you be alone anymore. You are stronger than this. You have others to help you. Fight those voices baby. Please..." I whisper comfortingly. I can feel he begin to sag in exhaustion I assume.

"I'm sorry..." that's the last thing that he mumbles out before he black out.

"I'm sorry too Yongbokie, but I promise I will fix all of this."  I promise as I kiss his forehead lovingly and lift him up bridal style and begin to walk to Jisung's house.

As I walk in through the door, I can see all of them, except for Lee Know hyung and Jisung, quickly stand up begin to crowd around us. I don't know why but there's this possessive feeling that I have when suddenly they crowd around us. I tighten my hold on Yongbok and pull him closer to me and made his face cover at my neck.

"What happened to Lixxie hyung?" Jeongin asks carefully with worry in his eyes.

"I told him the truth." I said that to them and all of them look shock.

"And?! Tell us the details!" Seungmin said as he eager to know.

"He was shocked, and he had a flashback I think and the rest you know as all of you witness him running out." I said to them calmly as I take a step back from all of them because I feel uncomfortable all of them being too close to my baby.

I know this feeling. This is the same feeling that I had when we were little.

"If you guys would excuse us, I have a love to take care for." I excuse myself as I begin to walk into his room again.

I gently place him on the bed. I gently run my finger through his soft locks. "I promise I would protect you for real now. There's nothing that would separate us. I won't ever let that happen." I whisper in determine. I can see he begin to move before he catches my finger that had began to trace his face in his grip. He hugs my hand as he places at his cheek and snuggle into it.

I can't help but to smile at him. 'Now, I know why I was so attracted to you, you were Yongbokie. 'I thought to myself.

I take the chair that was beside the bed and sit there letting him hug my hand. 

"Sweet dreams baby." I whisper as I admire his peaceful face.

Jisung's pov

I take a deep breath before I look at my fingers that I was playing with.

"Y...yes we were best friend when we were little... But you didn't know my real name. You only know Peter because I hated my Korean name. I distanced myself away from you b...because your p...parents threaten me that they would get my parents fired if I didn't as they already have fiancée for you... they said that I would ruin your future. But I was stubborn I didn't do what they told me too." I explain to him.

I take a deep breath before slowly exhale it.

"They...they sent people to scare me away from them... that's why I have bruises but I lied to you and said I was clumsy... I didn't want you to hate your parents that's why I didn't tell you... it continued until one day, they tried to kill me. I was hit by the car that they were following me with. After that, my parents had enough of your parent's harass they transferred to another city and officially change my name to Han Jisung and never call me Peter anymore. But the silver lining of it, my parents got better job and I got a new family." I explain as I smile remembering Felix, Minnie and Innie.

"Hansungie... I ... please don't make up stories about my parents. They were the one that supported me when I come out. If you don't want to tell me the truth, just say that. Don't drag my parents into this! Stop sputtering lies about them!" he screams.

I snap my head to him, and I can see the rage that I saw in his parent's eyes on that awful day.

"I knew you would never believe me..." I mumble to myself.

"If you think that I'm a liar, then that's on you. But please never talk to me again as I'm none of your business anymore. I would be out from your sight. I know how much you hate liars right? I will be out from your hair from now on. Thank you for listening to me but now please just leave me alone." I said to him firmly as I can feel my tears start to roll down my face.

I unlock the car and walk out from there. I walk out from the basement and begin to walk away to no certain direction.

I take out my phone and call Minnie.

"Hello hyung?" he answers.

"I told him the truth Minnie..." I said to him.

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT HYUNG?!" he yell out in shock.

"I had a 50/50 chance; he didn't believe me Minnie. He called me a liar. Maybe they were right... I'm no one. His fiancée is better." I cried out as I continue my walk.

"I'm sorry hyung..." he apologies.

"Minnie... if I didn't make it tonight, please... don't tell anyone that I called you, ok? Please I beg you... I know they were listening. Please be strong and protect both Lixie and Innie ok?" I explain to him.

"Wait Hyung!" he calls out, but I just ended the call. I stand still at the roadside and look up to the sky. I wipe my tears away.

'What a beautiful colour of the sky.' I thought. 'Maybe this is the last time that I will see it.' I thought to myself as I can feel a presence behind me and the hit to the head that I was expecting finally came.

'Goodbye everyone. It was nice knowing you. I'm sorry I hurt you Minho hyung.' I thought as I pass out.

Seungmin's pov

After the call with Hannie hyung, I can feel something bad is about to happened.

"Hyung, what should we do?" I look to my side, and I can see Innie with teary eyes. He heard our conversation as he was with me when he saw that Hannie hyung called.

"We just have to wait. We can't do anything right now Innie... We can just pray for him. You do know that he's strong right?" I comfort him. He nods his head as his tears begin to fall. I wipe it away gently.

'Today is such a shit show. This would be a long day for us.' I thought. After Innie is calm we walk to the living room after cleaning his face. Not long after, Lee Know hyung walk in with conflicted emotion. He looks at us and his face turn to confusion.

"Where's Hansung?" he asks.

"He was with you right?" Chan hyung said in confusion.

"No, after we talk, he got out first." He said in confusion.

"Maybe he went to get some fresh air?" Changbin hyung said.

"Did he tell you anything?" he turns and asks us with worry lace in his voice.

Both Innie and I look at each other.

"No, he didn't." we replied. Suddenly panic wash over his face before he bolts out from the house.

"MINHO!" Chan hyung and Changbin hyung call out to him but he didn't even turn around.

"We should go and chase him. I know Hyunjin will protect Felix at all costs, so let's go!" he ushered us as we run after Minho hyung. Because of time crunch we didn't use the elevator we use the stair instead.

As we arrive at lobby Chan hyung got a call.

"It's from Minho!" he exclaimed. He put it on speaker.


"Ok! We're coming." Chan hyung said as he opens the GPS and locate where Minho hyung was and lead us there. Once we got to the scene both Innie and I look at each other.

"They got him... We were too late..." we both mumble out. Innie quickly snatch the phone away from Minho hyung. He was about to argue when Innie glare at him. He froze in his spot.

Innie unlock the phone and begin to search for clues in Hannie hyung's phone. He always leaves clues in there.

"Found it!" he yells out and open it. It's a note in his notepad? He never does this. As Innie was reading it he begins to cry before the phone fall from his hand. He looks directly to me and shake his head.

I quickly take the phone and see the note to myself.

If anyone found this phone, it's mostly you Innie. Hyung is sorry that hyung is not as strong as before but hyung will try to protect you guys even though hyung is a scaredy cat. If one day you found this phone without me there, then that just means that the secret is out.

Hyung finally told him about the truth but hyung knows for a fact that he won't believe me but hyung won't lie, hyung have a slither of hope maybe he would. But if he believes me then no one will find this note.

Hyung is sorry for being selfish of not fighting anymore, but hyung knows that you guys are strong, and you have Lixie with you, so you guys are going to be ok. It just hurt so much and finally they will have their wish of erasing me off this earth.

After this you guys will not live-in fear anymore, ok? Protect Lixie hyung ok? Even though he is older, but he is still fragile. He's my twin and he can be stupid sometimes, that's why you guys can never break apart from each other like how we promise ok?

Just remember that hyung will always love you guys, ok? Don't cry Innie, maybe in the next live we can live happily with each other without any of the drama.

Hyung don't know whether hyung would be kill or just sold. If hyung was only sold, then hyung will try as hard as hyung can to come and find you guys, ok? But hyung doesn't care as the agreement is that hyung would be the one that will be sacrificed so live your life for hyung ok?

If they breech the agreement, then you guys know what to do right? Hyung will miss Lixie's cupcakes so much.

I love you guys so much!

-Hannie hyung-

I glare at Minho hyung. "Are you happy now?! ARE YOU?!" I yell out as I can feel my tears running down my face. He looks at me confuse.

"Are you happy now?! He told you the truth! But you won't believe him! I didn't know why he was stupid enough to trust you that he tells you the secret! It's all your fault! He sacrificed himself for a selfish fucker that won't open his eyes to see the real thing! The fucker that lives in a fucking fairy tale! Fuck off from here! Don't ever show your face to us again!" I yell out as I throw the phone to his face in anger.

I take Innie with me as we walk back to Hannie hyung's house.

"What would we tell Lixie hyung?" Innie asks in fear.

"We need to tell him the truth. How else?" I said to him.

"But why did you throw that phone to him? You do know that we can track him, right?" Innie asks.

"I want that hyung to realise his mistakes and with this we can disappear and made him realize that he would be letting go of an important gem." I explain to him.

"But Hyunjin hyung is still glued to Lixie hyung." He said.

"We will give him a massage after we rescue Hannie hyung ok?" I said to him as we begin to board into Hannie hyung's car.

"Let's go and take our Hannie hyung home with us before changing our identity for the last time." I said as I start the car. He nods his head as he opens the laptop and using the GPS and search for the location before beginning  to hack into the building to know the layout of it.

We quickly follow the GPS. As soon as we arrive, we quickly gear up.

"You snipe like always and roger me." I said to him through the earpiece.

"Ok hyung." He replies.

I quickly run to the building and hide behind it.

"Hyung, in the building there's 3 people at the door. I'll take down 2 and you take the last one. After that, you should find Hannie hyung." He said to me as I can hear the soft sound of his keyboard.

"Roger that." I reply and I can see 2 bullets pierce through two head, and I quickly plunge my knife in to the neck of the third one. I throw the body to the side. I open the door and I can see Hannie hyung tied to the chair with his head bloodied and he was beaten badly.

"Hyung, let's get out from here!" I said to him as I cut the rope off.

"I knew you guys would come for me Minnie..." he said tiredly as he slowly lifts up his head and smile at me. I smile too and quickly piggyback hyung to safety.

"Innie you can blow this place up." I said to him.

"Roger that hyung." He replies and proceed to the order.

Once we at the car, I quickly patch up hyung.

"Hyung, we will send you to the safe house first, ok? We will go to you after we get Lixie hyung ok? We are sick of being their puppets. We will fake our death and restart, ok? we can start anew with new identity and we would not live in fear no more. No more killing and no more contracts. They just knew part of it and not all of it." I said to him.

"Ok Minnie." He said with tears fall from his eyes. I know that he's still hurting from Minho hyung.

After patching him up, we send him to the safe house. Once we know that he's all in order we return to Hannie hyung's house.

It's night time now. We both walk in and there's this sweet smell of chocolate, and we can see Lixie hyung taking out the brownies from the oven.

"Hey guys! I'm just done making brownies!" he said excitedly.

"Hey hyung! Where are the others?" I ask.

"Huh? They're resting in the rooms. Why?" he asks worriedly.

"Nah, we just feel like we want to eat cupcakes." Innie said with a smile.

His eyes widen before he nods in understand.

"Let's begin making dinner, ok?" he said and proceed to cook dinner.

Both of us nod in agreement before going to freshen up.

Jeongin's pov

After I was done freshen up, someone knock on my door. "Come in!" I call out.

I turn to look to the guest, and I was surprise when all three Chan hyung, Changbin hyung and Minho hyung in my room.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Can you tell us what happen? Minho won't tell us anything. What does the note mean?" Chan hyung asks.

I can feel myself be sadden at the thought of the note.

"It's what the note said. We had been on the run since forever and we thought we would live peacefully but I think we just lost a family member." I said with sadness.

"NO! He's not dead! Just tell me who did it?!" Minho hyung suddenly lash out.

"You already know the truth. If you don't want to believe it then be it. But please don't be delusional and saying that and giving us fake hope! It hurts to know that one of my hyung would be either be killed or sold! You don't know what that feels like! You just got the opportunity to know him again, but you fucking blew it! He changed! A lot! He was never an anxious person! But after the constant following, he begins to feel paranoid! He begins to have anxiety about everything! He's scared to talk to new people too after what he went through! He went through a lot! He thought you would believe him! He sacrificed his life for you! But what did you do?! You called him a liar!" cried out as hot tears freely flowing down my face.

I can see the guilt on his face.

"Innie, are you ok? I heard some shouting." Lixie hyung head pops out from the door.

I wipe my tears and nod my head.

"Ok if you said so. Well dinner is ready. Hyunjin and Seungmin is already at the table. So, let's eat, ok?" he said with a warm smile. I smile back at him and follow him.

"Good job, Innie." He whispers to me as we walk to the dining room.

"But the thing is Hannie hyung is trying to move on from that bastard right now." I whisper back. He nods his head as we arrive in the dining hall.

Not long, others emerge from the room and sit down. All of us begin to eat. The three of us look at the four of them as one by one begin to yawn.

"Why am I so sleepy so suddenly?" Changbin hyung asks as he yawn.

"Yeah, I know right?" Chan hyung said.

"What did you do?!" Minho hyung suddenly lash out as he stands up but not even a second later, he falls back to his chair.

"Huh? Nothing. We're just tired of running away. After all the cats out of the bag, right? Well, it was nice meeting all of you again, but we hope that we won't meet each other again, ok? and oh, please don't try to search for us, ok? Hannie hyung is trying to move on from a bastard like you after we saved him. So goodbye!" I said as all of them fall unconscious. We each take one person and lay them down on the floor.

"Let's go kids! We have a hyung to go and take care of!" Lixie hyung said as he put all our dishes in the sink after we done putting them in the living room.

"It was delicious hyung! Thank god we were trained to eat those sleeping powder and such!" Minnie hyung said.

We begin to pack the essentials and we go to the basement and change the plate number to others that we had lying around.

"To a new life for us!" all of us yell and drive to the safe house to start our new chap of life! 'Wait for us Hannie hyung! We will help you!'

Minho's pov

After all the ordeal I force myself to wake up. I look around and I can see that it's the next day as I can see the sun shining through the curtains.

"FUCK!" I yell out as I run around the house in search for them, and I can see that they already take their essential stuff. I run towards Hansung's room, and I can see the picture of us when we were little is still there, but the others were taken.

'So, it was true... you're really trying to move on from me Hansungie? But did you really thought it would be that simple baby? After all of these years and finally you admit of that you're Peter? Did you really think I would let you move on from me that easy baby?' I thought to myself as the possessiveness begin to bubble up.

"What are we going to do now?" Hyunjin asks as he lean at the door frame.

"I have to go and catch my baby before someone else gets to him. And maybe some punishment for trying to pull this kind of trick." He said calmly but I know the possessiveness underlying.

"Well, first stop. My parents house of course! I can't let my baby Hansungie just move on from me before I get to claim him that's a big NO. I need to claim what's mine." I said to him with possessiveness in my voice.

"I like the way you think." Changbin said as he emerges into the room.

"They really thought they can just disappear like that. They really did underestimate us guys. They underestimate us so much." Chan hyung said as he has this chilling aura around him.

"Hyunjin, trace them with the GPS that was embedded in Felix's stuff that you put after he was unconscious." Chan hyung said. He turn towards me.

"You too Minho. I know you have some way of tracing where Jisung is." He said with a smirk.

"Of course, I have. Did you really think I won't be putting something on my baby? You underestimate me hyung." I said to him with a smirk.

They smirk back to me. "After they told me that they already saved my baby, did you really think he can run away just like that?" I asks with a sinister underlying.

"Let the chase game begin!" Changbin said happily.

"I can't wait to see the looks on their faces when we come and knocking on their door and claiming what was ours to begin with! I would tie them and imprisoned them at home if I could!" Changbin said excitedly.

"You can do that with Seungmin after he's back in your arms again hyung. But I won't ever let things like this happening again to my Bokkie." Hyunjin said calmly.

'Once I get you back Hansungie, mark my word you would not have a chance to pull this kind of trick anymore.' I thought to myself as all of us taking our things and begin to walk to Chan hyung's car while heading to my parents house.

"It's about time we have a chat with them. It's been so long since we last saw them right guys?" I asks as I lean back in my seat.

"Yup. I would love to see the look in their face when suddenly all of us come to visit!" Changbin said excitedly as he clean his babies.

"True! I want to see what they would say! After this, the game of cat and mouse would end!" Hyunjin said happily as he stare at his phone lock.

I look at my lock screen and I can see the cute face of Hansungie when he fell asleep on me on our movie night. I kiss the phone.

"You're going to come back to you're place baby. Here in my arms and nowhere else but here." I whisper as look attentively at the screen.

"Be prepared for my arrival baby! Goodluck in making excuses!" I said to myself as I feel giddy just think about having my baby back in my arms.

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