My Kind Of Perfection(EDITING)

Par hein_girl

104K 3K 678

Kasei Asugh had the perfect life, set to be the next big name in ballet until everything pirouette's off her... Plus

1. Perfection is key
2. My Crazy Best Friend
3. Job Searching
4. Hired Pt1
5. Hired Pt2
6. No Longer a Newbie
7. Going to the barre
8. Family Dinner
9. You're always working
10. Going to be a Problem
11. Jake's POV
12. I'm Stealing This
13. I'm Moving Out
14. The Gym
15. Gym//Jake's POV
16. First Time For Everything
17. Pizza Hut-Jake POV
18. My Hero
19. All these boxes
20. Intense Game of Hide and Seek
21. House Party
22. Let's Go Clubbing-Dakota POV
23. Jake's Girl
24. Date With Jake
25. Genius-Dakota POV
26. Phone Call
27. Mushy Heart
28. Who Knew Shopping Was This Fun
29. Supper With Em
30. Talk It Out
31. Girl Time
32. Or Eat Me?
33. Only You
34. Happier(DPOV)
35. Why Do I Associate With Y'all?
36.Parent Introductions
37. The Harsh Truth
38. Answers
39. California
↓↓ Exciting news y'all read this ↓↓
40. Room Service
41. Talk with the Scott's
42. Audition Realization
43. Unexpected Visitor-DPOV
44. Quick Visit
45. Finally Home
46. Dress Shopping
47. Why Else?
48. Business Dinner
49. The Race
50. The sober, smart one
51. M.I.A
52. You need help
53. How's He Doing?
54. Don't Mess With The Redhead
55. Make a difference
56. Trouble
57. Busy, busy
58. Finally
59. How It's Supposed To Go
60. Breaking Ground
61. Chicago
63. Meeting Her
64. Walk Through
65. Dysfunctional
66. Cloud Nine
67. My Kind Of Perfection

62. Girls Night Out

140 7 32
Par hein_girl

"You've got a badass boyfriend and travelled 2 states away, told your mother you're gonna be your own person, quit ballet, then unquit it to open your own know, the only thing left for you to do is pose as my naked model for my new project!" Dakota exclaims randomly, taking another sip of her appletini.

I stare at her for a long second. "Really, Dakota? How do you think up these things?"

"I was just thinking about my art. So clearly you came up. I have to find someone to do it, and I figure, why not my best friend?"

"That's the reason it'd be so strange. We're best friends." I give her a look.

"Oh come on! It's an art form, it's not strange!"

I frown. I can't tell if she's serious right now or what..?

"Besides... you have time to think about it before we get home."

"I have thought about it. Just now." I laugh. "I say no."

She picks an apple slice out of her drink and looks at it for a long second, her 'idea' face appearing. "We paint apples and other fruits all the time!"

"True." Agrees Garter. "That's a genius metaphor."

"OoOoh you have a point. Metaphor,'re so smart." She giggles at Garter. "Using them big words."

"I'm not an apple, D." I laugh. "And stop encouraging her." I point my freshly manicured finger at Garter who collapses into giggles.

"Yeah well, how do you think apples feel when we paint them, huh?" She huffs at me.

"Yeah. Maybe THEY don't like being painted naked!" Garter points a finger back at us.

"Guys! We are not apples! That's the difference! They aren't people! They don't wear clothes!"

"They could." Dakota argues with a giggle, clearly imagining how that would work.

I roll my eyes, bite my lip to not smile and check my phone, trying to avoid her stare because I just know then I'd start laughing too and she'd win.

She continues to giggle uncontrollably. "Imagine if apples wore clothes. Like sorry, apple I want to eat you so I have to take your sweater off!" Dakota gasps for breath, holding her stomach.

"YESS!" Garter cheers, taking another sip. "Don't forget to ask for consent!" She collapses, laughing so hard that they need to cling to each other to avoid falling over.

"Oh Dakota..." I sigh at her. "I think you had a few to many of these." I gesture to her 3rd appletini.

She stops laughing immediately, giving me her most serious look. "Kasey. I think I can handle alcohol."

"Not me! I'm as wasted as a tissue!" Garter exclaims. "I gotta pee. I'll go find Taz.. See ya!" And teeters off in her tall heels.

"Wasted as a tissue." I let out a chuckle. "That's a good one."

Dakota stares, watching her walk away. "She's literally so pretty. I sometimes wish I was fully gay because ugh." She turns back to me with a serious expression, refusing to let me change the subject. "Anyway, I'm just saying. You are like THE perfect body type for a model. Apples, however..."

"DAKOTA! Enough about the apples, lady. We eat apples. It's totally different."

"Well I'll tell ya what. If you sit still I promise I won't take a bite outta you." She holds out a pinky to promise.

"Dakota! You wouldn't bite me!" I say with a laugh as I finish my drink.

"That's what you think..." She jokes, cackling evilly. "What's the big deal? We're best friends. I've seen you naked before!"

"Okay not completely nude." I argue.

"Yeah. We used to bath together all the time!"

"As kids! That's not the same!"

She shrugs. "Fine, whatever it's your choice. I just think you should live a little.

"Well I'm saying no... just no..." I shake my head and look longingly out to the dance floor as a good song comes on.

"Let's go dance." I turn to Dakota.

"HELLS YA!" She claps once, twice and picks up a shot glass.

"I mean, would it be a girls' night without dancing?" I giggle, raising mine as well.

"Here's to GIRLS NIGHT!!" she cheers as we each down a vodka shot, and head out to the floor.

"Guess what!?" She yells as I yank her to an open space.

"What?!" I yell back to be heard over the music, dancing to the song.

"I love you!" She screams in my ear, bouncing with me

I grab her in a bear hug, feeling light and giggly. "I love you too!"

"Here! Twirl!" Dakota grabs my arm, and makes a spinning motion.

I do as she asks, dancing and spinning and jumping until I'm out of breath. "Let's go see Keila and get a drink." I shout, gesturing to the bar where Keila is chatting up a few girls surrounding her, including Magdalene.

"YAH!" she cheers, and allows me to drag her again.

"HEY KEILA!!" I giggle loudly.

She grins and turns to us. "Hey. How are y'all? You just disappeared a couple minutes ago and we haven't seen you since."

I wave my hand and roll my eyes in her direction. "Dakota's getting drunnkkkkyyyy." I giggle. "So I told her to dance with me."

"Of course. Typical of you two." She smirks.

"WELL duh. If we wanted to stay sober and bored we would've stayed in our hotel room." The girl named Taz points out.

"Cheers to that!" Poison downs her last shot before pouting. "All gone." She sighs.

"We'll just get more!" yells Lis, gesturing to the bartender. "Em! More shots over here!"

"I'm BROKE!" Exclaims Siren.

"Oh come on! Someone's got a thin black card." Banshee waves it in the air.

"Ooh, ooh. Me too!" I cheer, holding up mine.

"It's awesome being the Bosses girls!" She giggles, slapping me a high five.

"Enough talk! Let's drink!" Stiletto screams.

"3-2-1 GO!" The whole group yells in unison.

We all shoot down a whole row of shots and let out a whoop.

I grimace at the taste. "MAN that is NASTY SHIT!" I cough, shaking my head.

A couple girls laugh.

"Have you ever noticed how much vodka tastes like paint remover?" Dakota giggles.

"I feel like ya said that before." I tap my head.

"Probably but who cares? It does!"

"Well I don't drink paint thinner in my spare time." Laughs Keila.

"Enough chitter-chatter!" Exclaims Banshee. "Let's do it again!!"

Five rounds later I grab Dakota's arm.

"You know! I'll do it!"

"What?" She looks confused.

"Imma let you paint me naked." I giggle.

She crinkles her nose. "That's weird... why would I do that?"

"Don't ya remember? Earlier? Apples don't like being painted naked...?"

" does sound like something I'd say..." She smirks. "But I can't remember actually saying it."

"Oh my." I flick her head playfully. "C'mon, Dakota's brain! Work!"

"Ouch! You meanie!" She rubs the sore spot and I stick out my tongue at her.

"I'm a very nice human, actually." I huff, crossing my arms.

"That's a good idea, though. Then I won't hafta look for another girl to do it!" Dakota starts to bounce in her seat.


"And also you're like, the perfect body type for a model!" She pokes me.

"I think that's what you said a while ago, too."


"ya-huh." I frown, my head all foggy as I try to recall the last details. "Or maybe I just made that up." I giggle. "But I think Jake would like it."

"OOOOH yes. It'd make a gooood present."

"We don't have anything special coming up but yes!" I exclaim.

"I'm going shopping with him tomorrow." She yawns.

I frown. "With MY boyfriend? What? He doesn't even like shopping."

Her eyes open wide. "That's a surprise. SHH I said nothing." She giggles, throwing an arm around me.

"I don't like suprisesss." I pout, trying to store this in my memory so I can bug him later.

"Hey, I'm tired." Garter comes back up to us. "What's the clock anyway?"

"THE TIME!" corrects one of the girls excitedly.

"Oops. Right!" We lose it laughing hysterically, until I hear Keila say:

"Girls! We've been out for like, 3 hours!"

I bolt upright. "What? It was only supposed to be a little bit!"

"Uh oh!" Exclaims Shane, Tide's wife. "The boys aren't as-posed to know we're gone!"

"Capone ain't gonna be happy I took his card!" Banshee points out.

"GUYS! We gotta get back!" I exclaim.

"What about the security guys?" Lis shakes Keila's arm.

She gets her 'oh shit.' look on her face and says: "We gotta get them before the boys find out! SHIT!"

We all quickly scramble up, digging in our purses for money to tip the bartender with.

"GO, GO...GO!!" We all cheer, dashing back into the hotel while trying to remain inconspicuous.

I think the giggling, leaning on to each other as we stumble down the hallway is kinda obvious, though.

"WHY won't this get in here?!" I growl in frustration, trying to ram the card through the door to unlock it.

"SHH!" Dakota laughs loudly. "I gotta go to the girl room."

"Both of you! Shh!" Taz says, yanking Dakota's arm to lead her.

"BYEEE!" I blow her a kiss as they stumble away.

"Shut your trap!" Keila gasps, taking the card out of my hand.

"Haha! Trap." I snort.

"Did somebody call?" Slurs BearTrap.

"Nopeyyy." I giggle.

"This is your credit card." Keila laughs.

"Actually it's the Hawks' card." I whisper-shout.

"It's still not your room key." Keila says, trying to look stern.

"Well whoops!" I laugh. "What can ya do?"

I look down the hall, and notice most of the other girls have managed to unlock their doors, and fall into their rooms.

The door beeps and I cheer. "YES! What would I do without you Keila?" I give her a giant hug.

"Just get some sleep, darlin." She mutters, pushing me into my room.

I crash into a hard body, and giggle as he sighs deeply.

"Well HELLOOOO, Mr. Jakeopher." I grin.

He looks annoyed. "Having fun?"

"Oh, yes. It was much fun." I nod my head vigorously. The room sways.

Ow. Bad idea, Kasey.

"Well I'm surprised that the bodyguards we assigned to guard you were kinda..." He trails off and looks accusingly at me.

I grin sheepishly. "We tied 'em up and locked them in the girl room!"

"I'm aware. I'm wondering how."

"Psh. Those bodyguards? Teddy bears." I wave his worries away.

"Those 'teddy bears'? Professionals." He growls back.

"Hehe. Well, you know it WAS my idea to go, but it wasn't MY idea to get rid of them. It was Keila. Or maybe Banshee... "

"Not surprised." He mutters.

I giggle again. "Guess what?"

He looks to the ceiling, exasperated. "What."

"Men will do anything for a pretty girl with a tight ass." I poke his nose.

"Yeah I'm aware." He sighs. "Those men were supposed to be able to keep y'all under control, though."

"We all put on bright lipstick, our dresses all ready to go out, and then we captured them when they least expected it."

"I'm aware. I saw the lip prints all over them."

I giggle. "That one was Stiletto's idea." I feel my brow furrow. "You know, I wouldn't really want to be named after a shoe."

"It's the shoe she's always wearing. She picked the name. Whatever, Kase. We aren't going to get into this now. The point is y'all managed to keep them in the room for hours as y'all went off and did whatever you wanted." He huffs.

"We had fun!" I cheer with a cheesy grin. "If you boys weren't so kinky we wouldn't have the rope or gags and cuffs that made them stuck there." "We are strong, fierce ladies that are uncontrollable." I start singing the tiktok sound. "I am woman, I am fearless, I am sexy, I'm devine....I don't know all of the words because I am drunk oh yeahhh." I do a spin and pose at him. He's so lucky. I'm a fun person.

"Kasey..." He runs a hand down his face.

"Also, wanna know a secret?" I whisper, coming right close to him again.

"Not really I think w-"

"I was the one that had the dark burgundy lipstick." I interrupt to brag. "It's not very long lasting though sooooo it's off my lips right?" I pucker up to him.

He rolls his eyes. "I knew that one was you. We aren't discussing that right now, Kasey."

"Okay!" I shrug, and pull away from him. I undo my bun, and take off my shoes and all my jewelry. "Ya know? I'm kinda tired."

"That's fine. We're having a club meeting tomorrow about this, so I'm gonna let you go to sleep."

I turn around and look him up and down. His hair is all messy from running a hand through it, and he's still wearing his dress shirt and jeans, meaning he hasn't changed since his 10 pm meeting.

"You are so attractive." I state honestly.

"Uh huh. Kasey, go to bed." He runs a hand through his hair.

"But I'm still in my clubbing outfit." I argue.

"Your PJ's are in the bathroom." He sits down on the bed.

"Thank ya darlin!" I skip towards the bathroom and close the door.

I finish my routine, and splash water on my face. Suddenly I'm not tired. I smirk at my reflection and, deciding how I want tonight to go, slip off my underwear and grab the shirt that he discarded on the floor hours earlier. More comfy than jeans anyway.

When I walk back into the bedroom, he's wearing only his boxers, sitting in the same position on the bed.

Without making a sound, I creep up to him and poke his naked shoulder. "Yea-Kasey!" He changes his words as he looks at me.

I climb onto his lap. "Hello Mr. Taylor."

"Miss Ashugh. What exactly are you doing and why are you not wearing your own clothes?" He glares at me.

"It turns me on when you act all formal." I whisper.

"Well then I won't." He says.

"But I decided I didn't want to sleep." I say innocently, wrapping my arms around him.

"Off, Kasey. And go to bed while you still can."

"Hmm." I hum, wiggling in my spot as he grits his teeth. "I recall saying that I'm uncontrollable."

"I could easily throw you under me and control you for hours until you beg and tell me you can't cum anymore." Jake stares deep into my eyes, daring me to break contact. "But I don't think I wanna."

I feel a smirk grow on my face. "You can't tell me you don't want me here when you have your hands on my bum." I smirk.

He takes them off quickly. "I'm not happy with you, Kasey. This isn't happening." He sighs.

I pout. "You won't make love to me?"

He swallows hard. "No."

"Because you're mad at me." I conclude. What is my drunk mind saying? I think to myself.


"Well then." I lower my voice. "Why don't you punish me?"

He swallows, and I watch the movement of his Adams apple. "Punish you?" He repeats.

I nip along his jawline. "Fuck me hard and show me how bad I'm being..?" I bite my lip.

(as you can guess, this is where you young eyes should probably go out)

He makes a sound. "Kasey. You're not fully here, and I'm not in the mood for sex."

I sigh. "Well." I grind down on his hardness. "Tell that to this head."

"Kasey." He grabs me and pulls us onto the bed, me underneath him.

"Jake." I respond.

"What are you trying to do?"

I lick my lips quickly and take a deep breath. "I'm horny and you won't help me."

"Oh Lord, give me strength." He mutters so quietly I can barely hear it.

I lean up and capture his lips quickly, and even though he tries resisting me, he can't for long as he kisses me back, and grinds into me. Suddenly he pulls away. "What the fuck Kasey."

"Hmm?" I know what he's about to say.

He gets off me and lifts the shirt up, then quickly pulls it down again, closing his eyes tightly as if he can block it out and forget it.

"You aren't wearing...anything...under there." He meets my eye again.

"Nope." I grin.

"Okay. Um. Go put on your panties now. I'm not going to do anything with you while you still have alcohol in you."

I sit up. "Seriously?" I huff.

He closes his eyes again. "Yes. Or I'll find somewhere else to sleep."

"Fine." I sigh, jumping up. "Then you won't help me." I stride into the bathroom determinedly, and slam the door behind me.

Well now what do I do? I think to myself. Okay. Ya know, it's 2021 and I'm a strong independent woman. If he won't help me, I'll do it myself.

I slip off his shirt, and turn on the shower as I get in. I love how beautiful this shower is. And this bench seat is perfect.

I close my eyes and let my fingers drift down there. I gasp as I imagine Jake above me, inside me. My nails dig into his back as he covers my chest with love bites. Him pulling out and kissing up my thighs. French kissing my lower lips as if he can't get enough.

I let out a loud moan, not caring if he can hear me. My fingers move faster and faster, my legs beginning to shake as I groan again.

"Jakkkee. Oh, fuck." I murmur, my head falling back against the shower tiles. The pictures become more vivid. I imagine that he opens the bathroom door, sees me in the shower and joins me. He pulls me against him tightly, lining himself up with me as he pounds me against the shower wall.

I cum with a scream, gasping when I open my eyes to see a naked Jake in the shower in front of me, staring at me with lusty eyes. "Wha-what are you doing here?" I stammer, trying to catch my breath.

"I'm sorry." The water splashes over him as he takes a step closer to me.


"I need to be inside of you. I was trying to protect you, because I didn't want you to be mad at me tomorrow if you didn't actually want-" He gets cut off when I grab him and kiss him.

"I'll help you out if you help me." I let out.

"Okay." He pulls me back to him, but I yank myself away and kneel on the cold tile in front of him.

"First...I've been wanting to do this for a while. Fucking can happen later. Back up." I command.

He raises his eyebrows.

"Jakeopher Taylor. You just made me cum all alone. You are gonna let me have my fun. Then you can fuck me all you want."

"Yes ma'am." He has a shocked look on his face, but that is soon wiped off as he's groaning with his hands tugging in my hair.



*wolf whistles*

Hope y'all enjoyed this one?

Vote and comment let me know what y'all think!!

love ya


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