By Magicalpenner

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What if you get a chance to add colours of happiness to your most favourite fictional character? Sunaina belo... More

My Hero Arjun
Celebrating Destiny
A Reality Hard to Define
Partial Revelation
Your Eyes Tell
Calm in the Wilderness
Unsealed Wounds
The Confrontation
Chanced Encounter?
Author's note
Shards of Doubt
Ray of Light
Hold Onto Me
Beating Hearts
Lost in You
Stay... Please
Longing in my dream
Is it true?
Vows and Trust
Rain or Tears?
Truth and Reasoning
You are my Saviour
Wish Upon a Star
Valentine's day Special: Promise
VDay Special pt2 and special announcement: Closer
High Time
Light to your Birth
End of your demise
Happy Ending?
Tied to You
Your Bride to be
Colored in your Color
Farewell my beloved
Finale: My Paradise

The Challenge

44 14 5
By Magicalpenner

Arjun's POV

"Sorry Maa... I don't think she is good enough to join in my company." I was hell bent on not adding a nuisance like her to my hard earned reputed company. Someone who can speak rubbish about anyone to other people is not to be trusted at all. There were a lot of other factors that made me decide the same. I turned my gaze at her to see her reaction. As expected, her face twitched- probably in anger. I must admit her unexpected expressions makes me want to tease her more. It's as if, making her life hell was a newfound hobby for me. Am I that much of a sadist? It's strange how this girl successfully brings out the devil hidden underneath me.

"Chhote you should atleast give her a chance. You never know someone until-"

I cut of my brother. I know he meant well but I don't want my decision to be altered this time.

"Until you give them a chance. Yes I know that bhai. I understand what you mean but I can't agree to you on hiring her." Seeing me so determined, bhai stopped pestering me. He had to understand this that I know what's the best for my company and it's definitely not her.

"Aru is no fun these days! Ugh! Since when did you become such a spoil sport?" I saw Mansi puff her cheeks. As usual adorable! Her antics still affected me a lot. I let the smile that came on seeing her subside and decided to stay mourn. I mean that's the best option for now I felt.

"Why do you think I am not suitable?" I raised my head this time to find Sunaina speak this. A worthy archenemy! I tried to hide the smirk that unknowingly crept up on my face. Her eyes threw fires at me and her lips were confident. I have never seen such confidence in anyone. The more I observe her, the more it makes me realise that she is from a well off family.

"Is that how you pick your employees? By just going with your bias? Not seeing the capacities but seeing their momentary flaws huh?" Her voice was booming in the room. This lady will drive me nuts for sure. I can feel that she was challenging me. Ready to take me down when the right moment comes. But I won't be going to let her win now am I?

"Do you have a degree with you that proves your worth as a software engineer?" I can she her determination falter.

"Do you have a proper cv to back you up?" It seemed to me that the realisation has dawned upon her.

"Do you have the certifications to prove that you have what it takes to be a good software Engineer." My lips curled up in a victorious smile. She slumped her shoulders in disappointment. She thought she could win over me with her tactics. I finished the rest of my meal silently. None of the other members at the table uttered a single world. They knew how I was about my company so I knew for sure that they won't bother me about it anymore. I finished my food and got up from the table.

"Thank you for the great breakfast Maa." I hugged my mother from behind and gave her a light kiss on her cheeks.

"Bye Bhai. Bye Mansi" I waved at my brother and Mansi.

"Call me bhabi you brat!" Snapped Mansi. Jeez, so much pissed for not letting Sunaina work at my company? I wonder what kind of magic this girl used to trick my fam. I gave a quick glance at her. She seemed to be sitting there in a stiff position- without flinching even for a second. Her curls were touching her earlobes and the sight was making me feel certain emotions that I have never felt before. I had to go away from there and it had to be now. I turned around to head out when suddenly I heard her from behind.

"Interview me." I turned around and saw her standing up from her seat this time.

"Tell me a date when you will take my interview. Throw your most difficult set of questions at me. If I answer even one question incorrectly, then you have the full right to reject me." My eyebrows shot up this time. It's gutsy of her to even try such a stunt. She is asking the CEO himself to interview her? Whenever we strike, I go through some unique emotions to be honest. I was intrigued and was curious to know how did she have such confidence to challenge me. I still remember those innocent eyes who were clueless as to who I was. Those eyes that had the ability to stand in front me with her head held high. I wanted to explore her more and I wanted to explore these unknown feelings of mine as well. I showed her a smirk clearly showing my playful attitude towards her.

"Okay then." She seemed to not understand what I meant. "Tomorrow! 11 AM. Come to my office Kay?" She got puzzled. Honestly the perplexed expression she was giving now was wanting to laugh rolling down on the floor.

"We will see if you are really as good as you claim yourself to be." With those words, I was about to leave when I stopped again and turned towards her. I could clearly see the tension among us. Maa, Bhai and Mansi were all shocked. Maybe they still can't process this new Arjun? To be honest, I can't as well!

"Don't forget to make a CV and bring it with you. How are you gonna make a good CV, I don't know. Neither do I care. But no CV, no interview! Get it?" I said those last words slowly so that she registers each and every words that I said just now. With that, I left the house without waiting for her counter reaction. Honestly I could do this all day but for now I had to be content with this itself.

I drove my blue sedan and reached my office. Hmph 11AM! Like wise always on time. I entered inside my office building and I was greeted by everyone the moment they all saw me. I went inside my cabin and opened my jacket up. I rolled up my sleeves and started working on the latest projects that I had to supervise. Unlike other CEOs, I keep my eyes on the progress of the important projects that our company deals with. There was no room for error because with error, the reputation of our organisation will go down as well. It wasn't an easy job taking this piece of fruitless company to the height it has risen into. Now that I think about it, father did the right choice giving this company to me. I became independent thanks to him and learnt to provide for myself. I called in my Director inside the office. This man in her mid forties entered in and greeted me with such pride. He was to be honest a father figure for me. After my dad passed away, I didn't have much time to dwell on life, I had to hold the reign of Conark industries and here I am. He helped me a lot to get through everything and I am very much grateful to her.

"Mr Bharadwaj, tomorrow at 11AM a girl named Sunaina... something will come." I realised that I don't know her surname yet. "Please send her to my office when she comes. I will be interviewing her. Inform this at the reception as well."

"Yes sir." He bowed in front of me and left the room.

Let's see how are you going to amuse me tomorrow,

Ms S-U-N-A-I-N-A!

Sunaina's POV

I saw his back walking towards the entrance of the house and then he disappeared. I was so surprised and happy at the same time. It was hard for me to believe what I just witnessed. Arjun really wants to give me a chance. I decided that I had to prepare myself for every challenge he will throw at me tomorrow.

"That's great Sunaina! Just show that jerk Aru what you are really capable of!" I felt Mansi's arms around my shoulders. She seemed such a gullible and innocent person. I really started developing a liking towards her already.

"Sunaina you sure you will be okay?" I saw Gayathri Devi being very worried about me. "You do know right that if you want to work, you can work at Abhay's company too. I mean he will not treat you badly I can assure that." I can make out from her voice how embarassed she was at her son's behaviour towards me.

"Aunty ji, it's okay. Afterall he wasn't wrong anyways. Don't worry I will prove him wrong and if he still rejects me then I can always apply in Abhay bhai's company." I smiled at Gayathri Devi and saw Abhay nodding in approval. To be honest I felt as if I had grown quite close to them, despite the fact that we met just a day ago. Gayathri Devi was more like a mother to me and hence I didn't wanted to make her worry. To be honest, I had no intention of going to Abhay's company anyway. But for now I had to control the situation. I had to keep Arjun safe, and this was the only way it was possible. With that being said, I excused myself and went to my room deciding to study atleast something for tomorrow. I had to also prepare a CV tomorrow. Mr Arrogant has threatened to reject me straight away if I came to his office without a CV. I asked for the permission to use the laptop that was with Gayathri Devi. She gave it to me without any hesitation and I started working on my CV. Had it been the real world, I could have just fetched my old CV, made the necessary changes and shoved that piece of document at his face. But here, I had to work on it all from the scratch and I also had to make sure it was attractive enough. I can't put any marksheets or certificates in here because all those educational proves of mine were in some other dimension- where I come from. It took me 4 hours to finish off that CV. I printed out the final product from the printer that was connected to the laptop and was quite satisfied with my overall work.

"Now let's see how Mr Arrogant rejects me." I was arranging the CV when suddenly I heard the printer get turned on again. Strange! I remember clearly closing the printer. I looked at it only to find a huge number of pages coming out of the printer. I read the first page out of the series of printed A4 sheets that came out.

"I have sent to you all the necessary questions that you need to study for tomorrow's interview. Don't let me down. I know you can do it. Keep Arjun safe. Fate is with you.

Yours Ayu"

Just like she said, in the next pages, I saw a huge number of interview questions that had answers attached to it. Hmm. Ayu must be an archangel helping me out in my times of need. Thinking about all this, I suddenly started to miss Preeti. I knew how much I was dying to tell her everything. I wondered when all of this ordeal will come to an end and I can return to my world and blurt out everything to her. But she won't believe me for sure. She must have paused with everyone else as well. That's when a thought striked me. If everybody else has paused there, then how could Ayu send me messages? Oh my god!!! Is this the author's privilege or something? I might never get the chance to discover all this.

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard someone clear his throat. I came out of my trance and found Arjun standing in front of my door.

"What do you want?" I snapped at him.

"Easy girl! Don't you think it's rude and disadvantageous to talk to your interviewer in such an uptight and rude way?" I could clearly understand the amused tone in his voice. Did he come to see how miserable I was in my preparation? Well he will regret all these laughs that he is having.

"I will win over the interview because of my intelligence and for now we are outside your office. So your statement isn't justified. I can talk in any way I want. " His lips curled up in a bigger smile when I said this.

"All the best for tomorrow. You need it." Saying that he left the room. What was that? Did he come to wish me? Woah! I can't help but become giddy all of a sudden. Did he really come here to wish me? I guess he wasn't that much of a bad guy no matter how much he pretended to be one. But these little fights that we do at unexpected hours make me all happy. I will definitely miss this guy when I return to my world. I looked at the clock to find out it was already 12:30 AM. I must have been absorbed in both his thoughts and studies. I looked everywhere to see my food kept on my table. Nandini must have kept it silently in order to not disturb me. I had my dinner and was thankful that it was still warm. I finished off and went out of my room to keep the plate in the kitchen. I noticed light coming from Arjun's room. He must be still working now. Wonder if he ate or not. I shook off these thoughts from my head. What am I thinking? The maids must have fed him already. Deciding on that, I returned to my room and closed the doors inside. 'Tomorrow is a big day for me' I prepped myself. ' let's go to sleep now okay Sunaina?' With that being said, I fell on the bed and dozed off immediately.

The next day I got up at 8 AM and got ready. When I was ready to take a bath, I found Nandini coming inside my room with a set of formal suit in her hand. I looked at her in surprise.

"Mansi madam has sent this for you." She looked at me and handed them over to me. "All three of them wish you good luck." I smiled at her and nodded. "thank you" I was able to tell her this because I was too overwhelmed by their love and affection. I will really miss them once I leave this place. I gave Nandini a tight hug and went inside the bathroom to get ready for the day. I was ready by 10 and came down in the hall. Everyone was sitting there already. Gayathri Devi greeted me with her best smile.

"Oh my god Naina! It looks so good on you." I heard Mansi scream on top of her lungs. Her compliments were making me blush. "You should not be single for long else someone will definitely steal you away from your soulmate." I was completely aware of the fact that she was trying to set me up with his brother in law Arjun. As much as I am in favour of the idea, I can see the annoyance in Arjun's eyes and sighed a bit. Yeah! Why will he even think that way about me. It's not that I the girly types. He deserves someone more beautiful. Anyways, keeping those thoughts aside, I kept the CV inside my bag and sat down for breakfast with others. The breakfast table was silent and I was really feeling intimidated. I gave short glances at Arjun and there he was, so perfect in his maroon shirt. What's with him being so perfect? It's so weird that he didn't end up with anyone at the end of the story. I still wonder how can the author be so mean to him. At one point I saw his gaze at me- looking at me from top to bottom. Is he checking me out??? What??? Why? Ugh I couldn't take it anymore. I declared that I was done with my meal and touched Gayathri Devi's feet to take her blessings.

"Vijayi bhawa" she said. Honestly at that point I felt like a warrior. I was about to leave when she suddenly said.

"Wait beta." Her sudden action surprised me.

She then turned towards Arjun and said, "Beta please go together with her. Since you guys have the same destination, I don't think it will do you both any harm to travel in the same car." My jaws almost dropped hard. It was evident from Arjun's face that he was dead against this idea. He was about to say something when Gayathri Devi raised her hand and stopped him.

"I am not requesting you. It's an order." I gulped. It wasn't a mother this time but a queen who was speaking. Arjun couldn't deny her anymore. He knew his mother better than me atleast.

"Let's go." He said and left the entrance of the house almost at the speed of light. I went out to see him sitting inside the car. The valet opened the door for me and I entered inside his car. I was now positioned to sit beside him. We both were silent almost throughout the whole journey when he suddenly spoke.

"What kind of witchcraft do you practice?"

"Excuse me?"

"I want to know how are you manipulating my family!" He looked at me sternly.

"Listen mister, if you think I am manipulating your family then you are mistaken. I-" I had to say a lot of things at that moment but my speech got stuck in my throat when I realised that he was coming closer to me.

"Mister Arjun, what are you-" I couldn't finish my words off. He has almost hovered over me in his car and blocking my way of escape by placing both of his hands on either side of mine. I could feel my heart coming out of my chest. I was shocked. His hands were strong and his biceps weren't making it easy for me to stay calm. I tried to move away anyhow but it seemed impossible at that moment.

"Girl, look at me." I could feel his breathe underneath my earlobe. He was dangerously close to me. My mind was going crazy by this sudden proximity. I didn't realise when he leaned to my side. I felt her hands brushing over my shoulders. I looked at his hands in embarassment when his left hand pulled my chin up. I did as he said and obeyed him like a child. Partially because of thr force he was imposing on me. How can he have such an effect on me? My head was reeling and I felt my heart would burst open. I could see his six packs puffing out of his maroon shirt. If he moved a little more, our bodies would touch each other. That's the last thing I want now. I don't understand his actions! I don't understand this Arjun. He moved the lock of hair behind my earlobe. Our eyes were now locked at each other. It's as if I saw an ocean in his eyes. An ocean of pain, an ocean that wanted to bang itself amidst the wilderness. I felt that I will drown in those eyes if I kept on staring at them a minute longer. He didn't shift his gaze from mine as well. I didn't know but I was feeling all warm inside. He was doing things to me without doing anything to me. I never knew his gaze was this strong. I closed my eyes anticipating something else. He seemed to have gotten closer to my lips now. I felt his hands brushing on my lower lip. That was enough to drive me insane. My breathe hitched and his lips curled up in a smile again and then he spoke near my ears with his husky voice.

"I am immune to your charms Ms Sunaina but it seems that the opposite is not true." His words brought me to my senses. This bastard!!!! What a fool I was to have even thought about all that with him! I cleared my throat to get out of the awkward situation. What the hell was wrong with me! I don't know but it was something that I felt for the first time. The driver stopped the car and told us that we have reached our destination. Hearing this, I got out of the car immediately. He calmly came out of the car as well and gave me a big smirk.

"If this is your condition in front of me. I wonder how you will be able to pass today's interview?"

Hey guys!!
Another update and guess what? This time it had 3.5k words. A lazy girl Like me wrote so much. I am thankful to those who are supporting me. We have reached 200+ views and 50+ votes. I hope this chapter makes your day. I suck at romances so sorry for that:3

Thank you

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