Acrimony: Unhinged Return

By Twisted_Truths

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Adjusting to the new life of parents. Past trauma plague Melinda and Derrick. With stress mounting a common g... More

Summary & Cast
Love Of My Life
Right By You
Bringin It Down
Next To You
Say Yes
Next to You
Nasty Girl
If You Let Me
Hate Our Love
You're Making Me High
You're my Latest, My Greatest Inspiration
Late Night Drive
Easy on Me
Love in the Sky
Something In My Heart
A Woman's World

Do You

440 24 40
By Twisted_Truths

June 2022

"Say come on mama. Tell her go faster." Derrick cheered, holding his daughter as they watched Mel on the stair master. His wife looking absolutely winded, but her ass never looked better. Dean crossed his arms watching her slowing down.

"Melinda." He simply snapped, giving her a look that had her speeding up. Derrick pursed his lip punching Dean.

"Dont be doing that." Derrick huffed, Dean smirked rubbing his chest.

"It works every time. I don't tolerate insubordination, ain't that right Mel?"

"" She wheezed out, Master Dean still scared the fuck outta her.

Dean as a person was tolerable now. As annoyed as he made her, that was as close as a brother she would ever get. Master Dean on the other hand was like a warden who wouldn't hesitate to pop you in yo shit. She watched him tear into his subs a handful of times. He was a scary man and she wanted to steer clear getting any punishment from him.....ever.

"" He tossed, Mel hit the stop button. Her legs giving up on her. Dean caught her before she hit the ground being closer. This was not how she expected her workouts to be. She regretted her birthday weekend of nonstop drinking and pigging out. He was kicking her ass for that. It was her birthday she expected him to be lenient, but apparently not.

"Told you today was gone fuck you up. Proud of you though, one more month and your done. You got this." He tossed, backing up once she was seated. She flopped back on the gym floor catching her breath. Niyah deciding it was a good time to clap.

"That's right baby. Yay mommy." Derrick chuckled, setting his little one on her feet. She stumbled over to Mel, plopping down right on her mother without care. Mel letting out a grunt opening her eyes.


"Hi to you too." She breathed out, Niyah leaned down puckering her lips. Getting a peck from her mother having her clapping again. Derrick walked over checking the time.

"Come on Mel, let's get you home."

"Tonight's homework are as follows. Ice bath tonight, massage, and should any cramps arise take your potassium." Dean spoke, wiping down the stair master.

"Got it." Derrick nodded, pulling Mel up she pouted at him in response. Having a stare down he groaned. Picking up Niyah he passed the little one to Dean.

"Look at ya spoiled mama little bit." Dean teased, watching Derrick pick Melinda up. Tossing her over his shoulder, her body completely ragdoll from exhaustion. Dean followed them out getting Niyah buckled in her car seat, while Derrick gone Melinda situated in the car.

"See yall tommorow." Dean tossed giving Niyah a kiss on the head before waving.

"Dino bye bye..." She muttered, waving bye a smile pulling at him.

Patting the hood of the car in departure. Heading back into into his gym he finished wiping down everything they used today. As he was about to leave for the day he caught sight of his short haired beauty entering. God she was as fine as can be. Fit as hell, she came in regularly to stay that way. Not to mention that plump juicy Georgia peach she toted.

"Dean..." She greeted, as she strutted by.

He bit his lip turning to watch her walk by. He wasn't blind to the looks she gave him. He knew an interested woman when he saw one. In another life he'd be all over that ass. But he was in this life, he was a full-time Master. From morning to night he ruled outside of home and inside. Getting mixed up with a vanilla woman screamed trouble. He walked that road before, he was not doing it again.

Yet, he found himself lingering to do a bit of extra business. Fantasizing about little miss Lira. See if this was the club, he'd make her chase. Too many subs yearned for him. For his experience, his status, his looks, his wealth. He never chased a potential, if they wanted him they did the work. You needed to be able to show some persistence and determination. If you couldn't be strong-willed you didn't have what it took. Not only that but he needed certain subs.

He was not soft, he didnt play in this lifestyle. Derrick would fall in line as a hard Dom. He was lax and more of a nurture, but he was also a strict disciplinarian. He didn't do Dom 24/7, he stuck with at home practice. Though by the looks of things that had changed. He was wondering if Derrick even realized it yet. He was a lot more demanding in the everyday life, more public about it. Just like Mel was public about her true personality. Both were seeking that dynamic that had been pushed aside in their new normal.

It was unhealthy in a sense but it wasn't detrimental. At least not yet, that was something Mel and Derrick needed to work out. Unlike his friend, Dean was straight hard-core in more ways than one. It was why he had his harem. He was intense, far too intense for one sub to handle. He'd break them and he never wanted that for a woman. They were not meant to be broken. He was sadistic in his dungeons. He craved the tears, the screams, the groveling, all of it. His harem were all masochistic subbies. Every single one of them could take his hard discipline, as well as his intense scenes.

His life wasn't for everyone. Which was why he never chased. Subs that wanted to get to him needed to do their research. If they continued to pursue they needed to truly grab his attention. Was it an ego boost? Yes, but it was deeper than that. He sighed out, it was about that time again. Subbies always flocked once word got out that he was in need if a replacement. Kelsey was parting from his harem. He knew the day would come. She was an excellent sub but she was going through a tough time. Her mother's passing making her question her life.

She was severely unhappy. He had to sit her down and let her know she was locked to him for life. She could leave when she wanted. It took her a month to come to him and tell him she needed to go find herself. As per his agreement with all his girls. Since they packed up their lives to be his sub, and leave everything behind. Upon release he paid for relocation all expenses as well so rent, utilities, food, cars. All covered for two years, then they were on their own in a sense. He was always a phone call away though.

Taking a stroll in his gym he noticed Lira barbell hip thrusting. He frowned at her form, she was doing nothing but making her back hurt. Walking over on trainer mode, she looked up at his approach. He stood waiting expectantly. Stopping her workout and taking an earbud out, she gave him her attention. God, why did she look at him with such vivid attention. Like missing a word was the end. Her attention was so devout.

"You need to tuck more. Your not working your glutes the way you think you are. Get in position." He spoke, she did so instantly. Her immediate compliance calling his name. Kneeling beside her he placed his hand on her lower back. Pushing for a deeper tuck.

"This is where you end. Here every time, do a rep of 10." He spoke, keeping his hand on place as she did them. The sudden focus on the workout making him smirk.

"You feel that burn now?" He chuckled, getting a nod as she finished the rep.

"Good, that's how you know you're doing it right. Take a rep off your usual number, and you'll be all set. We like to keep everything tight but not strained." He nodded, she couldn't help but to smirk at that last part. Something that didn't get missed by him.

" from around here?" He questioned, his conscience raving saying he shouldn't entertain a conversation. Yet here he was spotting her.

"Born and raised here in Philly." She grinned.

"What brought you to my gym?"

"I recently moved felt like I needed new everything. So new place, new life, new gym. This body doesn't stay looking like this without hard work." She answered, he nodded wanting to ask why she needed a new life. He felt that was a bit too personal to dive into.

"I love a woman with passion." He chuckled.

"Oh i have a lot of that in all aspects." She tossed casually, he tilted his head giving a slow chuckle. Oh she was blunt person.

"Good to know." He poked, giving her a wink deciding to bite just a little. She purposely fucked up her form making the hand on her back slide to her ass. He quickly moved his hand, lawsuits weren't fun things to deal with.

"Opps, sorry I got distracted. Do grab it next time though." She snickered, he shook his head giving her a lopsided grin.

"Next time huh?"

"Did I say that out loud?"

"Be careful girl, you can't put all that in a brother's hand without warning." He playfully scolded.

"And whys that?" She asked, he was tempted to continue this banter but he knew himself. He was already playing too much.

"Wouldn't you like to know little minx." He opted for, instead of another flirt. Rising to his feet she bit her lip eyeing the print in his shorts. Oh he was hung and proud of it too. She let her eyes slowly drag up to his face as she licked her lips.

"Aye Dean!" He heard called, turning he spotted Derrick approaching him.

"What's up man? What you doing back here?"

"Mel forgot about her purse and shit in the lockers." Derrick sighed, her exhausted mind was just back to functioning.

"You here late though." Derrick pointed out, glancing at the woman rising from her bench. He recognized her from the times she came in. More so because Dean always had an eye out for her.

"Was about to head out. What you got on your shirt though nigga." Dean tossed out, Derrick smirked at the deflection.

"Yo niece that's what. Let me get outta here." Derrick muttered, nodding in acknowledgement to the woman seeming to eye him. Dean nodded hitting him with the deuces. Turning back to Lira he noticed her packing up.

"You done for tonight?"

"Yeah, work in the morning unfortunately." She answered.

"Good workout, I'll see you next time." He smiled.

"I sure hope so." She winked, as she cleaned her equipment. Biting his lip he chose to keep his mouth shut, giving her a nod before strolling off. He felt her eyes on his back as he went.

"So Melinda, how was your week?" Im sore as hell from this 90 day shit. Should have never agreed to that bullshit. I feel all of the pain. Never doing this again, but I am getting the results I wanted. "Any changes on your sex life? Professional life? Have these uneasy thoughts lessened?" My sex life is still as dry as a Popeyes biscuit. My birthday was good...but it just wasn't everything I feel like I needed sexually and intimately? I don't know I feel ungrateful. I'm breaking a rule we have by not communicating but I don't know how to tell him....that he's slacking? It makes me feel like shit. Like maybe I'm just being stupid.

Niyah has learned how to climb out of her crib now. So a quickie between nap time is hard to get if I'm always watching the monitor. "But if you dint tell him that feeling will build Melinda." Build how? "In many ways like anger, unease in your relationship, possibly even resentment." I don't think I can be pissed about sex. It's not that serious. "But the intimacy is for both of you. You discussed with me in earlier appointments your dynamic is a stress relief for you guys. You've essentially cut out how you two cope. You may unintentionally start releasing that stress in unhealthy ways like misplaced anger." I just don't see myself doing that to him....dont sigh at me like that. Next question! "Professionally?" I'm a mess.... "Why do you say that?" There is so much going on. So many things are in the works, I'm scared. "We're talking about your book right?" Yes, Im really doing this and Im terrified. "Explain that for me."

"Melinda, baby your publisher is here." Derrick called out, Melinda groaned getting up from the rocking chair in the nursery. Niyah still not asleep like she wanted her to be. Her falling asleep in the car having fucked up her nap schedule. Seeing her mother moving Niyah stood up in her crib too. Making grabby hands for her.

"I really dislike you right now." Mel sighed, placing her child on her hip and heading downstairs. Heading into Derricks office she took a seat. Giving Niyah a toy he had in here to play with. A few minutes later Derrick walking in with the short man in tow.

"Melinda, lovely to see you again." He greeted sticking out his hand. His sudden unfamiliar voice scaring Niyah, toy abandoned she scurried to her mother clawing at her pants legs wanting to be picked up.

"Good afternoon, Jonathan." She greeted, picking up her whimpering child as Derrick sat next to her on the couch. Niyah tucking herself into Mel's neck, ignoring her father's attempts to get her attention. He poked her cheek getting a small hand slapping his hand away. A chuckle leaving him at that.

"Didn't mean to scare your little one."

"Its okay, she just doesn't like new people." Mel chuckled.

"Shall we get down to business?" Johnathan questioned, getting nods in return.

"So just a few things I need your signature. I have several cover prints for you to look at. Which ever one you love we'll go ahead and sign off on. Secondly, I'd like to get your authors shoot underway. So we can decide through those pictures. Ah yes, Amazon has offered you a exclusive deal. They would like for you to exclusive drop the first book of the trilogy series on Amazon Kindle. They are prepared to give 57% of generated funds to you, as well as offer a 500k for the EBooks presence on the site. Also, I'd like to pre-iron out some tour dates. Come up with some bundle deals for your signature. Add in some audio books hopefully, do some readings, some TV interviews. The Real would love to have both you and your husband on the show. I feel like I'm missing something.....oh right, an appearance at a Domestic violence survivor function as a key spokes person." Johnathan poured, putting everything out on the table. Derrick rested his hand on Mel's thing giving it a squeeze. Knowing she had just been overloaded.

"Pump the breaks. Organize what you said in time frame. What is needed to be tackled in the coming weeks?" Derrick spoke up, giving Melinda time to collect her thoughts.

"Urgently we need the photoshoot, so we can start promotions. We need the cover decided upon for that as well. We also need to decide on the offer. Accepting would mean the first 20 pages of "First Comes Pain", will be released as a teaser as soon as next month. With your debut set in November, the rest of the Ebook would drop the month before hardcovers." Johnathan explained, Derrick turned looking at Melinda for answer.

"In your professional opinion should I take the deal?"

"Professionally I would bargain for at least 65% of proceeds. Or bargain for additional promotion, which would generate more of an audience. That's if you stick with 57%." He answered, Melinda bit her lip thinking in the world of business.

"Let's bargain for additional promotions. I'm talking banners as soon as you open the app, as well as recommendations." Melinda spoke, Derrick grinned at that. Gently prying their now asleep child from Melinda's arms. He held her giving Mel's arms a rest.

"For photoshoots I'll have to check my schedule, but I'll let you know Monday morning a set date. Now let me see those covers." Melinda spoke, Johnathan nodded opening his briefcase. Laying out 15 designs, Melinda hummed looking at each throughly. Narrowing them down to 5 she decided to sit on them.

"I'll get back to you Monday on these two. I don't now something's just missing and I need to really think."

"Okay, no problem. I'll email you everything else we discussed with an ideal time line attached. That way our next meetings have itinerary. I'll get back to you as soon as Amazon gets back to me." Johnathan nodded, the meeting concluding with a few more short exchanges before he took his leave. Once alone Melinda let out a groan.

"Did you hear him? A book tour? Who said that shit? Why would I want to do that?!" Melinda huffed, Derrick chuckled running his fingers through her hair as she laid in his lap.

"It's necessary baby, you're going to generate fans who are going going want to hear what you have to say. Unfortunately once your pockets see a certain amount of money public speaking becomes a definite in some way shape or form. Welcome to the life of the rich." Derrick chuckled, watching her pout in response.

"Ughh....why me?"

"You told me that your mother envisioned greatness for you. You are in route to touch potentially millions. I'd say that's why you. You're doing your purpose." He dropped, she grew quiet as his words settled in.

Fighting her tears off she grabbed his hand placing a kiss on it. He smiled going back to relaxing her. Soon he had his girls asleep. One in his arm the other on his lap. The level of peace this brought him was unmatched in this life. Did he still struggle somedays? Of course he did. All their lives were nearly snuffed out. The threat may be gone but the weight will always be there.

He had never felt less than a man before in his life. Until that situation came about and made him feel that he couldn't protect his family. As the head of you'd household if you couldn't do that then what were you doing. These thoughts brought him his struggle. It was why he was going so hard to be in the best shape of his life. Why he had built secret gun compartments around the house. No matter how many times Melinda expressed her snatch wasn't his fault, he couldn't shake the feeling that he could have done more. Not getting shot for one. Two, finding her faster. A heavy sigh leaving him as he leaned his head back closing his eyes. Catching a few Z's with his girls.


Lira stared at the Eastern State Penitentiary sign. Getting out of her beat up hoopty she headed inside. Feeling as stupid as ever. Any sane women would be happy their ex was in prison. Well she couldn't call him ex...because here she was crawling back to the pain he gave. He was all she had left though. Who else was in her corner? No friends, no family, no......

"Ma'am, can I help you?" Came snapped, Lira blinked looking around. Realizing she had been just staring off into space.

"Sorry, visitation. My name is Lira Dickerson." Lira answered, the man hummed typing her name in. Looking at his screen he rose a brow.

"A 2 o'clock then a 3 o'clock?" He asked, judgememt clearly in his voice. She pursed her lips leveling him with a glare.

"That's right."

"Follow the yellow arrows." He dismissed, sliding her a visitors tag with two sets of numbers on it.

Snatching it she walked off following the signs. Getting to a big room where she was patted down and asked a series of questions. Being led by a CO she found herself in another large room. This one with inmates and visitors scattered about. She was placed at a table that read 45, noticing it was a was away from the rest of the room. She picked at the chipping yellow paint on the table aimlessly.

"Have a seat Gayle." At the name Lira looked up.

Putting face to name, he wasnt what she was expecting at all. She assumed he was disfigured somehow. Or he looked like a geezer. He was actually quite handsome....normal looking. These were the most dangerous kinds of men. Ones that flipped in seconds. No way he was sane if he was using her to infiltrate his wife's new life.

"What do you know?" He tossed, she blinked at him. No greeting? No nice to meet you?

".....I'm having trouble getting to Dean. He's attracted to me, the interest is there, we flirt, but everytime I mention getting a drink or something he shuts it down. I've never had niggas not just take the shot." She tossed, he hummed lucky for him he did alot of digging into Mr. Brooks. Well his accountant did, under the guise that he wanted to make an investment into Dean's business. His accountant was tasked with evaluating his character....with the use of a background check. He remembered the whole background check report given.

Dean Brooks an only child, born and raised in New Jersey. Son to Rochelle and Warren Brooks. Warren Brooks died when Dean was just 6 months old. To a drunk driver on a late night. Rochelle would go on to met Rodrick Wilson when Dean was 3. From them on he would witness and feel the abuse of his step father. Rochelle and Rodrick would marry when he was 7 and separate on and off again. His mother would tragically meet her end by Rodrick hands, a week after Dean's 10th birthday. A house fire by candle claiming her life. One Dean narrowly escaped with 2nd degree burns. Suspicion of foul play would bring Rodricks arrest. Where he would be found not guilty of arson or murder, due to a lack of evidence.

Dean would be thrown into foster care, bounced from house to house. He would then gain a full ride scholarship for football at 18. During his freshman year he would meet bestfriend Derrick Collins. A few home trips would make him a new member of the Collins family. An injury during sophomore year would end his football career but spark his passion for training. He would keep his scholarship based of his high SAT score, and being in his classes top 15%. He would go on to graduate top of his class with Derrick. He went on to open a Gym by the name of "Omega's Brick House", in his second home Philadelphia. Dabbling in a secret lifestyle his whole college career. This lifestyle would lead to the opening of Eros' Throne under a pseudonym Warren Collins, a notorious BDSM club in New Jersey. As a renowned Dominant he would branch out into Philadelphia with another club by the name of "The Dominion of Qadesh." under his pseudonym. All three businesses are booming and well managed.

"Dean owns a club. I assume that is his hunting game." Robert responded.

"Cool mini dress type club or like elegant?" Lira tossed, Robert shook his head giving a chuckle.

"A whips and chains type." He corrected.

"Come again?" Lira blinked.

"He's into BDSM. You need to research how to be a good submissive. Learn the lifestyle and play a part. Do what ever you have to. You need to be in his close circle." Robert spoke, she swallowed thickly giving a head shake.


"Dont look so scared. It shouldn't be anything you're not used to. Red said you enjoyed to be beaten. This should be a cake walk to you." Robert spoke, Lira frowned liked to be beaten was a hop skip and a jump away from the truth. Sex was she liked brusies and force. That didn't mean she liked getting knocked upside the head.

"His club here is called The Dominion of Qadesh. It's membership based, you'll have to go through background check, sign a Nondisclosure, and be tested by a Dom. Know you're shit when you go there. You have a week to be a member." He continued on, ignoring her faces.

"....okay." She sighed.

"Have you made contact with my wife?"

"No, but Ive seen her new man a lot." She answered, he scowled at that.

"Anything to be aware of? Scars? Weaknesses? Heard any gossip?"

"He's pretty tatted so I can't tell. I've seen his left arm spasm before, that always pisses him off. I haven't heard them talk about anything memorable but I do hear him mention his daughter a lot." Lira reported, Robert nodded glancing at the clock. His time almost up, he needed to cover just one more base.

"Good, now you're doing this for Red. But what do you want out of this? Money? Revenge? Name something and I'll make sure you have it." Robert offered, he was hoping she asked him for money. It should have been a snap decision but she looked so deep off in thought. He glanced to the clock after a few minutes and frowned.

"Look think on it and get back to me. Next meeting I expect you to be a perfect submissive. Remember when you make contact with my wife that she's a whore. If you make yourself desirable to her she'll fall into your hands. Press her, fuck up her happy home." He rushed, as a CO walked over to them. Lira nodded her head noting all he said.

"Times up Gayle. Let's move." The CO ordered, Robert stood following the man. Lira bit her lip as her ex came into view. Just what did this man truly get her into.....again.

A few days later....

Sitting in a glam chair Melinda stared into the mirror. She was liking this look. Derrick had really gone all out again. Today was all dedicated to a photoshoot. One for her book promo, one for Derrick's Ebony Cover, and last their couples personal shoot. She turned to the side examining her bob. The one eye window was truly giving her life at the moment.

"Mel, did you pack her blanket?" Derrick asked, walking over with a fussy child. He paused seeing his wife in her full glam. He groaned truly drinking her in. Niyah letting out a frustrated wail snapping him from his lustful haze.

"You look absolutely beautiful my love."

"Thank you." Melinda giggled, passing him the blanket. He grabbed her hand kissing the back of it before taking the blanket. Wrapping Niyah in it his child refusing to calm. He shared a look with Melinda to which she groaned.

"We're supposed to be weening her off the titty remember?" She sighed, taking off her white blazer. Then the white undershirt. Placing it aside as Derrick passed her Niyah and covered her bare front half with the blanket.

"I know I know, we're already off the regular feeds. She's eating way more solids now. It's just comfort titty right now." He bargained, she rolled her eyes feeling her child instantly latch.

"She's probably stressed out from all these strangers." Melinda admitted, he nodded peeking down the blanket. Niyah peacefully suckling with her eyes closed.

"Its her naptime anyways. She'll be out in 5 minutes tops." Derrick pointed out.

"She better, she can't drink too much or I'm going to start over producing again."

"Remember how I said we were doing a family shoot?" Derrick tossed, figuring this was the perfect time to bring this up.


"I also want to take some pictures for the playroom. Some sexy, intimate photos to decorate." He confessed, she rose a brow at that. Oh how she missed being down in there.


"Some." He nodded, she blinked expecting to be put off by the thought of being naked in front of a photographer. Oddly she felt a sense of excitement. This body was banging, she could show off just a little bit.

"Okay." She purred, biting her lip. He smirked leaning down placing a few kisses on her lips messing up her lipstick in the process.

"New you'd love it." He chuckled, wiping the purple from his lips.

Feeling her child's suckling slow she looked down. Niyah just about out cold. Waiting a few minutes, she pulled her child away slowly handing her back to Derrick. Getting redressed and her glam fixed. She started her photos. Snapping various pictures. The attention making her feel powerful in the moment.

"Those two need to be sent to Johnathan pronto. I love them." Mel gushed, as the photographer flipped through all he took.

He nodded marking them red on his computer. She pointed out a few more before all was finished. While she ate lunch Derrick took his pictures. She practically drooled into her Mongolian Grill. How he was so effortlessly a model was pissing her off. Some bitches were gone look at the magazine cover and idolize her nigga. This new level of muscle had him with his chest out. She didn't know whether she wanted to jump him or fight him.

As his shoot wrapped up she noticed the room clearing out. Not even half of who was here earlier were still here. By the time they took a few family photos with Saniyah the room was empty aside from one photographer. She could sense how excited her husband was about this shoot.

"So what now?" Mel questioned, setting Niayh down in her play pen.

"I brought you a change of clothes. Go change for me." Derrick grinned. Melinda rose a brow walking over over her section. A tight black strapless dress that fanned out a bit at the bottom, plus a strappy intricate lingerie out fit. Coupled with a garterbelt, and her red Louboutins. Getting dressed she came back out her space to see he had changed into a black suit.

"Spin for me." He ordered, twirling his finger. He bit her lip as she did so, the way the dress was hugging those hips should be illegal. Beckoning her over with a finger he said nothing else. Reaching out he grabbed her by the neck. Pulling her into a heated kiss that had her forgetting all about the shoot until a flash reminded her. She pulled away looking behind her.

"Where should your focus be?" She heard asked in her ear, a voice she hadn't heard in a minute coming out.

"You sir." She answered, turning back around.

"Then let it stay here." He ordered.

"Yes, Sir." She nodded. Leading her to the only seat he had her sit down on it facing the camera. Pulling the silk scarf from his pocket, he covered her eyes blind folding her. Mel couldn't help but to bit her lip. The camera catching the moment.

Fully securing the blindfold he checked on his child real quick. Seeing her laying down inside her pen sleepily playing with some toys. Dinner and some titty having her right on time for bedtime. Placing her blanket over her, he headed back to their set. Happy to see Mel hadn't moved a muscle. Picking up some of the props he brought just for show. He stood off to the side a ways away. The photographer stepping behind him to snap the picture. Adjusting his lens to blur the background

Setting the restraints down he took off his blazer. Walking back over to Mel, he loved her hair off her shoulder. She jumped a bit but relaxed into him. Going with the flow of things. Taking various pictures she felt her nerves kick in when her blindfold was removed and he had her take off the dress. Changed into only his Dom attire. He had her back to the camera, hair wound in one hand forcefully pulling her head to the side. His tongue playing a wicked game with her neck. His eyes on the camera when the picture was snapped.

Picking her up she wrapped her legs around his waist on instinct. Another picture taken of her looking down into his eyes. Leading her back to the seat he laid her on her back. Leaning down over her. He couldn't deny the fact that he was hard as steel. She was being such a good girl in the new experience. He was going to test her some more.

"You trust me baby?"

"Yes, Sir." She answered, without any hesitation.

He smirked running his hands down her body the camera flashing periodically. He had already told the photographer to snap what his artist called for when he signed the Nondisclosure. Stopping at her thighs he pushed them open slowly, watching her for any protest. He only received a sharp intake of breath and a lip bite. Trailing his hands along the inside of her thighs to her center. Which he found soaking, a sense of pride surging in him. His thumb rubbing her clit through the material. Her watched her chest rise and fall faster. Keeping her moans in as he strummed her clit like an expert. He wanted a picture of her at climax on his wall, so she could see how beautiful she was in her purest form. Bringing her to peak the camera flashed a few times. Giving her pussy a slap he stopped his motions.

"Strip, heels stay." He ordered, pulling her up into a sitting position.

She stood up doing just that as he took her seat. Eyes locked on him her movements were confident, like it was just them two. He groaned she was right to be confident. She was enchanting and he loved to show that. Tossing her clothes off set, she kneeled in front of him without being asked. It was at that moment the photographer was forgotten to the both of them. He had captured the beautifully erotic intimacy between them with expertise.

"That's all for today." Derrick spoke up, once he recalled where he was. Melinda straddling his lap nipping along his neck. Wound up tight from the whole show.

"Should I leave the SD card here?" The photographer asked, adjusting the tent in his pants.

"Yes, I just want the raw images." Derrick nodded, he wasn't stupid enough to let someone walk out of here with those.

If he wanted them edited he could do that himself. Melinda's hands fell down to the zipper of his pants. Undoing it he groaned at the relief of pleasure. Popping the button as well, he looked at her wondering how far she was going to go. She pulled his solider out stroking his length. At the sound of the door shutting signaling them being alone she slide down, taking him fully in a swift motion. She nearly screamed but she bit his shoulder instead. He moaned grabbing her hips moving her up and down his length.

"Make me cum." He demanded, she could only nod increasing the speed of her bounces in his lap.

He gave her a few swift love taps encouraging her. He was 100% sure he'd have a bruise from her teeth on his shoulder come morning. Reaching between them he pinched her throbbing clit and that was all she wrote. Melinda tossed her head back a silent scream tearing through her soul. Gripping her hips he fucked her through her orgasm, his own rushing forth painting her walls with his seed. Their heavy breathing the loudest thing in the empty room.

"You were such a good girl Mellie. So proud of my baby." He praised, she blushed hugging him. Her aftercare the quiet uninterrupted skin to skin contact. She missed these moments between them. They were too far and way too few.

Next day....

"Bitch, what type of life are you living? You make me so jealous!" Jo whined, as she cleaned Midori's apple sauce off her pants leg. The rambunctious 1 and half year old splashing away in the inflatable kiddy pool with Saniyah.

"I don't even know half the time. I still can't believe I agreed to do that. The pictures came out so sexy though." Mel gushed.

"Dont be a stingy bitch, let me see!"

"I'm naked Jo." Mel laughed, as her bestfriend snatched her phone from her. Clicking on her gallery coming up empty.

"Oh you bitch! Of course you wouldn't have them on you." Jo huffed, Mel smirked taking her phone back.

"Why would I do that when I have a bestfriend like you?"

"Yeah alright, just you wait. I'm gonna ask your Daddy to give me a tour of your little velvet room. Can't hide them big ass frames then." Jo huffed.

"Do allow me to dust the room first." Mel joked, but a hint of sadness came through.

"You guys still haven't gone in there yet? I thought Niyah was sleeping through the night?"

"She is, I don't know what's stopping us. I finally feel like I'm a stable parent. I don't know what's missing between us. We couldn't stay out of the we never go inside. I don't even get seriously punished anymore, he just makes me do shit I hate. Like go hang out with my sisters, or write my apology." Mel whined.

"I don't know the ins and outs of y'all shit but why don't you just go into the playroom yourself? Demand from him?"

"That's called topping from the bottom." Mel pouted, it had crossed her mind a few times. She was afraid of what trouble she might get in if she challenged his authority. Jo huffed looking over at the men. Derrick and Dom sitting out in the yard drinking beer. A brief glance at the ladies had Dom swallowing thickly.

"You think they heard me?" Dom rushed out, Derrick rose a brow slyly glancing at the women.

"I don't think so, that's not a suprised look. One of us is in the hot spot, and their talking about it." Derrick responded, cooling Dom's worry. It's not like his voice wasn't as low as he could get it.

"Its probably me, Jo asked me to change Midori earlier. I got wrapped up with the grill and forgot, gave my munchkin a diaper rash." Don sighed.

"Definitely done that before." Derrick chuckled, some things you just took in stride.

"But back to what we were discussing. I can get you in contact with my jeweler. He's quick and really goes for your vision. You just explain to him Jo's character, he'll design you 5 rings sketches. You give him feedback on one, then boom ring is done in 2 months tops. When are you planning to pop the question?" Derrick asked, Dom took a swig of his beer.

"I'm not sure. I'm hella nervous man. Jonessa is like a hound, she sniffs surprises out like a 5 star breed. She's got all my information, there's no way I can move money without her seeing. Let me come home 5 minutes late. She already has my location on." Dom spoke, Derrick chuckled that definitely sounded like Jo. He couldn't judge he was mindful of Melinda's locations as well.

"Check it, let me put in a good word with my jeweler. He'll let you cash out after you propose."

"You a real one Derrick. Thank you man." Dom spoke, dapping Derrick up.

"You're welcome."

"Welcome for what?" Jo's sudden voice, catching them slightly off guard but not enough for her to notice.

"Derrick's hooking me up with some Courtside Golden State tickets." Dom casually tossed, Derrick's eyes narrowed at him in return. That was some grade A bullshit. Dom's taunting smile daring him to say otherwise. Derrick forced his best smile.

"Mhmm." He hummed, he was gonna kick Dean's ass for showing Dom the ropes of deflection.

"Aww that's nice, what for?" Mel questioned, walking over with Niyah wrapped in a Minnie Mouse towel.

"Just cause, had some extras laying around." Derrick answered, he in fact didn't but he was going to get some.

Inviting herself into Derricks lap Mel sat down. Niyah kicking up a game of peekaboo with her daddy. Watching the cute scene playing out Mel felt a shift in her spirit. The unexplainable feeling a dread knocking at her door. Seeming to hook into her deeper the more she tried to shake it off. She was confused on where it came from, and was no closer to finding out as they headed home.

"You want something from the kitchen Mellie?" Derrick called out, as he made his way to the kitchen.

"Ummm I don't think so....grab Niyah's teething ring." She answered, flipping through their mail.

"Already on it." He called back, she smiled at his response. Stopping on a envelope with hand written words she frowned. Who in the hell was Red Sanders? As she ripped it open Niyah tugged at her leg wanting attention.

"Just a minute baby." Mel muttered, unfolding what looked to be a piece of notebook paper.


"Wait a min...." Melinda trailed off, recognizing the sloppy hand writing in an instant. Her heart hammering as she stared at the writing. Her daughters cries falling on death ears. Turning the envelope over in her other hand she looked at the address.

Eastern State Penitentiary.

Melinda's hands shook as she looked back to the letter. It was almost like Robert was right in front of her. As her eyes involuntarily scanned through the letter she could hear his voice narrating the whole thing.

Dear Wife,

I miss you so much baby. I go to sleep with thoughts of you on my mind. My wife, my lover, my bestfriend, mine for eternity in every aspect of this life. I wish you were here with me. How could I possibly forget you. That's what I don't understand about you. How could you forget your first love? I remember her.....she was mine the day I sat next to her in school as a new student. One look at her and she was my world. I don't think I can get over that. I wish I could hold you right now. Listen to Nina as the rain poured over us. Make love to you as you looked at me with stormy eyes full of adoration for me and only me. Oh to hear you say my name again. You are my everything til my last breath.

With All My Love,


Hope You Enjoyed!🥴

Not Robert picking a switcheroo...

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