The Dangers-chapter 1

By nayliafolo16

1.1K 62 4

This story is for my Henry Danger fans. This story isn't a usual fanfiction like the others, I kind of remade... More

1.Everything Begins-pt.1
1.Everything Begins-pt.2
1.Everything Begins-pt.3
2.Best Friends-pt.1
2.Best Friends-pt.2
2.Best Friends-pt.3
2.Best Friends-pt.4
3.Danger Secrets-pt.1
3.Danger Secrets-pt.2
3.Danger Secrets-pt.3
3.Danger Secrets-pt.4
3.Danger Secrets-pt.5
3.Danger Secrets-pt.6
3.Danger Secrets-pt.7
3.Danger Secrets-pt.8
4.The Kiss-pt.1
4.The Kiss-pt.2
4.The Kiss-pt.3
4.The Kiss-pt.4
4.The Kiss-pt.5
5.The Ballet Performance-pt.1
5.The Ballet Performance-pt.2
5.The Ballet Performance-pt.3
5.The Ballet Performance-pt.4
5.The Ballet Performance-pt.5
5.The Ballet Performance-pt.6
5.The Ballet Performance-pt.7
6. Happy 16th, Ally!-pt. 1
6. Happy 16th, Ally!-pt. 2
6. Happy 16th, Ally!-pt. 3
7. Swellview's Night Gang-pt.1
7. Swellview's Night Gang-pt.2
7. Swellview's Night Gang-pt.4
8.School or Crime Fighting-pt. 1
8.School or Crime Fighting-pt. 2
8.School or Crime Fighting-pt. 3
9.The New Kid-pt. 1
9.The New Kid-pt. 2
9.The New Kid-pt. 3
10.The Winter Dance-pt. 1
10.The Winter Dance-pt. 2
10.The Winter Dance-pt. 3
10.The Winter Dance-pt. 4
11.The Love Triangle-pt. 1
11.The Love Triangle-pt. 2
11.The Love Triangle-pt. 3
11.The Love Triangle-pt. 4
11.The Love Triangle-pt. 5
12.The Truth-pt. 1
12.The Truth-pt. 2
12.The Truth-pt. 3
12.The Truth-pt. 4
12.The Truth-pt. 5

7. Swellview's Night Gang-pt.3

10 1 0
By nayliafolo16

"You okay?"-Girl Danger said coming back with the boy in her arms. The little blonde boy's head was laying on Girl Danger's chest while sleeping.-"Yeah. The ambulance was here and took her to the hospital. But they said we can bring the kid there because they will let his mom out when she wakes up."-he said and looked at the kid.

"Okay."-Girl Danger nodded.-"He fell asleep?"-"Yes. He was crying so hard. I hope that he won't be traumatized after this. He's only 3."-Girl Danger.-"Let's go to the hospital then. Want me to carry him?"-Kid Danger asked.-"No, it's fine. I don't want to wake him up."-she said and they headed to the hospital.

The Dangers were in the elevator in the hospital when the boy woke up.-"Where am I?"-he said in a sleepy voice.-"We're at the hospital. Your mom is here and you're going home now."-Kid Danger said calmly rubbing his back.

The boy laid his head back on Girl Danger's chest and hugged her more. They got out the elevator and walked to the room where the boy's mom was.-"Dangers! What brings you here?"-the nurse smiled when they walked in the room.

"We have this woman's son."-Girl Danger said.-"Oh great. His mom is awake but they can't leave yet because we have to take some more test because she was hit quite bad."-the nurse explained.

"Can we leave him here?"-Kid Danger asked.-"Yeah, sure."-the nurse smiled.-"Okay, you'll sit here."-Girl Danger said and put the little boy on a chair.-"I want you to stay."-he sobbed.-"But I have to go. Also, your mommy is awake. You'll go home soon."-she said calmly kneeling down in front of him.

"Please."-the boy said quietly.-"You'll see Girl Danger again. Okay?"-Kid Danger knelt down next to Girl Danger and smiled.-"Promise?"-he said quietly.-"Promise."-Kid and Girl Danger said at the same time.

"Okay."-he said and hugged both of them them."Thank you for saving me and my mommy."-"We're always here for saving."-Girl Danger smiled.-"Let's go."-Kid Danger said and they left.


"Hey guys!"-Jasper walked up to Henry, Ally and Piper at school.-"Hi Jasper."-they turned to him.-"Did you catch the gang?"-he whispered.-"No, we didn't. They escaped."-Ally whispered.-"But we saved a little boy from being kidnapped."-Henry added.

"What's the plan?"-Piper asked.-"For now, nothing."-Ally said and went to her locker.-"You know that you don't have much time left. Every night happens the same."-Piper said walking behind Ally.-"I know but I don't have any ideas!"-she said and opened her locker.

"Do you have any ideas, guys?"-Piper turned to Henry and Jasper.-"Nothing."-they said at the same time.-"Never mind, I have to go to class. See you guys after school."-she said and left.

"Hi guys."-Sophie came to them-"Hi Jasper."-she gave him a smile.-"Hi."-Jasper smiled and kissed her cheek.-"You guys are so cute."-Ally smiled.-"Do you want to sit with me in class?"-Sophie asked Jasper.-"Yea, sure."-Jasper said and left with her.

Ally laughed and turned back to her locker.-"What's wrong?"-Henry asked her.-"Nothing."-she answered quietly.-"Tell me."-he smiled and started playfully punching her upper arm.-"Nothing."-she laughed.

"I think I know. Jasper succeeded with his crush and you probably have a crush on someone but you don't want to admit it and tell him. Now you're watching Jasper with his crush wishing that the same happened to you."-he smiled and started playing with her pigtails.

"Henry, how many times do I have to tell you that I don't have a crush on anybody."-Ally rolled her eyes.-"Okay, but you have to tell me if you do."-"Fine, I'll tell you when I will have a crush. Which means I don't have one yet."-Ally said and started looking for her book in her locker. 

Suddenly something fell out but Ally didn't notice it. Henry picked it up and it was a picture of Ally, him and Lilly when she was in Swellview.-"You dropped this picture."-he said and handed it to Ally.-"Oh thanks."-Ally said and put it back in.

"The picture reminded me, how's Lilly? Have you heard anything from her since she left Swellview?"-Henry asked.-"Actually, yes. Yesterday after the mission. We were on face time."-Ally said while they were walking to the classroom.

"How is she?"-"Well, her mom is very busy lately so she left her at her grandma's house. But she hates there."-"Your grandma?"-"No, that's Claudia's mom. She said that she's been ignoring her and not really caring about her. She gives her breakfast, lunch and dinner but for the rest of the day she's acting like Lilly is not even there."

"Why didn't Claudia bring her here in Swellview? She liked it here."-"She says that Swellview is a little bit too far from Los Angeles and we can't take care of her because I have school and my mom is working all day."-"Poor Lilly."-"Also, she said that she misses you very much."-Ally said and Henry laughed.

After the lessons finished, they all met up in front of school and went to Junk 'n stuff together. When they arrived there, they took the elevator down to the Man cave where Schwoz and Ray were.

"Hey Ray!"-Henry yelled when they walked out of the elevator.-"Hey guys! Have you got any new ideas how are we going to catch the gang?"-Ray turned to them.-"Nothing."-Ally sighed.-"I was thinking about something."-Schwoz said.-"Tell us, Schwoz."-Piper sat down.-"We need a bait. A kid who will stand in the park while you guys will be hiding ready for action."-Schwoz explained.

"So, we have to get a kid who will be the bait?"-Ally asked confused and Schwoz nodded.-"But if we find a kid, we'll have to wipe their memory because he can't know the secret. We need someone who knows and keeps the secret."-Ray said.

"But who? No one except us here know our secret."-Ally said disappointed.-"Ally, think a little. We have someone."-Henry smiled. Ally turned to him and started thinking.-"Lilly!"-they said at the same time.

"Yes! Lilly knows your secret and she can help us!"-Piper said happy.-"Call her and we're on the mission tonight."-Ray said.-"Yeah... we have a problem with that..."-Ally looked down.-"Oh, yeah. Lilly is on the other side of the country. She's in California."-Henry said.

"It'll take too long to get her and come back."-Jasper sighed.-"You can get there in 5 seconds."-Schwoz said.-"How?"-Henry and Ally looked at him confused.-"We have a teleporter here, in the Man cave."-Schwoz said.-"You finished it?"-Ray turned to him.

"Yes."-he nodded.-"Then what are we waiting for? Let's do it. I know the address where Lilly is right now."-Ally said and took out her phone.-"But where will she be for these few days if we don't catch them at the first try?"-Piper asked.

"She can be here in the Man cave. We have one free room."-Ray said.-"Then let's do it!"-Henry stood up.-"I'll bring the teleporter."-Schwoz said and walked in through the door-wall.

"Okay, I've got the teleporter. Dangers, you ready?"-Schwoz said walking in the main room with a big device in his hand.-"Is this safe Schwoz?"-Ally asked.-"Well, it can't teleport two people at the same time, only one."-Schwoz said.-"But this is not the same one."-Jasper said.

"No, the first one doesn't exist anymore. This is a new one."-"But how are you going to teleport both of them?"-Piper asked.-"Henry hold Ally's hand."-Schwoz said.-"What?"-Ally asked confused.-"Henry has to hold your hand so I can teleport both of you."-Schwoz explained.

"Don't be scared."-Henry said and Ally held his hand.-"How are you going to bring them back?"-Ray asked.-"You'll see a blue portal. You just have to hold your hands again and enter in it."-Schwoz explained and they nodded-"Ready guys?"-"Ready."-they both nodded.

Schwoz pointed the device at them and activated it. Ally closed her eyes and squeezed Henry's hand. Schwoz hit them with a blue beam and they disappeared.

"Hey, it's over."-Henry said. Ally opened her eyes and they were in a little room.-"Are we?"-she asked and let his hand.-"We are in LA."-Henry smiled looking out through the window.-"This is crazy."-Ally said and looked at the GPS on her phone which was showing that they are in LA. Suddenly the door opened. Henry and Ally turned around quickly and saw Lilly standing there.

"Henry!? Ally!?"-she yelled.-"Sh... be quiet! No one can know."-Ally whisper-yelled.-"I'm home alone."-Lilly smiled and ran into their hug.-"You have no idea how much I missed you guys."-she said smiling.-"We missed you too."-Henry smiled.

"How did you get here?"-Lilly asked confused.-"We teleported."-Ally said.-"Woah! Why did you come?"-Lilly asked.-"The Dangers need your help."-Henry smiled.-"My help!? With what!? I'll do anything!"-Lilly got excited.

"We need you to be a bait so we can catch some criminals who kidnap kids."-Ally explained.-"Sure, I'll help."-Lilly smiled.-"You'll sleep in the Man cave if it will be needed."-Henry said.-"Oh yeah!"-Lilly said.-"Okay, I'll call Schwoz that we have her."-Ally said taking her phone out.

She called Schwoz.-"Hey Schwoz. We got Lilly. Bring us back to Swellview."-"It worked!?"-he said excited.-"Yes, it did. Now bring us back."-Ally said and hung up.-"We're going to teleport to Swellview?"-Lilly asked excited.-"Yes."-Henry said and then in the middle of the room showed a bit blue portal.

"Okay, Lilly. Get on my back."-Henry said.-"Okay."-Lilly said and jumped on Henry's back.-"Come Ally."-he said and held her hand.-"It'll be fine."-he whispered on her ear. They stepped in the portal and everything went white. In the next moment they were in the Man cave again.

"It worked!"-Schwoz said happily.-"Hi Lilly!"-Piper smiled when Lilly got down from Henry's back.-"Hi!"-Lilly smiled. She walked up to the Man couch and sat down.-"What about her parents?"-Ray asked Ally and Henry.

"My parents are working. I'm at my grandma's house who doesn't care about me at all."-Lilly said.-"Okay. Well, it'll be dark soon. Better work on the plan."-Ray said.-"What's the plan?"-Lilly asked.

"So, we'll go to the park and you'll be playing on the playground."-Ally started.-"In the dark?"-Lilly asked.-"Yes, in the dark."-Henry said.-"When the gang will come to take you away, we'll come out and catch them."-Ally finished.

"Promise they won't take me away?"-Lilly asked.-"We won't let them do it."-Henry said.-"Okay. When can I see auntie Molly?"-Lilly looked at them.-"Yeah... no one can know you're in Swellview."-Piper said.-"Why?"-"Because then they will find out how we got you here and the whole thing about us."-Henry said.

"Oh, okay."-Lilly sighed.-"Dangers, blow the bubbles and leave."-Ray said. Ally and Henry took out their gums and blew bubbles.-"Wow!"-Lilly gasped after they transformed.-"Let's go Lilly."-Ally said and pointed at the tubes.

"Can I be on Henry's back again?"-Lilly asked.-"Sure."-Henry smiled and she jumped on his back again.-"You're stealing my cousin from me!"-Ally looked at Henry.

"Looks like she loves me more."-Henry winked and they waked to the tubes.-"Up the tubes!"-they yelled and disappeared.

At the park the Dangers hid behind the bushes and Lilly went to the playground.-"Do you think this will work?"-Kid Danger asked.-"I hope so."-Girl Danger mumbled. They were watching Lilly who was playing at the playground and then they heard something.

"Here we go."-Girl Danger whispered. The gang jumped out of nowhere and started chasing Lilly. The Dangers jumped out of the bushes and started fighting them. They were fighting and tried to save Lilly but then the leader of the gang hit the Dangers with something and in one second, they were tied up to a tree. He picked Lilly up who was screaming and started walking away.

"Let her go!"-Girl Danger was yelling.-"You failed again, Dangers."-the leader winked and they left with Lilly.-"Stop! Come back right now!"-Girl Danger was yelling and trying to let herself free.-"Ally. Ally. Ally. Calm down!"-Kid Danger said.

"They took her away."-"I know! We'll find her! Okay? Calm down."-"But..."-she sobbed.-"Ally."-"What?"-"Take my zapper out of my pocket and cut the rope."-Kid Danger said.-"What? In your pocket?"-she said confused.-"Yes! Where do you keep your zapper, in your ponytail!?"-he said sarcastically.

"Okay fine. Don't move."-she said and tried to get the zapper out of his pocket.-"Did you get it?"-Kid Danger asked.-"Almost."-she said and got the zapper-"I got it!"-she said and cut the rope with the laser.

The rope fell on the ground and they were free to move.-"Now we need a new plan."-Kid Danger sighed.-"No way."-Girl Danger said sarcastically-"Here."-she handed him the zapper.-"Let's go back to the Man cave. We'll figure something out."-Kid Danger said and they headed back to the Man cave.

"Where is Lilly!?"-Piper yelled as they came down the tubes. Ally kept silent and Henry gave her a worried look.-"They took her!?"-Ray yelled.-"We've got captured and failed."-Henry sighed.-"How!? Just how!?"-Ray was yelling while the Dangers transformed.

"Oh shut up! Like you always did everything right! How many missions did you screw up!?"-Ally yelled.-"How do you know that?"-Ray asked quietly.-"I know."-Ally said.-"We'll figure out this tomorrow. Lilly will be okay."-Piper said calmly.-"Okay, see you guys tomorrow."-Henry said and walked to the elevator.-"Ally, you're coming?"-Piper asked.-"Yeah, yeah."-Ally nodded.

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