| sbi angst on...

By CloudyCrowxx

218K 4.6K 5.3K

!!UPDATED COVER ART!! ⚠️Warning⚠️ please do not read if you are triggered by: Themes of depression Anxiety... More

Introduction to my book :)
-The void 😟-
-The voices-
-The voices pt. 2-
-Maldaptive daydreaming disorder-
-Ana, friends, and panic-
-Ana, friends, and panic pt. 2-
-Arson... pog?-
-Fundy art from last chapter-
-Memory loss-
-Why do I want to be hurt?-
-Fly like a bird-
-What do you mean it's not normal??-
-Ana, friends and panic pt.3-
-Ayup loves, new book? + Important thing-
-All in my head-
-Clementine (for those 50 of you/srs)-
-Hes back-
-A/n skip if you want but pls read-
-Im sorry I lost it-
-Warm hugs-
-Red looks pretty on me-
-Red looks pretty on me (continued...)-
-Fingers pt.2-
-Scrappy acquaintances-
-To the people I've let down-
-To the people Ive let down pt.2-
-Catbur (100k fluff (:)-
-A Poem to the clouds-
-Sweet dreams!-
-Talk to me-
-Too much-
-Mini golfing is for lonely people-
-Grown ups scare me-
-Its my turn to die-
-Empty house empty bed-
-Night out, lights out-
-Eternal life is not a gift its a curse-
-Thats a wrap (A/N)-

-You're just like me-

1.2K 36 92
By CloudyCrowxx

art creds for today: Jaze on twitter!

Requested: No
Character: Technoblade
Setting: Snow biome and technos cabin

TWS to note for this chapter:
• Described gore and fighting
• General sadness

A/N: 1/4.. 2 more days. We're getting close (:

Also just so you know, italics at the end are flashbacks!!

|*~Techno POV (3rd person)~*|

Techno was lost in a blizzard, a physical one that is. Snow whirling through the desolate plains, no trees or villages in sight. Only him and his slowly disappearing sense of hope.

He was relying on his memory to guide him through, being the 'human gps' and that. As the cold winds nipped at him like a giddy piranha he became frigid. he was going to die out here.

As his vision began to blur and the minutes flew by like seconds, he couldn't tell how long he had been walking in the storm, the only thing keeping him going was the fact that if he died he would leave Phil behind.

He could feel the warmth draining from his body as he struggled to push back. Hair ghostly white, same with his face, he gave in. With a quiet thud, the storm took him. He closed his eyes thinking this would be the last time he did so.



He slowly opened his eyes, the previous feeling of heat surrounding him like a big bear hug, which was ironic for his situation considering he was laying under a bear. WAIT WHAT?! Yep, you heard me right. Technoblade was laying under none other than a polar bear.

He was petrified, partly from fear, partly from the cold, but mostly out of common sense. If he made any sudden movements the bear would most definitely kill him. He didn't know how he had gotten here and he didn't know how to get out. He was stuck.

On the bright side he could feel his legs now, enough to carefully pull his knees up to his chest. He sat for a moment debating his next move. Then he put both his hands forwards and gripped the snow. His hands sunk, but luckily it was crunchy snow.. just what he needed.

If he could compact it enough to make some hand grips he could pull himself forwards. One leg free, then the over, he heaved himself onto the snow in front and laid there to catch his breath. Not wanting to wake the polar bear, now adjusting in its sleep, he slowly rolled to the side and out back into the cold.

At least the blizzard stopped.

Techno stood up and brushed the snow off of himself, before he left though, he looked at the sleeping polar bear once more. He hadn't noticed previously, but the left side of the polar bears face was.. gone? That's the best way to describe it. It looked like some sort of animal had bitten or clawed it, the tissue still exposed and the bears left eye missing.. poor thing.

Techno was too interested in what had happened he didn't realize it was waking up until he was met with a just as interested gaze from the polar bear. His eyes widened. It huffed and stood up, beginning to walk towards him.

He couldn't outrun it, so for the second time today he braced for impact and waited for it to be over. With his eyes closed and his hands out he didn't expect to be met with the nose of a very large, very scary animal.

He opened his eyes, it looked like it was smiling at him.

"You aren't hostile are ya..?" He said with a smile as he gently pet the polar bear, still being cautious. It seemed to like the attention as it flopped back onto the snow. Techno chuckled softly, it was like a big dog.

"I've gotta get home bud.. before the storm starts up again" He said, returning to his usual expression before sighing.

The polar bear sat up and watched him as he collected his things and started walking off.


Techno had been walking for a bit when he felt like he was being followed. He stopped in his tracks and turned around. He made out a small lump in the snow, he made a confused expression then turned around again. When he looked back, just as he had thought, the thing had moved closer. He smiled to himself. He knew what was going on

He kept walking slowly, pretending not to notice. Then he turned quickly to see the polar bear from before trying to hide in the snow.

"Gotcha!" He said laughing as the polar bear sneezed and shook the snow off its head.

He looked back and he could see his house in the distance.

"You know what? since you've come this far, why don't you stay here for a bit.. I can give you a warm place to sleep out from the cold.. and I can help you with that..?" He said, looking to the missing part of its face.

Like it could understand him, it huffed again and nodded. Techno led it back to the house.


"Okay bud, i'll be right back. I just have to get some bandaging"

Techno said as he left the room leaving the polar bear there

It was sitting on the rug as the fire Techno lit softly crackled in the background.

"Okayyyyy I am.. back.." Techno said struggling to unwrap the medical tape.

The bear looked up at him as he sat down on a small stool he put out.
Techno held his hand out for it to give him its paw.

"What did you do bud? This looks bad?" He said observing the scratched up area on the soft part of its paw

The sounds of warning growls and yips could be heard from the icy patch of land in front of the cave. There stood a pack of wolves and a male polar bear, the polar bear was protecting the mother of his two children, who had already been taken. As he raised his paw to bat off the wolves one of them lunged and bit his paw, leaving a large bloody scratch and teeth marks.

"This will hurt for just a second I promise..." Techno said pouring a bit of water into the wound. As expected the polar bear growled and beared its teeth

"I'm sorry i'm sorry! I know bud..."

"My turn.." Techno said, looking to his own cut hand before dropping a few drops of healing potion in it. He held his hand down, seething through his teeth

The polar bear ignored the pain in his paw, seeing one of them climbing up the hill to the cave. He ran as fast as he could. With one strong bite he had snapped the wolf's neck. The others didn't like this.. They all jumped on him at once.

"Now for your face.. you're going to have to put a lot of trust in me for this, but I have to sew part of it back closed so it doesn't get infected."

"Hah.. and I speak about trust"

He thought they were on good terms with the wolves, both staying on their part of the land, eating their own food. He must have done something to break that pact but whatever that was, the price was his children.

"And.. three.. two.. one." Techno counted before piercing the skin of the polar bear. It yelped and shook its head.

"Woah woah! I'm sorry.. I need you to let me do this though"

They clawed and tore at the soft flesh of his face, he roared and tried to but them to get them off but they wouldn't stop. A particularly sharp claw to the eye and then he couldn't see, falling to the snow, swatting them away the best he could. He could hear her being attacked as well, she was already weak and couldn't defend herself

The polar bear whined as Techno tried to get it over quickly. He tied the string and stepped back to observe his work. Where the polar bears eye used to be was now sewn closed, same with its cheek.

He laid in the snow, only being able to hear the agony from his mate. Then they were gone. He stayed there, he had given up. They were gone. It was all over.

Techno crouched down to its level and ran his hand over his own eye

"Now you're just like me.."

Techno smiled weakly at it

"You know what. We need to give you a name.."

He thought aloud

"How about..


1388 words




As always I love you guys, and appreciate you non parasocially
I hope you're having a great day/night/whatever time of the day it is for you (:
Here's an optional hug headpat or handshake
and some blue: 💙❄️💙❄️💙❄️💙

(There's no polar bear emoji ☹️)

-Crow 🦝🦝🦝

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