Tears Of Gold

By tkjack11

2K 33 3

Lorenzo De Léon, the all too famous heartless, sexy, coldblooded killing mafia prince, standing in line of su... More

Preyed On


136 4 0
By tkjack11

Once I get to the office, I see everyone running around, laughing, writing, interviewing, snapping pictures in front of a white backdrop and lights everywhere.

This was nothing like how I imagined it. To be honest, I didn't know what I imagined a publishing company to look like.

"Miss Taylor," a sweet voice behind me voices. I turn around, a smile on my face. A young woman with a soft smile and full head of the lightest, ash blonde hair is standing with a file in front of her.

"My name is Devon and I'm going to be your assistant for anything you need." I widen my eyes and part my lips slightly.

"I- I wasn't aware the assistant got an assistant," I smile nervously. She giggles, turning slightly, wanting me to follow her.

"When you work for someone as important as Ioana, it's smart to have someone working under you to do the things you can't get to," she explains, leading me down the hall. I giggle and nod.

"It is smart." We get to a double set of glass doors, leading into this luxurious office with white carpet, shiny wood furniture and windows overlooking the bay. I set my bag down and walk over to the windows.

"Holy shit," I whisper. Devon giggles, walking over.

"Yup, Ioana fought to get this building because of this room right here. She would've taken it for herself-" she leans over, still looking out the window- "but then she realized she wanted it for someone she really felt deserved it." I turn to her, my brows frowned.

"But I- I haven't even been here a day. How did I get this office?" She opens her file and pulls out a cardstock piece of paper. She hands it to me with a small smile on her face.

"You won the Young Authors National Short Story Competition. Your story is the top in the nation and you've barely entered your 20s'." I drop my mouth, taking the paper.

My name is written in bold letters on the thick paper. She puts the file under her arm then begins clapping. I smile and lean my head back, looking up at the ceiling. I did it Mama. I did it Dad.

"Miss Ioana will want to see you soon but she understands if you want to get settled in and get used to your new office," Devon explains.

"My office is just outside yours on the left. I'm here for whatever you need." I look back down and take a deep breath.

"Thank you. Really... thank you," I fold my hands in front of me. She smiles and bows her head slightly. She leaves and closes the doors behind her.

Though the doors are only glass and I can see the entire office, no noise comes through the glass. It's silent, leaving me with the slight hiss of my monitor and deep breathing from my nose.

"Holy shit," I whisper.

What just happened?

This all was happening so fast. The storm brewing in my head from my episode and now the shock and excitement from the reward. It was all overwhelming. What if I ruin this? What if this was a one time thing? What if-

"Miss Taylor?" a husky voice questions from in front of me, breaking ymt thought process.. I glance up, the boy from yesterday standing in the doorway, arms crossed and smile on his lips. I smile and set the file on my desk before walking over to him.

"I should've known you were important when I saw you in the elevator yesterday," he chuckles, walking in. I sigh, nodding.

"It's not what I expected," I shrug, turning and walking with him to the large wall of windows behind my desk. He widens his eyes slightly, impressed.

"Wow. Ioana never let us come in here, for fear of 'ruining the purity of the future star',"he mimics Ioanas', terribly I might add. We both laugh, trying to break the obvious awkwardness between us. I don't know what it is but he makes me feel off. I want to make friends, for sure, but he had a certain vibe about him that just made me feel like I had to cover up.

"Well, enjoy your office and I just wanted to congratulate you," he says, rubbing his neck.

"Thank you...." I try to search for his name. He chuckles, reaching out his hand for me to take.

"Elliot." I groan, taking his hand.

"I don't do it on purpose, I swear," I explain, shaking his hand. He leans down and kisses it, catching me off guard. I flinch, ripping my hand from his. He widens his eyes, putting his hands up in a surrender.

"Woah.... I'm sorry. D- did I overstep?" I cough, stepping back.

"No, I-I was j- just.... I d- didn't expect.....," I ramble, moving my hands around a little too much. He steps back.

"Hey hey, don't worry about it. It was my fault. I- I'll let you get settled in," he explains, sounding sympathetic.

I don't want your sympathy, preppy boy.

He walks out, closing the door behind him.

"Get a goddamn hold on yourself, Evelyn," I clutch my fists, and turn towards the window. About an hour goes by and I get a knock on the door. Ioana is standing with a small plant in her hands on the other side of the glass doors. I click out the search bar then stand up, waving her in. She opens the door, a big smile on her lips.

"Well, I have to say, out of everyone in this office, including myself-" she puts her hand on her chest, her eyes up in the air- "you look the most natural behind that desk." I smile, clearly blushing. She looks to the wall on the right, noticing the framed award I had just set up a few minutes ago. She smiles, turning back to me.

"Congratulations by the way," she waves the plant forward slightly, placing it on the coffee table in the middle of the L-shaped couch on the left. I walk around the desk, my hands folded in front of me. She crosses her arms, looking me up and down. I cough, crossing my hands over my chest.

"I've got to tell you something, Miss Taylor," she strains, taking a seat on the couch, crossing her legs and holding her knee. "You have impressed me more in 24 hours than half of the idiots in this office have in the past 19 years." I smile, feeling slightly guilty about the words 'idiots'. I was talented, but I didn't work as hard as most of the people in this office probably have.

"There are more talented people than me, Miss Aldea," I explain, taking a seat on the other end of the couch. She looks out the door, making me finally notice two young girls who are gossiping in front of the secretary's desk. Ioana slowly turns to me, her eyes frowned and an annoyed look in her eyes.

"You're blind," she coughs, leaning forward and standing up.

Woman, make up your mind. Are we sitting or standing?

She sighs, something clearly on her mind. She walks over to the door, closing it. I widen my eyes, standing up and folding my hands in front of me.

"Is something wr-"

"You need to promise me that what I'm going to tell you stays strictly between us," she keeps her eyes out the glass doors, her hand on the glass. I widen my eyes, surprised at her tone of voice.

She almost sounds.... Nervous?

I mean I've only known her less than 48 hours so I didn't know which one was her normal tone of voice. Judging by the reactions and talk of Devon and Elliot, I'd assume she was pretty head strong and confident. This is not what I imagined she'd be.

She finally turns to me, a demanding look on her face. I nod quickly, unfolding my arms. She wraps her arms around each other, walking slowly over to my desk.

"We are a very.... Very large company," she explains. I nod and smile.

"Of course you are. I mean I've looked up the first letters of the company in the search bar and it came up right away. Microsoft can't even do that," I joke, nervously rambling. She nods, stopping at the end of my desk.

"Growing this large, especially in New York... It drew attention to ourselves." I frown my eyebrows, confused at where this was going.

"Attention... from bad people." I widen my eyes slightly, not expecting that.

"Bad people?" I question, walking around quickly to the other side of my desk. She nods, her eyes down so I can't tell her emotion. Yet the fiddling of her hands on her blazer sleeve made it obvious she was hesitant to tell me the next part.

"Ioana, don't feel obligated to tell me," I put my hands up, surrendering so she knows I don't mean to push her. She takes a deep, shaky breath before leaning on the desk.

"I'm in debt.... In debt to the De Leon mob."

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