your name, ❁ nct

By onyou__rmark

3.2K 93 10

short stories about you and any nct member! requests are always opened! all my stories are poc friendly! :) s... More

✼ jaehyun
✼nct dream
Update :)


127 7 0
By onyou__rmark

member » boyfriend!markx gn!reader

summary » mark lee as your secret boyfriend, but yall aren't too discreet

genre » fluff, a little bit of angst

word count » 5k

warnings » i don't think this is poc friendly since it is an old work, and this was when i was still using the word 'blushing'. don't read if it's uncomfy.

a/n » another old work from my tumblr

please leave your requests in the comments!


+Day 18 3:32PM

You were holding Mark's hands tightly, talking happily about anything and everything.

That was why you loved Mark; he made you feel so comfortable, you could talk to him for hours and never get tired. He's someone who you would need in a friend group to make everything less awkward.

"And so, Yeri fell and we all laughed!" you told him, laughing at the old memory.

You used to work as a choreographer for Red Velvet, but after a while, you decided to stop since it was affecting your studies a lot. While working with SM, you met the boys, and that was how you met the rest of NCT.

When you didn't get a response from Mark, you turned to look at Mark, only to find him frozen, staring ahead.

"Mark?" you call, turning to see what he was staring at. Your eyes widened when you saw Jaehyun and Doyoung crossing the traffic light. "Oh, fuck."

"Shit," your boyfriend cursed, "we need to go," he tells you, tightening his grip on your hand.

The both of you speed walk to the opposite direction, hoping his members wouldn't walk the same path as the both of you. Mark let out another string of curses when he saw his members walking behind them.

Mark suddenly pulled you into a random store, trying to lose his friends. He pulled you deeper in the store, hiding the both of you from the main entrance.

Your boyfriend was standing so close to you, the proximity making you nervous. You could feel your heart beating quickly as your cheeks flush red. Your hands going up to press them against Mark's chest, pushing him back slightly.

Mark didn't notice, too distracted on finding his friends. When he noticed that he has lost his friends, he pulled away from a breathless you. His hands smoothly pull yours away from his chest.

"I think they're gone— wait, why are you so red?"

+Day 24 11:22PM

You were laying on the couch, playing with your phone while your boyfriend worked on some music that he has been writing for the past few days.

"Mark~" you whine, your eyes were still stuck on your phone. You just wanted to disturb him for fun.

Suddenly the door of the studio opened, Taeyong stumbling in as he stared at you and Mark in shock.

"What are you doing here?" Taeyong asks you.

"Uh..." you drag out, turning to look at your boyfriend for help. He looked at you then he quickly looked back at Taeyong.

"I was making a new song for our Japan stage and had y/n help me with the choreography and all," Mark explained, letting out an embarrassed chuckle.

That was a lie. Well, not really. Mark did need help with the choreography, but at the same time he wanted you to be there to accompany him. Your presence calms him.

Taeyong remained silent as his eyes went back and forth between you and Mark.

"Should I leave?" you ask awkwardly, looking at your boyfriend then back at Taeyong. When you didn't get a response, you stood up ready to grab your things.

The older man shook his head, "no, no, stay," he tells you, walking further in, "I just didn't know the both of you were so close," he says while taking a seat next to your boyfriend.

You let out a chuckle, "we're close, you guys just didn't know,"

+Day 33 9:02PM

After Taeyong found out how close Mark was with you, he wouldn't stop inviting you to the dorm to hang out with the rest of the boys.

"So, what movie are we watching today?" asks Taeyong as he took a seat next to Doyoung.

You and Mark were seating next to each other. Mark was sitting at the very end while Jaehyun was sitting on the other side of you. Mark and you was sharing a blanket, your hands placed on your lap.

"Parasite?" suggests Taeil.

Loud whines filled the room, "we've all watched it, Taeil-ah," whined Johnny.

"Y/n, have you watched it?" asks Taeyong, turning to look at you.

You shook your head. You were told it was pretty graphic and scary and you hated anything that has got to do with blood.

And Mark knew that, so he would always avoid watching scary movies with you.

"Should we watch it again? Since y/n hasn't watched it?" suggests Taeyong, looking at the members for confirmation. The rest of the boys nod their head in agreement.

"Hyung," your boyfriend voices out, "I don't think—"

"No," you quickly deny with a smile, "let's watch it,"

Taeyong shrugs and plays the movie.

Mark bit his lip.

A few minutes later, you felt your phone vibrate, you noticed it was Mark who has texted you. You turn to look at Jaehyun, making sure he wasn't looking. You lowered the brightness of your phone before opening Mark's text message.

Markie Pooh: will you be okay?

You turn to look at Mark, but he was staring at the TV screen with a straight face.

You bit back a smile as you typed a reply.

You: yes, don't worry abt me :)

Mark quickly looked down at his phone to see your reply before keeping his phone away again. Your boyfriend let out a cough before shifting nearer to you until your shoulders were touching.

You tried to hide your smile by looking down before looking back up, trying to keep a straight face.

Mark had already watched the movie with the boys when it first came out. He knew when there was going to be a bloody scene.

So, before the scene started, he had secretly reached for your hand under the blanket.

You felt his fingers slowly reaching for yours, letting his fingers lace with yours. You tightly grip his hands, not wanting to let go. When you saw the bloody scene, your grip on your boyfriend's hands tightened as he soothingly strokes the back of your hand with his thumb, hoping it would calm you.

His fingers on yours distracted you from the graphic show that was playing. You were smiling like a crazy woman as Mark continued to stroke your hand with his thumb.

"Are you... smiling?" asks Jaehyun as he turned to look at you weirdly. His question made everyone in the room to stare at you.

Your eyes widen, shaking your head profusely. "No, I wasn't,"

Johnny nodded, "you did, I saw you,"

At this point, Mark had already pulled his hand away from yours as he stares at you with amusement.

"I wasn't smiling! It was a scary scene, why would I be smiling?" you ask them, crossing your arms defensively.

Donghyuck lets out a sigh, "I think we all know y/n just loves horror,"

Taeil nodded, "yeah, she feeds of dead people,"

"Excuse me?!" you screech, throwing a pillow at Taeil, "what does that— no I don't!"

The boys let out a roar of laughter, amused at how defensive you were acting.

Markie Pooh: you like that, huh? ;)

You looked down at your phone, letting out a soft scowl before reaching under the blanket to pinch Mark's thigh.

Mark let out a quiet squeal as he pushed your hand away.

+Day 49 10:01PM

You were listening to Mark talk about his day. You couldn't help but smile at how adorable he was; his pouty lips and chubby cheeks which you so desperately want to pinch.

"Babe, are you listening?" Mark asks with a frown, noticing how you haven't moved for the past few minutes.

You nodded, "yes I am, baby," you replied.

Mark grins, "okay," and he went back to talking about his best friend, Donghyuck.

After hanging out with the boys for a couple of time, you and Donghyuck became close as well. Maybe because he was your boyfriend's best friend, but you and him just got along so well that the both of you even started texting almost every day.

"So, what did you do today, babe?" asks Mark, snapping you out of your thoughts.

"Huh? Oh, well I didn't do anything today," you tell him, "I cleaned my house a little bit then I took a nap,"

He puffs his cheeks out, "it's a good thing you didn't go out today, the air quality is really bad."

He was always taking care of you; it always made your heart flutter. Mark was always looking out for you despite him being busy himself. Sometimes he would forget to take care of himself which always resulted in you lecturing him.

Mark was in the middle of saying something when someone barged in his room, screaming.

"MARK LEE!" you recognised it was Taeil's voice.

Mark quickly hid his phone, resting it on his chest.

"Ah, Hyung, what are you doing here? What do you want?" you heard him ask.

You decided to mute your mic, just to be safe.

"Why? Can't I come in and talk to you?" asks Taeil.

You suddenly heard a loud huff from Mark, as his phone fell off his chest and onto his white sheets. You assumed Taeil was laying on him.

"Ah~ get out," whined Mark, pushing the elder off him.

You heard Taeil click his tongue. "who are you talking to? Your girlfriend?" he asks, "MARK HAS A GIRLFRIEND!" yell Taeil as you laugh out loud.

Luckily your mic was on mute.

"I don't have a girlfriend!" groans Mark as he stood up to push his member out of his room. He quickly locked the door before jumping back to bed, grabbing his phone.

You unmute your mic.

"Hi," you giggle.

He let out a huff, but letting out a shy smile, "Hi, so, where were we?"

+Day 57 7:57PM

Mark entered your house after taking off his shoes. He quietly took a seat at the very end couch.

It was hard for the both of you to visit each other especially with the boys around, so you decided to have dates at your place instead. It was a good idea since no one could come over and interrupt the both of you.

"Are you okay?" you ask Mark, noticing how he was so stiff.

He nodded hesitantly, "it's just..."

You waited for him to finish his sentence.

"-awkward," he finishes, looking up at you.

You laugh at his words, "why?"

He shrugs, "I don't know! I've never been to your place."

Amused, you scoot closer to your boyfriend, wrapping your arms around his, leaning up to whisper in his ear.

"There's no one else here, Mark."

You liked teasing him. You enjoyed how he would freeze up at your words. Or when his cheeks would turn a bright red colour. Or how his palms would turn a little sweaty.

Pulling away from you, he quickly stood up, shaking his head. "No, no, that's not what we're going to do." He tells you, stepping further away from you as you looked up at him in enjoyment.

"We're here to watch a movie," he says, "that's all."

He was convincing himself.

+Day 69 4:13PM

Marker: babe ):

You: what

Marker: I miss you ):

Marker: )))))):

You chuckled at his texts.

Marker: what are you doingggggg

You: I'm watching a drama

You: what are you doing?

Marker: practice ):

Marker: so bored wo u here

Marker: miss your pretty face ):

You: stop it with the sad emojis!! >:(

Marker: ):

Marker: ):

Marker: ):

Marker: ))):

You: bye

You: I'm going to put my phone on dnd

Marker: nooo don't leave me baby

Marker: okokokokok I'll behave

You: good

Annoying boy: hehe

Annoying boy: wht are u up to babyyyy

Annoying boy: wait I already asked that

You: yes u did, u loser

Annoying boy: can I come over later?

You: y

Annoying boy: causeee I miss u

You: fine but not too long

You: I don't want the boys to be all suspicious

Annoying boy: ok bb!!! I won't hehehe ok

Annoying boy: I have to go now!!

Annoying boy: ily!! Bye bye

You: see you later

+Day 74 2:36AM

You had one of your leg bent on Mark's thigh, your hand resting on his chest. He has one arm around your neck for comfort.

"Mark," you sigh.

Mark's eyes were glued on his phone but let out a hum at the mention of his name. His fingers stroke your shoulder as a sign to assure you that he was listening.

"We haven't gone on a date in so long," you say sadly, drawing hearts on his chest with your finger.

Mark put his phone down, "you wanna go on a date?"

You look up at him and nodded.

When he made eye contact with you, he couldn't help but press his lips on your forehead, "okay, but we can't get caught,"

You nodded, wrapping your arms around your boyfriend's neck, pulling yourself up so you could press kisses all over his face. Mark's face scrunch at the ticklish feeling of your lips.

"tickles," he giggles, pulling his face away from you.

You pout when he pulls away from you. Your eyes slowly trail off his face to his hair; your fingers automatically going up to play with the black strands.

Fuck, Mark literally just fell in love with you.

He enjoyed the position that the both of you were in. You- laying on top of him while he had both hands resting on your waist, staring up at you lovingly.

"I love your black hair, Mark," you mumble, eyes stuck on the boy's hair.


"Mhm," you nod, "never dye it any other colour," you look down at him, "or I'll get mad," you joke.

He laughs, "Anything for my girl,"

Your boyfriend's hands that was resting on your waist, went up to stroke your back softly. He put a little pressure on your back, pushing you down to capture your lips in his.

+Day 80 11:22PM

It was another movie night with the boys.

This time it was Donghyuck who had invited you over since promotions are over.

You walked over to sit next to Mark, but you heard Donghyuck whine your name.

"Sit with me~"

You let out a smile, sitting next to Haechan. The boy immediately grabs your arm, wrapping it around his shoulders before cuddling against you.

Your met Mark's gaze from across the room. You could tell he was pissed from the way he was nibbling on his lip and clenching his fist. He looked away, typing into his phone.

You felt your phone vibrate, knowing it was from Mark. You didn't bother checking the message because it was too risky, especially with Haechan cuddled to your side.

A few hours and lots of movies of later, the boys finally grew tired and decided to call it a night.

Since it was too late for you to head back home, the boys offered you to sleep over. You told them you would take the couch. They were a little hesitant to let a girl sleep on the couch, but you managed to convince them.

It wasn't like you would be sleeping on the couch anyway.

Once you were sure that everyone was in their respective rooms, you quietly sneaked into your boyfriend's bedroom.

"Mark?" you whisper, opening the door quietly.

When you saw the mop of black hair laying on the pillow, you smile, closing the door quietly, your feet padding towards the bed.

You pull the blanket down so you could lay next to your lover. You rest your arm on his waist as you snuggle closer to him.

"Hi handsome," you whisper, letting out a giggle as you stare at his pretty face. A frown replaced your smile when he didn't reply to you. "Are you okay, baby?"

Mark could only pout. You pout along with him, the hand resting on his waist going up to push away the stray hair from his face.

"Why are you pouting?" you ask quietly, pressing a kiss to his pouty lips.

He pouts even more, "why did you sit with Haechan just now? Why didn't you sit with me?"

You bit back a grin that was forming, "why? Were you jealous?"

He frowns and shook his head, "no! why would I be jealous of Haechan?"

"Really?" you ask, "if you're not jealous then I'll sit with Haechan from now on," you tease, your fingers now caressing his exposed chest.

He shrugs, "fine by me,"

You suddenly stood up, letting his arm fall on your lap, "actually, I'll even go sleep with him," you continued to pester Mark, enjoying the way it was bothering him.

"Hey!" he whisper-shout, his hands wrapped on your wrist, stopping you from getting out of bed, "You can't do that!"

You chuckle, laying back down with your boyfriend, "I won't, dummy," you flick his forehead.

He lets out a satisfied sigh, pulling you closer until his cheeks were resting on the top of your head.

"You're mine. Mine only."

+Day 89 12:35AM

The both of you were on facetime again.

Despite being only 30 minutes apart, the both of you couldn't meet; not wanting anyone to catch the both of you. Furthermore, you felt bad, since Mark had just finished practice, it would be tiring for him to come over your place.

There was a sudden knock on Mark's door. Your boyfriend hastily hid his phone and you naturally mute your mic.

"You busy?" you heard someone ask, from the voice, you assumed it was Taeyong.

"No," Mark reply.

"Were you talking to someone? Is it y/n?" asks Taeyong.

Mark pretend to grimace at your name, "why would I be calling y/n?"

Taeyong shrugs, "we all kinda assumed you had a crush on y/n,"

"Ew," Mark shook his head, "I'll never like y/n," he says, "she's not even my type."

You knew he was just saying that to stop the suspicions of the both of you dating but what he said actually hurts.

"Really?" Taeyong questions, "we were so sure you would like y/n,"

"I swear, Hyung. Y/N isn't even my type, her personality isn't even my type," Mark tries to persuade the older boy.

Now that actually really hurts.

You weren't sure if he was just lying or saying the truth.

You couldn't bare to listen another second of their conversation, so you immediately hung up.

Markie: baby

Markie: whyd u end the call haha

Markie: Taeyong's gone call me back hehe

2 missed calls

Markie: why are you not picking up??

1 missed call

Markie: call me baaackkkk babe

Markie: did u fall asleep?? Haha

Markie: but it's so early tho :(

Markie: I guess you're asleep~

Markie: ok goodnight baby sleep tight dream of me :3

Markie: I love youuuuuuuu

+Day 90 12:46PM

Markie: good morning my love

Markie: can we call??

Markie: I kinda miss you haha

1 missed call

Markie: heeyyyyy

Markie: are you ignoring me?

Markie: I didn't want to think you were ignoring me, but I feel like you r

Markie: did I do something wrong? :/

Markie: can you tell me what it is at least?

Markie: at least we can talk it out or at least I can apologize?

Markie: babe

You: why did you say that

Markie: say what?

You: yesterday

You: what you said about me

You: tht I wasn't your type nd all

Markie: call me

Few seconds later, you received a call from your boyfriend. You answered the call, placing your phone on your ear.

"I didn't mean what I said," he quickly says, "I just wanted to convince him that we weren't dating,"

You were quiet for a while; you could hear Mark's heavy breathing. You knew he was stressed with work and all, and you being sulky definitely wasn't helping him.

You let out a sigh, "I know."

"Was it too much?" he asks you.

"No," you answer, "I just, I was just overthinking it and—"

"I get it," he cuts you off, "don't worry about it,"

"I'm sorry," you blurted out, "I know you're really busy and stressed over work and I'm just making you feel worse by overthinking and all—"

"Hey," he cuts you off again, "Don't worry, I shouldn't have said that."

You couldn't help but feel sorry.

"Sorry," you apologised again.

"Apologize one more time and I'll end the call," he jokes.

+Day 100 8:35PM

Mark hid his hands behind his back, holding the small box in his hand tightly as he faced you with a cheeky smile.

"What do you have behind your back, Mark Lee?" you ask, squinting your eyes at him suspiciously.

It was your 100th day together, and since the both of you couldn't go out to celebrate, the both of you agreed to celebrate at your place instead.

Since Mark couldn't make it special for you, he decided to get you a present, just to make-up for all the secret dates.

"It's a present," he answers cheekily. "I got you something to make up for all the secret dates,"

You pout at his words, "I'm okay with all the sneaking around, Mark,"

Your hands going up to his jaw, your thumb caressing his cheek softly. Mark loves your touches; he couldn't help but lean into your touch.

Tilting his head a little, he pressed a small kiss against your palm, one of his hands reaching to grab your hands in his.

"I bought it because I think you'll look good in it," he tells you, pulling out the box from behind.

You gasp when you saw the Tiffany & Co. box.

"Mark," you exclaim, looking up at him, "that's expensive!"

"You haven't even seen it yet!" he laughs.

He slowly opens the box, showing off the elegant 18k diamond necklace.

Your hands went up to your mouth, gasping.

"Mark Lee," you shook your head, "you're fucking crazy,"

He smiles, satisfied with your reaction, "do you like it?"

"Are you crazy? It's beautiful!" you tell him. "But all I bought for you were $15 chocolates but here you are— gifting me an 18k diamond necklace!"

Mark giggles, pulling out the necklace from it's box.

"Turn around," he murmurs. You automatically turn around, pulling your hair to one side so he could easily put the necklace on you.

He swiftly place the pretty necklace around your neck, pinning it. You turn around to face him.

"Pretty?" you ask him, tilting your head a little.

"Gorgeous," he responds, a smirk playing on his lips.

Just as you were about to reply, you heard a knock on your door. Your eyebrows scrunch in confusion, who would come over at this timing?

Mark frowns, "did you invite someone?"

You shook your head, "No, stay here, I'll go see who it is."

You stood up, walking to your door, checking the peephole, finding out who is on the other side of the door. You let out a soft gasp when you saw Donghyuck standing behind the door.

You quickly kick Mark's shoes under the cabinet at the front door then running over to your boyfriend.


You grabbed Mark's arms, pulling him up. "Fuck, it's Haechan,"

He let you pull him into your bedroom with furrowed eyebrows, "why is he here?"

You shake your head, pushing Mark into your walk-in wardrobe, "I have no idea. Stay here, I'll try to distract him, okay?"

You didn't even let him answer, already rushing out, making sure to close your bedroom door.

When you opened the door, Haechan immediately walked in, whining on how you were taking forever to answer the door.

It has been 15 minutes and Haechan still hasn't left and Mark was growing tired and sweaty in your wardrobe.

Baby Mark: is he still there

You: yeah

Baby Mark: fuuuck

Baby Mark: tell him to leave

Baby Mark: it's so hot in here :(

You: I'm trying!! He just won't leave

You: are you okay in there

Baby Mark: no

You: fine just get out of the wardrobe and stay in my room

You: sorry

You: make sure u lock the door and don't make too much noise

Baby Mark: okay

+Day 101 2:34AM

You let out a heavy sigh when Donghyuck finally left. Closing your eyes tightly, you let out another heavy breath. You could finally sit down and rest.

Oh shit— Mark!

You ambled towards your bedroom, twisting it open, realising it wasn't locked.

This little shit.

When you walked in your bedroom, you were met with your boyfriend laying on your bed, hugging one of your pillows, asleep. Your heart warmed at the sight, you felt bad making him wait for hours when it was your 100th day as a couple.

Walking closer, you climbed in next to him. Your hands caressed his hair and his pretty face.

"I'm sorry for making you wait for so long," you whisper.

You didn't know what made you so emotional, but you couldn't help but tear up.

You really didn't know why. Maybe because he had gone out of his way just to see you. And maybe because he had to wait for hours just for you and in the end both of you couldn't celebrate the special day.

"You're the best boyfriend I could ever ask for—" you choked a sob, a hand going up to cover your mouth.

Taking a deep breath, you continue, "You do so much for me and I'm always messing up."

For once, you were thankful that your boyfriend was a heavy sleeper.

"I love you, Mark," you mumble, your eyes scanning his face, appreciating everything about him. "Remember that."

After wiping your dried tears, you slide next to him, removing the pillow that was between you two. Snuggling right into his arms, your head resting on his chest while his cheek was pressed on the crown of your head.

"I love you," you whisper one last time before falling into a deep slumber.

+Day 124 7:28PM

The dome was filled with loud voices, everyone was holding their green NCT lightsticks. You felt out of place, especially when you didn't have any kind of lightstick or poster on you.

You nervously took a seat on your assigned seat, waiting for your boyfriend to come out.

NCT was holding a concert after a while and Taeyong had given you free tickets to support them.

Mark had actually gotten hold of an extra ticket for you and was about to surprise you but found out that his members had already invited you. He was a little bummed out about it but shrugged it off.

The light dimmed and the crowd started cheering. The girls around you started squealing in excitement.

Soon, the boys started performing. When your boyfriend's face was on the screen, you couldn't help but grin at his cute face.

The fans next to you would squeal and gush at how adorable your boyfriend is. You were proud that he was your boyfriend, sadly you couldn't show him off.

At the end of the concert, the boys lined up in the middle of the huge stage. They started thanking the fans for coming and supporting them.

"But I think Mark is really happy today," Jaehyun suddenly blurted out, turning to face Mark.

The camera started zooming in to your boyfriend's face.

Mark's eyes widen , confused, "what, why? Why?"

"Because his girlfriend is here!" Jaehyun screams into the mic as the boys let out a string of weird noises.

Mark froze on the spot as everyone went crazy over the statement.


"Okay, we will end this concert here! Thank you everyone for coming!"

Before everyone was even ready to leave, you had already run to meet your boyfriend back stage.

Fuck, did Jaehyun actually say that?

You're met with the sweaty boys laughing in the dressing room.

"What the fuck was that?" you ask breathlessly as you scan each of the boys facial expression.

"Uh oh, his girlfriend is here," joked Johnny, staring at you with amusement.

Mark turned to stare at the boys, "you guys knew?!"

"You guys weren't very discreet."

You were already standing next to your boyfriend, "how did you guys know?"

"You really think we won't see the both of you holding hands in a public place?" scoffs Doyoung.

Taeyong shrugs, "Mark never brings girls to the recording room."

Your face turned red at Taeyong's comment as Mark groans at his words.

"And you think I wouldn't see you guys holding hands under the blanket? Jesus," sighs Jaehyun, rolling his eyes.

"Fuck you," Mark replies while Jaehyun flashes the middle finger to his friend.

"Also, you talk way too loud y/n," Taeil says, Taeyong immediately agreeing with him.

"Or maybe the walls are too thin?" Taeyong questions.

"Oh my god," you whisper, embarrassed. "So, you guys heard everything?"

"Wish we didn't," shrugs Johnny.

Mark had quietly reached for your hand, a habit he had whenever he's nervous.

"Also, I knew Mark was at your place, that's why I came over," laughs Haechan.

You had let go of Mark's hands to stomp over to the boy, hitting his back. "Lee Donhyuck! Did you know how long he had to wait in my wardrobe?!"

Haechan rolls his eyes, "oh please, you let him out because he was sweating."

You let out a loud gasp, "you knew that too?!"

"Which idiot would put their password as 0000?"

"You went through my phone?!" you raised your voice, hitting the boy on the back once more.

With furrowed eyebrows you frown and let out a sigh, "now what? Everyone knows Mark has a girlfriend,"

"I checked Twitter," Jungwoo says, "some weren't very happy but there are many who are supportive,"

Your frown deepens. You knew this would happen. It would affect Mark's career badly; that was the main reason the both of you kept your relationship a secret.

You turn to look at your boyfriend who was looking incredibly stressed right now.

"Don't worry y/n," assures Johnny, you turn to look at him. "Mark is one of the most experienced and hardworking people in SM, I'm sure they'll let you both off,"

You had your arms crossed defensively, "are you okay with this, Mark?"

You were worried for your boyfriend.

You knew how much being on stage meant to him. He would do anything to continue performing.

"I...I think so?" he says after a minute of pure silence.

You pout slightly at his words.

"I just wanna rest right now, I'm tired."

The boys quickly agree with the younger. Everyone started standing up, grabbing their bags, leaving the room.

You stayed with your boyfriend, accompanying him.

"Are you sure you're okay?" you ask him again.

He kept letting out sad sighs and it was concerning you.

"Honestly," he started, "I don't know," he turns to look at you.

The palm of your hands automatically going up to stroke his back, attempting to comfort him.

"I just... I just wanna be with you right now,"

You lean closer to him. "Okay."

"Whatever it is," he says, "we will go through it together."

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