By Magicalpenner

1.5K 451 272

What if you get a chance to add colours of happiness to your most favourite fictional character? Sunaina belo... More

My Hero Arjun
Celebrating Destiny
A Reality Hard to Define
Partial Revelation
Your Eyes Tell
Calm in the Wilderness
The Challenge
The Confrontation
Chanced Encounter?
Author's note
Shards of Doubt
Ray of Light
Hold Onto Me
Beating Hearts
Lost in You
Stay... Please
Longing in my dream
Is it true?
Vows and Trust
Rain or Tears?
Truth and Reasoning
You are my Saviour
Wish Upon a Star
Valentine's day Special: Promise
VDay Special pt2 and special announcement: Closer
High Time
Light to your Birth
End of your demise
Happy Ending?
Tied to You
Your Bride to be
Colored in your Color
Farewell my beloved
Finale: My Paradise

Unsealed Wounds

46 16 7
By Magicalpenner

Sunaina's POV

So from all the messages I have received from the mysterious author and also from tonight's ordeal, I have realised that the black robe guy is the one who wants to kill Arjun. many things were going around in my mind.

Who is the person? I don't know yet.

Why is that person so determined on killing him? I don't know that as well.

Why is Arjun acting so different? I don't know that too.

What exactly do I know then? I was about to say I don't know again but I didn't want to make fun of myself. I stopped there and decided to think of my next move. I wasn't worried to be honest because I am a human afterall and no matter how much it hurts to admit, Arjun and the killer are both fictional characters at the end of the day who can't defeat me!
"Humans are undefeatable!" I assured myself. I made it clear to myself that I just had to enjoy the plot till I am asked to return to my old boring life. My mind assured me by reminding me of the obvious things. If the writer has planned all this then he or she will definitely save Arjun. How can anyone kill such a sweet character who has become so obnoxious all of a sudden. Nevertheless, I still love him!!! How often does a girl get a chance to get a glimpse of his favorite fictional character and here I am staying under the same roof as him. Thinking about this and the time that I have spent with him, my heart started to melt away again. I am supposed to be annoyed but here I am acting like a lovesick puppy. Why am I like this again. But the more I try to avoid these feelings, the more I am drawn to think about him. I was again reminded of that sad face of his that I noticed at the reception tonight and even when we were in the garden. Why was he like this? I didn't know but one thing is for sure. I wanted to help Arjun out. I wanted him to be the same quirky, witty and happy go lucky person again with whom I fell in love.

Enough of Arjun now! There's more I have to worry about. I have to also think of a way to return to my world from here. Even though I have said that I will just wait till I am asked to leave, I still can't sit idly without trying anything. Its been a whole day and I miss my parents already. Although I have been assured that the time in the real world has paused but still I can't help but be worried of everyone. How long will it be paused? Now that I think about it, what exactly was triggered that brought me in this world? And how on earth did time freeze in the real world? Is it because that hooded guy said he loves me? Even if that's the case, why would he want to kill Arjun? This just doesn't makes sense. I sat down taking a pen and paper in my hand. I need to jot down everything that has happened to me to see if I can understand why am I trapped here. Maybe this will give me a solution to leave this fictional world. Do I really wanna leave though? No! Don't think of such nonsense! You have a family to tend to, a job to attend and responsibilities to clear. Think of the loan that you are yet to clear. Focus Sunaina focus. Prepping myself actually helps now I feel.

I looked at the clock, it's 1AM now. Since I don't have a phone, I have no choice but to use the pen and paper that is available in this guest room. I have to compose myself and make a list of all the things that are going on with me.

1 I am in some weird fictional world of my favorite story book.

2 Arjun Saxena has become a bossy, grumpy hag except the fact that he is still hot.

3 I have been receiving notes out of nowhere that are supposedly coming from the author of this book. Pretty unbelievable though!

4 I am staying in the Gayathri Devi's house.

5 The author said that the time in real world has paused and Arjun's life is in danger.

6 This is the weirdest part of today's discovery but the killer has confessed to me in a red note. Probably smeared in his blood.

Damn this story is twisted. I really don't want to be a part of this! But I can't help it. I am stuck here and that's the conclusion for now- until I escape this story that is. That being said, a sudden thought ran through me. What if I am brought in to protect Arjun? Maybe that's why the killer loves me. Maybe just maybe this person loves me because I am Arjun's saviour. My chest swelled with pride. So now I have a clearer image of what I have to do. I just need to protect Arjun and remove the killer from his life. Then I will be free! I nodded in approval at this thought and just when I was about to lie down, I got up once again.

"Wait a darn minute!" I said to myself. "I am jobless, Arjun is not! How will I keep him under my radar everyday especially when he is at work?" I slouched in worry. What will happen if I am unable to save him? Will I still be able to return? To be honest, I didn't want to know because I didn't want him to die. No matter how irritating he feels now, I will never ever want to bring in the thought of his death. Is it wrong to think like that for a fictional character? But... although he isn't real according to the place I come from, he is still a human according to his acquaintances. So, I definitely can't let him die! Comeon Sunaina! All along in your life, all you wanted to be is a hero. It's finally time for you to shine. I decided that tomorrow I will talk to Gayathri Devi to get me a position at Arjun's company. I have full faith in my coding capacities and management skills. I believe even if he puts me into a test, I will be able to pass it with flying colours.

"Curse you, writer Ayu for writing something so harsh! You could have just given Arjun a better half but no! You decided to give him a whole damn thriller story. And worst of all, you dragged me in this mess as well. I hate you!" I murmered it under my breathe and went off to sleep. I knew tomorrow is going to be a tough day for me and I had to be ready for it.

The next day I surprisingly got up at 9 AM. It was unusual for me being such a late riser. I decided to get ready for today and go to talk to Gayathri Devi so that I can start of with "mission protect Arjun" immediately. While I was arranging the bedsheet, Nandini came in. She gave me her usual wide smile and said.

"Our Mataji has sent in this for you." I looked at what she was holding only to find a beautiful set of clothes. It was saffron in colour. She also got matching earrings to go with it. I couldn't help but blink back my tears. I never received this kind of treatment from anyone except my parents and Preeti. Gayathri Devi was a Queen but the way she treated me, it felt as if she was my own mother. Although I was touched, I was still hesitating to take these clothes. Just then Gayathri Devi entered my room.

"Good morning aunty ji." I smiled at her.

"Good morning my dear." She returned me the smile with a more radiant one and turned at Nandini. "Nandini, can you please leave us two alone for something. I will call you once we are done. Please stand outside." Nandini obeyed immediately and hurried to stand outside. She then turned back towards me and looked at me.

"I know you were lying about working in Technowa industries." That literally took me off guard. How did she...? She seemed to have understood my question and answered without any hesitation. "You think you can hide anything from me? I just had to move a few of my fingers and the information I wanted was right on my palms." I listened to her keeping my head down. I wasn't ashamed but kinda disappointed. I can't help it though. They are from a royal family ofcourse they will do a background check. Just when I thought I saw a mother in her.

"If you have already done a background check then why are you keeping me here? I should leave right?" The hurt was clearly evident in my voice. If only I had better knowledge on how to camouflage my feelings. I was always like this- when I got hurt,I always overreacted. I have to compose myself. Gayathri Devi is a queen and moreover, she had every right to do all this for her people and for her family's safety. Gayathri Devi seemed to have realised what was going on in my mind and the next thing she said made me a little happy. "because I believe and feel that you don't mean any harm." She crossed her hands and continued. "All throughout I have seen a lot of people dying. Some near ones while some mortal enemies." She was staring outside the window now. "You are a good person that's what I want to believe. But..." She again turned towards me, the sun reflecting and radiating the sunrays all over her body. She was looking no less than an Egyptian queen dressed in an Indian attire. "When I did your background check, I found absolutely nothing. Neither your origin details, nor your profile. So it's best for you to stay here. You will be under the royal surveillance and you will be provided with everything here. Also if any danger is to lurk around you, you will be safe in my mansion." Her words were as sharp as a needle but I can't really blame for her words now can I? Even though they were sharp, they had its own shade of sweetness added to it. I decided to be quiet and agree to everything she said.

"I understand. There are things I cannot say to you now but I can assure you that I mean no harm to you or to any of your sons or to your home town. I promise that I will tell you everything when the time comes." I looked into her eyes truthfully. She seemed to have believed in my words.

"Be ready for breakfast. It will be served at 10 AM. Nandini will walk you through the rest of the schedule. Don't hesitate to take the clothes I have sent for you. I have arranged this for you because I see you as my daughter." She was about to leave when I stopped her.

"Umm...please wait." She returned her gaze on me.


"You forgot this..." I gave her the saree and the Jewellery that she has given to me to wear last night. "I am really grateful to you for this." She smiled on hearing my words and pushed it towards me.

"Keep it with yourself for me. If at all a time comes when I have to take it back from you, I will do so without any hesitation." I smiled at her words. The fact that she doesn't know how to sugar coat her words always throws me off guard. She was about to walk out of the door when I suddenly remembered about my mission.

"Umm... I have a request if you don't mind."

"Tell me, my dear!" She asked me in a way a queen asks her people.

"As you already know I don't work where I said I work. But I know a lot about computers and programming." It was getting hard for me to form the words in my mouth. "It would be great if I can get a chance to work in Conark industries." She stood there for a while after listening to my request making an already anxious me more nervous.

"I will talk to Arjun about it." With that being said, she left the room. I slumped down on the sofa. So my fate will now be decided by Arjun. From whatever happened last night, I doubt if he will ever take me in his company. Right after Gayathri Devi left, Nandini entered inside my room. It's hard for me to believe that she didn't hear a thing while standing outside but as loyal of a girl she is, she won't let anything out. That's what is so beautiful about her. She is very much of a reliable and trustworthy person. She was the one who hurried to me immediately when she I shouted out seeing that man last night. She came to my room and assured me that everything was alright before leaving. Ofcourse after she left was when I opened and read that note.

"Sunaina ji please get ready for breakfast." She handed me over the clothes and led me towards the bathroom. I took the clothes from her hands and smiled at her. I closed the bathroom's door and started thinking about a "plan B" incase Arjun decided to disobey his mother. It was hard for me to think of any and the last resort that came to my mind was to keep an eye on him in Secret- like a spy. Ofcourse getting office access will be tough but I will find an alternative when the time comes. I realised that time was running out from my side. I must get over with my bath immediately and be ready for breakfast. I got dressed and came out of the bathroom. I must say the dress fits me beautifully and makes my curves more prominent. I combed my hair and pulled it in a high ponytail. This dress is not only comfortable but also very decent. Gayathri Devi sure has taste. While I was dressing up, Nandini walked me through the daily routine of this household.

"First the whole family sits together to have breakfast at 10AM." Nandini began "Then, Gayathri Devi goes in the garden to jog for 30 minutes." Pretty health conscious I must admit. "While their sons are out for their respective works, she either reads a book or goes out to get some fresh air." Nandini continued. "After this, she returns for lunch and then returns to her room to rest. During evening, she tries to listen to a few of the pleads her people has to say."

"Hmm typical queen" I thought to myself.

"After this their sons return home and they spend a good amount of time together." Nandini seemed to be very proud of them. I can see the pride she has for them through her words. I was glad that she was so frank with me. I realised it was almost 10, when I hurried out of my room. Outside near the grand staircase, I was greeted by Abhay and Mansi. They saw me and smiled at me immediately.

"You look very beautiful today my dear." Mansi chirped in and gave me a tight hug. "Abhi what do you think of her? She will look great with Aru na?" Huh? Where did that come from? I was baffled to be honest.

"Relax Mani! You will scare this little girl." Abhay was clearly annoyed at his wife's suggetion. Ofcourse he should be! They have just met me yesterday. Mansi is really very naive.

"Comeon Abhi! Don't be a grandpa! Tell me! How do you like Aru!? You can tell me." Aru? It must be Arjun's nickname. I blushed immediately at the thought of him. I learned something personal about him. Then I remembered what happened yesterday and I decided to act all stern about him.

"Well...for me he is the most cocky, arrogant and spoilt person ever." I said without stopping. "I mean how can a person be so obnoxious. It's suffocating. He thinks he owns the world which is clearly not the case." I felt good saying all that about him. I can't definitely say that I like him a lot right? This is the only thing I can say and the way he acted yesterday, he deserves such words.

"Oh so that's how I am huh?" It was time for me to be surprised. I knew that voice that was co weming from behind me. Even though, I have heard this raspy voice only twice or thrice, I already could understand who was speaking those words.

"Obnoxious huh?" I turned around to see Arjun Saxena standing right behind me.

Holy sh*t! I am dead. I was speechless and his eyes were throwing meteors at me. My legs turned stone cold. I could feel his gaze piercing my cold body. Blood has already seeped out of me. He looks mad! Real mad. I didn't know how to respond when suddenly,

"Everyone please come down for breakfast." Gayathri Devi literally turned out to be my archangel for the moment. I hurried down the stairs in order to escape that deadly glare of Arjun's. I heard Mansi and Abhay giggling loudly but I didn't care. I not only badmouthed their brother but also was caught red handed by the person itself. I so wished that the earth ate me up. Then again what's the point? It's not like I will be able to be out of this world that way. Finally everyone settled down and I found Arjun sitting exactly at the opposite side of my seat. It was getting difficult for me to finish off my meal. The breakfast was lavish to be honest. For me who just survived on either Maggie or on last night's leftovers, this was heaven. We were all served with a Japanese style omurice. I was staring at the chef in awe as he made somewhat of a slit over my omlette that was placed so elegantly on top of my fried rice to turn into a beautiful cover for the rice. The egg was cooked beautifully and it tasted like a cloud. Oh how much would I kill for such a good food.

"Soooo yummy!!!" I couldn't help but shout in awe. Mansi seemed to be amused by my behaviour. Gayathri Devi seemed to have given a little chuckle. I dare not look at Arjun but it seemed that he was surprised at my reaction. What!? One cannot appreciate food now? So weird! I was enjoying my breakfast silently when suddenly Gayathri Devi spoke.

"Arjun my dear, I have a favor to ask of you."I noticed Arjun straightening up on hearing his name.

"Yes Maa." He replied back.

"Sunaina here has shown a great interest to work in Conark industries as a programmer. Can you give her a suitable position?"

Everyone's eyes seemed to have turned towards him. It was then when I gave a proper look at Arjun. His hair was neatly combed making him look like he came straight out of those high budget royal movies. His black business formals was completed with a grey tie. He looks like a modern prince. Whom am I kidding? He is a prince. Everyone was waiting for him to respond. I gulped in already aware of the obvious result.

"Sorry Maa... I don't think she is good enough to join in my company."

Hey everyone. I have updated this chapter with 3000 words. I am thankful to everyone of you who is still giving this story a chance. I am just glad that I am able to write. I hope the views go on increasing and I get more votes on this story. Please stay with my story. Means a lot. Lovr you all.

Also. Thank you so much Pragya and Suchetana. The two of you literally encourage me to write.

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