Write your Way into my Heart

By Wrenchxoxo

26.3K 1.5K 253

Haikyu!! Timeskip AU! M/n Mitsuru is a newly promoted employee of a famous sports magazine company, he was in... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Christmas Special! Hanamaki + Matsukawa
Christmas Special! Meian + Inunaki
Christmas Special! Tobio + Shoyo
Christmas Special! Iwaizumi + Oikawa
Christmas Special! Akaashi +Bokuto
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Discontinued, sorry ;(

Chapter 8

1.2K 63 36
By Wrenchxoxo


"Rise and shine sleeping beauty"

A rough voice whispered in m/n's ear. Making him flutter his eyes open, immediately sitting up to look at the direction where the voice came from.

His eyes laid on a half naked man beside him, m/n's eyes bulged as his eyes followed the definite muscles down the lower abdomen.

"Keep staring and i might just melt"

Iwaizumi teased, earning a scoff from m/n. Looking away, his cheeks painted with the color pink. His mind wandered somewhere it shouldn't be.

"Wait a minute, why are you half naked in my bed?"

He asked, his brow perched up as if he was suspicious of the boy's identity. Iwaizumi gave him a knowing look before resorting to explaining it.

"You told me last night we can share the bed remember?"

"Uhuh...what about the half naked look you got going on right now?"

He asked, wiggling his finger up and down as iwaizumi looked at him.

"I always sleep without a shirt on remember?"

M/n only nodded before, pushing him out of the bed, receiving a curse from him before jumping out of the bed himself.

"Hey! why'd you do that for?!"

M/n gave him an unapologetic smile, as he slip his tongue out, irritating the boy even more.

"Sorry haji! let me just help you up"

He apologized, albeit his tone was not sincere, iwaizumi let it slide. It was far too hopeless for him to receive a sincere apology.

M/n extended his hand to him which he gladly took but instead of pulling him up, he pulled the boy down. Making him fall ontop of him, more specifically on his chest.

A moment of silence passed the two as m/n's eyes met his, both of their hearts beated loud enough for the other to hear. Only the sound of air conditioning was making a sound.

Iwaizumi took on every little feature m/n has, starting from his soft, delectable, kissable lips to his eyes that screams nothing more than a pinnacle of perfection.

The more he gaze upon m/n, the more he was compelled to fall for him, harder and harder. Iwaizumi wanted nothing more than to hold him and trap him in his arms so that he'd be with him forever.

"Uh iwaizumi? Earth to iwaizumiiii we're going to be late"

Iwaizumi was pulled out of his trance with a snap of the h/c-nette's finger. He looked at him worriedly, before putting his palm to his forehead and to his neck after.

"Wh-what are you doing?"

He mumbled, quite surprised by the sudden contact, he felt his heart beat fast once more. At this rate he felt like he's going to combust.

"Im checking if you're hot"

The poor male did not understood it in a way, m/n wanted him to. His face grew ruby red as he stayed completely still until m/n finished checking him out.

"Seems like you're fine, so let's get ready"

M/n told him, pushing himself up before dusting his clothes off, looking at iwaizumi who was still laying on the floor.

"You gotta come or what?"


"Yeah, in the interview remember? what else could it be?"

Iwaizumi shook his head and proceeded to stand up.

"Well....race you to the bathroom..!"

Iwaizumi bolted out of the room, leaving m/n flabbergasted, but quickly regained posture and chased him afterwards.

── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

M/n and iwaizumi are now driving towards the meeting place, whilst iwaizumi was the one who's driving. M/n was in charge of the music in the whole drive, both of them jammed on their old playlists back in cali.

It was a mix of pop, pop punk, emo, basically everything. It was a whirling mess of a playlist, but they like it.

After a while they finally got tired screaming the lyrics, and iwaizumi noticed m/n's fidgeting fingers. Being the caring friend that he is, he subconsciously landed his right hand on the boy's thigh.

A surprised squeak came from m/n who was busy drowning himself with happy thoughts to forget about his jittery and nervous state.

"Hey now...you're gonna do great"

Iwaizumi encouraged him, squeezing m/n's thigh softly, while his eyes was still on the road. M/n placed his hand ontop of iwaizumi's.

"I know, im just scared i might fuck it up...."

"Don't say that, just be yourself, they're my friends i know they're going to love you"

Iwaizumi reassured him, giving him a brief smile before turning back to the road, and from that moment, m/n felt somehow relieved.

It was now his turn to place his hand but on his arm.

"Thanks, haj...you're the best"

Iwaizumi only grinned as he continued driving until they arrived at the place.

once iwaizumi parked the car, m/n got out and fixed his suit. Yes, he's wearing a formal attire for he is going to meet one of the biggest players in the volleyball industry.

His nervousness turned into excitement as iwaizumi lead him towards the spare gym where their interview will be held.

Iwaizumi stopped at a pair of metal doors, there was a piece of paper taped that states "Reserved for Hajime Iwaizumi" in bold letters, m/n mumbled a wow under his breath as iwaizumi looked at him, non verbally asking him if he was ready.

He took a deep breath, shaking his hands before nodding.

As the man pushed through the door, m/n's heart beated louder than before, there he stood amongst the greatest and well known players in volleyball.

He was surrounded by prodigies, stars, heck, one might say he's in different realm. Various faces thet he'd seen in TVs, magazines, newspapers and edits in social medias were present! It was every sport fanatics dream.

"Ah the man of the hour has arrived!"

"Hajime-kun! You're here!"

"Good morning, iwaizumi."

Bunch of greetings directed iwaizumi came in like a hurricane, m/n felt small. Insignificant. It was until, a tangerine colored hair tapped him on his shoulders.

"Hello! im hinata shoyo, are you the one who's going to interview us?"

He physically felt the sun rays emitting from the boy's smile.

"Yeah...nice to meet you hinata-san! I'm Mitsuru M/n, but you can call me m/n or any name you like!"

M/n matched shoyo's energy, which was a surprise from the others, except of course, with iwaizumi. He only had a faint smile as he watches his friend interact with his players.

"Oh wow! you're energetic too huh? by the way just call me shoyo! i can sense we'll be good friends!"

M/n nodded as he listens to shoyo ramble about how he is in court. It was only cut short by someone slipping his arms around shoyo. It was a tall male with blonde top, and his sides were black.

"Ohoho, shoyo, aren't you going to introduce me to your new friend?"

"Oh right! m/n! he's atsumu miya! he's my- i mean, our setter!"

He introduced, a smug look was on the dubbed setter, miya atsumu's face. He only gave him a small smile before extending his hand to shake but instead was pulled close in a such a unprecedented manner.

Of course, m/n was shocked from the sudden action, and was about to pull out of the position but he felt miya's arms tighten around his waist.

"Are you perhaps a fan? Do you want an autograph before we start...?"

M/n was shellshocked for a moment, but his lips curled into a polite smile.

"No thanks, miya-san."

He spoke before pinching him near his sides, making him lose strength, giving a window of opportunity for m/n to make his escape from his grasp.

"Now that's done, let's not drag this on, okay?"

He asked, a closed eyed smile was shown yet an irk mark was visibly throbbing. The others only gulped in fear as they took a mental note to not play around with m/n.

"I'm mitsuru m/n, but you guys can call me m/n! or anything you'd like!"

He introduced himself, bowing as a sign respect to them, he took a good look at each one of them as he tries to fit the name by looking at their face.

He already knew who they are, m/n just likes pretending like he doesn't know. It gives him a chance to judge them on how they introduce and bring themselves.

M/n was scanning the room until his eyes landed on a black hair male who looked like he was going to combust any time soon if not called.

"You, on the side there."

M/n called out, pointing at the male, he knew who it was. It was the infamous king of the court. Kageyama tobio. He wanted to take a good look of the boy since he looked like he was going to explode.

He signaled to come in front, and so he did. Once made there, m/n extended his hand. Kageyama had a moment of panic before he received m/n's hand with his shaky ones.

"Why are you shaking?"

He asked, tilting his head like a curious owl.



Kageyama couldn't take it anymore, he took both m/n's hands, his eyes were in a shape of stars, and sparkles complimented his face with a faint blush.

"I-im you fan..! i-i enjoyed your articles when you were only a rookie!"

He exclaimed, couldn't help himself as he pulled out a piece of article he was saving for a while now and showed it to the boy's face.

"This....this particular article made me your fan!"

It was a piece of article that skyrocketed m/n's reputation, it was about his opinion about sports, specifically volleyball, and how it impacted his life.

"Ever since i read your article in a magazine.....it fueled something inside me! it was- it's so well written i felt your passion and- i was amazed on how you worded everything! i wanna learn from you!"

"and maybe also an autograph....? please?"

Kageyama was visibly trembling in excitement as he shyly asked for his idol's autograph.

Everyone was flabbergasted at the scene unfolding, who knew someone as stone faced like kageyama would be such a fan of a piece of literature.

"Never knew kageyama had it in him"

Korai whispered to himself, not really directing to anyone.

"Yeah, seems like he wasn't the old kageyama"

It was shoyo, he was watching his biggest rival receive the best present he could ever want as of right now.

After the little fiasco that happened, m/n started the interview, setting up two chairs, one for him and one for his guest. Before he started he pulled out a voice recorder and his pocket notebook and pen.

"Alright, before we start i want you guys to know that these questions were sent by numerous fans in our social media. So if any of the questions makes you feel uncomfortable, or creeped out, feel free to tell me and we'll find a different one, okay?"

A chorus of yes sir and yes m/n-san was heard.

First one to sit infront of him was none other than, miya atsumu. Ah yes, m/n has known him for quite some time now, ever since he stepped foot in japan he has heard his name mentioned in about 30 times give or take. Not really fond of the setter, but he is right up m/n's type when it comes to men.

"Okay, so miya atsumu? is that right?"

"Ya know it~"

M/n only let out a chortle before dropping the question.

"I heard you have a twin brother, right? miya osamu. If i may ask, what's your opinion about not being the model for his restaurant, onigiri miya?"

An irk mark appeared in miya's temple, but instead of shouting, he inhaled deeply but before he could respond he heard m/n's stifled laughter.

"Im sorry, im just kidding...that's not the question"

His eyes were teary from holding his laugh, atsumu only smiled holding back his urge to strangle m/n.

"I heard you won the best setter award back in highschool, so my question is, what would you like to tell to all of your young aspiring fans around the world?"

"I'd like to tell them, that no matter what people think of you, always go for what you love. Because at the end of the day, you only have yourself."

M/n was writing down atsumu's answer, nodding before telling him he can go now. Atsumu shook hands with m/n before going back to the group of players in the side.

Next up was none other than, bokuto koutarou! Ah yes, m/n's personal favorite, he has seen quite much of his games in MSBY but he wouldn't wanna be in the same team nor in the opposing team when played with or against him. This man is a monster, but with a cost. His emotions. This man held so much power that his drawback is his negative emotions.

"Bokuto koutarou?"

"Yes, how'd you know my name?"

The spiker asked worriedly, his hands pressed in between his thighs. M/n resisted the urge to laugh at his question. God, sometimes he forgets bokuto's a special case.

"You've been quite famous lately, even reaching the other continent and such."

Bokuto's ear perked up from the mention of him being quite famous. A proud look was on his face.

"It's not a secret that you have some interesting drawbacks whenever there's a game...so my question is.."

M/n trailed off, gazing upon bokuto who was sweating buckets already.

"How do you manage to keep your head in the game whenever you get in one of your 'emo mode'?"

Bokuto looked up and rubbed his chin with his finger, m/n waited patiently for his answer.

"I don't know really, you should ask my teammates, they know how to deal with me."

M/n looked at the group of men in the side, atsumu raised his hand to answer.

"We usually try everything and if nothing seems to work, we call akaashi for tips and advice"

Shoyo nodded in agreement, whilst their other team member, sakusa grimaced at their contact with each other.

"I see...anyways, bokuto-san, one last question"

"Eh? what is it?"

"There was a rumor going on that you took in hinata shoyo from karasuno as your mentee? is that true?"

"Oh! yes! that's very true! you see, me and hinata has something in common...and that is the love for volleyball!"

He exclaimed, pulling hinata out while the two of them become a ball of energy. M/n only watch until they decided to calm down.

"Well, that's all bokuto-san thanks for your time"

"No problemo!"

Bokuto patted m/n's back, a bit harshly making him wince at the weight of his hands, iwaizumi looked at him worriedly and was about to come up to assist him.

But he saw him and mouthed 'i'm okay' with an okay sign with his hand.

Iwaizumi would disagree, but respected his wishes.

Next one to come up was lo and behold, inunaki. The iconic libero of the MSBY.

Out of pure excitement, m/n rose up from his seat which surprised inunaki who was about to sit, and the others who were spectating.

"Inunaki...-san..! i'm a big fan!"

Iwaizumi has a smug look in his face, he knew m/n was a fan of inunaki. Originally, he only invited his old friends, it was when he remembered that inunaki was his favorite out of all msby when they were talking last night.

He decided to give him a little thank you gift for the godzilla figma.

"Oh? is that so? i've heard from iwaizumi that you are."

He replied, rubbing the back of his nape. M/n who was star strucked almost forgotten what he was to do. Suddenly remembering that he was interviewing them, he cleared his throat and sat once again.

"So uh i did not expect your presence, since someone decided that it's fun to surprise me like this, right? haji?"

M/n smiled to where iwaizumi was, he had a nonchalant look as he shrug in response, making the inunaki and the others laugh at their interaction.

"I'm sorry for that, so the question for you is...seeing you are one of the oldest in the team, who would you pick as the most pampered member?"

He asked, his legs trembles in excitement as he watches inunaki's every movement. Safe to say he was enchanted to meet him.

Atsumu, who had an embarrassing start with m/n, pouted. Shoyo, sakusa, and bokuto noticed it and asked him.

"Are you sad because m/n prefers liberos over setters?"

Bokuto asked innocently, which made atsumu irritated.

"N-no! im just....i wish he would look at me like that too.."

"Won't we all want that? well, i mean you guys want that right?"

Everyone who heard the sakusa kiyoomi was shocked. Did they hear him right? He, the man himself wants someone named mitsuru m/n to fawn over him?

"Omi-omi!!! i knew you weren't heartless!!"

Atsumu exclaimed clinging onto sakusa who was giving him a death glare, but it seems to not be effective anymore as the fake blonde has already latched himself onto him.

As the little fiasco ensues in the side, m/n was still busy fawning over inunaki shion.

"Hm...that's kinda hard, almost all of them are a handful but i think i'd go for bokuto"

He answered, looking to where bokuto was and giving him an unapologetic smile. Bokuto only gritted his teeth, and made an offended noises.

"Well, we're done- oh wait.."

Inunaki was about to stand up from his seat but quickly freeze as he waits for m/n's next words.

"There's another question, this is a more personal question of mine, are you single?"

Everybody went silent, literal dead silent. Eyes darted towards m/n and on inunaki. The pressuring stares made inunaki think rationally, a light bulb appeared on his head as he tries to ensue chaos within the group of male.

"Why yes, do you want to take me out on a date?"

everyone's eyes seem to have a glow, like laser beams ready to obliterate their targets. Iwaizumi was the most annoyed, he's starting to regret inviting inunaki.

"So uh...wait- im sorry this is all just feel surreal to me..hahaha..."

Inunaki only smiled kindly to him as he watch the boy fiddle with his pen and paper.

"It's fine, feel free to call me, okay?"

He asked for m/n's pen and paper, ripping a new piece of paper and write his number on it, before giving it back to him. He gave him a wink before going back to the group.

Everyone was eyeing inunaki, he knew what he did and is he apologetic for it? no. He likes to insinuate chaos amongst his peers.

Next to come up was kageyama. His excitement was shown, it seems that his has never left his body ever since he laid eyes on the journalist.

"We meet again, kageyama"

Kageyama could only nod as he fear that once he opens his mouth, it might embarrass him infront of his role model.

"So, this question is a bit...personal...i hope you don't mind"

M/n looked at him for an answer, and he gladly gave one. He doesn't mind, what kind of personal question is it anyways? is it the same as inunaki's? will he ask me to go on a date with him?

"You were once previously titled as king of the court, right?"

It was then and there, that kageyama's world seemed to be on halt. He didn't know what to feel. He was anxious on what the the man infront of him will say next.


"Well, how did it affect you? during your highschool days, you were phenomenal don't get me wrong, but alot has happened before that, and that's why you were dubbed as the king of the court"

Of course, m/n has no ill intent, whatsoever with the question. He didn't even want to ask the question, but it was chosen by the higher up and he was simply just obeying their orders.

Everyone anticipated kageyama's answer, his hand was clutching his shorts, m/n was about to change the topic as he noticed kageyama seemed to be 'not under the weather'.

"I'm glad you asked that, m/n-san..."

Kageyama lift his head up, and instead of a frown, or something equally negative, he had a kind smile on his face.

"To be perfectly honest, it affected me quite alot...it was until i met everyone in karasuno....i thought i'd repeat the same mistakes that i once did, back in kitagawa..."

"I was so scared that i hold back 90% of the time...scared that i might severe the relationship i had with the team...but they showed that i can change, they were beside me along the way"

"As much as i hate to admit it, even that tangerine over there, made an impact on me. When we were only first years, he told me something that changed my view in volleyball"

"there's no guarantee that the weapon that worked first will continue working until the end. I have to keep moving forward. I have to keep going! my greatest weapon is not getting caught!"

"That moment made something bloom inside me, and the realization that i need to keep going and never let my past define shone. From then on, i promised myself that i will never be that same king of the court"

The answer was heartfelt, it could make a grown man cry.

"Fantastic, im happy that you overcame it. Thank you for your answer"

M/n thanked kageyama, shaking his hand, but before he could stop kageyama held his hand.

"Can i...get the autograph? and a picture?"

And so they did, kageyama got his autograph, and a picture with his idol. He was skipping his steps like a little kid winning the popsicle lottery.

"Whatchu got there bakayama?"

"None of your business, tangerine"

"Ehhh after all the cheesy shit you said, you're back to being a meanie"

"That's because your annoying, boke."

"Am not!"

"You are."

The two started bickering, and only stopped when iwaizumi, and meian appeared beside them with a warning look.

"Iwaizumi never fails to scare me..."

"Indeed, you can say that again"

Ushijima agreed with what korai spoke, watching the two players shrink in fear under the gaze of the two buff men.

while they were busy, m/n and sakusa were busy as well, getting acquainted and stuff.

ah yes, sakusa kiyoomi. M/n was fond of the guy, while doing his research on everyone, sakusa was the most hilarious one he had encountered. Who knew a clean freak would play a sports that involves sweating and shit? All in all, the man was a monster, being one of the top 3 aces back in highschool and to possess such flexible hand is bizarre.

Sakusa expected a handshake from m/n, but did not received one. Yet, he should be happy for that...why does he feel somehow sad from the lack of skin contact with him?

"It's fine, mr.sakusa? i know you don't like touchy people"

He informed him, before offering the spiker a seat.

Sakusa did not speak and only sat as he awaits for the question.

"Being the top 3 ace back in highschool, how does it feel to be in the division league, amongst your fellow bigshots?"

"Hm...nothing has changed really, except for more bacterias and germs surrounding me"

Sakusa squinted his eyes, as he looked at his teammates. All of them waved and smile as they saw sakusa's gaze on them.

"HHAHAHA, as expected from the infamous neat freak of the volleyball industry"

Sakusa was about to get off the seat when m/n stopped him.

"I have another last question, this one's personal"

Sakusa's brows seemed to perched up from the sudden declaration. He's going to admit, he's quite curious as to what is this personal question is...

"What kind of alcohol you use? I wanna so when i manage to score a date with you, i'd be prepared"

"Are you...serious?"

Sakusa's face became flushed. Everyone who was listening in had their jaws dropped, m/n has a thing for germaphobes?!

"I'm only pulling your le-"


M/n was cut off by sakusa's answer. His face when he saw sakusa's flustered look was priceless.

"Excuse me?"

"Ethyl rubbing alcohol is my personal choice."

M/n and sakusa stood there awkwardly, avoiding each other's looks. The rest watch them like highschool sweethearts with unrequited love to one another.

"This is painful to watch..."

Korai mumbled, rubbing the bridge of his nose as he watches the others painfully watch the two get flustered.

"Alright, yall seen that corny shit"

Korai, simply having enough of these ridiculous shit, he decided to go next. Korai Hoshiumi, m/n had researched him awhile back. He was very famous due to his height, or lack there of. But nonetheless, manages to obliterate his opponent in his games.

He is one force to be reckoned with.

"My name's korai hoshiumi. just ask me the question and get this over with"

Someone's a fiesty one, m/n thought, simply not replying back and instead looked for the assigned question for him.

"This question has been asked alot, so what is your message for all those volleyball players that wants to go pro, but never did because of their height?"

It seems that m/n had stroke a nerve there. Korai had an irked as he tries to answer the question politely.

"Are you saying i am not fit to be a professional volleyball player? haaaahh??"

M/n shook his head as he denies the allegations made bye the seagull looking man.

"N-no, i just asked what i was told to, forgive me if it offended you"

Korai's brow twitched in annoyance as he let out an annoyed sigh.

"Fine fine, since you apologized i'll answer the damn question..."

"For those who didn't pursue their dreams of being a volleyball star, you guys missed an opportunity to make a name for yourselves. Just because you lack the height does not equate your loss already..."

"It may be too late to tell everyone this but, what they lacked was confidence and trust on themselves. They didn't believed on themselves that they can prove everyone wrong...! and that's their biggest mistake."

"As long as you have the burning passion for something, go grab it. No matter what the situation you are. You never know, it might become your only salvation."

Korai confidently answered, expecting a clap from everyone.

"Well done, thank you for that mr.hoshiumi"

M/n thanked him, and gave him an applaud for his speech. Hoshiumi only looked away and went back to ushijima's side.

"That was awfully rude of you"

Ushijima commented, the white haired male flinched in surprise.

"No am not! besides i just spoke what's on my mind"

"Whatever you say, hoshiumi."

Hoshiumi looked away from him with a pout, rethinking about his mannerisms towards m/n. Maybe he had been a bit rude towards him, he took a mental note to apologize after everything's done.

"Can i go next?"

M/n was scanning his notes until a voice asking if they could go next was heard, him not really minding much, only said an "uhuh" without looking at the person who spoke.

"Okay you are...."

As m/n lifts his head and gaze on the mystery guest, he was speechless. It was shūgo meian, the captain of the MSBY.

"Oh wow....uhm...ahe..."

"Do you need a breather?"

Meian asked worriedly, as he called someone to get a bottle of water.

"You want some water or something? are you good?"

Meian rubbed m/n's back protectively, an fatherly aura surrounded the two. The others who were watching was taken aback at how nice and caring meian was.

"Why can't he be nice like that to us?"

Atsumu grumbled, bokuto and shoyo voiced out their agreement to atsumu's question.

"Because you brats are annoying"

Sakusa, the only mature one out of the group, sneered at them as he inched away from them.

"Yer so mean omi omi, y'know that?"

Atsumu dramatically wept, putting his hand on his forehead as he slowly leans on hinata for support, being the dumbass the tangerine is, he caught him and looked at bokuto for help.

"Tsk, don't call me that nickname"

That was the only reply he received from the clean freak.

Back to m/n, he's now recovered from his previous state. One couldn't help but blush at how handsome meian is up close.

"So uhm...this is sudden, first inunaki, now you? god this feels like a dream..."

Meian let out a chuckle as he reassured m/n that it was fine.

"Okay, so uh..have you ever had a time where you just go 'im done, i quit being the captain of this team'? if so, what happened?"

Meian had a good laugh before he answered it, boy, this man is always laughing.

"Good question...but um i never really had a particular time that made me feel like that?"

"Because, ever since our msby family got bigger, our practices, games, and celebrations just got better and better. And honestly, i wouldn't ask for more."

What a heartfelt answer, m/n can sense the genuine in his tone, and the way he speaks of his teammates, it's as if they were crewmates im his past life.

"We love you to cap!"



Screams and hollers from the MSBY members were heard, m/n couldn't help but smile at how homely their bonds is. A small part of him was a tad bit jealous, but that's another story for another day.

"Thanks for that, and i hope to see you again soon"

"ah you bet your ass i will, i'll be inviting you in every party i hold, okay? don't be a stranger"

Meian told him, as he shook his hand. Gosh, what a life m/n has.

"Shoyo! i forgot, i haven't interviewed you yet!"

M/n called out to shoyo as he realised that the boy's section in his notepad is empty. Shoyo, who was called jumped in joy as he ran straight to the seat.

"Okay, so now that you're back in japan. Are you planning to stay? or do you have other plans?"

Shoyo, put his chin in his palm as he imitated a famous sculpture.

"That's a hard one, let me think...hm..."

"I think as of now, i'll stay! it's been a long long time ever since i stayed in japan, and i kinda missed this place y'know? and i wanna spend time with you m/n-san!"

M/n eyes widened at his answer. He did not expect that.

"Oh was it too advance? im sorry"

"No no it's just, it took me by surprise, that's all, you're very sweet and kind. Thank you for that"

Hinata only responded with a incoherent mumble as he rubbed his nape whilst his face was stained with pink dust.

"Anything else? to add?"

"Hmm..nothing for now! but if ever, i'll be sure to tell you."

M/n only nodded before shaking hands with shoyo, and waited for the last one to arrive.

The last one to be interviewed was, ushijima wakatoshi.

Wakatoshi Ushijima, one of the most fearsome and well known volleyball player ever since his high school years. M/n had heard alot about him, it has come to a surprise that he had lost to the karasuno duo, but nonetheless, m/n applaud him.

"Ushijima-san, nice to formally meet you."

"Likewise, wakatoshi would be fine as well."

"Okay then..."

M/n opened up his notepad, and flipped it to ushijima's section.

"Is it true that there was a time in high school that you tried and persuaded a setter from aoba johsai, oikawa tooru, into joining or transferring to your school?"

Everyone went 'oooo' like a bunch of teenage boys in a frat house, ushijima looked at them before answering.

"It is true, it was only because i see the potential of his talent being wasted-"

"With all due respect, mr.Wakatoshi. Let's not use the word 'wasted' okay? I think it's very insensitive for you to call a fellow athlete 'wasting' their talent on a chosen school they want. I know this is your perspective, but let's not forget to be respectful okay?"

Everyone had their mouths open, even iwaizumi who was itching to give ushijima a knuckle sandwich for lunch. Safe to say, they did not expect m/n to stand up like that.

Ushijima, feeling disrespected. He rose from his seat, and approached the calm sitting m/n. His shadow loomed over him, to someone of the common, it would be a terrifying moment. But for m/n, it was nothing.

"Your response to my answer seemed personal, are you perhaps close with oikawa tooru? or do you have some kind of saviour complex?"

Everyone was feeling the tension between the two, some who's (whatever your height is) versus an athlete who's 6'3.9? that's crazy.

"No i am neither one of those. I just have a six sense that calls out shitty people like you because people like you makes this world a place that some people could not live in."

M/n stood up, controlled by his emotions, he used his index finger and pressed it against ushijima's chest.

"You do not understand how your mere words impact others, and i think that's pathetic of you, because even if im not the same level as you, atleast I HAVE THE EMPATHY THAT YOU LACKED."

With that, m/n created a distance between him, and ushijima by pushing him gently, packing his things and voice recorder. He grabbed everything and put it in his bag before going out of the gym without any words of goodbye.

the whole room went dead silent, iwaizumi looked at all of them before catching up to m/n who was trembling in anger.

"Hey, m/n wait up!"

M/n stopped in his tracks and turned to iwaizumi, the official trainer was shocked to see his friend form tears in his eyes. He can tell he was frustrated, hurt, and embarrassed.

"Leave me alone, iwa, i can find my way home"


"Just please! I don't want you to see me like this, i'm fine. Let me be alone for a while"

Iwaizumi knew better than to argue back, he's not an idiot, so he instead he calmly watched m/n turn his back to him and walk somewhere else.

As much as he wanted to hug him and tell him that it's going to be fine, he can't. He has to respect his friend's wishes. It was his first time seeing him cry like that too. To say that he was heartbroken was no exaggeration.

So, he turned back and to check on the colleagues.


As promised! a long chapter, i'll add the continuation maybe a few minutes after this is posted :D! hope you enjoyed this!

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