Chapter 12

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M/n shot up from his laying position, his breathing was heavy.

Cold sweat trickled down his forehead as he examines his surroundings, it was blurry at first, probably because of the tears that welled in his eyes. Wait, why is he crying? He slowly touched his left eye as he felt the wet sensation in his fingertips. He looked down he can see the faint color of his clothes that he wore going out. Did he passed out on the spot earlier?

He was in his room, in his dark, cold room. Funny, he couldn't quite remember what happened earlier, and how did he end up back in his home.

He pulled away his blanket, and went downstairs to get a glass of water. As he trudged downstairs, a small part of his abode was dimly lit, m/n, the man who trusts his instincts. Immediately, tiptoed as he slowly crept to dimly lit area.

His heart was beating out of his chest 'this looks like something out of a fucking horror movie...' he gulped as he went to close the tv, the source of light in the area.

He looked around, forgetting that it was no pitch dark black. As he slowly felt his way towards the light switch to see if he has any unwanted visitor.

After searching his place for a good 10-20 minutes, he did not find anyone. So he proceeded to grab a glass of water and chugged it down.

But now, he has encountered a new problem. He lost his desire to sleep.

'Great, now i don't feel sleepy' he grumbled to himself, putting the glass in the sink before closing off the lights in the kitchen.

Sitting down in his couch, as he currently have an ongoing debate with himself whether should he open the TV for background noise purposes or not.

Ultimately deciding he'd open it. As soon as he pressed the power button, he started to remember what happened earlier.

It was nothing out of the ordinary as he remembers it, he and akaashi had a good time. Until it was time for them to get home, he was stopped by the man in the cashier. Giving him a free treat as thanks.

M/n and akaashi was baffled, they didn't remember seeing some kind of promotional ads about it, but nonetheless, m/n reassured akaashi that it's probably just out of kindness.

Akaashi, still being skeptical, decided to follow m/n with his conclusion. Seeing that he has no evidence, and a valid reason to be suspicious about it. After all, they aren't close as well. So what's to bother there? right?

They were both walking towards m/n's place seeing, that it was just in a walking distant by now, and m/n wanted to save money, and maybe because he wants to know more about the editor of shounen jump.

It was there his memory was cut off. He couldn't understand why, but no matter how much he tries to remember it, he couldn't. Perhaps, that's the moment he blacked out?

He decided to squeeze out every little detail of his memory earlier, but the details after their talk was nothing but blank for him.

Feeling the mental exhaustion, he decided to give up and just ask akaashi if he remembers what happened to them.

Standing up, as he went upstairs to fetch his phone. As he picked up his phone, he felt a paper-ish feeling in the back.

He turned his phone in it's back to see a sticky note on it. He pulled the piece of paper and read the content.

"Call me ;) 09XX-XXX-XXX"

M/n couldn't help but smile at the little winky face. 'Akaashi has a side i never knew he had, huh?' He thought to himself as he typed out the number on his phone to add to his contacts.

M/n opened his messages to be greeted with a bunch of texts from a single number.

Haji <3

Oh fuck. He's fucked for real.

In a state of panic, he quickly opened the man's messages and did not bother reading the countless texts sent to him, hastily typing out his response.

"Hey haji! sorry for replying this late, but i just woke up but im fine!"

M/n hovered his thumb on the send button, debating whether to add the detail where he met someone and now he couldn't remember a small part of what he did earlier?

He bit his thumb, whilst having an internal conflict between sharing everything to him, or not to sound like nothing happened to him.

"I don't think haji wouldn't be please with what happened to me" He mumbled to himself before hitting send, leaving out the beautiful meeting of two angels in a library.

After hitting send, he proceeded to look for akaashi's number in his contacts. Once he found it, he decided to type him a message.

Once satisfied with his approach, and everything. He hit send.

"Hey akaashi! :) it's me, m/n. I was wondering if you remember what happened after we left the cafe? i can't seem to remember. Thanks!"

Hanamaki was minding his own business, playing online games until the sunrise until his phone vibrated next to him.

"Tch, who could be messaging me at this hour?"

He grabbed the phone with a scowl, but immediately changed into a smirk once he realised who it was.

Immediately forgetting about the online game he's playing, leaving his teammates in the air. Whilst he typed out a reply.

"Hi m/n, i'm not the person you're looking for, but i think i can help you with your little problem :)"

M/n did not expect a quick response from him, but his smile fell from the moment he read the response.

Feeling the embarrassment, he grab one of the cushions in his couch and planted his face in it, before screaming as loud as he can.

"Who the fuck did i just sent a message to?!"

M/n exclaimed, racking his brains for answers, but none came to his mind, he took a deep breath before typing a response.

"Oh, my bad! ^^; i'm sorry, but may i know who you are?"

Whilst the pink haired male on the other line was having a time with his life. Grinning like an idiot, completely forgetting what he was doing earlier before m/n texted him.

"Oi! keep your head in the game!"

Screamed by one of his teammates in their voice chat. Effectively making hanamaki pull out of his cloud nine.

"Sheesh, no need to scream"

"If i don't, your ass won't move an inch"

Hanamaki grumbled a reply, but his teammate didn't hear it, fortunately.

While m/n, was feeling antsy once again, scared of whomever he just messaged so casually.

He waited and waited for a reply, until he found himself sleeping in the couch with the TV open, whil waiting for the mystery person's reveal.


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