Chapter 22

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Tsukishima let out an 'tch' as he follows his friend, yamaguchi from behind. He honestly didn't know why he sacrificed his rest day to walk around and help his friend pick an outfit for his supposedly 'corporate party' it's not like he doesn't believe him, but out of all people, why would yamaguchi ask him? He knows nothing with being fashionable, but i think his co-workers and peers would disagree but i digress.

"How bout this? Don't you think it makes me look slim and tall?" Yamaguchi asked, holding up an article of clothing, tsukishima examined the cloth and looked at him before going back to the coat and pants.

"I think a lighter colour would compliment you more" He replied, shrugging right after to signal that he was unsure of his opinion and would not want to be responsible for any repercussion made by his answer.

"Hmm, let me go look in this aisle for a minute" the moss colored hair boy inquired, leaving no time for the blonde to reply. He sighed in exasperation and decided to stand there and looked around.

He really was regretting agreeing on this, but at the same time. He liked being with yamaguchi, they have been friends since then, and lately they haven't been able to contact one another due to each other's conflicting schedules.

A small smile appeared on his face as he looked around, it was until his gaze dropped on a familiar h/c mop of hair.

Despite his consciousness telling him to look away, his eyes was glued to the boy's hair. He slowly went closer but not too far from his previous position, just enough where he can see the boy's face.

"it's him" he mumbled, m/n was looking through a pile of white polos. To much his dismay, he needed to buy a new dozen of it, his chest started feeling tight with his current uniform, thus making him travel to the nearest department store and buy a new pair of polos.

"Medium? or Large...?" He said to himself, contemplating his size. Sadly, there's no dressing room nearby, so he had to take a gamble on what would fit his body frame more.

His stare hardened until he fished out his phone from his pocket and dialed a friend of his. Makki.

Oh right, a little recap from last time. M/n woke up from the warmth engulfing him, he was so embarrassed to see that he was cuddling with a man he barely knows and in his own bed too.

To save face, he immediately pried himself off and changed to something presentable and left a note before leaving the man on his home.

It's unwise to leave your home to a man you don't even know, but it's m/n we're talking about. He makes the most ridiculous decisions but i digress, now m/n ended up shopping for new clothes as a way to avoid the man he was cuddling with earlier.

"Earth to m/n" Spoke by the man from the other line, m/n shook his head as he was pulled out of his thoughts.

"How was your night with oikawa? hm?" He teased, m/n can sense the boy was wiggling his eyebrows on the other side.

"Fuck you, and i left him in the condo, i'm shopping for a new clothes can you help me?" He asked, grabbing a medium sized polo with his other hand.

"You're smart but also dumb for leaving him in your condo alone, but what clothes are we talking about?" He replied nonchalantly. M/n knows he was stupid for it, but like he said, it's already too late, he's already here.

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