Chapter 5

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"Where do you wanna go, princess?"

M/n cooed, as he adores the little girl whilst she eats her dessert bought by yours truly.

Right now, M/n decided to treat yumei to a fun day, he and yumei have the same interest especially in dinosaurs, and m/n was more delighted to be the fun uncle if it's dinos they're talking about.

The two were holding side by side as they were about to enter the museum.

"Hey yumei, want a balloon?"

He asked, his own excitement is getting the best of him, and yumei on the other hand was enjoying the attention and affection given to her.

"Yes yes! I want a dino one!"

M/n laughed and ruffled the girl's hair before guiding her towards the vendor's stall.

"One balloon please"

M/n spoke to the vendor who nodded and asked the little girl which balloon she likes. Yumei squinted her eyes as she scanned through the assortments of designs.

"I want that one!"

She pointed out a balloon that's designed as a dog, the vendor looked at m/n for confirmation which he gave willingly.

M/n removed his hold from yumei's hand as he reached out for his wallet, and as soon as he finished paying he turned to look to his side to grab ahold of his niece.

Only to find she wasn't there.

So in a state of panic, he kept looking around, hollering yumei's name. He was about to give up until he saw a police officer nearby.

'Maybe he can help me' He thought to himself, his sweat trickling down his face, as he pants.

"Sir! you gotta-! hah- help me! hah..."

He pleaded in between his breath, holding on to the poor officer as a support. Whilst, the officer was bewildered at the sudden action.

"W-what is it? has someone got hurt?"

The man asked, m/n took a moment to catch his breath before informing him about his lost niece.

"My niece, she's- she's gone! I can't find her! please officer help me! I can't forgive myself if something happened to her"

He pleaded once more, clasping his hand in a pray position and bowing at the officer.

"Calm down, no need to plead, i'll be more willing to help"

The police officer comforted, assisting m/n to revert back to his previous posture. The officer let m/n calm down first before asking him if he was ready to talk.

"She's this tall, and has blonde hair and- and, big e/c eyes! like mine!"

M/n was still in distraught but formed sentences properly nonetheless. He opened his phone and tapped the photos app and scrolls to find a picture of his niece.

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