Chapter 24

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M/n was busy preparing foods he would stock up in his refrigerator when all of a sudden he received a call from a certain sunshine.


"Good morning shoyo, what can i do for you?"

"Uhm- well- you see, bakayama and i are supposed to go on this new place in kyoto and then he has the nerve to bail out on me on the last minute and well, i was hoping i could make you come with me in this trip....? im not good with directions and stuff and- and it's ok-"

"Say no more, i'll pick you up just send me your addy, aight?"

M/n agreed without hesitation, tho, he wasn't the type to accept invitations that easily, but when it comes to the little guy it doesn't seem like it would be a bore.

"Addy..? ah! address! okay thanks m/n-san you're the best!"

He was even looking forward to spending time with the tangerine, after all hearing lots and lots of stories from iwaizumi and tooru, his expectations from the sun was beyond the roof.

His mood seemingly improved from just one phone call, he played an upbeat songs as he finishes what he was doing before the call and took a warm shower before picking out a suitable outfit for his date- no, a hangout with the sun himself.

He picked a bomber jacket, a graphic tee, jeans, sneakers and shades to finish the look. He examined himself infront of a full body mirror before making poses like he was in a photoshoot.

"For once i looked like someone who's socially active"

He mumbled as he made last minute fixes with his hair before grabbing his house key and other necessities.

It took him a good while before reaching shoyo's apartment, the sight of the tangerine dancing around on the tune of the song while he was waiting for him was a sight to behold.

"You could be a dancer if you weren't a volleyball player" M/n joked, pulling up to his side scaring the spiker. "Gah! m/n-san! you didn't tell me you were there haha-!" Shoyo panicked, looking away as the faint color of pink appeared on his cheeks.

"You were too cute to disturb" M/n cooed, making the boy even more flustered than before. "St- Stop it!" he protested before jumping in the passenger seat.

"So...where are we going?" He asked, starting up the vehicle, shoyo was putting his belt but due to his nervousness, he was struggling. M/n noticed his dilemma and decided to help him.

"Here...let me...give you a hand" He mumbled, his face and shoyo's were inches close to one another, while m/n doesn't find anything wrong with it, shoyo was about to burst-- combust even. The heat of his face felt like it could kill him, he can smell m/n's scent. It was hypnotising to say the least.

By the time m/n was done, shoyo's soul left his mortal body.


"This is the place-!" Shoyo gushed, looking at the building from the seat he is in. M/n chuckled at the boy's antics, it's like he's with his niece again.

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