Little Miss Maisy; Deleted Sc...

By MiniMe_fandoms

14.7K 326 61

Well, the sequel was a disaster. But, now it's deleted scenes!! Yep, you heard me correctly. DELETED SCENES t... More

Why, hello
{ 𝑻𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔 }
Throwbacks : 13- 14
Editing Process Product, No. 1
Editing Process Product, No. 2
~ πŸ’› THROWBACKS P.2 πŸ’› ~

Throwbacks: 15-16

682 34 3
By MiniMe_fandoms


Another Cold


"Come on, not even fruit snacks?" Miles cocked his head at Maisy, wondering what could be wrong with her. What child refuses fruit snacks?

The good ones, too!

"You really don't want a snack?" Miles was so confused. He wouldn't let up a chance for a snack, even as a (technically) adult. Even if he doesn't always act like one.

Maisy just shook her head no and rested her head down on the table, not even verbally answering her brother.

"You feelin' alright, Mais?" Miles' tone changed slightly, still his usual friendliness but with the smallest parental edge.

She only shrugged at his question, tracing little lines onto the table with her fingertip. She didn't really know what was wrong.

"You know what, sit tight for a minute." Miles got up from the table and jogged upstairs to go look for the little first aid kit they have hidden in a cabinet somewhere. And Maisy, well, she didn't even bat an eyelash.

Miles dug through all the junk in their cabinet, racking his brain and trying to remember which one the thermometer was in. Jeez, for how organized the cabinets are, everything is sure hard to find.

"Aha!" Miles grabbed it out of the bag, pressing the button to make sure it worked. He really didn't want to use the one that goes underneath the tongue, he had a hunch Maisy wouldn't like that one.

"Mais?" He called her name as he jogged back down the stairs, making sure she was still okay.

When he reentered the kitchen, Maisy was exactly where he had left her.

You see, you can just tell when a young child is sick. Flushed cheeks, not hungry, quiet behavior, continuously resting their heads down. It's just . . . Out of the ordinary.

"Can you sit up for me, sweetheart?" Miles motioned for her to lift her head off of the table, even if it caused Maisy to give him a protesting pout.

"I know, but it'll only take a second, love." Miles sat on the chair next to her, understanding the look of disgust on her face. But he still needed to make sure.

After sticking it in her ear, and a long couple of seconds while they waited for it to calculate everything, Miles' suspicions were confirmed. A low-grade fever, nothing too serious.

"Oh boy . . ." Miles' eyes lingered on the numbers, knowing what that meant. He had to let one of the adults of their family know. Well—Either Beau or Cassidy.

"Why don't you go hang out in the living room, yeah? I'll be right in there." Miles reached out and rubbed her shoulder, hoping she was doing alright.

Maisy reluctantly climbed down from the chair, stalking off to the living room. Really, she would feel sucky no matter where she is.

Once she was out of the room, Miles made a quick phone call to Beau. Just explaining what was wrong, and that he has everything under control.

It was a long enough conversation that he had to pace around while assuring his brother.

When he reentered Maisy was sitting on the floor next to the couch, her neck craned slightly so only her head was resting on the cushion.

Miles sat down on the floor and imitated her position, even if it was pretty uncomfortable. But hey, whatever makes her feel better.

"How're you feeling?" Miles ran his hand through her hair, pausing to feel her forehead. He knew the fever was there, but it didn't help when he saw what it was doing to her.

But once again, Maisy only shrugged at his question. She certainly didn't feel that great, but Miles didn't need to know that.

"Do you want to go upstairs and lay down for a little while, or something?" Miles decided to go in a different direction, moving a loose strand of her hair behind her ear.

Maisy thought over his words for a moment before giving him a weak nod, her head still resting on the couch cushion. The simple thought of a comfortable bed made her eyelids heavy. It made Miles smile.

At least, if she does have to be sick, that she is the sleepy kind of sick.

"Alright, come on then." Miles stood up and waited for Maisy to get up, but she only stared up at him without moving a muscle. Now that she thought of it, she wasn't so sure she had the energy to get back up.

"You need someone to carry you?" Miles knelt back down, offering a small smirk at his baby sister. Realizing that she wasn't going anywhere unless he offered a helping hand.

In response—Another weak nod.

"If you say so, munchkin." Miles' smile grew as he lifted Maisy up, who practically curled against him. Her head was instantly rested on his shoulder and her eyes fluttered shut. They were too heavy.

"Tired?" He soothingly ran his hand up and down Maisy's back as he walked to the stairs, not helping her stay alert.

Maisy's eyes remained closed, but she nodded her head. Her eyes were too heavy to keep open, it was simply too much.

So this time when Miles patted her back, it was in hopes of not letting her fall fully asleep. He wanted her to at least be aware of her surroundings for a minute longer, until he put her to bed.

He paused in the hallway, glancing at the bedroom doors. Maisy's room would be good, but . . . Well, fuck it.

Miles opened his bedroom door and began to move the covers around for her. "I'm gonna put you in my bed, alright?"

He couldn't wipe the smile off his face. Sure, the kid has a cold. But she's too damn adorable not to brighten the mood.

Maisy's eyes hardly opened as she muttered out an 'okay.' Miles lowered her down, carefully covering her with the covers so she would be warm enough.

He barely even began to move away from her before Maisy let out a whimper and stirred, opening her eyes. Wondering why the comforting warmth was slipping away.

The whimper was enough to cause a little bit of alarm surge through Miles' veins. After all, it isn't the happiest sound out there.

"Hey, what's the matter?" He gently stroked her cheek, leaning back onto the bed so she wouldn't get too upset. She's certainly not as content as she just was a minute ago.

Maisy gave him a confused look as she brought her fist up to rub her eyes, unsure of her surroundings. She swore she was just safe in Miles' arms . . . Wasn't she?

Miles could sense her confusion and decided to clarify, continuing to gently stroke her hair as he spoke to her. "You're alright, Mais. You're in my bed, remember?"

It took her a moment, but she crawled closer to him and plopped her head down on Miles. It seemed better than just being alone in the big bed while she felt so awful.

"Hello to you too." Miles scooted her over a little and just laid next to her, giving her a gentle kiss on the top of her head while she settled in.

"I don't feel so good." She muttered, nestling closer to her big brother to protect her from the bad feelings as she closed her eyes again.

"I know you don't, Mais." He whispered, careful as he shifted around a little, pulling the blankets so they were covering Maisy better. "Just try and get some rest, you'll feel better soon."

Not even two minutes later, Maisy's mouth had parted into a little 'o.' She was out like a light, as if she had pulled another all-nighter.

Half an hour later, Beau came home early from his lunch to find Miles and Maisy asleep on the bed. Well, Maisy was asleep against his chest, grasping onto his shirt. Miles was sitting perfectly still, afraid to disturb her from the peaceful slumber.





An Official Finale; Pranks that Backfire


About three and a half years after Sass's wedding.

"Oh, I read about those online!" Cassidy excitedly stood next to Amber as she cut through the packing tape on a large cardboard box.

Eric scoffed and kept his slight distance on the cushion next to them, grinning at Cassidy with an amused expression. "Read about it? Okay, Grandma."

"Shut up, you know what I meant." Cassidy was quick to silence him, before turning her attention back to Amber. "This will be gold."

"What is it?" Maisy, unlike everyone else in the room, wasn't exactly caught up to speed. She curiously watched from the rug, turning away from her cartoon to see what they're up to.

Well, the thing in the box wasn't exactly something normal to a child. Or maybe anyone, really.

Amber lifted the packaged silicone belly from the box and smirked as she thought of the havoc that was about to break loose. "It's a baby belly."

Maisy didn't really understand, but just turned back to her cartoons. She would figure it out later, this scheme could wait until her show was over.

Cassidy and Amber disappeared into Cassidy's room to go strap on the belly and conceal it with the perfect outfit to make it seem the most realistic.

They landed on a maxi-summer dress. Flowing white translucent fabric decorated with little branches and orange fruit connected to them.

It hugged the artificial belly the best, highlighting her pregnancy glow.

Miles had tried to prank Amber last April Fools Day in their apartment with an early morning horror scare. He put a bloody handprint on the mirror and hid behind the shower curtain in a bloody hockey mask until she came in half asleep to pee. Amber fell over and brought the products sitting along the counter down with her.

Miles earned the silent treatment for the rest of the day.

"Okay, how does that look?" Amber had purchased the silicone belly designed to look like a real eight-month pregnant belly from a movie-prop site online. Underneath a maxi dress, it looked terrifyingly real.

This would get him good.

"Aww!" Cassidy gently placed her hands on Amber's 'baby-bump,' it looked very real. She didn't hate how it looked on Amber either. "Look at my little niece or nephew in there."

"Yep, maybe even twins." Amber winked at Cassidy, this little game is fun. They enjoyed the idea of scaring Miles.

"Cassie, can I have some crackers?" Maisy pushed open the bedroom door but froze when she saw Amber. This was very different. Very different. She didn't remember seeing her stomach that big ten minutes ago.

Amber and Cassidy couldn't hold back their laughter at how wide Maisy's eyes went. The poor dear looked so confused.

"Don't worry, honey." Amber bent down and poked the bulging bump with her index finger, showing Maisy it wasn't actually apart of her body. "It's just pretend."

"Is there a baby in there?" Maisy loudly whispered, her eyes still popping out of her head at the sight.

"No, babe." Cassidy chuckled as she exited the room. "I'm gonna go downstairs and wait for them to get home."

Once she left Amber turned back to Maisy, trying not to laugh at her reaction. Well, not laugh anymore. Now her bright smile remained on her face, it was almost contagious.

"We're gonna scare Miles." She held a finger up to her lips to signify it was a secret, it was the most efficient way to get that point across to a child. "It'll scare him real bad."

That's what caused Maisy to understand and hop on board with their evil plan, tricking her brother seemed like too much fun.

Especially if she's not the only one in on it.

She giggled and bounced as she thought of scaring her brother, she couldn't wait! After all the ambushes of tickles and jump scares, she couldn't wait to watch his petrified face when he sees Amber.

"Yay!! Let's make him scream!" Maisy bounced more, getting a little too hyper. "Mwahaha, payback!"

Amber still let out her musical laugh, she loved Maisy with all her heart. Well, I suppose a little bit of it loved Miles too. "But we've gotta stay quiet so we don't spoil the surprise."

Maisy nodded but couldn't take her eyes off the belly. It looked so real. Like a real life baby could be in there. It was odd but fascinating all at once.

After watching Maisy's face that was filled with wonder for another second, her smile faded just a little and she whispered to the little girl. "Do you want to know another secret about the surprise?"

Maisy's smile grew and she eagerly nodded, she loved today! The fun just never stopped!

"Okay." Amber's smile got bigger again and she leaned closer to Maisy, cupping her hands around her ear as she whispered the secret to her.

Maisy's eyes widened and her smile seemed to be a little more out of awe, before a whisper escaped her lips. "Really?"

Amber nodded, keeping her voice in a whisper, making the secret feel cooler for Maisy. "Yep, but you can't tell anyone yet."

"Otherwise Miles won't get all scared." She winked, knowing that would be enough to buy Maisy's silence.

Maisy opened her mouth to ask Amber one last question, but before she could they heard Cassidy loudly greet Miles and Beau.

"Hey, guys! How was work?"

"That's our queue." Amber placed a hand on her belly and one on her back, as most pregnant woman do to mute the aching. "Action."

Amber kept her hands placed in the prominent positions as she slowly came down the stairs, waiting until she got to the end to greet her sweetheart.

"Hello, dear." She said as if she was a fifties housewife. Pausing to do a little dramatic pose on the staircase.

Miles grinned when he heard her lovely voice, but when he turned to go greet his fiancée, his smile faded. His eyes zoned in on Amber's stomach, the way her hand was delicately placed upon it.

He went pale, so pale he could be mistaken for a ghost, and his eyes went wider than anyone had ever seen them go before.

"Amber?" He barely managed to choke out, unsure if he had seen that bump this morning when he kissed her good morning. Not during breakfast. How long had he been gone??

Beau was frozen behind him too, no one told him about the prank.

"Oh, this?" Amber cunningly smiled at Miles' shocked face and smoothed her dress out over her stomach, showing off the large belly. "This is your little pride and joy, I've been calling the little babe Nugget."

"Because in the sonogram, they look like a lil Nugget. You get it, don't you, babe?" Amber continued to smile at Miles, cradling her stomach to seal the deal.

Miles' eyes widened even further, and just as Amber was going to drop the act and burst into laughter, he fell backwards onto the hardwood floor with a loud thump.

When Miles' eyes fluttered open, Amber was kneeling down next to him, her soft caressing touch soothing against his cheeks. "Are you okay?!"

As he sat up and began to regain his memory of what happened in the last several minutes, his eyes widened again. "Amber, I had this dream where you were just . . . pregnant!"

As soon as the words left his mouth, his eyes dropped down to her stomach to see if it was really a dream. But to his relief, her dress was flat against her stomach. He hadn't missed the past eight months, he was right here with his fiancée.

"Can you focus on my finger?" Amber ignored him now, trying to see if he was concussed or something. As much as she would love to terrify him beyond belief, she also loves him and cares deeply about his safety.

"Yes, yes. I'm fine." Miles bit back a small groan as he sat the rest of the way up, getting a small head rush.

"You swear?" Amber's hands still hovered, resting on his shoulders now, looking into his eyes with a sense of concern and urgency. 

"Yes." Miles paused to give her a quick kiss to calm her nerves. But it didn't work as well as it usually does. "I swear I'm fine."

"Okay." Amber let out a sigh of relief, the smile returning to her crimson lips. "Because that wasn't a dream."

Miles' smile faded and he looked very confused again. ". . . What?"

"It was a prank. To get back at you for last year." Amber tried to contain her giggles, but Miles' face was too funny not to laugh at. "Sorry!"

"You sly little minx!" He raised his voice through a large smile, realizing what happened. "You really tricked me?"

"Yes." Amber nodded as she stood up, pulling his arm so he would stand too. "But I've got another surprise for you. A real one."

Cassidy, Eric, Beau and Maisy stood to the side of the couple, serving as a little audience. And while Cassidy films for her own entertainment. She even caught the exact moment Miles fainted. Priceless.

"Stay right there." Amber's smile was so big, Miles couldn't help but lovingly smile back and just wait. She was perfect in his eyes, even after she scared him to the point that he passed out.

But it's the thought that counts.

Amber jogged out of the room, grabbing something from the bathroom and holding it behind her back when she ran back. "Close your eyes."

Miles glanced behind him at his other family members, then pointed a finger at his chest. "Me?"

Amber playfully rolled her eyes and nodded, a little impatiently at that. "Yes, you!"

"Just do it. Please."

Miles sighed but complied, even if he felt silly.

"Okay, open them."

Amber was holding a letter-board in her arms, and when she flipped it around the white letters were arranged in the center, with a little black and white photo and plastic stick underneath them.

ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇɴ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ
ʙᴀʙʏ ʀᴏsᴇ, ᴅᴜᴇ ᴛʜɪs ᴀᴜɢᴜsᴛ

Underneath the words, was a small ultrasound picture. A positive pregnancy test beside it. In the middle of the blurriness, was a little bean sized blob. A baby.

Amber is pregnant.

She let out a small laugh through her happy tears as she waited for Miles' reaction. "It wasn't entirely a prank."

"No." Miles whispered, Amber's contagious smile spreading to his face. Unsure if he was being gullible or if it was true. "You're not joking, are you?"

A small sob escaped from Amber's wide smile as she glanced down at the board then back up at him, her tears were nothing but pure bliss. "No. I'm not. I'm 4 weeks along, I just found out yesterday."

"We're gonna have a baby."

Miles' smile broke out even larger than life itself and he ran towards Amber, searching for validation in her eyes. If this was a joke, it was a mean one.

"A baby?" Miles laughed as the words came out of his mouth, lifting Amber up by her waist and twirling her around as soon as it hit him. "A baby!"

"I love you." Miles stopped spinning and met his lips with hers, not able to contain his love. "I love you so much."

Amber sniffled but laughed again, setting her forehead against his chest. "I love you too."

Their little audiences eyes had widened, everyone as truly shocked. Except for Maisy, who was grinning almost as wide as Miles and Amber.




Haha, that last one may or may not have been added to the og book. I always loved the idea, and now it's an added bonus.

It's fun writing these for you guys, even if it's taken a while for me to get them out for you lmao I'm sorry

I'm hoping you liked it as well, it also shows that I really have to go back and edit Little Miss Maisy 🤦‍♀️

Thanks for the love, everyone. Hope to see you come back for a reread someday.

Editing process products below this one ☟︎


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