Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V: The Galaxy M...


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Kuroba Raiden has a sad life. A memories of his dead best friends make him suffer a lot. During his visit on... Еще

Character Description
A New Life
Entertaiment Duel! Galaxy-Eyes vs Performapal
The Phantom Duelist! Light vs Dark!
Embodiment of Light vs Different Dimension Demon
Tempramental Duelist! a Duel to Survive!
Final Qualification Duel!
Maiami Championship Begins!
The Truth about the Four Dimensions
Fateful Encounter
Battle Royale Begins! Part 1
Battle Royale Part 2: Galaxy vs Venom
To the Synchro Dimension! The City
Showdown with Kings! Galaxy vs Red Daemon
Friendship Cup Begins!
Mizael's True Power! Embodiment of Darkness!
Unexpected Summon! Shining Star!
Unexpected Turn of Event
Double Trouble
Invasion on Synchro Dimension!
Classic Rivality! Kaito vs Mizael!
Prelude of Conflict
A Bitter Taste of Victory
Wrath of the Galaxy Master
A New Hope
The Battle in Fusion Dimension
Unexpected Yet Expected Betrayal
Lancers vs Academia
Lancers vs Academia 2: The Knight and Clown Desperate Stand!
Lancers vs Academia 3: The Tenacity of the Samurai & the King
Lancers vs Academia 4: The Fallen Galaxy Master
Lancers vs Academia 5: Ancient Kalamity
Lancers vs Academia 6: Hero to the Rescue
Confronting the Mastermind
Revenge and Determination
Revival of the Supreme King
The Clash Between Galaxy Masters
Magnum Tenebrosum
Interlude: The Consequences
Incursion & Reunion
Aftermath of the War
Interlude: In the Prison of Madness
Interlude: Kuroba Raiden

The Facility

7.5K 136 78

"Let go of me you bastard!" Sawatari yelled, trying to get out of Officers grip who was trying to throw him into a transport van.

"Shut up! Get in there!" Officer violently pushed him in the prison transporting van, making him fall. To make things worse, they throw Crow and Shinji on top of me.

"You three get in there as well." He also pushed Yuya, Serena and me to the van, thankfully not as violently as Sawatari.

I inwardly sighed. I tried to stop Serena but she wouldn't listen. I suppose that Facility is a part of the story after all. How else would we show a true meaning of Dueling to Chojiro? Still, she put everyone in danger because of her selfish desires to find Yuzu and the rest of Lancers.

"I know I should tie them up and lock them somewhere safe." I inwardly sighed.

"Kinky." Tachyon commented.

"Shut up, Tachyon."

"Crow!" The kids called out their caretaker, but the Officer stopped them.

"You guys!" Crow banged on van's window. "Take care and eat properly!"

With those last parting words, van drove off as cries of Frank, Amanda and Tanner could be heard. What can they do if their caretaker is taken off?! The window on van closed as Yuya continued desperately calling out of Reira.

"Relax, Yuya." I told him. "I saw Tsukikage taking Reira before security had a chance to capture him. I'm sure he will be okay."

"Thank god." He sighed in relief as he took a seat next to me.

"Tsukikage is the same guy that came from Different Dimension like you guys?" Crow asked me.

"Yeah." I replied before I looked at him. "Let me guess. Sawatari wouldn't shut up about that?"

"Yep." Crow nodded. "He wouldn't shut up about it even after your warning to not tell anything."

"Well, I don't want you to think that we are some kind of lunatic." I said in embarassment.

"Well, after seeing unusual Summoning Method you guys used, it wasn't that hard to believe." Crow pointed out.

"This is a mistaken arrest!" Sawatari yelled to the camera on the van. "When my father heard about this, you all will done for!"

"Sit the fuck down or I swear to outer gods that I'll beat the living shit out of you and twist your neck until it snap."

At my threat, Sawatari and everyone on the van giving me a shock looks. Sawatari immediately sat down after I gave him a murderous glare. Thank you Rimuru for the technique.

"How did they found us? After all, none of us roamed around, making a big public commotion with our unusual Summoning Method. Right Serena, Sawatari?" I sarcasstically asked the two persons, who look uncomfortable.

"Sawatari and I went out to look out for Yuzu last night." Serena admitted almost immediately. "And we...Dueled a few times to find a Strong Duelists."

"Really?" I said in disbelief. "After everything I said to you, you still aimlessly search for Yuzu?!"

"I'm truly sorry." She had guilty looks on her face. "I should listened your words from the start."

I sighed. "At least you apologize. I just hope that nothing bad happen to the kids. Because if it does, it is on you and banana head over there. As for us, we will managed somehow. Also, apologize to Crow and Shinji."

"It's okay." Shinji smiled. "At least we managed to avoid kids got captured too. Besides, Security tends to capture Commons for no reason like this, so it was all bound to happen."

"I just hope they didn't steal food again..." Crow said with sad expression.

"Don't worry Crow. My bag full of food is still in your place." I told him. "That should keep them good for at least a week."

"Thank you one more time for that."

"Crow..." Yuya called him, prompted him to look at the tomato boi. "I'm sorry...for what I've been said this morning. I should understand your condition and yet, I yell at you like a spoiled brat."

"No problem." Crow said with a shrug. "I already forgive you. Beside, because of that I can saw you got scolded by your brother. That's kinda amusing."

"Brother? Mizael is not my brother." Yuya cleared up the confusion.

"He's not?" Crow raised his eyebrow. "I thought he's your brother since he scold you just like an older brother scold his naughty little brother."

"Anyway, where are they taking us?" Sawatari asked.

"Where else?" Shinji closed his eyes. "When they're placed you in this van, they'll take you into one place: Facility."

After Shinji said that, the transport vehicle stopped. Door opened and we were ordered to exit the van.

"We brought six new prisoners." Male officer said, checking his tablet device for information.

"Confirmed." Female guard nodded before turned to Serena. "You've been placed in separated quarters from those five. Come with me."

"Where are you taking her?" I asked defensively.

"Don't worry." Serena look at me with a smile. "I'll be fine."

"Alright." I sighed before she was led to special cell. "I just hope she doesn't do anything harsh again."

"Your Duel Disks shall be confiscated, but take your Deck with you." Guard took our Duel Disks and giving back our Decks to us.

"You're not going to confiscated our Decks?" Crow asked, quite taken aback at this.

"Your Deck is valuable as your own life. You better make sure to keep it while you can." He answered with a sly smile. "So without further ado, I present to you the place of scum."

He slid a card into a scanner, causing the doors to open. We walked to find ourselves surrounded by an upward spiral of prison cells fill with dark faces and creppy grins.

"From that greeting, I can guess there's no soft beds or full course meals." Sawatari stated.

"No shit, Sherlock." I replied to Sawatari's dumb statement.

"Aside a few dangerous ones, almost everyone here is Common that was arrested on false charges." Crow told us.

"So just like us?" Yuya asked.

"Yeah." Shinji replied. "There are two different types of people: people with no life left in their eyes, and the one whose eyes still glow."

After that we were led in a cell, with Sawatari still complaining about this mistaken arrest. I give him a glare and he immediately shut his mouth. Real Solid Vision cuffs dissapeared and guard spoke to us.

"For now, this cell will be your new home sweet home!" He locked the cell doors while smirk. "Make sure you get along with your trash roommates."

After he left I had only one thing to say.

"What a dick."

"I know right?" Crow added. "Like hell this is home sweet home. Now then, what are we going to do now?"

"Looks like we have some newcomers."

One who spoken was a man in green jumpsuit, standing next to him, was a man in red jumpsuit.

"Well? Aren't you going to greet us?" The man in red jumpsuit asked.

"Nope." I simply replied. "We really don't see why."

"Listen brat!" Both of them start advancing towards us, with anger voice. "If you want to avoid problems in this place, you should bow your head down and say: Nice to meet you Sir."

"Don't make me laugh." Sawatari said from the sidelines. "If you want me to sit down, at least bring a sofa to me."

"And some pizza and soda, that would be great." I added, pissing them more.

"What was that you-"

"Quit acting so unseemly you two."

A familiar voice ordered the two men. Then, a large teen, along with three familiar faces emerged with a serious expression.

"Gongenzaka! Yuto!" Yuya exclaimed, surprise at seeing him here. Before Yuya could speak again, Gongenzaka hug him.

"Yuya!" He happily yelled. "Thank goodness you are safe!"

"Can't breath..."

At this point, Gongenzaka start to cried waterfalls and everyone watched the situation with weird looks.

"Who is this lovely affectionally guy?" Crow sweatdropped.

"Geez, Gongenzaka sure is overreacting." Yaiba said from behind, along with Hokuto on his side.

"Hokuto, Yaiba, you are here too?" I asked them.

"Yeah. Hokuto, Masumi and me was capture when Dueling Kurosaki in Underground Arena before we met Gongenzaka and Yuto here." Yaiba answered.

"So Masumi and Kurosaki is here too? Where are they?"

"Shun was in solitary confinement." Yuto joined in. "On his first day on Facility, he got into a fight with ten other prisoners."

"Geez, that guy got a serious anger management issues." I sighed.

"As for Masumi, she was sent to different cells from us." Hokuto added.

"You know them, boss Gon?" The red suit guy asked.

"Yeah." He nodded. "This guy is Sakaki Yuya, my best friend. And that was Kuroba Mizael, who also a good friend of mine."

"Eh?!" The duo cried.

"That person over there is Sawatari Shingo, who isn't my friend."

Know this information, the two panicked before bowing frantically with apolizing.

"How did you get here Gongenzaka?" Yuya asked his friend.

"After we teleported, the man Gongenzaka and Yuto woken up in the City. We looked around and trying to find the rest of you and just then, a group of Security capture us. At first we didn't know what happened but then they said that we was trespassing in Tops Area and here I am."

"Really?" Yuya looked at him in disbelief. "Just because you trespassing Tops area they capture you?"

"Tops was sensitive on that matter." Crow added from the side.

"Yuya, Mizael." Yuto turned to us. "Do you know what happened to Akaba Reiji and the others?"

"Reira is save." I answered. "Before we captured, Tsukikage saved him so he is with Akaba Reiji now, as for Yuzu-"

"What?!" Gongenzaka widened his eyes. "You've found Yuzu?!"

"No, not yet." Yuya said. "But it seems she's nearby. We should hurry up and get out of here to found her."

"Serena was also arrested with us, but she has been placed in separate quarters. I guess she is with Masumi rightnow." I added. "Kurosaki was in solitary confinement and for Akaba Reiji, we don't know yet."

"Anyway." Sawatari said before he faced Gongenzaka. "Aren't you boss around these part? Can't you do something?"

"I'm not exactly boss around here." Gongenzaka answered. "The true boss of this place is in another cell. From what I heard, he's been head of this prison for 10 years."

Later the Lancers were prepared to get dinner. Small portion of bread, soup and glass of water was our dinner today.

"Hey! How come mine is little?" Yuya asked.

"We have to ensure that everyone is get enough." The Officer said with a arrogant smirk.

Sawatari, as always, tell the Officer about how rich he is, only to be given a little same as the rest of us.

"In the end, we all treated the same." Shinji said.

"Forget it. Let's just eat." Crow told us as he, alongside Shinji and Sawatari went to find a table for us.

As we heading to Crow and others, Yuya was tripped and the other prisoners throw a bucket of water to me, Yuto, Hokuto and Yaiba's meals, claiming that he tripped over Yuya and say that the water came out from the bathroom earlier.

"Those bastards." Yaiba said in anger tone as I calmed him down.

"Calm down, Yaiba. Let me handle this."

I placed a hand on the thug shoulder, which confused him, Yuya and the rest of Lancers. After that, I kick his guts hard.

"ARGHHHH!" He collapse on the ground and held his gut in pain. That bastard deserve it.

"Shut the fuck up!" I kick him in the head hard, make him unconscious.

"Why you!" His friends got up from their seats. Three of them was charge at me, but I was ready to fight.

"PRISON FIGHT!" One random inmate yelled from top of his lungs.

After that a huge mess followed. Everyone fought eachother, while guards desperately tried to settle everything down. Shinji, Crow, Gongenzaka, Yuto and Yaiba beaten the crap out of everyone who got in their way while Hokuto and Sawatari cowered behind them.

"Yuya!" I called out my terrifed friend. "Run to Gongenzaka, I'll take care of this guy."

Three on one. Thanks to martial arts, I can take them down. I take down the first inmates using a kick in the head, knocking him out cold. Others tried to punch me, but I ducked and-

"Nut punch!" I do a split and punch his balls and his face was exactly like Yugo when Rin kneed him in stomatch. He dropped to the floor and after that he's unconscious.

The third thug was brutally punch me but I block and dodge all his attack before landed a several punch at him and finally kick his chin, make him collapse and then passed out.

"ENOUGH!" A strong male voice could be heard as a warning shot was fired and couple of people wearing a Special Ops uniform arrived to calm everyone down. I looked behind me and to my relief my friends are save.

"Who is responsible for this mess?!" The Officer asked as multiple prisoners pointed their fingers at me.

"Restrain him!" Couple of Special Ops surrounded me and before I had a chance to explain, they teazed me on the spot. Not only one, two, but 7 tasers! I feel on the floor and and felt myself being handcuffed. Last thing I can remember that Yuya and others desperately calling out of me while Security Guards held them. After that, everything went blank.

Solitary Confinement - Torture Room

I opened my eyes and found myself tied up in a wooden chair. I tried to break free but it's useless.

"Dammit! This is must be that place!"

"Don't worry." From shadows appear a woman looks like in the twenties. She had dirty blonde hair, wore a lab coat with simple shirt and jeans, while also wore a high heels.

"Just few, regular procedures and you'll be free." She said.

"What kind of procedures?" I asked as she gave me a creppy smile. It is obvious that this procedure will be fun for them.

"The procedures to make you silent of course. You caused so much trouble in this already troubled place." She replied as I widened my eyes in horror.

"Are you going to torture me?!" I demanded as she chuckled.

"Torture is such a bad word..." She said in creppy voice. "I prefer the term...experimenting."

She turned to two guards that restrain me. "You know what to do."

After that she left the room and I was dragged to the torture machine.

"ARGHHH!" I yelled in agony as electricity coursed through my body. I can feel burning sensation on my chest and I felt my heart wanted to explode from pressure. From that point, I didn't stop screaming for 30 minutes straight until the session was over. I lost all my strength and was barely focus on people that approached me.


Two guards continued dragging me towards my cell where Yuya and others are, while the rest of the inmates gave me concerned expression.

"Get in, Scum!" He violently pushed me inside, make me fell on the floor.

"Mizael!" Yuya and others rushed to me. I stood up as Gongenzaka carrying me to my bed. "What did they do to you?"

"Whatever they do to him, it's nothing good." Shinji pointed out.

"Shock theraphy..." I weakly replied. "They placed me in some sort of machine and tortured me for 30 minutes straight."

"No way..." Everyone widened their eyes in shock.

"Unforgivable!" Gongenzaka yelled in anger. "To treat a human like that!"

"But why they did that to you?" Yuto asked. "Starting a prison fight still isn't good enough reason for torturing you."

"I think it's just a rule on this accursed place." I replied. "Sorry for the trouble anyway."

"It's okay." Sawatari arrogantly said. "I beated at least 10 prisoners with a little effort."

"Oi!" Crow seemed annoyed. "Didn't you hide behing Gongenzaka during entire fight?"

"And don't forget to mention that he was hide behind me too." Hokuto added.

Everyone shared a good laugh after seeing a Sawatari's face. I suddenly started to feel dizzy. "Guys, I don't want to be rude, but I need to get some rest."

"It's okay." Yuya smiled at me. After that I closed my eyes and go to the dreamland.

Tomorrow - Morning

I opened my eyes and saw everyone was already awake.

"Morning guys." I greeted them.

"Morning Mizael." Yuya greeted back with a smile. "Now come on! It's time to real breakfast!"

"Huh?" I tilted my head in confusion before I realized that I missed Yuya and Chojiro's Duel.

"You just have to see it." Sawatari added as we all headed to cafetaria.

We all had our usual small portions of food and headed towards Enjoy Chojiro's table. A full of good food was there.

"Oh?" Chojiro stopped eating and look at me with a smile. "And who might you be? Another one of Yuya's friends?"

"I am sir." I shook his hand. "I am Kuroba Mizael. Nice to meet you sir."

"It's nice to meet you too." He greeted back as the guards mentioned us to sit at the table.

"Now you guys, let's eat together!" He exclaimed as the guard took our trays and replaced them with a first class food.

I thanked him and slowly began eating. Those thugs from yesterday passed by me and shivered in fear from the glare I gave them.

"I was wondering." Chojiro took a sip on his water. "Why weren't you with Yuya and others yesterday?"

"Well, guards teazed me when I started a mess yesterday." I told him as he gave me a concerned look. "They torture me with some kind of shock therapy as punishment."

"And you survived?!" One of Chojiro's lackey exclaimed in shock. His statement took everyone by surprise as Chojiro sighed.

"From what I heard, torture that they put you through is on whole different level of pain. Only a few prisoners survived. You should be glad that you're still alive." He explained.

"No way." Crow's eyes widened in shock.

"Being a Barian has its perks. My endurance is 3,5 times stronger than peak humans body could endure." I thought.

"Don't mess with me!" One prisoner complained as guards restrain him. "I had nothing to do with that!"

The guards ignored him. "Just behave and come quick!"

"No! Stop! I didn't know anything!"

"Those idiots..." Chojiro sighed. "They planned a prison break. They should have think about comrades that they were leaving behind."

"Comrades?" Yuya asked.

"Those who are left behind are held to joint liability and then punished along." He answered.

"Joint liability?!" Yuya gasped. "Even they are not involved in prison break?! Not fair!"

"It's not." Chojiro agreed. "But that's the rules here. They are never to be seen again."

"Here's the deal." I gained a serious look. "We can't stay here. We have comrades outside that are counting on us and we can't let them down."

"So you're suggest that we do a prison break too?" Chojiro asked.

"Yes." I nodded, surprising everyone. "But to do that we need a distraction."

"What kind of distraction?" Sawatari asked.

"Some of us will Duel each other as distraction. Now for our main plan..."


"From 'reliable sources', it appears that Serena, Masumi and Kurosaki are in the opposite tower. Serena and Masumi is on the Special Conficement on the top floor while Kurosaki was in Solitary Conficement on the middle floor." I explained.

"How did you find that out?" Shinji asked me.

"Reliable sources." I replied. Well, I told Photon and Tachyon to roaming around the Facility thanks to their invicible body. "Yuya, Chojiro, Sawatari and Hokuto will do an Battle Royale Duel as distraction."

"But how can we Duel if we don't have our Duel Disks?" Yuya asked.

"I believe Chojiro-san have plenty of that, right?" I asked as he nodded.

"Still, we have to retrive our Duel Disks back." Gongenzaka added.

"Our Duel Disks are on storage room nearby Solitary Conficement which Kurosaki is placed." I told them. "So whoever finds Kurosaki should be able to retrive them."

"Seems like a plan. But we can't just rush recklessly. We have to have some sort of a stealthly way to sneak out so we not get caught." Crow suggested.

"Ventilation is the best way out. Through it we should be able to reach sewers in short amount of time." I answered as I turned to them. "Before I continued, does everybody understand our plan?"

Everyone nodded at that.

"So, Crow and Shinji, you should take care of Ventilation System. Yuto and Yaiba will go to Kurosaki's cell while Gongenzaka and I will find Serena and Masumi."


In the evening, our plan of escaping is progressing as the prisoners are setting up a Duel box. Yuya, Chojiro, Sawatari and Hokuto are on the stage as they activated their respective Duelists.

"This will be a fun Duel!" Sawatari excitedly said.

"You bet!" Hokuto added.

"Dueling is life, you only live once. All in all, Win or Lose, let's enjoy!" Chojiro exclaimed as the prisoners cheers at Chojiro's words.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! The fun starts now!" Yuya exclaimed while the prisoners cheers even more.

The four Duelists shout at the same time.


Yuya LP: 4000 x5
Chojiro LP: 4000 x5
Hokuto LP: 4000 x5
Sawatari LP: 4000 x5

"I'm going first!" Yuya said as he draw his starter cards. "I Summon Performapal Skullcrobat Joker!"

Performapal Skullcrobat Joker (ATK 1800/DEF 100/Spellcaster/Dark/Pendulum/LV 4/PS 8)

"When Skullcrobat Joker is Normal Summoned, I can add one "Performapal", "Odd-Eyes" or "Magician" Pendulum Monsters from my Deck to my hand! I add Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon!"

"Pendulum?" One of the prisoners wondered.

"What's that?" The other one added.

"Then I set one card facedown and called it a turn." Yuya concluded.

"So only Joker eh?" Sawatari said. "Then I will make a flashier opening than that! With the Scale 1 Abyss Actor - Evil Heels and Scale 8 Abyss Actor - Funky Comedian I set the Pendulum Scale! With this, I can Summon Monsters between Level 2 and 7 at the same time! Pendulum Summon! Come forth, my Monsters!" A burst of light come from the portal.

"Please welcome the main actor of this show! Abyss Actor - Superstar!"

Abyss Actor - Superstar (ATK 2500/DEF 1800/Fiend/Dark/Pendulum/LV 7/PS 6)

"What?! He summoned a high Level Monster without tribute?!" The prisoners exclaimed in disbelief.

"This is the Pendulum Summon, a new Summoning Method. Now to make things more interesting, I activate Abyss Script - Opening Ceremony! Now for "Abyss Actor" Monster I Control, I got 500 Lifepoints!" Sawatari surrounded by green aura.

Sawatari LP: 4000 - 4500

"With that I end my turn." Sawatari concluded.

"Do you think you can bested me in flashiness? Think again! My turn!" Hokuto exclaimed as he draw his starter cards. "I Summon Constellarknight Algiedi!"

Constellarknight Algiedi (ATK 1600/DEF 1400/Spellcaster/Light/LV 4)

"When Algiedi is Summoned, I can Special Summon one "Tellarknight" Monster from my hand! I Special Summon Satellarknight Vega!"

Satellarknight Vega (ATK 1200/DEF 1600/Warrior/Light/LV 4)

"Tellarknight?" Yuya and Sawatari wondered aloud.

"When Vega is Summoned, I can Special Summon one "Tellarknight" Monster from my hand! Come forth! Constellarknight Kaus!"

Constellarknight Kaus (ATK 1800/DEF 700/Beast-Warrior/Light/LV 4)

"I Overlay my Level 4 Algiedi, Vega and Kaus! The mighty knight of the star! Descend and eradicate the darkness! Xyz Summon! Rank 4! Stellarknight Delteros!"

Stellarknight Delteros (ATK 2500/DEF 2100/Warrior/Light/Xyz/Rank 4/OVU 3)

The prisoners was shock when he saw Xyz Summoning.

"Xyz Summon?!" One of the prisoner exclaimed.

"They have such a bizzare Summoning Method!"

"I hope this is enough to let the others have a change to escape." The four thought.

With Yuto and Yaiba

"Damn." That's the only words Yaiba can say after he and Yuto stopped at the doors of Solitary Confirment and saw several guards knocked out cold. Yuto swiftly blocked a punch coming from Kurosaki while Yaiba was holding his wooden Katana defensively.

"Yuto." Kurosaki flatly said. "What are you doing here?"

"Helping you of course." Yuto responded.

"I don't need any help." He rudely said. "Let's go."

They stopped in Storage Room as Kurosaki kicking the doors open and retrived Lancers Duel Disks.

"Where are the others?" Kurosaki asked.

"Mizael and Gongenzaka went to pick up Serena and Masumi. Crow, Shinji, our new comrades are just up ahead while Chojiro, Yuya, Sawatari and Hokuto is providing a distraction for us to escape." Yaiba explained.

"That would explain the lack of guards here." Kurosaki noted. "Neverthless, let's go."

Then the trio was continued running.

Back to the Duel

"My turn! Enjoy!" Chojiro exclaimed as everyone present cheers.

"I activate a Spell Super Koikoi! With this card effect, I can draw three cards from my deck and special summon any "Flower Cardians" I draw! However, non "Flower Cardians" are sent to the graveyard and I take one thousand points of damage for each one!" Choujiro said while Yuya just smiles and looks on.

"Now the first draw!" Choujiro said as he prepares to draw.

"Come on, come on..." Everyone muttered.

"Enjoy! Flower Cardian - Bush Clover with Boar! The second draw!" Everyone cheers at the draw.

Flower Cardian - Bush Clover with Boar (ATK 1000/ DEF 1000/Warrior/Dark/LV 6)

"Come on, come on..."

"Enjoy! Flower Cardian - Maple with Deer! The third draw!"

Flower Cardian - Maple with Deer (ATK 1000/DEF 1000/Warrior/Dark/LV 10)

"Come on, come on..."

"Enjoy! Flower Cardian - Peony with Butterfly!"

Flower Cardian - Peony with Butterfly (ATK 1000/DEF 1000/Warrior/Dark/Tuner/LV 7)

"He did it!" Sawatari exclaimed while Hokuto and Yuya just smile.

"It seems my draw isn't getting old." Chojiro noted. "And then, their ATK and DEF points become 0 and their levels become 2!"

Flower Cardian - Bush Clover with Boar (LV 6 - 2)

Flower Cardian - Maple with Deer (LV 10 - 2)

Flower Cardian - Peony with Butterfly (LV 7 - 2)

"Then I tune Bush Clover with Boar, Maple with Deer with Peony with Butterfly! The ferocity of a boar, the gallantry of a deer, the beauty of a butterfly! Synchro Summon! Come forth! Level 6! Flower Cardian - Boardefly!"

Flower Cardian - Boardefly (ATK 2000/DEF 2000/Warrior/Dark/Synchro/LV 6)

"Ready everyone?" Chojiro asked the trio Lancers, who nods.

"I activate Quick-Play Spell Cardian Last Draw! Now I can make a rain of cards!" At the command, a cards starting raining down like shower, which make all Prisoners and Guards tried to take them.

"They are the rare cards!" One of the crowds exclaimed happily.

"It seems our plans are completely success." Hokuto said with smile.

"It does." Chojiro added.

"Now for final act! Trap Card! Performapal Great Escape!" Yuya exclaimed as they are surrounded by as smoke and the four Duelists run to Crow and Shinji's place.

With Mizael and Gongenzaka - Special Confinement

Because that distraction Duel, there were only a few guards in Special Confinement, which make me and Gongenzaka can beat them with ease. After we arrived in Serena and Masumi's cell, Gongenzaka kick the door open. We get in and saw Serena and Masumi was stood in fighting stance.

"Mizael, Gongenzaka..." Serena muttered.

"So I assumed you managed to plan a prison break?" Masumi asked.

"Yep." I responded. "Better we have to get out of here before they catch us."

"Okay." Serena said, which make me inwardly sighed in relief. She did learn from her mistake, just like that genius, playboy, billionaire and philanthropist man. "What about our Duel Disks?"

"Yuto and Yaiba took a care of that." Gongenzaka answered. "Better we hurry. The others are waiting for us!"

Later with the Rest of Lancers

"Your plan is a great success. Nice one, Mizael." Crow said with a smile as we stopped to rest a little bit.

"Thanks to our distraction team. Without them, we'll be here forever." I said with a smile.

"Anything to get out of here." Yuya added. "For Yuzu and our comrades."

"We just have to wait for a signal." Shinji's friend, Damon looked on the other side of the wall and noticed a small flash.

"Let's jump!" Shinji grabbed a railing. "If we get to opposite bank, we will be able to escape."

Damon jumped, followed by Shinji, Yuya and the rest of the Lancers.

"Mizael." I heard Serena was calling me. "I'm sorry for the trouble I made and-"

She paused before she hugged me. "Thank you for saving me."

"Uh...you're welcome?" I said ackwardly. I Didn't expect at her sudden change of attitude and the hug. She jumped to the water while I was still standing, dumbfouded.

Crow laughed as he placed his hand on my shoulders. "Man, you sure are the lucky guy!"

"What?! Our relationship is not like that!" I defended myself. But of course, the blush on my face make him thought other way.

"Right." He grinned and pushed me to the water.

"Crow you jerk!" I yelled at him. To make it worst, he jumped in beside me, subsequently splashing me. "Better get swimming then!"

We swam about half a minutes and search light suddenly fell on us. We looked up and saw a person get pushed forward.

"Shinji, Damon, I'm sorry..." That person weakly apologized.

"Tony..." Damon said in shocked because his friend betray him like that.

"I heard that there was a Entertaiment Duel going on the facility. Have I mistaken it for a swim meet?"

"It can't be..." Crow muttered shocked as man's face revealed itself. "He is..."

"I should have mentioned this first: I am the person in charge of order in this City. I am the Chief of the Security Bureau, Jean-Michel Roget. We finally meet, everyone."


Later at the Transport Veichle

"CKEEEEER!" I yelled, frustrated as they placed Real Solid Vision cuffs on us and pushed us in the van. AGAIN!

"Dammit!" Crow cursed with a sad expression. "I will never see kids again if this keep happen to us!"

"Don't give up!" Shinji told his friend. "There is still hope."

"Let me go, you bastards!" Serena protested as she was restrained by two Officers. "Where are you taking me?!"

"Please do not worry." Roget answered in a calm tone. "We will treat you kindly."

Just then, a light shone on us and helicopter began descending towards us. Roget immediately gained a serious look on his face and approched two people in white uniforms and green visiors that came out of it.

"These people are to be handled by the Executive Council." First one formaly said. "Hand them over immediately."

"This is the Council's consensus." The second one added. "The Security Bureau has a duty to obey."

"Please wait!" Roget exclaimed, raising his tone. "They are troublemakers who have incited the Commons and planned to disrupt peace in this City! Security must investigate them thoroughly-"

His next words were interrupted by holograms figures of Exeuctive Council appearing before him.

"We will determine whether they're troublemakers or not." First memeber of Council, wearing a golden attire said.

"Send them here immediately." Only lady of the group said

"This is an order." Third with a weirdly shaoed head said.

"Correct, Chairman?" Forth member of Council turned to their

"Yes. Now, if you please." Leader, White Taki nodded with a smile.

From Roget's expression, he wanted to protest, but of course that would be pointless. Officers began pushing us in the helicopter and after few minutes we took off.

Hall of Dominion - Excecutive Council's HQ

Ride was pretty quiet. Most consisting about rest fearing about their fate as I, do my best to look the same way.

Helicopter landed and we were escorted from the vehicle to large and luxurious courtroom by same mans in white uniform that came to retrive us. Headed at 'throne' were Highiest Authority in Neo Domino City - Executive Council.

"Since we're all gathred, shall we begin?" Taki asked with a smile. "Director Roget, you seemed pretty upset about not being able to handle them. Why is that if I may ask?"

"Exeuctive Council." He began saying in respectful tone. "These people have inicited Commons and planed to distrubt peace in the City! It's pretty much obvious from testimonies of their arrested comrades!"

"Stop messing around!" Sawatari snapped, clenching his tied hands. "We didn't know about any plan, we escaped by chance! As a matter of fact, we were locked up for no reason at all!"

"For once I agreed with him." I added.

"Resisting Security..." He glared at us. "That alone is indisputable crime."

"You guys started it first!" Yuya angrily added. "The moment we arrived in this Dimension, we were suddenly surrounded by Security."

"Dimension?" Roget's eyes narrowed as he turned to face Council. "Did you hear that? He just said that he arrived in this Dimension."

"Dimension?" Tokumatsu wondered. "What does that mean?"

"If you take this words as face value, that means that they came from another Dimension. That also explains why they use Summoning Methods that are not present in our World." He held up his hand. "Fusion, Xyz and Pendulum."

At the mentioned of our Summoning Methods everyone narrowed their eyes at Roget. Heh, what a fool. You just expose yourself.

"Do these users of unknown Summoning Methods have a purpose of arriving in our City?"

"To protect it." I simply answered Rogers question.

"Protect it?" He seemed unconvinced. "Security's job is to protect."

"Your Security is a joke." I told him in all honesty. "We teared them to shreds in a matter of minutes. Also, judging by Society in this City, they aren't doing a good job. Arresting innocents and locking them up for life for a simple crime as steaking a loaf of bread to feed their families? Is that what you called protective, huh?"

"In this World everyone has a role to fufiil." Roget told me in monotone voice. "Winners are born to be winners and losers are born to be losers."

Crow, Shinji were ready to tear his head off, but I spoke again. "While it's true that everyone has a role to fulfill, but it's not our job to determine people's roles. It's theirs."

Crow and rest of his squad had a satisfied look on their faces as I turned to Council next. "We do not wish to cause any disturbance in your City. If we did, you have our deepest apologize. But like I said before, we came to this Dimension to protect it from the upcoming danger."

"You guys are from another Dimension..." Chojiro turned to Yuya. "In that case, Yuya?"

"Yes." Yuya nodded. "We came from another Dimension called Standard. But please believe us that we didn't come to this Dimension in order to cause trouble!"

"He's right." Door opened and Reiji stood with Reira and Tsukikage by his side. "Our aim isn't to cause mayhem."

"Akaba Reiji!"

"And Reira!"

"So they were fine all this time, huh?"

Sawatari, Yuya and Serena exclaimed as new arrival descended from stairs to ground level.

"We, Lancers, came to Synchro Dimension in order to protect it from Academia's invasion." Reiji stated as he approached Roget. "We would also like to join forces with you in order to win the Dimensional War."


"It's short for Lance Defense Soldiers." Sawatari responded to Crow's question with a proud expression. "The truth is, we're Duel Soldiers meant to take on Academia!"

"Duel Soldiers?" Tokumatsu seemed unconvinced. "YOU?!"

"He has been a human shield for us. And moral booster." I stated, giggling at Sawatari's angered expression. "That's a VERY important role after all."

Sawatari wanted to do his usual babling about how he's Super Special Awesome Neo New Sawatari, but he was interrupted by Roget's loud and I might even add annoying laughter.

"What's so funny?!"

"Excuse me." Roget cleared his throat after Sawatari's outburst. "And here I was wondering what you would say-"

"Exeuctive Council..." Reiji pushed his glasses up. "Know the full story."

"You..." He turned to Council with shocked expression. "You actually believe his story?"

"We heared everything from Akaba Reiji." Gael said.

"About Dimensional War..." Gray continued.

"...as well as Lancers. He already showed the data to us." Azul concluded.

"Correct Chairman?" Bordeaux asked.

"Yes, this talk is over." White Taki replied.

"Does the Council really believe such foolish claims?!" He exclaimed.

"Akaba Reiji already showed the data. Also he already tested by facing 10 Securities and win in one Turn." Gael told the head of Security, making him sweat nervously.

"If such strong Duelists offers us protection, why say no?" Gray questioned him.

"Correct, Chairman?" Bordeaux asked white robed man again.

"That is correct." Taki nodded with a smile.

"There are people who indeed came from Different Dimension. That is pretty much confirmed."

"Besides..." Azul spoke after Gray. "You arrested them for investigation, because you also believe in existance of other Dimensions, right?"

"I was afraid their aim..." He turned his eyes towards us. "Is to invade our Dimension."

"That's nonsense!" Gongenzaka yelled.

"What?!" Yuya's eyes widened. "We're not invaders!"

"He's right!" Hokuto added.

"We just want to search our comrades here! Before you arrested us with no freaking reason!" Yaiba mentioned.

"Don't spout bull!" Sawatari spat. "True invaders are Academia. We came here to protect this Dimension. Akaba Reiji already explained that!"

"Hmph..." He scoffed. "Security will decide wha-"

"Our job is to decide their fate." Gael stated in a firm tone.

"I order to do that, Executive Council will handle everyone present." Gray continued

"Everyone?!" Chojiro spoke up. "You doubt me as well? Even if I was in Facility for ten years?"

"There will be no exceptions." Azul reached final decision, making Chojiro groan in frustation.

"If you are our allies, we would like you to prove that to us." Bordeaux said.

"Prove it?" Sawatari asked. "How?"

"Participate in the Friendship Cup." Reiji added.

"The Friendship Cup?!"

"That is correct." Reiji nodded. "It's what Executive Council is aiming for. Lancers participate in tournament and display their skills as true Duel Soldiers."

"Us too?" Chojiro's eyes widened.

"No exceptions." Azul repeated herself.

"I can actually enter the City's largest Duel Tournament, the one I've heard about for so long?"

"I personally would like you to enter as well." White Taki told Chojiro with his usual smile. "After all, you were the catalyst for the formation of the Friendship Cup."

"I...was the catalyst?"

"Ten years ago, your arrest led the Commons youth to revolt against us." White Taki explained. "In order to control that situation, the Duel Chasers were formed. However, disorder only increased as we enforced greater control. Ultimately, we came up with a Duel Tournament to promote harmony between the Tops and Commons, the Friendship Cup. The winner earns the honor of being a shared King for both Tops and Commons, just like the current King - Jack Atlas."

"Yusei is the true king, Snowflake." I thought.

"What shared king?!" Crow yelled, outrage. "I'm refuse to put on a show for Tops!"

"Crow..." Yuya muttered.

"I know how you feel, but if we enter, Frank and other kids can see that we're doing okay." Shinji reassured with his friend.

"Alright!" Tokumatsu cheered. "Now I can fufil my promise to the children."

"Yosh!" Sawatari entusiasticly exclaimed. "Let's fire up the audience of Synchro Dimension with our Entertainment Duel, Yuya!"

"Yeah, yeah. But more importantly, we have to find Yuzu soon..."

"Oh?" Roget smirked. "Hiiragi Yuzu is indeed your comrade?"

"You..." Yuya sounded suprised. "Don't tell me...that you captured Yuzu?!"

"She hasn't been arrested." Roget told him. "She's an important Duelist who's also participating in the Friendship Cup after all."

"Yuzu is entering the Friendship Cup?!"

Everyone, except me was visibly shocked at this new information.

"If you're that worried about her, I can let you know that she's doing okay." Roget reassured him.

He turned to Council. "I understand. I also agree on their participation in Friendship Cup as well. That's why I would like to make a proposal."


"What is it?"

Gael and Gray questioned Roget.

"Every years, on the opening of Friendship Cup, the King carries out an Exhibition Match." He pointed towards ME. "How about letting him serve as an opponent?"

"ME?!" I yelled, clearly shocked this time.

"He definitely has a plan for you, Master." Photon appeared on my right side.

"Indeed. You must be careful." Tachyon added from my left said.

"Kuroba Mizael, eh?" Gray muttered.

"Why him?" Azul asked.

Roget looked at me with sharp eye. "No doubt that Kuroba Mizael is the most skilled one. Facing many Securities and defeating them with ease make Security look like a children in comparison. He will be a worthy opponent for king to prove his strength."

"I see...is that acceptable Chairman?" Bordeaux asked.

"Yes, that is fine."

Taki nodded as he turned to Reiji. "How about you?"

"I have no objections." Reiji replied formaly as he glared at Roget.

After our conversation was finished, white uniformed man began escorting rest of my comrades.

"Where are you taking them?" I asked.

"Do not fear." Bordeaux calmly said. "We have to intention in putting them in further danger."

"They are participants of Friendship Cup after all..." Gray pointed out.

"They may be fugitives, but they are still heroes." Azul stated. "As long as they keep winning."

Bordeaux turned to their leader. "Isn't that right Chairman."

"Yes." He nodded with his usual smile. "We will look after them like guests. That's it if you keep winning."

"Winning, huh? This is why Arc-V Neo Domino is worse than 5D's Neo Domino."

"Mizael!" Yuya called me, snapping me from my thought. "Good luck in your Duel. Yuzu must be watching close by. Just tell her I miss her if you ever get a chance."

"I will." I smiled at him before he exited the room.

"Show everyone the power of the Lancers!" Sawatari declared.

"Good luck." Masumi said.

"Show the king what you got!" Hokuto exclaimed.

"Don't embarass Mr. President by losing." Yaiba firmly said.

"Be careful." Yuto advice.

"Thank you guys." I thanked them.

"Crush that traitor Jack Atlas! No matter what!" Crow told me.

"Sheesh Crow...you just don't understand. But your anger is understandable."

"Don't you dare lose now!" Kurosaki yelled. "You will make me look bad."

"Hey." I looked up to see Serena. "Now's your change to show everyone your power. And.." She paused before she do something unexpected. She KISSED me on the cheek. I never thought she will do something like THAT! Especially on ME!

"Good luck." She smiled at my red dumbfounded face and left the room.

"W-What was that...? Is she just...kissing me?!" I take about 10 minutes to process that event. Damn, this is my first kiss on this world.

"Have you ever kiss someone on your world, Master?" Photon asked me.

"Yes. Only once and it was an accident." I answered with a tiny blush on my face.

"Let me guess, Rimuru Arashi?" Tachyon guessed.

"Who else?"


"Anyway, are you ready to face the King of Synchro?" Photon asked.

"Of course. I can finally meet and face one of my favorite Characters! Also, this match will decide who is superior. The Galaxy or the Red Demon?"

"Of course it's us."

"I know you would say that."

To be Continued

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