eternity// 5SOS

By 5sosxruel

25.1K 1K 287

SEQUEL to serendipity Michael always found there was a honeymoon phase after adoption. Kids behaved, everyon... More



640 29 9
By 5sosxruel


Poppy being Poppy did not really take advantage of the fact Dr George was genuinely at her beck and call all day.

We learnt he was a fairly new surgeon to this hospital, but he had performed many successful surgeries elsewhere and had a good reputation- I could see why. He was really patient but extremely efficient, and got to know a lot about us.

Again, it made me a little sad because I knew he suspected bad news, but he had my full trust.

Poppy had had her scans, so now laid watching tv on the ipad while Crystal and I sat together in silence, cuddling.

It was mid afternoon by now, and we had all eaten some lunch. Even though the scans had taken a while, Dr George did speak to us a lot in between, and only popped off for a couple of consultations.

"I'm back, again,"

Poppy moved her gaze towards him, then looked back at the ipad, ignoring us.

"Sorry, she's tired,"

"It's all good. By her records I am guessing this is the place she'd least like to be,"

"Yeah... thank you for being so good to her," Crystal said, "It means a lot,"

"I reckon she will warm up to me,"

"So we've gotta come back?" I sighed.

"Unfortunately so. Her knee hasn't healed properly at all,"

"So what now?"

"I can fix it, and it will be a long journey, but I can fix it,"

He took out her scans and put them on the wall, showing us.

"A rough idea is that I will need to repair the ligaments in her knee, and then recorrect her other leg. It's not going to be the greatest experience , and it is up to you guys whether you have it, but her pain will not get any better without,"

"Recorrect her leg?"

"Yeah... she broke it look and it didn't heal,"

"She didn't break her leg, she hurt her ankle,"

"She has at some point,"

"I did it ages ago," she said casually, "Before home,"

"Oh, okay sweetpea. We're gonna get that fixed up then, okay?"

"I did it to the other leg too, but now only my knee hurts,"

He put up her other scans and gave us a weak smile.

"Her other leg is okay. I don't know if you can tell the difference but... that one healed. It's just the knee on that one,"

"Yes. I was a baby I think,"

Crystal grabbed my hand tightly and I rubbed my thumb on it, taking a deep breath.

"What time frame are we looking at?" I asked, "From now until she can walk,"

"Well, that depends. How soon can you do surgery?"

"Well, it's summer for her,"

"I can do pre-op as early as next week, I just got a spot free. Then surgery the week after, that's all before Christmas. She will have to stay in hospital for a few days but she will be out in time,"

"And there is no other way to fix this?" Crystal asked, "This seems unfair,"

"If there was another way then I would've suggested it in a heartbeat,"

I sighed and nodded, standing to shake his hand.

"Thank you, really. We can do that. If it's not too much to ask, are you able to write us a note for our insurance? We had a camping holiday but obviously this is more important,"

"Of course, I will get that done,"

"Will I be in a wheelchair?"

"Yeah, sorry honey,"

"Okay," she sighed, "But you can fix it?"

"I can,"

"Well that's good. Can we go to the barbecue now dad?"

"Let's drop mum off at home and see what's going on,"

She got her crutches and gladly followed us out of the hospital, getting back in the car. I was so proud of her for getting through such a long day, and though the circumstances sucked, she was getting good help.

When we got home, we all went inside and Poppy changed into leggings and a sweatshirt because the evening was cool. Meanwhile, I caught up with all my kids' days.

Crystal- who absolutely loved the action of the kids- jumped straight into playing a board game, and while Luke left, Cal stayed to help her out.

He and Poppy exchanged a quiet word and a hug before she came over to me with a smile, surprisingly positive about everything. Calum followed with a cake that he had kindly picked up for us, and put it in the car.

"Kalani said everyone is over and sent me an address,"

"Well then let's go! Are you going to be okay with a barbecue?"

"Yes, I can see them cook,"

"Good point. You did so well today, I am super proud of you,"

"Dr George is nice,"

"He is, that's good,"

I put the address into the satnav and then we were on our way, a buzz radiating off Poppy. It was pleasant to see.

Personally I was a little nervous to mingle with the parents who had known each other a while, but I would be okay. This was for Poppy more than me.

It didn't take long for us to arrive, and we pulled up at a house similar to Alfie's. Well kept, identical to those around it, and clearly a good size for the amount of people they had.

"We can go home whenever you want, it's been a long day, but let's go and have some fun first,"

"Will you be okay?"

"I'll be fine, it will be good to get to know the parents whose house you might visit,"

I parked us down the road then grabbed the cake and led Poppy back to the house. She went to knock on the door, but I opened the back gate and she followed me, smiling when she saw everyone.

"Poppy! You made it,"

Maaz ran over and hugged her tightly, knocking her off balance. I caught her from behind and laughed slightly, giving her shoulder a squeeze before she joined the others on the sofa, fitting snugly between Alfie and Kalani.

"Michael, it's good to see you," Paul said, diverting my attention, "Are you staying?"

"If that's okay,"

"Of course, take a seat, we were just wondering when you'd arrive. Beer?"

"Oh, no thank you, I don't drink around my kids," I said, taking an empty seat.

"We're Angie and Ted, Kalani and Elliot's parents,"

"Johi, Maaz's mum,"

"Michael," I nodded awkwardly, sweeping the hair from my eyes, "I brought cake,"

"Is that for Poppy's birthday? We have candles inside somewhere,"

"It is,"

"We have heard no end of things about her, the boys put their money together and got her a gift. They all seem to get along well," Angie said, "It's lovely,"

"Yeah, it is. She was so worried about making friends,"

"Is she new to the school?" Johi asked.

"Kind of, she had spent a lot of time in the office instead of the classroom, but she joined Alfie's art and then met everyone. We adopted her about 4 months ago, and she's had a lot of catching up to do,"

"Ah, okay,"

"Does she need anything for her legs? A cushion or something?"

"She'll be okay, that's her comfy position," I said, checking she was definitely okay, "So, what do you all do?"

I learnt a lot about everyone, and they learnt about me, all of us getting along. Paul and Angie started the barbecue and I looked over to see Poppy laid on Alfies lap, his hands going through her hair as they both recorded Kalani attempting a cartwheel. Her legs were aching, I could tell, but she was comfortable in his company.

Paul and I decided to carry on the barbecue and stood together, watching the kids now under blankets watching things on their phones.

"Poppy has spoken very highly of everyone, thank you again for letting her come round, she's been really happy about it,"

"She's always welcome! I know you have 8 kids, I can always look after her if you need, as long as I am free. She is really polite,"

"Thank you, that means a lot, that you're not hesitant about having her over,"

"Oh, she's a tough one, or so I have heard,"

"Yeah, I am sorry about what happened at school. Nath isn't usually like that but he just lost contact with his dad, and we got some other news- it had thrown him,"

"Don't worry, him and Alfie have spoken and it's alright. Things happen, neither of them are bad kids, I hope Nathan is okay,"

"He will be, I'm hoping family time this month will do us all good. You and Alfie, you seem close,"

"We are. His mum hasn't really been in the picture, but like I said, things happen. Your kids, are any of them yours?"

"No- well yes... well, biologically no. We have no biological kids, but they're all our kids,"

"Sorry, I realise I phrased that poorly,"

"It's okay. They're all fostered, then adopted. When we got Poppy 4 months ago, we were actually about to close our foster licence when we got the call,"

"Oh wow, perfect timing then,"

"Yeah. She got taken off us because she got attacked, hence the crutches, but we got her back. She genuinely is the sweetest soul,"


"Dad, how long will it be?" Alfie called, "We're hungry,"

"Not long!"

"So how long have the boys all been friends?" I asked, diverting the subject.

"Since forever, really. As soon as they met in school,"

"Oh wow, that's insane,"

"Yeah, they get along really well and so do all of us. We'd honestly love to have you join us,"

"Sure, I am always open to new people, and I'd like to know who my daughter's company is,"

We put the first plate of meat on the table and lets the kids scramble to it, Ted taking over as I helped Poppy with her burger. She was a little overwhelmed by having to choose food from here and there, so I got her some salad to go with it and she wanted some crisps too.

I put it on the table and she sat down, then I made sure to sit beside her, giving her a tight hug.

"I'm having fun,"


"But I am tired. Can we go after this?"

"Of course, you've had a long day,"

"My legs hurt," she said hushed on the verge of tears, "Dr George can fix them, right?"

"Yeah, it won't be an instant fix, but it will be the best he can do. You can have medicine at home,"

"I'm scared,"

"We can talk later or tomorrow, but it will be okay. Right now we are at a barbecue,"

She nodded and I kissed her head, quickly wiping her tears for her so that she could turn back to her friends.

I got food for myself and listened in on the conversation the adults were having, but much like Poppy I was pretty exhausted from today, mentally more than anything.

Whenever we discussed Poppy's injuries it made me furious, and that was hard to hold in for her. Today I had distracted myself as much as possible, but months later this was still impacting us, and my daughter was terrified. It was bullshit.

Everything she had gone through was fucking bullshit and I wanted to protect her from everything.

"Cake time! I'll get the candles," Angie said, dashing inside, swiftly coming back out with a few candles. She lit them and everyone started to sing, Poppy clutching my hand.

When she blew the candles out everyone cheered, but she looked at me with pleading eyes.

Angie cut the cake and we all ate a slice, then Alfie cleared his throat and produced a small box.

"This is from all of us,"

"What is it?"

"A birthday gift,"

She opened the lid of the box and pulled out a necklace with an assortment of beads either side if the letter 'P' . It was quite dainty, and they were all pink.

"Thank you,"

"It matches ours,"

He pulled a necklace out of his shirt which was the same but in dark blue. Elliots was green, Kalani's was purple, and Maaz's was black.

She bit her lip and tried to put it on, letting me help her.

"Thank you, this is so sweet," I said, "I hate to cut the party short but we have spent all day in hospital and are really exhausted, so I think we are going to head home,"

"No problem mate," Paul said, standing to give me a hug, "Here, give me your number and I can add you to the chat, and your wife's,"

I gave him both numbers and then let Poppy hug everyone goodbye, taking us back to the car where she burst into tears. The car tended to be a safe place to burst into tears.

"They really want to be friends with me,"

"They do. That is the most thoughtful gift,"

"I'm gonna wear it every day,"

"Good! You love beautiful with it. Is there anything you want to talk about before we get home?"

"No. I just want my bed,"

"Fair enough. Come on then, let's go and show everyone your first birthday gift,"

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