The Sacrifices We Made

By writerkemmy

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After a divorce with your husband the last thing you want on your list is seeing him again 6,000 miles away f... More



826 67 8
By writerkemmy

"The day after tomorrow we want to go down to the village are we supposed to go with some of the comrades or not," Xiao Zhan asked Wang Yibo since they were still drinking the hot choco together.

" The team and I will come "  Wang Yibo answered after some thinking. "And maybe we will take you around the town after your duties to show you around the town"

" is that a date offer I see dear ex-husband" Xiao Zhan joked

"I wouldn't say it is a date we won't be alone such a bummer but we can call this an evening date" Wang Yibo wasn't going to let Xiao Zhan win with his competitive tendency.

Xiao Zhan was choking, he didn't expect Wang Yibo to return his playful banter this was a new Wang Yibo.

"I need to go ... the role calls" Xiao Zhan placed the cup on top of the stone hurrying away from the place.

"What's wrong with you two, the both of you miss dinner and even roll call" Xingchen stood beside Xiao Zhan's bed while Wooseok and Jiang Cheng stood beside Sizhui's bed

"did something happen that we don't know," Wooseok asked the two as he narrowed his eyes "Something must have happened" He claimed the moment he and Xiao Zhan eyes came across each other "What happened" he asked the two.

"Can you leave me alone Wooseok dang it, I really hate it when you read me like a book" Xiao Zhan shouted from the blankets

" So what happened between you and your ex-husband," Xingchen asked


the three left the two alone but it wasn't
going to be a long-lasting victory for the two cause whatever happened to the two the three were going to fish it out.

"Good Morning at hour 1000 you are all required to report to the medicube to get your blood drawn I repeat all of you at 1000 hours you are required to report at the medicubes for your blood to be drawn it is a must not optional" The announcement went through the speakers at the dining hall.

outside the medicube, there was a long line that nearly reached the cafeteria. The troop was all happy to join the line even though it cost them their time but according to them the nurses at the medicube even the head doctor they were very captivating. You could see the proof of it by the many people who were lined in Xiao Zhan's side of the line.

"Why is everyone on one side why don't you go to the other side," Seungyoun asked. Looking inside the medicube he finally understood the reason why "Ah you all want Captain's wife to touch your hand"  Seungyoun tsked "I wonder how captain will feel when I tell him about this" he fished his phone out of his pocket and that was enough to scare the comrades

"Tell me what" Lord Wang Yibo the captain was behind him.

"N...nothing I swear it was nothing" Seungyoun shakes his head. Wang Yibo gives him one more look before looking at the others who were lining up.

" Where is this line leading to," he asked

" They are getting their blood drawn" Seungyoun answered for them. " You know the announcement you had it made today"

" Of course I know" Wang Yibo nodded even though he had forgot about that.

Wang Yibo followed the line and got to the front where there was chaos.

Wang Yibo didn't like this, he didn't like the way the officers were scrambling in line just to get their hands touched by Xiao Zhan. He would have used his power to stop this but then he had to remind himself that this was Xiao Zhan's job and also that they were no longer together. They had different lives now.

" Captain Wang are you here to get your blood drawn" Xiao Zhan was calling him over.

" No, I am just passing by" Wang Yibo waved off Xiao Zhan

"Come on Captain Wang why don't you get your blood drawn it is for the good of the economy" Xiao Zhan was starting to persuade him and according to his fresh memory Xiao zhan was pretty persuasive.

"Later but not now" Wang Yibo's later meant never and Xiao Zhan knew it.

"But Why though I know you are not going to come back can you do this for me please" Xiao Zhan tilted his head, put his hands together and pulled off the pleading face that Wang Yibo was never able to resist ever since 13 years ago. He sighed removing his watch from his hand he started to fold his shirt. The things he had to do for Xiao Zhan.

Wang Yibo was fearless he was very fearless. In his lifetime he got to lead a battalion of soldiers through three wars. He was once in one of the top-secret international assassination groups that worked to eliminate dangers behind the scenes which was more dangerous than any military he has ever known. He was now a captain of Team alpha one of China's top secret prominent military group that was full of China's top seals from all over the country's stations.  He was able to face Xiao Zhan's mother and his grandmother and also the whole clan of the Xiao's in one day so he could marry Xiao Zhan if you could list his achievements you would also see how fearless he was but even after all that Wang Yibo was pretty scared of needles more than anything in life and he was pretty sure his ex-husband was well aware of that piece of information.

"Uh you know what maybe you can come in later when this line is over" Xiao Zhan dismissed Wang Yibo.

Wang Yibo at first was surprised but when Xiao Zhan looked back at him after a while he mouthed 'sorry I forgot' and waved at him and he was back to focus on his work, which only made Wang Yibo's day even month.

It was around 3 pm when Wang Yibo came across Xiao Zhan who was running around with boxes in his hands and he looked cute in Wang Yibo's eyes but in others' eyes he would have looked quite dishevelled.

"Here let me help you" Wang Yibo took the boxes from Xiao zhan who was probably going to argue against it but he stopped.

"Thank you" Xiao Zhan trekked behind him. Maybe this was the best time to admire his ex-husband physique

"What are these" Wang Yibo asked

"Oh, those they are medical reports from the town clinic they came in today" Xiao Zhan answered

"What are you going to do with them"

" I am going to  look over them before I go over the town" Xiao Zhan smiled

Xiao Zhan instructed Wang yibo where he was supposed to place the box filled with papers. "Thank you for the help you can go on your way on I am sure I must have interrupted your schedule" Xiao Zhan was keen on dismissing Wang Yibo.

But Wang Yibo didn't have anywhere to go, he was in fact he was on schedule and he was where he was supposed to be. He had deliberately left his work to Seungyoun to come and look for Xiao Zhan and here Xiao Zhan was keen on driving him away.

"Actually" Wang Yibo rubbed his nape wondering how his mind agreed to do this stupid idea

"Yes," Xiao Zhan turned.

The moment their eyes met Wang Yibo knew this was the most genius idea he had come up with "Actually I was wondering if I can have my blood drawn now"

"But" Xiao Zhan was going to protest but Yibo cut him to it.

"It is not going to be fair if the officers under my supervision get their blood drawn and their leader doesn't that is not a good example you know" Wang Yibo hoped Xiao Zhan would buy his excuse,

"Okay if you want to." Xiao Zhan disappeared to get the equipment leaving Wang Yibo alone to collect his breath and also wandering why the fuck did he settle to his mind that getting his blood drawn was the only way he would spend time with Xiao Zhan.

"Come on it's only going to take a minute if you cooperate with me" Xiao Zhan was having a hard time controlling Wang Yibo's trembling hand. "Look at me" Xiao Zhan pointed at himself.  "If you look at me you will probably remove the tension you have" Xiao Zhan was busy looking for the veins in Wang Yibo's arm so he probably wasn't aware of what he said.  And he wasn't lying when he said the tension he had would go if he looked at him.

"Ah, here I found it" Xiao Zhan cheered it. "Here it goes"  Xiao Zhan inserted the needle. Wang Yibo tensed in his seat. "You need to come down bobo, I am here. If you continue to be tense this might not end well" Xiao Zhan tried to massage Wang Yibo's forearm.

"Hey look at that it was easy, just like that" Xiao Zhan smiled after storing the blood in the container they had for storage before they had for transportation. "Uh we are done you can go now" Xiao Zhan looked around and not at Wang Yibo who was getting ready to go.

"Good night zhan," Wang Yibo told him as he stepped out. He probably wasn't going to see Xiao Zhan again and it was a good idea to bid him goodnight now and he was making a plan in his mind to be the earliest to bid Xiao Zhan good morning the next day.

After Wang Yibo left Xiao Zhan was left in the small office he had inside the med cube trying to read through the medical reports from the village clinic but his mind wasn't concentrating, it was replaying back to back moments he had with Wang Yibo barely 2 hours ago.

"Ah Xiao Zhan what the fuck is wrong with you, why did you act like that were you on your right mind" Xiao Zhan bit his lips closing his eyes trying to forget his actions with Wang Yibo before.

"who isn't in their right mind"

"Ah" Xiao Zhan let out his high pitched scream "How long have you been there Wooseok"

"Long enough to know someone isn't in their right mind who is it," Wooseok asked approaching Xiao Zhan.

"N...nobody" Xiao Zhan went back to his papers.

"You are holding the papers the wrong way dumbo" Wooseok corrected the way Xiao Zhan was holding the paper. "you know what I have noticed"

"W...what" Xiao Zhan was scared, if Wooseok had noticed the disclosing friendship that was building around him and Wang Yibo he was now officially dead,

"You and Sizhui are acting really weird" Wooseok closed off the space that was between them, Xiao Zhan would have pushed back his chair but the space was small already so there wasn't any chance and space.

"the two of you are hiding something from me and i am going to find out whether the both of you like it or not" Wooseok turned his heel living Xiao Zhan there as if he wasn't there to threaten him.

1900 words for my absence the whole of October.

Shout out to the readers who asked for an update during my absence.

How many chapters do you think the book will go for. Cause I think like 40 chapters of it is 1.5k+ words plus but 40+ if it's 1k words per chapters.


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