My Little Mint Green Fox // Y...

By JkTaeandJiminshipper

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Kim Seokjin was walking past a hybrid shelter that he knew wasn't a very good one. They didn't take care of t... More

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By JkTaeandJiminshipper

"So you were abused your whole life and your favorite colors are yellow, mint green, and lavender. That's nice to know." Jin commented as he kissed the hybrid's temple. Yoongi had basically told the older his entire life story and was feeling very self conscious about the whole situation. He had also explained why he never eats more than a small bit when food is offered to him. Jin pushed that fact aside, answering it with "You will learn to eat more since I'm the one cooking. Nobody can taste my food and not eat literally every grain of food on that plate. I have never met someone who doesn't like my food." Yoongi was learning that Jin could be kind of narcissistic at times which paired well with Yoongi's sarcasm and harsher words. They had sat in silence, Yes Man playing in the background before a knock was heard on their door.
"Food's here. I'll go get it, kit." Jin stood up from the couch, leaving the fox whining at the cold feeling, missing Seokjin's warmth.
"It's okay, minty. I'll be back once I get the food." Jin spoke as he opened the door. The delivery guy handed Jin his food, Jin handing him $40 in return.
"Keep the change. Does it look like I need it? I mean, just look at me." Jin spoke before laughing with the guy in the doorway. He thanked the male for delivering his food before closing and locking the door and calling for Yoongi.
"Minty, come here. I got the food, kit." Yoongi padded into the room carrying the blanket they were cuddling with along with him. Jin cooed at the adorable fox before speaking again.
"Kitten, you have to have free hands to eat, even though you look adorable wrapped in that blanket." Jin moved closer to the younger boy before planting a kiss on his forehead, causing the smaller to giggle before taking the blanket and laying it over the back of his chair before sitting down. He reached forward and grabbed a pair of chopsticks while waiting for Jin to open all of the take out containers. The fox stared at all of the food in both awe and nervousness. He didn't know if he could eat as much as Jin wanted him to and he didn't want to disappoint the older male.
"Go ahead, Yoongi. Eat whatever you would like, I won't judge you by how much or how little you choose to eat." Jin assured the younger before reaching forward with his chopsticks and taking a piece of chicken. Yoongi timidly reached forward and did the same, dipping it in the red sauce before taking a small bite. He looked up towards Jin and received a smile from the alpha. Yoongi's face turned pink as his nose tinted mint, Jin's nose tinting pink in response.
"You look so beautiful when you blush, kitten." Jin spoke without thinking, not trying to say that sentence out loud. The pink tint on Yoongi's face darkened, turning more red. He shoved the rest of the chicken he had in his mouth before reaching out and grabbing another. Jin smiled warmly, enjoying watching the younger eat as he knew he wasn't a healthy weight. Yoongi looked up once again to meet the older's eyes.
"Are you gonna eat, too?" Yoongi's speech was muffled by the food in his mouth. Jin chuckled and nodded at the boy, reaching for a container of noodles. Yoongi's lips formed a small smile as he continued to eat the chicken from the middle of the table.


They had finished their food, Yoongi eating more than both Jin and himself expected him to, and Jin was now putting the left over food in the refrigerator while Yoongi washed off their chopsticks in the sink. Yoongi had finished his job and was watching Jin finish his.
"Kitten, I'm really proud of you for eating as much as you did, today." Jin walked over to the hybrid and pulled him into a hug while petting his hair and ears. Yoongi purred into the older's chest unconsciously, causing Jin to kiss the top of his head. The fox nuzzled his nose into the alpha's chest, their noses tinting once again.
"I think its time that minty gets a bath. What do you think?" Jin spoke as he released the fox. Yoongi backed up as his eyes grew wide, shaking his head violently as he whined.
"Its okay, baby. I don't know what they did to you but baths aren't a bad thing in my house, okay kitten?" Jin extended his arm and caressed the younger's face in an attempt to calm him down. It worked slightly but didn't stop the memories from flooding back.


"I swear to god, fox. Just get in the god damn bathtub or I will throw you in it myself." Jackson grumbled as he dragged the hybrid to the tub in the back of the shop. Yoongi was fighting against the other's strong arms in his animal form, growling and snarling in an attempt to escape. He had enough of being pushed around and was not going to let himself be humiliated by being bathed. He clamped his teeth down into the male's arm as hard as he possibly could. Jackson yelled out in pain and dropped the fox, clutching his now bleeding arm with his other hand.
"That god damn fox. I'm gonna murder his ass, I swear!" Jackson yelled as he walked out of the room, the fox having already escaped again.


Jackson was patched up and they found the mint colored fox.
"You're getting a bath whether you like it or not, bitch." Jackson growled, his arms now covered so the fox couldn't bite him. He managed to pick up the squirming fox, carrying him to the tub and dropping him into it. He pointed to the fox.
"Keep your ass in that fucking tub. I'll be back for your dumbass after you bathe." Jackson left the room and Yoongi switched back into his human form. He slowly bathed himself, being very gentle around the many cuts and bruises scattered around his body, before getting out of the tub and switching back to his animal form, shaking off to dry himself quicker. He looked for any escape he could possibly find, sneaking out of the cracked window and into the streets.


"Kitten?" Jin had been calling the poor hybrid's name for a solid 30 seconds before he finally snapped back to reality.
"Yea, hi, sorry. Lets go do that." Yoongi rubbed the bridge of his nose as a stress reliever as Jin smiled at him with worry, leading him to the bathroom. They entered the bathroom, Yoongi noticing how the walls were yellow and white with sunflower stickers. He smiled lightly at the pretty colors and cute details before moving his attention to his mate.
"Do you want to bath yourself or would you like me to help, kitten?" Jin spoke innocently, keeping a calming aura in the room. Yoongi just pointed at the older, not speaking a single word as he was still nervous about what this bath would entail. The fox's tail had found its place in-between his legs and his ears pressed down as Jin turned on the water. The alpha noticed and walked closer to the omega, kissing his forehead and placing his hands on his waist, feeling the smaller boy's ribs poking out through his skin.
"It's okay, kitten. I'll be right here the whole time, you don't have to worry about anything as long as I'm here." Jin reassured the nervous fox, his ears lifting but his tail moving to wrap around Jin's waist, pulling him closer. Yoongi lifted his hands up and held Jin's face, leaning forward and placing a gentle and soft kiss on the older's lips. Jin smiled as the fox backed away, kissing his cheek.
"Okay kitten, lets get you undressed and in the bath."

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