It Could Be A Whole Lot Worse...

By greytwd

350 15 0

When Maddy and the rest of the group are forced onto there knees and threatened by this new group there leade... More

Chapter 1: We lost them
Chapter 2: Figured out
Chapter 3: How
Chapter 4: Fuck off
Chapter 5: Guilt
Chapter 6: Pleasure
Chapter 7: Why
Chapter 8: Fuck them
Chapter 9: She deserved it
Chapter 11: Changes
Chapter 12: Still the favorite
Chapter 13: Validation
Chapter 14: Planned
Chapter 15: Taken Charge
Chapter 16: I need to know
Chapter 17: Drunken Apologies
Chapter 18: What if...
Chapter 19: Rules broke
Chapter 20: Confessions
Chapter 21: The Next Battle
Chapter 22: The Next Step
Chapter 23: Never-ending
Chapter24: The beginning of the End
Chapter 25: All Over Again
Chapter 26: Revolting
Chapter 27: Confrontation
Chapter 8: Plotting
Chapter 29: The Pieces all fell in line...

Chapter 10: I'm staying

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By greytwd

It was the next morning and Negan had already left. I sat up off the couch and put another black dress on. I brushed my hair and put on light makeup. Something I never thought I would do again. I put my heels on and left. I was going to find something to eat. I grabbed an apple and a bottle of water. "You have no points ma'am put it back" some random man said. "Who the fuck are you" I asked. "I'm Kyle. I just got here about an hour ago. Negan told me everyone had a point system and the girls in black dresses did not" he said. "The girls in black dresses are his wives we don't run on a point system" I said. "Oh ok" he said nervously. "Your good. Keep up the good work" I said smiling at him. He smiled back and I went back up to my room. I sat there for a while bored. I had nothing else to do. It was either this or go talk to Negan's other wives. Plus my shoulder was still sore. I was laying on the couch reading a book when Daryl burst in. "What the hell are you doing here" I said shutting the door and standing in front of it. "We got to go" he said. "Daryl are you crazy this place is filled with guards. You will be lucky to get down stairs." I said. "That's why you need to come with me cause you know where to go" he said. That was when I heard Negan coming. "You need to hide in there" I said pointing to the closet with the dresses. I shut the door and he walked in. "Hey" I said walking over to him. "Have you seen Daryl. He got out of his cell" he said. "No I haven't. I only left the room maybe an hour ago to get food" I said. "Someone let him out. And Sherry is gone" he said next. "We can find them. If you need me I will help you look. I have some experience out there. And I knew Daryl for roughly 2 years. He taught me how to track like him. I might get out there and find some clues on where he is" I said. Negan simply nodded. "Ok give me an hour its obvious he isn't in the building anymore. Meet me at my room" he said. "Ok" I said. He then leaned forward and kissed me. I kissed him back and I knew if Daryl was looking he could see it. Negan left and I stood there for about 30 seconds. I went and opened the door and let him out. "You need to come with me" he said. "No. I'm done with dad and all those people. If I wanted to go back I would have been going with Negan on all his visits you guys take. I haven't been. Cause I don't want to be around the guy who calls me a slut and an attention seeker" I said. "I'm staying. I'm not gonna rat you out. But Alexandria might be the first place we go. I am gonna give him false directions go to Hilltop. As far as I know they don't know you have access there. And if you see Carl tell him I said hi and if you see my dad tell him I said to fuck off" I said. Daryl looked pissed but left. Quietly. If he got caught now I knew it wasn't my fault. I could tell he was pissed. Probably for both me kissing Negan and wanting to stay here. I had to think and hope one hour was enough time for him to get to Hilltop. I was going to give false directions as much as I could but that will only work for so long.

After maybe an hour I walked over to Negan's room. "Ready" I said. "Yep" he said. I followed him outside and got in the truck. "Do you have any place you want to go first or do you want me to lead" I said. "Alexandra first" he said. "Ok" I said. I was dreading this visit. My dad was gonna see me and it was going it was going to be interesting. I got in the truck with Negan and was thinking over everything that could possibly happen. "Nervous to see your dad" he said looking over at me. "I'm not going to talk to him. Maybe Carl and some of the other people I actually got along with but he can rot in hell for all I care" I said keeping my stare on the road. "Hm he really pissed you off" Negan said grinning. "Well he did call me a slut" I said looking at him. "Its funny to see you actually see what kind of asshat your dad really is" he said. I laughed a little and sighed. 

I could see the gates to Alexandria in the distance and prepared myself. Negan nodded and my and him got out of the truck. Someone came up and took Negan's spot in the driver seat. The gate slowly opened and it was Carl. We locked eyes before he looked at Negan. "He isn't here. He is out looking for more stuff" Carl said. "We can wait. We have plenty of time" he said. Negan nodded for me to walk closer. "Take this and don't try anything" he said handing me a gun. I nodded and put it under my dress. I had spandex on underneath it so it held it up for the most part. We all entered Alexandria and I looked around. I figured Daryl took my advice to go to Hilltop. I really didn't want to turn him in so I was hoping he wouldn't do anything stupid. "Carl. Why don't you lead me and Maddy to your house. We have a lot to talk about when the dick head you call a father comes back. Carl nodded and walked us back to the house. I could feel everyone starring at me. I figured Carl told them about the girls in the black dresses and now that I am back wearing one of those black dresses they probably wanted to kill me. We got to the house and I saw Olivia come from upstairs. "And there she is. The person who almost got killed over a few handguns. How have ya been" Negan said. She looked at me before looking back at him and nodding. Negan laughed and walked around the house. He went upstairs to Judiths room and walked in. "Sister" he said looking at me and Carl. "Yeah" I said. "This the one your mom had before Carl put her down" he said looking at us. "Yeah" I said again. He picked her up and carried her downstairs. "Olivia why don't you make us some dinner. Make enough so when Rick gets back he can eat to" he said smiling. Olivia hesitantly nodded and walked in the kitchen. I leaned against the wall before noticing Negan going towards my room. I ran that way and saw him standing in there. "Guessing this one was yours" he said laughing a little. He walked around it opening boxes. One which was filled with knives and broken pencil sharpeners. "And your dad never found this" he said looking back at me. "He was to busy to give a damn" I said sighing. Negan nodded and walked over to me. He grabbed my waist and backed me up into the wall. He sat the bat down and began to kiss me. I kissed him back when suddenly I heard the door open. Negan held his hand up and finally backed up. It was Carl. He was starring at both of us. "Some people are at the door for you Negan" he said not taking his eyes off me. Negan chuckled and walked out the door. Carl starred at me for a second. "I don't plan on coming back and staying. And maybe we could convince Negan to let you come back to" I said walking towards him. "Why. I don't want to live with him. He killed Glenn and Abraham. I mean what do you see in him" he said. "He isn't that bad. I mean he has an order and he keeps his word and yeah he can be a real dick sometimes. But Carl dad will do whatever it takes to save himself. I mean I had a box of knives that Negan found in a second that dad never found at all. And they were right there. He doesn't pay a lot of attention to us. I'm sorry but I can't live like that anymore. Negan watches out for me and helps me. He isn't out looking for shit we don't need 24/7 like dad always is" I said leaving the room. I saw Negan talking to some of his men when I heard Olivia walk into the room. "Food is done" she said nervously. I nodded and walked up to Negan. "Well if he isn't here then Rick must know where he is" he said. The guy glared at me. "Think she knows" he said. "No I don't. I think she can help us track him if we need to. But go. I'm busy" Negan said shutting the door. "Olivia said we can eat now" I said. "Good. Rick isn't here yet but not to many of us really care right" he said grinning.

We sat there and ate and Olivia put the rest in a container. I heard a knock at the door and walked over to answer it. "Where is he" Spencer asked standing there. "Negan" I called out. "What sweetheart" he said walking up to me and keeping one hand on my waist. "Who are you." Negan asked. "I'm Spencer. I brought something" he said holding out a bottle of wine. Negan nodded and we moved to sit outside. Negan gave me a glass and I leaned against the railing of the porch. I wasn't paying any attention to there conversation until they both stood up. I watched them move to the middle of the street and Spencer and some of Negan's men brought out a pool table. I sat the glass down and stood there with everyone else listening to the conversation. "I wanted to talk to you about something and was waiting for your next visit" Spencer said. "And what's that" Negan asked. "My mother and father were the leaders of this place before Rick and the rest showed up. Not after they showed up it all went to hell. My brother died. My dad. My mom. Had Rick and his people not shown up they would still be alive. And you wouldn't have any problem getting what you wanted from us" He said. "So what are you suggesting" Negan said sitting the pool stick down. "Rick is a bad leader. He doesn't deserve it. Say you put me in charge. You will have whatever you want no problems." Spencer said. I always found Spencer annoying. He got in everyone's way and caused more problems then we needed. "So what your saying if I kill Rick and put you in charge I won't have any issues" Negan said. "No I'm not going saying kill him." Spencer started to say. "Well wait why don't you just kill him if you want to be in charge so bad. Instead of making me do your dirty work why don't you do it." Negan mocked. "I-" Spencer spit out. "I'll tell you why" Negan said walking up to him. "It's because you got no guts" he said. Right then he shoved a knife into Spencer's stomach and pulled it to the side. His guts started to spill out all over the street and I stood there in shock. "Oh wow you do have guts. I have never been so wrong in my damn life" Negan said. He looked at the crowd of people. Rosita of all of them looked the most upset. "I'm right here people so take your shot" He said holding up Lucille. At that moment Rosita picked up her gun and fired it at Negan. However she missed and hit his bat. "What the shit" Negan yelled out. Arat brought Rosita to the ground and kicked her gun away. Negan picked it up and put it on the waist band of his belt. He looked up at me and nodded. I closed my eyes and held out my gun. I aimed it at Gabrielle since he was the only one close to me. We locked eyes and I shook my head. Negan picked up the bullet shell and looked at it. "This. Is homeade. Made from scratch. So who made the bullet" he said. "What's going on here" I heard my dad say. He was holding Aaron up. "Look every one it's Rick. Spencer here wanted me to kill you so he can take over. So I took him out for you. And her. She shot at me. Hit my darling lucille and now I need to find out who made this bullet." he said. My dad looked right at me then to the gun then to Gabrielle. "It was me" Rosita said. Negan turned around and walked over to her. "I don't believe you" he said. "It was me" she said lifting her head causing Arat to cut her face a little. "Who made the bullet" he said. "Fine have it your way" Negan said before looking at me. "Maddy. Shoot somebody" he said. I panicked before looking around. I sighed and shot the gun at Olivia. I hit her right under her glasses and went back to pointing at Gabrielle. "I really thought I was going to have to push her to do that. Now who made the bullet" he said. No answer. "Arat" he said. She aimed at Aaron before Eugene stepped forward. "It was me. I did it. I made the bullet. It was all me" he said. "See that wasn't that hard. Olivia didn't have to die" Negan said. "Bring him to one of the trucks" Negan said. "Now Rick I am sure you heard about Daryl not being in sanctuary. We need to be getting back but if I hear that you know where he is I will kill him in front of you." he said smiling. My dad looked pissed. "Maddy come here" he said. I walked forward with my gun. I put it back in the waist of my spandex and stood there. Before I could stop he kissed me. "Now me and your daughter are leaving. Also to be a slut one needs to sleep with multiple people. And pay attention to the other to kids." He said. He had the box sitting underneath the pool table. He kicked it and all the knives fell out of it.  He looked down at them then to me. I flipped him off and began walking back to the trucks. I didn't think I would have to kill one of my own people. Someone who was always there for me. It hurt. It wasn't a pain I was used to though. 

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