oneshots & meet demigods

By CJ982410

11.2K 248 143

Just a bunch of one shots of our fellow hero's of Olympus and some mortals meets , jokes , #1 meetpercabeth 1... More

Fredrick Chase
Bailing out
Confension (AU)
Hey Mom and Dad (AU)
Coffee shop of love (AU)
One day please
Where are they at
25 Hours gone
Dear Jason
Amy Blofis
Head cannons
More head cannons
Even more Headcannons
Seeing Jason again in Elysium
Two truths and a lie
On the run (AU)
Back home (au)
Tattoos (AU)
More headcannons
Sibblings (AU)
Gaming Buddies (AU)
Chaos in camp half blood
Matt Sloan
What If? (AU)
What if part two (AU)
AN get to know me
Brothers ( AU)
Sibblings (AU) Part 2
Trial (AU)
Niagara Falls
Nancy Bobfit
Thomas Chase
My hero is (AU)
Dean & Sam Winchester
1887 ( Western AU)
Peter Paker & Wanda Maximoff

Thanks for helping ( AU)

193 3 0
By CJ982410

Percy's POV

While I was just walking around the mall a random girl came up and just grabbed my hand I looked at her to see her pretty grey eyes.

" Don't look back just pretend we're dating please there's this guy that keeps following me ."

I just nod and wrap my arm around her " Hey babe did you find what you were looking for?" I smile as I look down at her as we walked around.

" Sadly no I didn't. They said they won't have the book in stock until next month as they're all sold out ."

She smiles looking at me as we get to the food court and sit  down I make sure I can see who's following her as I do I see him and know him .

The player Matt Sloan I hate that guy he's such a fucken asshole who's doesn't know what No means , he also bullies kids for being disabled.

" So babe my mom was wondering if you wanted to come over for dinner tonight so do you want to ?"

I look at her while brushing her curls from her face as they block her beautiful eyes.

As I did that she blushes dark red " I would love to come over you know how much I love your mom ."

I laugh and nod." So what book where you looking for again?"'

" Oh blind love by Sally Blofis-  Jackson " I choke on my water a bit as I see that Matt left giving up I look at the mystery girl" Are you okay ?" She asked me

I nod " believe it or not . That's my moms book , Sally Blofis-Jackson is my mom , I can see if she has another copy laying around and I can give it to you . What's your name ?"

Her jaw drops as I said that " My name is Annabeth so you must be Percy she dedicated a book to you once also that'll be amazing to get a copy ." I smile and laugh." So want to come over and meet her ?" She nods softly

5 Years later

While me and Annabeth are moving into our new place a book drops from one of the boxes I smile and pick it up seeing it's Blind Love by my mom I just smile and thinks back to that day I met and helped my beautiful fiancé

" Thank you for helping me that day Percy it means a lot ." I just smiled and walks towards her as I kiss her ." You're welcome "

(  this is a reminder if a random person comes up to you at the mall and they look like someone is following them and want to do harm to them help them out . You may save a life )

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