Da bangtan_parkchim

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╚»★«╝ Book 1 of Where We Come Alive The New York Institute and its' shadowhunters, Jace, Alec, and Isabelle... Altro



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Da bangtan_parkchim


Alec turned the corner of the hall with the glass of water his sister requested for Lyra. With Rook still on his shoulder where he had been perched all day, his eyes darted up when he spotted one of Henry's brothers standing at Henry's door.

It was unavoidable since Lyra's room is right across from the other.

He could have turned back around to avoid the man altogether, but then Rook squawked loud and the guy whipped his head around in a bored expression.

For a moment, as he looked upon Rook, his eyes gleamed but it was gone in a second.

The unknown man began walking toward them and Alec sighed deeply, readying himself for literally anything. He whistled a certain kind of tune that Alec has heard Henry make and Rook went flying forward to the other.

Rook perched himself on the man's shoulders.

Alec frowned deeply.

The other noticed, surveying him with an empty stare. "Rook does not belong to you," He countered in a cold voice, "Why do you have him?"

Unlike Henry, who has been able to mask his accent, he noticed that like their father, his brothers had a thick accent when they spoke english. It wasn't anything especially notable but still, it was hard to overlook.

"He came to me. I let him be." Alec looked at this brother, anger fueling him.

How could he stand there so cocky, he wondered. The things they have done to Henry—he could never imagine hurting his own siblings like that. He doesn't even think he would wish it on his worst enemy.

Alec wasn't exactly soft-hearted but he wasn't cruel either. And the Darkblood's were just cruel.

"What are you doing here?" Alec held up a hand in question. "Which one are you, exactly?"

The man squinted his eyes. "I am Jaehwa, fourth son to Shang Darkblood," He introduced himself, and his tone was laced with some sort of suspicion.

Compared to the others, Alec noted that this man looked a lot different from the others and Henry. This man had reddish-brown hair that was slicked back and his features were more defined in a chiseled way unlike the others, who had more innocent features. His eyes were more piercing and small with thin eyebrows that were more arched. He was the type of handsome that was classically timeless with an unreadable expression to match.

Alec decided that this brother was the one that most unnerved him.

Jaehwa glanced back at the door once more. "Where is my brother?" He continued on since the other hadn't said anything.

He shrugged. "I don't know, and even if I did, I wouldn't tell you," He fired back. Not hiding the menacing tone he held.

Jaehwa noticed it. His brows shot up questioningly, head tilting similar to what Henry would constantly do. "Have I done something to offend you?" He asked, bored, still.

"Do you really need to ask?" Alec shot, his eyes narrowing.

The other's eyes flashed with something close to amusement but not quite. It was unsettling. "This is about my little brother," He sighed as he reached up and scratched under Rook's beak, "Henry does not like to talk, at all. I wonder what makes you so different that you think you know anything at all, or that he did not lift a finger to you at all during the match. These are dangerous things for Henry, you know," Jaehwa stated in a serious tone.

"Are you threatening him?" Alec gritted out.

"I do not like harming Henry. None of us do. So, no, it is not a threat," Jaehwa glared at him and Alec almost took a step back from how haunting it was, "But this is; Stay away from my brother. Henry endures too much as it is. I will not see him beaten over the likes of you," He warned in a low voice.

"Don't act like you care about him," Alec argued.

Jaehwa said nothing. Instead, he turned around and began walking back with Rook still on his shoulders. "Careful, Alexander Lightwood."

He frowned at the man's back.

"Henry and I are at the same level of skill." Before he turned the corner, his eyes glanced back at Alec and they were menacing. "But I do not have the kindness my little brother does."

With that, Jaehwa disappeared down the hallway.

(song: fix you -coldplay)

If she had to put into a word how she felt, it would be numb. Really, all of her senses feel like they had slipped from her.

The only sound she heard was white noise.

The only thing she saw was darkness.

And none of it would go away the longer her heart clenched in her chest tighter.

Lyra stayed under the covers, crying hard as ever. Her sobs hadn't eased and though her throat was rubbed raw, she did not attempt to drink any water. Instead, she wanted to let the darkness consume her.

Watching over her were Isabelle and Alec, which was awkward enough because the siblings just sat there not knowing what to do.

They'd probably never comforted a person in their life, by how tense and uncomfortable they were. Then again, Maryse was their mother so it wasn't a surprise that they were so distant.

Isabelle had tried to get her attention but she wouldn't give any. And Alec may have offered her water but she ignored him.

She didn't care for any of that—she wanted her dad and her brother.

Lyra's sobs quieted down only when the door swung open, and in waltzed Jace with a worried expression.

"Jace," Isabelle whispered, getting up with her brother.

"Did you find Henry?" Alec questioned quickly.

Jace gave his parabatai a knowing smile that was faint, before motioning behind him. "See for yourself..."

Alec and Isabelle looked over Jace.

Henry stepped into the room. For a moment, his eyes shot to Alec and he froze, his face filling with sadness yet relief. He looked like he wanted to go to him too.

Alec sighed in relief. "Henry..." He stepped forward.

Henry rounded him before the other could approach. Not saying a word to him as he went to the bed where Lyra was.

The others watched quietly.

"Lyra..." Henry pulled the covers up only a little and his eyes filled with apology. "...I'm sorry I should have been here earlier. Jace told me what happened and I ran back as fast as I could," He explained.

Lyra's sobs softened. They couldn't see her face over Henry's shoulder. Nor could they see how she looked at him with so much pain and heartbreak.

"My dad and Jack are dead, Henry..." She cried to him, her pained voice making their hearts break. "...What am I supposed to do? I should have been there—"

"No, shh." Henry reached up and brushed away her tears, holding her face with gentleness. "Don't you dare put that chip on your shoulder. There is nothing you could have done. This isn't on you, Lyra," He spoke softly.

"But it feels like it is," Lyra leaned into his hand, tear-filled eyes staring into his, "I can't get rid of this pain. It hurts so much," She cried.

Alec and Jace watch them silently. The two of them glance at each other, before their eyes cast down.

Isabelle watched them, too. She looked more curious.

Henry and Lyra had a different kind of bond from the moment they met. That much has always been clear to them. It was like an instant click.

They fought well together.

They smiled at each other, inspired one another with just a glance.

But most of all, they cared about one another in ways that no one else cared  for either of them.

Whatever bond they had was magnificent.

"I know," Henry looked as though he wanted to cry with her but he kept strong, "It will hurt for a long time. But I promise, I will be here every step of the way to make sure it hurts a little less. We will take it day by day, no..." He gave her a sad smile, "...minute by minute," He promised.

Lyra's eyes squeezed shut as her body racked with another few sobs. But she didn't shut him out like she did the others. Instead, she leaned out of her covers and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Her face burying into his shoulder.

Henry hugged her back tightly. His eyes closing, and though these arms weren't Alec's like he wanted them to be this morning, they were probably more comforting to him than even that.

The three friends behind them wordlessly left the room to give them space.

As they walked down the hall, they did not notice Jaehwa lingering behind a pillar. His eyes on Lyra's doorway.

Alec, Jace, and Isabelle have decided on one thing; They needed to get down to the bottom of this Venatori business.

"It was them who sent Deviants to kill Lyra's father and brother," Jace explained, dropping the files he had stolen out of Maryse's office.

Isabelle picked up the first one, the file in which she opened and immediately shut with a sharp gasp. Her shocked eyes went to the two men who held solemn gazes.

The file had pictures of the crime scene—and their deaths were brutal. Nothing but red.

They would haunt her mind for a while and she prayed Lyra would never ever see them.

"Why, though?" Alec asked, peering down at normal pictures of the two males. Both resembling the girl in a number of ways that only made his stomach knot more. "What was the motive? If the Venatori were after the..." He looked around the study uneasily, "...you know what, they got it after the attack. Why go back to finish the job?" He questioned.

Jace paced by the fireplace. "There's something we are missing," He glanced at the files, "Something this whole investigation is missing," He grumbled.

"Maybe they saw something they shouldn't have," Isabelle gulped as she leaned on the piano. The boys gave her questioning stares so she continued. "The deaths—it looks like a mess but, it was quick. The Deviants got in and out without anyone noticing and Lyra's Dad and brother were the only survivors of the attack," She explained.

"Like what?" Alec challenged her earlier question, sitting on the couch with his face strewn in deep thought.

Isabelle shrugged. "The Deviants are rogues. Maybe they saw their identities?" She offered.

"Identities..." Jace muttered, stopping. He frowned and turned to the two. "In the meeting with Mom, she said the Clave already have a list of known Deviants. We need to get our hands on it," He decided.

Isabelle nodded, "That would be in Mom's office."

"I can get it," Alec stated firmly.

Jace and Isabelle whipped their heads to him, surprised.

He saw this and sighed, standing up from the couch. "I don't like any of this but those Deviants ambushed us, not only that, but they pushed Henry off of a roof and they killed Lyra's father and brother. This is personal," He declared strongly.

Jace smirked at the other proudly. "Then this should be easy," He stated.

"I want in."

Everyone turned their heads to see Lyra.

She was standing there, freshly showered. Her eyes looked red and puffy but no tears spilled. Her expression was hard and determined.

"Lyra," Isabelle stepped forward, "You shouldn't be out of bed."

"I'm not a child." Lyra's harsh voice made the other freeze. Her eyes flickered between Jace and Alec. "Like Alec said, this was personal. I don't know who the hell this Venatori is or these Deviants. Whoever they are, they are going to pay for what they did," She decided in a dark tone.

The others glanced at each other.

"Lyra." Jace spoke up, giving her a serious look. "This won't be easy. Rule number one of Shadowhunting?"

"Emotions cloud judgement," Everyone answered in unison, even Lyra.

But a second later, Lyra shook her head. "No. They don't." She took a deep breath. "Someone once told me that emotions make us stronger. I believe that. And I want to stop whoever these people are before they hurt anyone else I care about," She explained, "I will stop the Venatori and I'd like you all by my side." She searched their faces.

Jace, Alec, and Isabelle all nodded at her, no hesitation.

And Lyra wanted to smile knowing they had her back, but she couldn't.

"Let's make this team official, then," Jace smirked at everyone, "Where is Henry?" He looked at Lyra.

In which, she returned it with a small scowl. "He left my room an hour ago. I thought he was with y'all," She stated.

Immediately, the color drained from their faces. Without a second wasted, they all sprinted out of the study,

trigger warning

Henry followed Jaehwa down the darkened corridor. His face void of expression.

The looming feeling of chaos brewing in his chest.

They reached the far end where a single door awaited them, closed.

Jaehwa stopped before him and his eyes casted to his brother as he turned to him. "The less you fight it, the faster it will go for all of us," He warned him.

The same thing he always said even when they were growing up. When his brothers used to drag him into the basement. He said the same thing then too.

Never once did it offer Henry any comfort, though he wasn't sure it was supposed to.

He really didn't know when it came to Jaehwa.

This was inevitable, and he knew that. It was one of the reasons he didn't want to come back. Jace promised him.

He learned not to take the word of anyone, though, so was he really surprised?

Henry didn't answer him. He rolled his eyes forward. "I learned not to fight him long ago," He answered back, before opening the doors himself and walking inside.

The sparring room held a more intense atmosphere than it did yesterday with all the rowdiness of the sparring match. It was darker with only the lamps around to give off any light.

And it was so much colder.

Shang was standing there expectedly at the center of the room. His hands behind his back. He was staring down at Bae and Lucas with furious eyes. One of the thinner bo staffs were in his hand.

Bae had a bloody nose but he was still on his knees with his head faced forward.

Lucas was currently picking himself up off the ground, his hand massaging his jaw. He did so for a second, before going back to his knees beside Bae.

Both of them looked like puppets, so emotionless yet posture's straight. Waiting to be wind up again for their next act.

It seemed Father was still mad about them losing to him...

Henry and Jaehwa did not stop as they walked forward.

"Get up," Shang ordered once his eyes shot up to them.

Bae and Lucas stood up to stand behind him. Neither of them showing any sign of emotion as they spotted their little brother.

Jaehwa took his place behind Shang as well.

But Henry...he stopped a foot away from Shang. He didn't need to be told a word. He held his father's sharp gaze, just like Kai used to.

It only infuriated Shang more.

"You finally show face after hiding like some coward," He growled in annoyance, "I did not raise any of you to be cowards."

Henry blinked. "No, Father."

Shang eyed him for a long moment before tsking. He began to pace in a circle, slow like a predator, around Henry. "I ordered you to show these mongrels what a true Shadowhunter looks like. And yet, you sully my name with failed missions and injuries. You have never failed a mission back home. So, why now, hm?" He stopped in front of him with angered eyes.

His heart pounded in his chest.

"Have you grown weak since you have left my supervision?" Shang questioned.

"No, father," He answered quickly.

"Then why didn't you show them like I asked you to?" Shang's voice raised as he stepped forward. "I gave you one task and still you could do that right, you insolent child!" He boomed, and brought his hand down hard.

Jaehwa stared at Henry silently.

Lucas' eyes fell to the ground.

Bae pretended to look bored of it all.

Henry's face whipped to the side as the sting in his cheek skyrocketed. His cheek throbbed as he clenched his jaw, then faced forward again. Blood trailed down his nose but he didn't move to wipe it.

Shang huffed for a few moments. His eyes wide and crazed. "You are an embarrassment." He shook his head with disgust. "You must be punished, given the grievances, you will only recieve half the punishment. The people here are far too nosy...Get on your knees then. Twenty whips," He declared, hand clenching on the staff in his hand.

Henry fell down to his knees gracefully while he began to unbutton his shirt. He just taken off his shirt, when the door opened and all of their heads whipped back.

"Leave him alone!"

Lyra, Alec, Jace, and Isabelle walked inside with angered faces.

Henry's heart twisted, eyes widening.

"What the hell are you doing?" Jace snapped at them all.

Shang narrowed his eyes at them.

The brothers remained surprised, not knowing what to do.

"Get up, Henry," Alec ordered.

Henry opened his mouth to refute. To tell them all to leave.

But then, Maryse and Robert walked into the room, their faces hard and stone.

"Mr. Darkblood," Maryse announced loudly in a cold tone, "I do not question your methods of parenting. But whatever it is you were about to do, you will respect me as Head of this Institute as I say, you will not do that under this roof," She stated clearly.

Shang clenched his jaw. "This bitch..." He glared coldly at her then down to Henry. "...I could kill them all and still give you a beating while I do it," He stated.

Henry turned to his father. "Save my punishment for back at home," is all he offered, truly at a lost of what to do.

No one has ever stopped him before. Not the shadowhunters back at the Seoul Institute. Once even the Inquisitor saw Shang beat them all when they failed a simulation sequence in front of her. No one stopped Shang.

But Henry's friends just did.

"Henry," Alec bent down and lifted him up. He slipped the man's shirt back on and used his own jacket to cover him up. His hard eyes on Shang as he did so. "Come on, we're leaving," He announced.

Henry gulped, glancing between Shang and Alec.

"Go," Maryse ordered Henry.

Henry nodded hesitantly, then allowed Alec and the others to guide him away. His eyes on the ground as the fear lumped in his throat.

He heard one of his brothers, Bae, ask, "Should I beat him while they all sleep, Father?"

To which, Shang replied, "No. You heard the runt. We shall save it for back at home. No one will be there to save him, then."



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