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╚»★«╝ Book 1 of Where We Come Alive The New York Institute and its' shadowhunters, Jace, Alec, and Isabelle... Higit pa



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Galing kay bangtan_parkchim


Too many things were happening for Jace to wrap his head around. Every time he turned, someone he cared about was getting hurt some way or another.

He wished he could stop it, but things were so vastly different now.

They still haven't even started investigating the truth of the Sanguis Angeli or uncovering that whole mess—and now there was this business with the Venatori and its followers, the Deviants. Then Henry's family came around and he totally beat the crap out of them, only now he was missing. Not to mention, Alec and Isabelle were being dragged with their parents around for meetings all day after the break-in.

Like he said, too much was going on.

All he did for now, though, was stay by Lyra's bedside as she held his hand and cried into her pillow. Her sobs never lifting as they had been going all night. She hadn't let go of him either and he had to sleep in her bed with her, holding her as she cried herself to sleep then awoke to continue on.

Jace couldn't do a damn thing to help her, and he hated feeling so useless.

Watching her now, Jace stayed silent and just sat there to offer his comfort what little he could give. He didn't really know how to do this, comfort someone, let alone one he actually cared about. It was pathetic, really.

Lyra's cries finally settled and he forced his eyes up, to see that she had fallen asleep. Her eyes were a little puffy and her nose was red, cheeks shiny from all the tears.

Jace sighed, a little in relief, and leaned forward in the seat. He used his sleeve to carefully wipe away at her wet cheeks.

The door opened and he looked up, his face falling with relief to see Alec and Isabelle entering. Rook was sitting on Isabelle's shoulders. Obviously, they had checked Henry's room before this.

They gave him looks of concern that were meant for the girl sleeping. And they stepped back out into the hall, not wanting to wake her.

Jace stood up quietly and made his way out to meet them. He shut the door behind him carefully. "Hey..." He looked at them both, "...How did the meetings go?" He asked.

Alec and Isabelle gave each other similar looks.

"Well, we spent most of the time with Shang and his other sons. They had a lot of opinions about our security here at the Institute compared to theirs," Isabelle rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms.

"At least we know they aren't bothering Henry for now," Jace looked on the bright side, noticing how Alec grew saddened, "You still haven't found him yet?" He questioned.

"He's been gone all night. We've searched the entire Institute. He is not here," Alec stated. He knew that much because he had sat in Henry's room waiting for him til dawn, where ultimately had to be the one to feed Rook and let him out for some fly time.

Jace sighed deeply, shaking his head stressed. His eyes went to the door for the briefest of moments.

"How is she?" Isabelle asked, her own sympathy laced in there.

"How do you think she is, Izzy?" Jace frowned at her. "Her father and brother died," He pointed out.

She didn't take offense from his mean tone. Deep down, she knew it was just because he was angry about all of this craziness.

Isabelle's eyes softened at him. "Well then what are you doing looking like that for? Go in there and comfort her. She needs someone by her side. A friend...Friends," She stated as she looked between the two men, "She needs us, now more than ever."

Alec and Jace agreed with that much as they nodded.

"Henry should be here," Alec sighed as he glanced at Rook who was picking at Isabelle's long locks, "Lyra would want him to be here. They are more than friends," He noted, not even trying to hide the slight jealousy in his tone.

Jace and Isabelle shared a look of knowing.

"I agree. Henry needs to know so that we can all be there for Lyra. We need to find him for her," Isabelle decided.

"Alec and I can try parabatai tracking," Jace offered.

Alec nodded in agreement. "Let's go then so I can go get him," He stated, moving to lead the way.

"Woah." Jace stopped him and the other frowned. He gave him an apologetic look. "Look, buddy. I think I should be the one to go find Henry. Not to point blame, but he didn't exactly seem happy with us when he left. Least of all with you," He explained slow.

Alec's eyes flashed with anger and annoyance mixed. "You know how his family treats him. Why would I give them what they want and try to hurt Henry?" He argued.

"He beat all of us with two broken ribs and only half his strength," Isabelle reminded callously while rubbing her aching back muscles, "I doubt you would have laid a hand on him anyway."

"This isn't funny, Izzy," Alec growled at her.

Jace gripped Alec's arm with a more serious look. "Alec, let me deal with Henry. Besides, I sort of need to talk to him anyway..." He didn't explain more on that, turning to the other Lightwood sibling. "...Will you stay with Lyra until I come back?"

Isabelle nodded in agreement. "I should make her something to eat before she wakes up. She will probably be starving," She stated, not even taking a step before both Alec and Jace said, "No!" And she pouted before entering Lyra's room.

Rook flew onto Alec's shoulder next. He squawked, shaking his tiny body.

Jace gave the animal a sneer, before turning to Alec. "After we track Henry, it would be better if you stayed here. Distract his family. They will look for him after the meetings are over," He stated knowingly.

Alec didn't like the idea, that much was noticeable with how he looked away stubbornly. He wanted to be the one looking for Henry.

"Fine," He grumbled.

Jace hid his smile at his parabatai.

The sunlight beamed down on him with a quick open of the blinds.

Henry groggily awoke, his hands immediately covering the son from his eyes. He hated the silk sheets that were covering his body, they were so cold since he was only in his boxers and not once in the might had they warmed up for him. His eyes focused on the figure dressed in a fancy robe that had opened the curtains in the first place.

"Come on, darling, time to rise and face the day," Magnus cooed at him and took a seat at the edge of the bed.

"Darling?" Henry grumbled, slowly sitting up and wincing at the terrible headache he had. He touched his temples while the sheets fell, revealing his lean torso and the scars littering his skin. "What time is it?" He asked, looking up at Magnus with his hair sticking up every way.

Magnus awed at the sight. He reached over with polished fingers to brush away some of the crazy strands from Henry's forehead. "Almost nine in the morning. I made you breakfast, if you aren't too busy..." He motioned to the nightstand where the tray sat.

Henry eyes the tray warily, then the warlock.

The events of last night were more or less a blur, but one thing was for sure...

...Magnus and Henry did not have sex.

Okay, so it went like this; they had made out quite feverishly for a better half of the night. But when it came time to actually start taking their clothes off and getting down and gritty, Henry had stopped them.

Alec—the damned green-eyed, pretty Shadowhunter had been on his mind with every touch, every kiss, the whole time.

And it made Henry feel worse and worse.

"I can't do this," Henry had said while he was on top of Magnus, both of them still clothed but laying on his bed, "I'm sorry. I thought I wanted to, but I can't."

And damn, did Henry feel completely grateful when Magnus had been completely fine with it. Instead, the two of them drank martini's and made-out lazily, and they talked about anything and everything.

Henry even remembers throwing up on his own clothes which is why he was left in boxers and sleeping in the guest bedroom of Magnus' place.

"Something wrong?" Magnus asked, eyeing him.

Henry touched his ribcage, feeling no pain. He then looked down to find no bruise or any sign of the injury to begin with. "Did you heal me?" He asked, softly. He quickly realized he had no glamour activated, which made his scars visible for all to see.

This meant Magnus had seen, and was seeing, his scars.

The thought sort of scared him. He hated when people saw them because then they asked questions that required answers which brought back memories.

But...Magnus didn't even acknowledged the scars.

Magnus waved his ringed fingers at him. His face growing serious as he looked away. "What kind of High Warlock would I be if I couldn't do this much for a friend?" He questioned. A soft smile played on his lips. "We are friends, right? After I had to clean your mess, I think I deserve such a title," He stated.

A soft laugh left Henry as he eyed Magnus with fondness. "You want to be friends with me?" He tilted his head tauntingly. "Didn't you say you didn't mess with Darkbloods?" He reminded.

Magnus smirked back, shrugging. "I'd make an exception for you," He declared which made Henry blush, "You are not like your father. The complete opposite, in fact. I'd go as far as to say I even enjoyed your company last night. It's been a long time since I've had anyone to just...talk to," He finished slowly, hesitant. His eyes casted away. "It wasn't terrible."

Henry quirked a shy smile. He was silent for a few moments, before he leaned over without struggle and pulled the tray between them.

The other looked up questioningly.

Henry picked up the chopsticks, happy that Magnus had actually made a traditional Korean breakfast just for him. He missed home, the food at the very least. "Since I'm staying for breakfast," He motioned at him to pick up the other set, "Would you like to join me?"

Magnus stared at him, looking quite dumbfounded.

He leaned forward. "I didn't think last night was terrible either," He explained softly, smiling kindly.

Magnus looked as thought the words hit deeper than they should have. He began to smile, too, in a relieved sort of way. Then he reached for the other chopsticks.

The two began eating in comfortable silence.

It was enough for Henry to dread his next move. He would have to return to the Institute. As much as he hated to admit it, he had been hiding like a coward from his father last night, which he was sure only infuriated the man more.

He had to go back and take his punishment.

Failing two missions—and not finishing Alec like he was supposed to.

His heart ached as he thought of yesterday morning. When he and Alec were kissing like it would be their last time, how good it felt to know that Alec was into him, too.

"Tell me you'll wait for me..." Alec had whispered to him as their lips brushed together, "...No one else, Henry."

Henry had promised that, which is exactly why he hadn't slept with Magnus. Because even though he was still pissed, he really did just want to be in Alec's arms again where he was safe.

Maybe that was enough reason to go back home.

A loud knock came at the front door that made the two turn their heads.

"Expecting anyone?" Henry asked the other.

Magnus raised a brow. "I never expect anyone," He stated. He motioned for the other to continue eating before he left to deal with the matter.

Henry stilled, listening to Magnus' retreating footsteps to the front door then as he opened it.

"Who are you?" Magnus sounded bewildered and a little annoyed.

"A shadowhunter," A familiar voice answered back sharply, "I'm here for Henry."

Jace—Henry immediately recognized.

He sighed as he stood up from the bed, reaching for his clean clothes on the nightstand.

"Henry? Hm. Never heard of him. Bye, now," Magnus tried to shut the door but it sounded as though the other had stopped him.

"Cut the crap. I know he's here. And because I'm glamoured and you can see me, I know that you're a Downworlder. So, either let me in or I'll let myself in," Jace warned.

"Oh, I would love to see you try," Magnus answered back.

Henry walked out of the room, fully clothed but still buttoning up his shirt. He stepped out into view, still tired and just a little amused to see Magnus and Jace glaring at one another. "Down, bad dog," He said to Jace, taunting the blond.

Jace rolled his eyes to the other. Immediately, he noticed his disheveled appearance and how he was buttoning his shirt. Then looked at Magnus who was in a robe.

By the look on his face, he was obviously putting some puzzles together that were not fitting, unbeknownst to him.

His brow raised further when Henry came up to Magnus, touching his arm and giving the warlock a warm smile. "Thank you, Magnus, seriously. It was fun," He winked at him.

Now, Jace was livid. Oh, Alec was going to get an earful about this crap. How dare Henry betray his parabatai like this?

Magnus sucked in a breath, smirking back. "We should do it again sometime. I would love to get to know you more than just taking these off," He pulled at Henry's belt loop.

Henry laughed softly.

He hadn't a chance to get another word in before Jace gripped his arm and yanked him out into the hallway.

"Don't count on it, buddy," Jace argued, before tugging Henry out of the building as fast as he could.

"Hey, let me go!" Henry tried to pull back, but he still waved back at Magnus who watched them half-heartedly amused.

(song: mum -luke hemmings)

The two got out into the fresh air and immediately, Henry smacked Jace's hand from his. His pout long. "What the hell? How did you know where I was, creeper?" He snapped.

Jace whipped around to him in disbelief. "You don't honestly think you could just run off and no one would worry about you?" He snapped back, just as angry. "You are a piece of work, Darkblood. You know while you were out here having sex with some Downworlder—" He pointed to the building accusingly, "—My best friend was sitting in your room like some lonely, sad-sap waiting all night for you!" He poked his chest aggressively.

Henry furrowed his brows at the accusations thrown his way but then he realized what Jace had said. Alec had been waiting for him all night. His heart skipped a beat at that tidbit of information, a rush of emotions filling him.

"...Why?" Henry asked, voice low and soft. He wanted to smile but he couldn't, because now he felt extra guilty about kissing Magnus, over and over again.

Jace let out an exasperated sigh. "You know why," He narrowed his eyes at the man, "I don't care how bad he pissed you off or how Daddy will hate you."

Henry glowered at him.

"But you don't get to take that out on Alec's feelings for you," Jace argued.

"I'm not playing with his feelings." Henry glared, angry. "I care about Alec, more than anyone, okay? And nothing happened between Magnus and I."

Jace glanced at the building with a cold laugh. "Oh, so the Downworlder has a name?" He taunted.

"Shut up." Henry scoffed as he crossed his arms. "I was angry, yeah, and maybe I made a mistake or two last night. But I didn't have sex with Magnus nor did I ask for you to judge me on my actions because you have no idea what I'm getting into for saving all of your asses. So screw you, Wayland," He gritted out, bumping shoulders as he passed him. He had every intention of walking away, until Jace called him name.

"Henry, stop!" Jace finally exclaimed.

Henry clenched his fists, then turned around to face the man.

They were in an empty alleyway. The air was cold and the shadows around them were making it colder. But the way Jace looked at him, it was too familiar.

Henry scowled at him, wondering what the hell was happening as Jace began to pull him his shirt. "Dude, I am so not into blonde's," He groaned in disgust.

"Shut up." Jace rolled his eyes, before revealing a large jagged cut along his v-line. It was startling similar to the one Henry had, which made the other freeze. "I had a crap father too, ya know," He revealed.

Henry's mouth went dry as his features filled with pain and shock.

"Once, there was a boy..." Jace pulled his shirt down and neared Henry, his expression hard and solemn, "...His father bought him a falcon for his sixth birthday."

His jaw clenched, body tensing as he watched Jace near. He wanted to throw up as he thought about it—least of all, that any one else could have gone through the same thing he did.

He never expected it to be Jace.

"His father told him to tame the bird, make it obedient," He continued on, "The boy would spend every day with that falcon. It would scratch at him, make him bleed, but eventually, he earned its' trust."

Henry's eyes watered and he had to look away. He bit the bottom of his lip that began to tremble.

"He brought the bird back to his father to show him that it would come back to him. He thought his father would be proud. But then his father took the falcon and snapped its' neck." Jace's eyes flickered with the first real emotion of pain that Henry's ever seen in him. "The boy was devastated. But he was told to tame the bird, not to love it. Hell of a Shadowhunter lesson." His eyes burrowed into Henry's. "So, yes, Henry, I do actually know what you are feeling," He stated as a matter of fact.

Henry turned his face to the side, hiding the one tear that had slipped down his cheek. His chest constricted as he thought of his childhood, refusing to meet Jace's eyes.

A shudder of a breath escaped him. "I'm scared," He revealed in a whisper and Jace heard the fear laced in his tone, "If I go back. I can't be the Henry you all know. If my father sees that side of me..." He gulped, "...He'll try to beat it out of me."

Jace shook his head. "We won't let him anywhere near you," He swore strongly.

"You can't promise me that," Henry swallowed thickly.

"I just did..." Jace stepped forward and held a hand out to him. His expression firm and serious. "...Come back home, Henry. For Alec. For Lyra. For Izzy. For your friends..." He reasoned.

Henry glanced at him, a small chuckle escaping. "We're not friends," He clarified.

Jace smirked back. "Frenemies, at best," He stated.

Henry smiled back, though it was shaky. He stepped forward and gripped Jace's forearm, both of them clasping each other as brothers in arms.

Their eyes meeting with silent understanding.

Frenemies, at best, indeed.


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