Like a pair of wings

By RyuuLu

10.6K 297 17

When Coulson informs them that their next O-8-4 mission is going to be along side another secret organisation... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Capter 26
Chapter 27
Part 28
Part 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 22

204 5 0
By RyuuLu

Coulson is leading the team towards the spot where the explosion came from, Skye running as the last person, turns her head to see that Nicole and Cassandra is following them. As she takes in Nicole properly, Skye can see that the Guardian isn’t happy and Skye get’s the feeling she made it clear to the rest of the Library not to create to much noise. Or at least to be careful with handling this mission.

Shaking her head, she turns her head back, to make sure she doesn’t runt into someone or trip. She can see that May is looking over her shoulder, eyes narrowed as they land on Nicole and Cassandra and Skye realises there will be a lot more problem with this. Giving May a small smile and a shrug, she hops this will make it look like she doesn’t know anything about all of this.

Finally reaching the location, Skye can feel her eyes grow large at the sight in front of them. A smoking crater is what they find, and from the look of things, there should have been a house before the explosion. Skye can almost feel the anger coming from Nicole, turning her attention towards Nicole, she sends the Guardian a warning before she joins the rest of the 6-1-6 team.

“Ward, make sure there are no bombs around us. FitzSimmons, try and figure out what type of explosive that could have done this. Skye, see if there are any security cameras around that could have captured this.”

Coulson orders, making Skye nod her head, pulling out her phone. If Nicole is right, that the book they are looking for belongs to Morgana, then she hopes that Flynn, Jake, Ezekiel and Eve managed to get out before the explosion. She also hopes that they got the book with them.

“No more explosives in sight.”

Ward tells them after a few minutes, making Skye roll her eyes, of course there wouldn’t this was clearly a magical explosion, there wouldn’t be anything he or FitzSimmons will be able to find. Not that she can point that part out. Turning her attention back to her phone once more, she has found the video over what have gone down, eyes narrows as she sees how Ezekiel runs from the house, book in his arms right before the house explodes.

“What do you think you are doing?”

Hearing May ask the question, Skye looks up from her phone, in time to see May step in front of Nicole to block her from walking closer to the crater. Seeing the anger in both ladies’ eyes, Skye is starting to wonder if she will need to jump in. But she knows just how well the two can handle themselves and it would be quite an interesting fight to see if she is being honest.

“Wait a second.”

Cassandra speaks from right beside her, making Skye jump. She had not realised that the Librarian had moved closer to her.

“Hey, Nicole, come over here!”

She then adds, waving her hand to get Nicole’s attention. Glancing towards Cassandra, Skye can see how the red-haired Librarian winks at her. Turning her attention back to her phone once more, realising she has paused it right as Ezekiel runs out of the house, Skye starts to see the plan that must have taken place in Cassandra’s mind. Feeling movement from her other side, Skye turns her head to see that Nicole has joined them.

“Isn’t that Jones?”

Cassandra asks once Nicole joins them, nodding her head towards Skye’s phone. Leaning forwards, Nicole takes a closer look at Skye’s screen and Skye can see how the 6-1-6 team moves closer to them.

“Well, this is wonderful…”

Nicole comments and stands up properly once more, crossing her arms in the process.

“Is it?”

“Oh, it’s Jones alright.”

Nicole answer with a tired tone in her voice.

“What do we do now?”

“Well, there isn’t much we can do right now. Since Jones managed to get the book before us… There isn’t much left for us here. We won’t be able to see that book for a long time.”

Nicole adds, placing an arm around Skye’s shoulders and pulls her into a sideways hug.

“If you are here to look for that book to, I would suggest to just give up. There is no way you will be able to get the master thief Ezekiel Jones, trust me, I have been trying for years.”

Nicole tells her, her voice a bit lighter now than before and Skye smiles.

“Make sure you keep in contact this time around kid, I miss having you hanging around the in the library.”

Nicole adds as she lets go of Skye, Cassandra stepping forwards carefully. Smiling, Skye pulls Cassandra into a hug too. Letting her go, Cassandra steps back, a faint blush can be seen on her face. Nicole have turned her attention towards the S.H.I.E.L.D agents standing behind Skye.

“It was nice meeting the people Skye works with, make sure she doesn’t do anything stupid please, if it reaches Charlene, I will never hear the end of it."

Nicole jokes, making Skye’s eyes grow large.


Nicole starts to laugh fully now, and Skye rolls her eyes, happy at least to hear Nicole laugh. Waving, she and Cassandra starts to head back from the way they had all come. Looking after them, Skye can feel a dark hole opening in her heart.

“They sems…”

Coulson starts to say as he places himself beside Skye.

“Nicole means well, she is just a bit, overprotective from time to time. When I was younger, whenever I was in trouble or needed help with something, I found myself in the library. The people working there sort of become my second family and well, if it’s not for you guys, I’m quite sure I would have ended up back there once more.”

Skye explains, her voice taking on a sad almost hollow tone. Moving her attention back to her phone, she starts working on a way to try and find out more information about Ezekiel, just so it looks like she is doing something. From the corner of her eye, she can see that Coulson wish to ask her more about everything that has just gone down but seeing as Skye is keeping her eyes locked on her phone, he keeps quiet.

“Let’s get this over with, let’s hope that book isn’t what we come here to get!”

Coulson orders, turning his attention towards the rest of the team, who all nods their heads. Taking in a deep breath, Skye comes to realise she has to make another decision on how to do things from now on.

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