She Can Hear Us - COMPLETE

By HoransGF

1.9K 42 18

It's been seven years since UAN. Niall is now engaged to Bailie, but she's hiding something. When she finally... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Nine

123 2 2
By HoransGF

*Enjooooyy. btw I didn't even look over or edit this one, I was rushing trying to get it up. dskfjadl, I'm just excited. haha*

"No fucking way," Claire said. "Is that even possible?"

"I don't know," Harry whispered. "Is this a good thing or a bad thing? We made her cry."

I wanted to shout out so badly. It was a good thing. It was a good thing and I wanted them to know. I wanted them to know I heard and felt every word they'd sang and I was greatful. I wanted to thank them.

"Should we keep going?" Zayn asked.

Someone must've nodded because they started singing again with Perrie.


Everyday for the next three weeks, everyone would visit me. It might not have been everybody at one time, but it was more than one of them each day and every time someone sang to me. I think my favorite was when Niall and Perrie sung to me together. One time, they even brought Ed in to sing to me. I loved them all so much. They were honestly trying their absolute hardest to wake me up.

I'd cried a few more times since that one day. Every time they told the doctor I had cried again, he say it was amazing. But the most amazing thing about this whole thing, was that my baby was still growing. I felt it inside of me and I knew that it was bigger. Sometimes, the boys would move my hand and put it over my belly so I could feel the baby. My belly was so much bigger now.

It was crazy how I was stuck here, making no advancements what so ever, my baby was doing just fine. At first, I was worried because I'd gone about three days in the beginning without eating, but (much to my dismay) they'd stuck a feeding tube in me. So my baby and I were getting all the stuff we needed.

A lot of other stuff had happened in those three weeks. Louis and Eleanor had moved in together, and Claire and Harry had broken up and gotten back together... twice. I felt bad for her because I knew Harry loved me. But I knew he was also trying to get over me.

He'd told me that one time we were alone. I remember it clearly.

He had sat ont he side of my bed and was holding my hand. "I still love you Bailie, but I'm trying not to. I really am. Don't take offense, but you know you're situation and you know mine. You're getting married to Niall and having  kid, and I'm with Claire. We've been a little rocky lately but it's not because you of. I just thought I should clear that up. I know you hear us fight and I know you probably feel guilty." He chuckled. He was right though, I had felt guilty. 

He kissed me on the cheek and said, "I'm gonna try to stick with Claire. I really like her and every since that day you two had coffee with El, she's been trying to be nicer. I don't know what you said to her, but it's been working. I think I'm falling for her." He chuckled again. Hearing him laugh brought joy to my heart. Hearing any of them laugh made me happy. I was just happy that they were happy to be honest. 


It's been five weeks since the crash and I was still laying here in this hospital bed. I'd heard all sorts of things. Things I shouldn't be hearing. People thought that just because I was laying there and couldn't talk that I was some sort of confessional. But I wasn't.

One of the most shocking things I'd heard was from Perrie. 

"Okay..." she said quietly. "It's just me and you and I know you can't like really respond, but I can't hold this in anymore." She said. She interlaced our fingers and started to cry, I could hear her. "Bailie... I cheated on Zayn." She broke out into sobs. "I know I'm horrible person and I know when you wake up you're gonna hate me, but please, please, if you wake up before I tell Zayn, please don't tell him." She sniffled and cried some more. "It was the day after your accident. I had a concert and I wasn't gonna make it through because I was too torn up because you were here. I had too much to drink and after the show, a fan found his way backstage."

She sobbed somemore and laid her bed on the bed beside where my arm was. "I don't know what I was thinking." She whispered. "I ruined everything."

I just wanted to hug her. But I couldn't. I couldn't do anything, but fucking cry and make my heart beat faster.


It had been three whole months. I had been in a coma for a total of three whole months. I'm six months pregnant and in a coma.

"I can't believe she's still... asleep." Niall said. I could tell he was standing right beside me.

"I know. This is all too wild." Claire said. She's said it so quiet, it was alomst in audible. "Look at her belly. It's so big. It's like it grows more everyday." I felt her put her hand on my stomach. "And look at her hair! It's so long now."

"It's crazy. She's six whole months pregnant and she can't even expeirience it." Niall exhaled. "You know, I blame myself."

I heard Claire walk around to the other side of the bed, to where Niall was standing. "It's not your fault. That car hit you guys, there was nothing you could've done Niall." She said. "Look at me," I heard silence for a little bit. "It's not your fault." Then I heard a kiss. I knew they were the only too in the room so I knew it had to be them.

I was internally screaming. I had never wished so hard during the whole three months that I could wake up. 

"Claire what are you doing?" I heard Niall say. "Do you see this? This is a ring! Bailie has one too! Claire we're just friends!"

"I know, I didn't... I didn't think I...."

"She knows what you just did." Niall said to her. "Look at her face. Look at her Bailie!"

I felt drops hit my chest. I was crying. 


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